TDAS Re-write episode 11: Zeek and Ye Shall Find

Total Drama All-Stars Re-Write
Episode 11: Zeek and Ye Shall Find
Re-written and Edited by Joey Turner and Tanya Furness

Chris: (Voiceover, recounting last episode's clips) Last time on Total Drama All-Stars, the teams were no more, and it was a free-for-all race to the floating machines for a regatta to boat around Wawanakwa! But, some floated better than others, for some reason- (Coughs) Mal! (Coughs again). And Chef supplied some dynamite entertainment! Alejandro won the challenge, and Duncan proved he still had a little villain in him (Bitterly) AFTER ALL! (Sniffles a bit, and then recovers) Cameron would have gotten the flush, but he was saved by Duncan's court ordered exit, complete with police escort. That'll learn him! (Laughs)

(Cut to Chris on the dock of shame)

Chris: Ten players move on; soon, one more will be gone! Who will it be? Stick around and see, here on a very special episode of Total Drama All-Stars!

(Opening credits)

(Cut to outside the spa hotel at night; Alejandro is sitting comfortably in the hot tub)

Alejandro: (Sighs happily) This is the life. The life I deserve. The life I will have, after I win the million dollars! (The butler hands him a drink) Butler, would you like to hear a story about me? (The butler just walks away as Alejandro continues talking) I was born a beautiful man-

Chris: (Standing next to the tub, in a towel) Hey, roomie! Since my house got destroyed, looks like I'll be staying here! (Zoom in on annoyed Alejandro; Chris continues talking) Hey, it's no fun for me either! (Chris' towel flies right into Alejandro's face) I lost everything, including my swim trunks! (Zoom out to show Chris now in the tub NEXT to Alejandro... who tosses the towel aside in disgust)

(Cut inside the spa hotel, Alejandro shivering in disgust)

Alejandro: (Groans) que frio! (Suddenly notices another room with a blue glow pouring out) Que, what have we here? (Cut to inside the room, revealing the control room seen in episode 7) So this is how Chris knows all... (Alejandro approaches a box of DVDs) All the footage since we arrived here? (Takes a DVD out of the box) Hmmm, "Mal's greatest hits..." how interesting...

(Alejandro puts the DVD into a nearby player, and it begins showing all of Mal's deeds since he appeared: including breaking Brick's goggles, crushing Sierra's Smartphone, tripping Cameron, attacking Owen [Alejandro cringes at this], knocking out Izzy and Owen, and rigging the votes from last episode. It then cuts to Mal standing outside the loser cabin, holding the tampered votes)

Mal: Time to plant some evidence! (Walks into the cabin)

Alejandro: (Curious) Hola, strange one; what are you up to?

(Mal plants the votes under Alejandro's pillow)

Mal: (Fake shock) Alejandro, how could you? (Laughs as he walks off)

Alejandro: Planting evidence in my loser cabin bed? Nice try, but I will NOT be framed! (He runs off)

(Cut to Cameron, Mal, and Zoey outside the cabin)

Zoey: (Worried) I didn't vote for you, honest!

Mal: (Faking worry) Uh, me neither! But someone's been up to no good! We should search the cabin and see if we find any clues!

(Neither of them notices Alejandro slipping out of the loser cabin silently)

Cameron: Good idea! Thanks, you guys!

(Cut to inside the cabin as the trio enter)

Mal: (Points to the other side of the cabin) Uh, yeah, you guys better check over there!

Cameron: (Peeks inside the boiler) Nope, uh, Zoey?

Zoey: (Looking through the drawers) No clues in the drawers either! (Notices something on the beds) ooh, shhh!

Cameron: what? What's up?

(Zoey points to one of the bunk beds, where Owen is sleeping on the bottom, snoring loudly and snuggling a familiar-looking coconut; while Noah sleeps on the top bunk with a book over his face)

Zoey: aww, looks like the last challenge wiped them out.

(Mal walks expectantly over to Alejandro's bed, smirking and picks up the pillow; only to find there is nothing there)

Mal: (Normal voice) What?

Zoey: Anything there?

Mal: (Back in his Mike voice) Well yea- uh... (Actually looking confused) No.

(Cameron sees something sticking out of Mike's bed. He pulls out the tampered votes and gasps)

Cameron: (Points angrily at Mal) you!!

(Mal nervously shifts his eyes, only for the camera to pan out, revealing Alejandro watching this on the monitor)

Alejandro: (Grinning) Anything you can do, I can do better. And look better doing it. (A DVD pops out) Hello insurance policy.

(Cut back to the cabin)

Mal: Heh, ok, as if! Why would I stick them under MY mattress and then suggest searching the cabin?

Zoey: He's right, Cam; it makes no sense!

Cameron: (Scatters the papers) None of it does! It's unlike any equation I've ever encountered! Endangerment plus betrayal times evidence equals- (He shrieks)

Noah: (Groans and removes the books from his eyes) apparently trying to get SOME form a sleep is never going to happen on this show.

Owen: (Sits upright and opens his eyes, which are covered in sleep gunk) aww, I was having one of the best dreams ever! The donut copter, and another copter made entirely of cheese.

Mal: (Puts his hand on Cameron's shoulder) Pal, you know you can trust me...

Cameron: (Slaps Mal's hand away) No, I can't trust anyone! I'm a lone wolf!! (Runs off)

(Mal sighs)

Zoey: Don't worry, Mike, I'll talk to him.

(Confessional: Cameron)

Cameron: Chris said the vote was unanimous. But how is that possible? I didn't vote for me! Someone tampered with the votes! But, who, how... (Curls into a fetal position) and why?

(Confessional ends)

Noah: what's up with bubble-boy?

Zoey: someone messed with the votes, and now Cameron doesn't know who to trust anymore.

Mal: Wait a minute; (Turns to Owen and Noah) did one of YOU put those votes under my bed? (Glares at Owen, causing him to look nervous)

Noah: aaaaand we'd want to becaaaaauuuuuse-?

Zoey: he does make a point, Mike. Why would Owen and Noah want to set you up?

Mal: well... uh... because uh.... (Smiles like he has an idea) uh, heeey, Zoey, uh why don't you go check on Cam?

Zoey: (Confused) uh.... ok? (She leaves the cabin)

Mal: and Noah, why don't you- (Noah falls asleep again, snoring loudly. Mal glares at Owen and grabs him by the collar, speaking in his normal voice) did you plant those votes on me?!

Owen: (Panicking) n-n-no! I swear I didn't know anything! I was sleeping, I swear!

Mal: don't. Lie. To me, Big Boy! You better not be trying to mess with me, nobody messes with me! If you try anything I'll-

Noah: (Standing right behind him) gotcha.

Mal: (Stutters then speaks like Mike again) uh... Noah! I uh... I thought you were asleep. (Noah just raises an eyebrow) I uh... I was just goofing with uh... my big pal over here!

Noah: yeah... see that WOULD work, if I were gullible like Zoey. So, what did the man with 5 brains do today?

(Mal nervously shifts his eyes between Noah and Owen. Noah only smirks)

Mal: (Clears throat) I uh... I think I hear Zoey calling. (Scoots away from Noah) uh... later. (Rushes out the door)

Owen: (Relieved) thanks, buddy.

Noah: poker face, never go into a game without it.

Owen: (Chuckles, then turns serious) still, be careful around him, you don't know what he can do!

Noah: no I don't, because you never tell me. Dawn's also been distant from him lately, saying something about a "great evil among us." Now what is your deal with Mike?

(Owen starts sweating and looking around nervously)

Owen: (Whispers to Noah) I'll tell you tomorrow, I swear. (Noah looks confused and concerned at this)

(Confessional: Noah)

Noah: and the spider gets tangled in its own web. Something about Mike doesn't sit right with me; and I'm going to find out what it is! (Looks around apprehensively) did that sound too much like Alejandro? Great, next thing you know I'll be exfoliating excessively and (shivers) ...making out with pineapples! I only need ONE fruit in my life... (Dreamy state) and she's adorable and her name is Dawn. (Looks around awkwardly) don't tell her I said that.

(Confessional: Dawn)

Dawn: (Smirking) I know he called me a fruit... and I do not mind. (Sighs) what is wrong with me? I should be warning the others of Mal, but my promise to Owen and my... (Clears throat) heightened emotions are clouding my mind. (A firefly enters through the window and lands on Dawn's palm and buzzes. Dawn gently cups her hands around the insect) you are right, little one! Tomorrow, when given the chance, I shall reveal the charlatan bringing chaos to our once great island!

(Confessional ends)

(Cut to next morning)

Chris: (Over the loudspeaker) Challenge time! Proceed to the McLean spa control room, pronto!

(Cut to Scott walking out of the cabins, only for one of the boards to break under his foot)

Scott: Whoa! (Falls to the ground) Ow, ow, ow, ow! (Courtney clears her throat; Scott cringes and fake sniffs his armpit) Uh, I was just making sure I don't stink... And I don't, seriously.

Courtney: (Laughs nervously) Uh, let's pretend I just showed up now.

Scott: Cool (Notices Courtney walking towards him) -oh wait, don't!

(Courtney trips and falls on top of Scott... only to have them accidentally kissing. Courtney gasps)

(Confessional: Courtney)

Courtney: That was... totally an accident! (Squeals in delight)

(Confessional: Scott)

Scott: (Triumphantly) We kissed! (Sadly) I did stink a little.

(Confessional ends)

(Both of them stand up; Scott lifts his leg and pulls his shoelace off. He turns around and fashions it into a ring, holding it out to Courtney)

Scott: Will you be my boyfriend? (The ring shocks Courtney) Uh, no, uh, my boyfriend- (Groans) Uh, me yours, me boy -just... Will you go out with me?!

Courtney: (Grabs the ring gingerly) Yes!

(Confessional: Courtney)

Courtney: (Holding the ring) My first ring! I'll keep it in my pocket. No way his shoelace goes on my finger! (Whispers conspiratorially) Boys pee outside! In the dark!

(Confessional ends)

(Gwen stands right behind and clears her throat. They both look at her as she smirks)

Gwen: am I interrupting something?

Courtney: Gwen! I uh... we-we were just uh. Uh, I'm sorry! I know it's still too soon since Duncan left but, uh-

Gwen: wha- hey! It's cool, really. I'm not gonna be one of those snobby girls who tell their new friends who they can or can't date. (Courtney looks away awkwardly) if you two wanna go out, it's cool with me. (Scott and Courtney smile at each other)

(Confessional: Gwen)

Gwen: (Sighs sadly) I've been trying to keep it together since yesterday; but I can't help it! I miss Duncan, so much already! (Groans) why'd he have to blow ups Chris' precious mansion?! (Sighs... then perks up again) although, dating an actual convict... IS kind of hot. (Shivers delightedly) and at least with Courtney, Zoey, and Cameron here it's not TOO brain-gougingly terrible... but it's still there.

(Confessional ends)

(Mal stands on the porch of the spa hotel, and clears his throat)

Mal: (Calls into the spa hotel, faking it) I won't do it! No, Cameron's my friend!

(Cameron walks up behind him)

Cameron: Um, what's going on?

Mal: (Pretends to be surprised) Hey! Pfft, Scott and Courtney were just saying bad stuff about you.

Cameron: (Shocked) What?

Mal: Alejandro and Gwen too!

Cameron: Gwen? I thought we were friends! Well, she was on the villains' team... (He walks up the stairs next to Mal) Thanks pal. Sorry I said I couldn't trust you. My paranoid mind was starting to get to me.

Mal: it's ok, but you're still in danger. Right now, it's three to seven, you, Zoey and me versus everyone else!

Cameron: what about Owen, Noah, and Dawn?

Mal: nah, they're getting closer together so as long as they've got each other they won't work with the three of us. We need to lure one of the others into our gang.

Cameron: But how?

Mal: (Grinning deviously) We'll think of something.

(Cut to all the contestants inside the control room, Chef holding a cup of coffee and Chris mysteriously absent)

Courtney: Where's Chris?

Chef: Just hush up, you'll see in a minute! (Sips his coffee)

Gwen: (Notices Cameron glaring at her) Uh, are you ok? (Cameron just looks away and huffs)

(One of the screens cuts to Chris out in a clearing in the woods, where a banquet is set up, wearing a party hat and holding a party blower, which he blows on, standing in front of a cake with the number 100 in candle form)

Chris: Welcome to episode 100 of Total Drama! (Everyone shares a nervous glance [except Owen])

Owen: (Cheering) WOO-HOOOO!!!! (Everyone just looks at him weirdly) what? 100 episodes!

(Back on the screen, another screen pops up next to Chris, with Harold on the monitor)

Harold: actually, if you take out the between seasons 1 and 2 specials, we would actually be up to 102 episodes. ...Unless the aftermath episodes aren't actual episodes, then it'd be only 93-

Chris: no one cares, Harold! (Shoves the monitor out of the way, gets his cool back) my show, and I say 100 eppies! So, to celebrate, I have an extra special, 100th episode challenge! (Doesn't notice a creepy figure lurking around the table. Chris reads off a sheet of paper) I sure hope no one is allergic to rhinoceroses! Or fire, or poison, or smallpox, gluten, (He continues as Ezekiel creeps up behind him, breathing heavily. Chris doesn't notice)

Gwen: (Scared) Is that-

Dawn: (Gasps) oh my goodness!

Chris: (Still oblivious to Ezekiel) Pure, real formaldehyde, terror, tree nuts-

Contestants: Look out!

Owen: DUDE!! Zombie Ezekiel's right behind you!!!

Chris: (Flatly) Please, don't interrupt. I'm-

(Before he can continue, Ezekiel lunges down from the top of the screen, bagging Chris in a potato sack, before lunging at the camera and causing it to lose connection. Chef spits out his coffee, splattering it against the screen and dripping all over the electronics, fizzling them out. A deep humming was heard as each of the monitors cut out)

Chef: (Afraid) I-that can't-AGH! (Cries out and drops his mug on the floor) New challenge; FIND CHRIS!

Gwen: You want us to hunt for ZEKE? No way, he's psycho crazy!

Chef: (Annoyed) Hey, if no one saves Chris, there ain't no show! Which means no winner, and no million dollars!

Mal: What?

Courtney: That's not fair!

Noah: (Looks around) I'm really the only one okay with this? (Chef glares at Noah) what? It's Chris!!

Alejandro: Hold on! We accept this challenge, but only if the one who finds Chris gets immunity for the next vote!

Courtney: And permanent residence in the spa hotel for as long as they're in the competition!

Cameron: (Narrows eyes) And they get to send one person to Boney Island!

Chef: Fine, deal! Just find Chris!

Zoey: Last season, Zeke was living in the mines ...Maybe that's where he took Chris?

Chef: To the mines!

(Cut to the mines, where the main entrance is sealed off with rocks; the contestants/Chef stand outside)

Mal: Huh, looks like it's still sealed up.

Cameron: Maybe there's another way in?

Chef: (Tosses them all flashlights) Then find it! I'm heading back to the hotel to see if I can get the monitors working. (Runs off)

Dawn: (Holding a little squirrel in her hands as it chatters) there is? Where? Are you sure? (The squirrel nods and runs off, Dawn turns to Owen and Noah) the dear little squirrel says there is an old mining cart entrance on the other side! Surely we can use that way!

Noah: well then, you heard the squirrel! (The trio runs off)

Gwen: (Turns to Courtney and Scott who smile at each other) Let's do this!

Scott: Um, yeah, sorry but, it's our one hour anniversary, and three's a crowd. (He runs off) Bye!

Courtney: (Giggles and runs after Scott) sorry!

Gwen: (Notices Alejandro walking by) Alejandro?

Alejandro: No thank you, only one person can win this challenge, and that person is going to be me! (Continues walking off)

Gwen: (Notices Cameron's group) Ooh, wait up! (Catches up with them) Mind if I go with you guys?

Zoey: (Smiling) sure.

(Cameron groans guiltily)

(Confessional: Gwen)

Gwen: Seriously, what is up with Cameron? A couple days ago he and I were like brother and sister, and today he's avoiding me? ...did I do something wrong?

(Confessional: Cameron)

Cameron: She disses me then wants to hang out with me? Make up your mind!

(Confessional ends)

(Cut to a set of mine tracks leading to inside a mineshaft, an abandoned mining cart on the tracks. Owen, Noah, and Dawn stop right in front of it)

Dawn: here it is!

Noah: huh, I should start trusting squirrels more often. (He and Dawn get in the cart) all right, let's find us a schmuck!

(Owen pushes his back against the cart and tries pushing. But the wheels are so rusty that the cart goes incredibly slowly)

Owen: (Grunting) come on! Just a little-

Noah: I think 2 glaciers just went past on slip-and-slides covered in peanut butter.

(Cut to Courtney and Scott, following a trail of footprints which leads to a cave entrance)

Courtney: (Points to the entrance) Look, this must be where Zeke gets in and out!

Scott: Ladies first! (Pauses awkwardly) Or is that wrong cause this is dangerous? Or is that wrong cause this is the 21st century? Or is it the 22nd? (Courtney rolls her eyes and turns on her flashlight, walking ahead) Ah, cool. I'll make sure he doesn't sneak up on us from behind. (Follows behind her)

(Confessional: Scott)

Scott: I have NO idea how to be a boyfriend. The only advice my dad ever gave me about dating was 'If you're ever in Holland, go Dutch'. (Thinks for a second) Oooh... (He laughs) I get it now.

(Confessional ends)

(Cut to Gwen, Cameron, Mal and Zoey inspecting several holes in the ground)

Mal: (Shines his flashlight down one of the holes) I bet this leads down to the mine!

Cameron: (Shines his flashlight down a hole) There's another hole over here! (Points to a different hole) And here too!

Gwen: (Pacing back and forth, her eyes wide open) Oh nononono, I can't go down a hole! I've got a phobia about being buried alive, no way I ca- (She steps on a hollow piece of ground and the ground crumbles from under her feet, sending her plummeting and screaming)

Zoey: (Jumps in after Gwen) Gwen!

Mal: (Points to the hole below them) Come on, Cam; I have a good feeling about this one!

Cameron: Shouldn't we follow the girls?

(Mal grabs Cameron's arm and jumps into the hole, dragging Cameron with him, screaming)

(Cut to a stream leading into a mineshaft, Alejandro is standing on a rock)

Alejandro: Perfecto! (He leaps across to another rock, only to stumble and get his foot stuck between rocks. He struggles to pull it out but it is wedged in tight. He sighs in defeat and calls out) Hello? Anyone? Gwen? Still wanna be partners?

(Cut to a close up of Chris still in the potato sack, it is lifted off of his head and he is now tied up, his hair oddly floating upwards)

Chris: (Chuckles nervously) Hardy har, har, Chef, yep, you got me! (The camera rotates and zooms out, revealing that Chris is now dangling over a pit of toxic goo, Ezekiel hunched over nearby) Chef? (Ezekiel breathes heavily in a laugh-like way, rubbing his hands/claws together) Ezekiel? (Laughs a bit) Hey, buddy! Looking good... (Zoom in on Ezekiel's sharpened teeth as drool comes out) Quite the killer drool you got there, (The drool drips down onto the ground, sizzling as it eats through the rock. Chris gets more nervous) That's toxic waste exposure there... for yah... am I right? Um... (Ezekiel growls) What's up, you upset with me, or something? (Ezekiel makes inhuman noises and waves his arm like he's trying to communicate) Um, I'm not very well versed in Freakezoidal interpretive dance... But I'll take that as a yes!

(Cut to Cameron and Mal walking along in the mineshaft, Mal grinning maliciously behind Cam's back)

Cameron: (Calling out) Zoey? Gwen? Hello?

Mal: (Faking disappointment) Awww nuts... I guess the holes took us to different areas of the mine. (He smirks evilly)

(Cut to Gwen in the middle of a pitch-black cave. Her flashlight flickering on and off)

Gwen: (Terrified) Come on, work! Ok, you can do this... Don't panic... (Her flashlight goes out entirely and she screams)

(The sound pours through one of the speakers in the control room; one of the interns fiddles with electrical cords on the floor with Chef overlooking him)

Chef: We got sound! Now where's the dang picture? (The intern points to the camera, Chef looks into it speaking indignantly) Oh, you want an update? I got no idea what Zeke is up to, where Chris is, or where the kids are at! And I got no idea how we gonna figure out any of that with the monitors off!

Intern: (Coughs) On Total Drama All-

Chef: Fix the monitor!

(Commercial break)

(Cut back to the pitch-black cavern; only Gwen's eyes can be seen. Suddenly a flashlight turns on in front of her and she screams in terror. Zoey is holding the flashlight)

Gwen: (Voice breaks) Zoey!

Zoey: (Smiles) There you are.

Gwen: You scared me half to death! (Clings to Zoey in a big hug) Thank you so much! (Snaps back to her terrified state) Don't ever do that again! (Hugs Zoey again) You're the best!

Zoey: (Pats Gwen on the back) I'm here, I'm here... (Gwen backs off and looks around terrified) Deep breath in. (Gwen inhales deeply. Zoey holds out her finger upwards) Blow out the candle! (Gwen blows on it as if it were a candle) Better? (Gwen nods silently) Good, let's keep moving. (Starts walking ahead then notices Gwen still looking scared) ...want me to hold your hand til you feel better? (Gwen nods again. Zoey holds her hand and they keep walking forward)

(Confessional: Gwen)

Gwen: (Impressed) Man, she's good!

(Confessional: Zoey)

Zoey: just a little trick my mom used when I was scared. Gwen's the closest thing I have to a sister, so why not?

(Confessional ends)

(Cut to Mal and Cameron walking along)

Mal: We need to figure out who to pull over to our side. Alejandro's not trustworthy, Noah doesn't trust anyone but Dawn and Owen, and Gwen and Courtney are too tight... That leaves Scott.

Cameron: (Worried) He's not going to want to team up with me after I made him shark bait!

Mal: (Smirks) He might, if we can drive a wedge between him and Courtney! (Gasps and they stop) And I know exactly how to do it! Just kiss her in front of him!

Cameron: How would Scott beating me up drive a wedge between them?

Mal: (Giggles) no! You gotta make it look like she kissed you! Then you'll both be guys she toyed with! Instant camaraderie!

Cameron: Maybe, but he could still crush me first... There must be another way! (He walks off, Mal narrows his eyes into a glare and follows)

(Cut back outside as Alejandro grunts until he finally pulls his leg free, leaving his boot wedged between the rocks)

Alejandro: Ah, finally! Adios, beautiful bota, (He walks off) Your brother will surely miss you!

(Cut back to Owen, Noah, and Dawn; they have made it further into the cave, but Owen is still struggling to push the cart)

Owen: (Grunting) come on! Just a little further!

Noah: uh, maybe it's time for the union of chubby railway workers to take a break. You're gonna pull something!

Owen: No way! Not until we save Chris from becoming Zeke poop!

Dawn: but Owen, the echoing of bats say that the clearing is not for another 4 miles from here.

(Owen wails in agony and just falls on his back)

Noah: and break time it is. (He and Dawn get out of the cart)

Owen: legs... feel like... vanilla pudding. (Chuckles) who knew rusty wheels were so hard to push!!

Dawn: (Looking at a lever) um, my dear Noah, are you aware that the emergency brake was on? (Undoes the brake)

(Owen and Noah just look in awkward shock. Then slowly look towards each other. Then they both scream in frustration as Noah falls backwards)



Owen: If Mal doesn't kill me this challenge w- (Sits upright and gasps at what he just said)

Noah: (Sits upright, looks suspicious at Owen) Mal? Who's Mal?

Owen: (Stands up completely) Mal? What Mal?! I didn't say anything about Mike's evil personality!!! (Gasps and covers his mouth)

Noah: Mike's... EVIL personality?

Owen: (Wails) I thought I got over that blabbermouth thing!!!! (Nervously looks around) so uh, lets get a move on before Zeke scarfs Chris down like a...

Noah: (Stands in front of Owen) Not so fast, Big Boy! You've been hiding something all week, now what is it with you and Mike?

(Owen sweats for a few minutes looking between the cart and Noah; he looks to Dawn who nods hopefully. Finally he wails loudly)

Owen: I can't take it!!! I can't live the lies!!!!! (Speaks really quickly) a few nights ago-

(Cut to a montage of the last few episodes, drawn in crayon resembling Owen's cartoon fantasies from seasons 1-3. It starts out with cartoon Owen in bed, a large dream balloon over his head, showing Mal looking evil)

Owen: (Voiceover) -I had a bad nightmare about Mike looking at me like an evil dude! (The dream bubble pops and cartoon Owen wakes up. Cut to Owen and Mal (With devil horns and pointy teeth) on top of the cliff) and then during the moon challenge Mike, or what looked like Mike, cornered me on the cliff and told me his name was Mal! (Fade wipe to cartoon Owen on the ground, holding his reddened belly while Mal stands over him laughing) and then he got me into a corner and gave me... (Squeaks in fear) a PINK BELLY!!!! YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT IT TAKES TO MAKE A BELLY THIS CHUBBY PINK?!!?!?! (Cut to Owen sneaking through camp nervously) and ever since I've been frightened out of my gitch that he could pop out anywhere to try and get me! (Mal pops his head out of the confessional, scaring Owen) in the campgrounds, (Cut to Owen in the shower, Mal's eyes peek through the steam, scaring Owen again) in the shower, (Cut to Owen eating a bowl of cereal in the spa hotel, Mal pops out of the bowl, scaring Owen again) or even eating breakfast!!! (Cut to a frightened looking Owen in front of a yellow background. Several Mal heads appear around him and start spinning around) Mals here, Mals there, Mals, Mals EVERYWHERE!!!!

Noah: (Voiceover) wait, what? OWEN!

(Cut back to reality, Owen's eyes are spinning out of control. He shakes his head and they stop spinning, but now he looks nervously at the shocked Noah. Dawn looks understandably)

Noah: soooo.... To sum up, Mike has an evil psycho personality named Mal lying inside that already screwy brain of his? ...and Chris just dropped said psycho right on our doorstep?!

Owen: (Nods) yep.

Noah: and he beat you up the night of the moon challenge!? Dude! Why didn't you tell anybody?!

Owen: I wanted to... but it was either keep another secret, or be turned into home slice!!! ....and I didn't even get to eat breakfast!!

Noah: and he threatened you too!? Wow, Zoey's got GREAT taste in men!

Dawn: it is not Mike's fault directly; he had Mal buried deep in his subconscious, until Scott accidentally released him with the shovel! (Owen and Noah look confused at Dawn) ...I read his aura. (Smiles sheepishly)

Noah: ...(Smirks) forget what I said about the aura reading. While we're on the subject, (Turns to Dawn) did you KNOW about this Mal?

Dawn: (Ashamed) I did... I wanted to tell people, but recent (Clears throat and blushes awkwardly) "developments" clouded my judgment and made me distracted.

Noah: (Smiles understandably; puts his hand on Dawn's shoulder) well... it's at least nice to know I distract people? (Awkwardly smiles, making Dawn giggle. Noah turns to Owen) but dude, you could've just told us. You really think I believe Mike or whoever? I trust the guy as far as I can shot put him; not saying much, considering even my toothpick arms could toss his noodle figure from here to Saskatchewan!

Owen: (Chuckles. Then looks around nervously) still, you won't tell him I told you, will you?

Noah: not really, didn't plan on turning in my friend anytime soon. (Owen smiles hopefully) Still, unless someone knocks the Mal right out of Mike's head, we have to vote him off. (Starts leaning on the cart) Zoey's too gullible to know Mike's out of it, so we gotta- (Suddenly the cart jets forward, causing Noah to fall on his side)

Owen: ooh, so it WAS the emergency brake.

(The three of them scream and chase after the cart. Noah and Dawn hastily run after it while Owen struggles to catch up. Dawn leaps into the air and front flips 5 times before landing in the mining cart. She reaches her hand out and grabs Noah, pulling him in)

Noah: well, at least we've got wheels.... (Notices a tunnel up ahead) ...the tracks slope downwards, don't they?

Dawn: I'm afraid so.

(Noah clings to Dawn as they roll through down the tunnel, Noah screams like a girl)

Owen: (Out of breath, chases them through the tunnel) NOAH! DAWN!!!!

(Confessional: Noah)

Noah: (In fetal position) I've got a few issues with roller coasters. Mostly because when I was 7, my dad took my four older brothers and me to ride the Vomit Comet, and my older brother, Tyrone, tried to dangle me over the edge to "see if I could fly." (Bitterly) I HATE Tyrone... so much!

(Confessional ends)

(Cut to Ezekiel glaring at Chris, who is reflected in his dulled and reddened eyes)

Chris: (Laughs, as he speaks, Ezekiel's breathing becomes more and more ragged) Where's all this anger coming from? Was it season 3, when I kicked you off the plane, made everyone hunt you down, TWICE, let you turn into this feral freak show, and let you fall in a volcano? Or was it last year, when I threw you in a mine filled with toxic waste? (Ezekiel's growling grows louder) Ooh, oh, was it this season, when I flew you back in, just to boot you out again?

(Ezekiel lets out a loud, cave-shaking roar)

Chris: (Nervously) Naww, you would let a little thing like worldwide-televised humiliation come between us, would yah?

(Ezekiel pulls out a box containing two rats)

Chris: (Falsely) Cute pets! (Cringes nervously)

(Cut to Gwen and Zoey still walking along. Scampering sounds can be heard as Gwen looks back and forth nervously)

Gwen: Did you hear that? I heard that, did you hear me hearing it?

(Zoey gives a short scream and the growling got louder. Gwen sees Zoey gone and the flashlight on the ground and screams)

(Confessional: Gwen)

(Gwen sits in the fetal position, sideways, making several incomprehensible 'eep'ing' noises with her eyes wide in traumatized terror)

(Confessional ends)

(Cut to the control room again, the intern under the dashboard fixing the wiring. The monitors turn back on showing Ezekiel's holding chamber)

Chef: We've got picture! (One of the monitors shows Zoey trapped in a makeshift jail cell, the other showing Chris dangling over the pit) What in tarnation is- (He gasps heavily)

(Confessional: Chef)

(Chef is curled up into the same fetal state as Gwen was in the confessional, making similar incomprehensible 'eeps')

(Confessional ends)

(Cut to Scott leading Courtney along)

Scott: (Awkwardly) I like your eyes; both of them... on your face. they look good.

Courtney: Oh, (Darts her eyes nervously) Thanks! I like yours too!

Scott: (Accidentally shining his flashlight in Courtney's eyes) Both of them?

Courtney: (Squinting) Ok, sure. Can you stop burning my retina's now? I can't see anythi- (She walks off the edge of a cliff and falls downward)

Scott: (In fear) Courtney! (Drops his flashlight and dives after her) I'm your girlfriend!

(Cut to Cameron and Mal again, they stop as they hear Courtney and Scott's screams)

Cameron: You hear something?

(Scott and Courtney slide in from the hole behind them, bowling them over)

Mal: (Notices Courtney and whispers to Cameron) This is your chance, kiss her, do it, hurry!

(Mal quickly shoves a shocked Cameron into Courtney's face, kissing her. Mal grins evilly and Scott growls as he sees this)

Cameron: Sorry! Uh, I mean, whoa, why'd you kiss me?

(Confessional: Cameron)

Cameron: (Twiddling his thumbs nervously) That was actually my first kiss. It feels like pressing your face against meat. But nice!

(Confessional ends)

(Scott growls, then looks shocked at Courtney)

Scott: You kissed him? WHY?

Courtney: I- what are you-?

Scott: Of all the-

Courtney: (Stands back up) We fell-

Scott: You're so-

Courtney: Just listen-

Scott: -this is just-

Courtney: to me for-

Scott: I can't believe I-

Mal: (Whispering to Cameron) Run! (The duo dash off)

(Scott and Courtney don't notice Ezekiel's shadow falling over the two)

Scott: I can't believe I ever liked the eyes inside your face!

Courtney: So now you don't?

Scott: No! I don't think I-

(Ezekiel roars and lunges at them as they cling to each other in fear. Cut back to the control room where Chef is intently watching the screens as he shovels mint chocolate ice cream into his mouth from a giant tub. The intern looks at him weirdly)

Chef: (Defensively) What? I eat when I'm stressed! Zoom in on the rope holding Chris! (The monitor showing Chris zooms in on the two rats gnawing away at the rope. Chef gasps) We're gonna need more ice cream.

(Cut to the cage where Zoey is, Courtney and Scott waking up inside, rubbing their heads)

Zoey: Thank goodness you guys are ok!

Scott: (Angered) Know what's not ok? (Turns to Courtney) That you kissed Cameron! And on our two hour anniversary! That's just cold.

Courtney: I'm telling you, he kissed me!

Scott: (Stands up) That's not what I saw!

Courtney: Well if you don't believe me, I don't want your dumb shoelace ring! (Tosses said ring into his hands)

Scott: Good, cause having one loose sneaker was making... me... CRAZY!

(Zoey is now huddling in the corner in the fetal position)

(Confessional: Zoey)

Zoey: The sad thing is, this isn't the worst party I've ever been to. Mostly I just drowned them out worrying about Gwen. She's terrified of being underground; I hope she's ok.

(Confessional: Gwen)

Gwen: (Rocking back and forth in the fetal position) I'm above ground! I'm above ground! I'm above ground! (Shrieks in fear, then looks into camera, voice faltering) Duncan, babe, if I don't make it out of this challenge alive, I love you! You'll always be my number 1 bad boy! (Breathes heavily) Heather, if I could see you one last time, I'd totally bury the hatchet with you! Trent, I'm really sorry things didn't work out! But I know you'll find someone again! And to Courtney, Zoey, LeShawna, and Bridgette, you girls are the best friends anyone with a bad attitude could ever have! (Inhales deeply) and to Alejandro... (Speaks normally) get bent.

(Confessional ends)

(Cut to the broken bridge in the tunnel. Noah and Dawn come zooming in, Noah still screaming, as the cart flies right off the tracks into the water below. Dawn pops back up from the water; Noah pops back up gasping for air, and still looking panicked)

Dawn: Oh my! (Grabs onto Noah's shoulders and starts gently rubbing them) Noah! My dear! Deep breaths. Shhhh, deeep breaths!

(Noah's breathing slowly returns to normal and he calms down, looking embarrassed)

Noah: I uh... I don't do well with roller coasters.

Dawn: oh that is quite all right, dear soul. I get the same way around chicken nuggets. (Shivers in fear) still, for the trauma he has put you through, your brother better hope he never meets me. (Noah chuckles a bit)

(Just then, bubbles pop up between Noah and Dawn; suddenly, Ezekiel's two arms grab a hold of the both of their heads, and drag them under water. Up above the bridge, Owen comes running in through the entrance and finally stops to catch his breath)

Owen: (Panting heavily) Noah! Dawn! NOAH AND DAWN THE FORMER HEROES, WHERE ARE YOU!?!?! (Ezekiel pops up right behind Owen and taps him on the shoulder. Owen notices Ezekiel but doesn't look afraid) oh hey, how's it going, Zeke? Hey, you haven't seen Noah or Dawn, have you?

(Ezekiel just raises an eyebrow, Owen shrugs and starts to walk off. He stops and fearfully looks back at Zeke, who gives him a sarcastic growl; Owen screams in fright and falls backwards, fainting. Ezekiel just pinches his eyebrows and groans, before grabbing Owen by the feet and dragging him off. Cut to Cameron and Mal gasping and panting as they run away from Scott and Courtney, before sudden rumbling causes them to stop. The ground under Cameron collapses, sending him falling down before grabbing onto a loose root)

Cameron: Whoa! Mike, help!

Mal: Hang tight and I'll go get something to lower down to you! I'll be right back!

Cameron: Hurry!

(Mal brushes his hands off and whistles his eerie tune again, grinning evilly)

(Confessional: Mal)

Mal: Gravity times 'nerd arms' equals five minutes max before he falls. (He laughs maliciously)

(Confessional ends)

(Cameron gasps as his grip on the root slips slightly, leaving him hanging by the very tip)

Cameron: (Terrified) Miike?!

Alejandro: (From above) Require assistance?

(Cameron looks up to see Alejandro smiling down the pit)

Cameron: Alejandro! What are you- what did you do to Mike?

Alejandro: (Reaches his hand down) Grab hold little one.

Cameron: No! I only trust Zoey and Mike! I don't want help from anyone else!

Alejandro: What if I told you your trust was gravely misplaced?

Cameron: I wouldn't believe you!

Alejandro: Then I wish you a soft landing. (Walks away, leaving a terrified looking Cameron. Alejandro talks to himself as he walks away) He will fall. And his landing will not be soft. (A pair of clammy arms appears above him and picks him up by his hair)

(Cut back to the control room, a pile of empty ice cream tubs takes up the floor. The intern pops out from under it, looking up at an angry Chef)

Chef: We're out of ice cream. Total Drama will NOT end on episode 100! (He pulls out a bazooka, loading it up, and runs off, leaving the intern shrugging)

(Cut back to the cage, Dawn lies unconscious on the floor. She grunts a bit before finally awakening noticing Scott and Courtney (Still back to back), and Zoey still huddled in the corner)

Courtney: Dawn? Wow, you lasted longer than I thought.

Dawn: (Notices Owen and Noah missing and gasps) Noah? Owen? Oh my goodness! Where are they?!

Noah: (Off-screen, deadpan) over here.

(Pan over to the pit where Chris is hanging; Owen and Noah are now tied together dangling right next to Chris. Dawn and the others gasp)

Dawn: oh my goodness! Ezekiel did THIS to you?

(At that moment, a familiar snarling is heard)

Noah: speaking of which, here comes the "man" of the hour. ....oh goodie, he brought an eel with him.

(Alejandro is suddenly tossed into the cage, which is locked)

Alejandro: Is this supposed to be a party?

(Suddenly he and the rest of the caged contestants yelp as some brown substance is tossed at them)

Zoey: Please tell me this is fudge...

Scott: (Licks his arm nervously) Yep, it's fudge.

Courtney: Ew... thank goodness!

(Pan over to where Zeke is standing, over by the 100th episode party table, tossing fudge from the refreshments. The Contestants scream as he throws more fudge at them (Scott saying yum))

Owen: uh, hey uh can you toss some of that over here? (Zeke tosses fudge at Chris, Owen, and Noah. Owen licks it off his face happily) mmmm, THANK YOU!

Chris: eeww! Does this fudge have nuts? I HATE fudge with nuts!!

Owen: (To Noah) hey, why'd he tie US up with Chris?

Noah: yeah, it's not like WE'RE the ones who turned him into THIS!

Dawn: he is angered because you two were the ones who found him in London. His clouded aura blames you for denying his last chance into the competition.

Noah: how is that OUR fault?! (Glares at Chris) it was THIS JOKER'S fault!!! He made the challenge! If it were up to us, we'd be sitting in First Class eating chip butties!

Chris: yeesh, where's THIS anger coming from, Noah? Was it in season 2 when I fired you as my assistant?

Noah: (Growls) I NEEDED that job, you schmuck!!! (More fudge is tossed at their faces) ow!

Zoey: (Fudge splatters on her) ow! Oh, I hope Mike, Gwen and Cam are having better luck.

(Cut back to Cameron, still slipping)

Cameron: Mike? (The root starts to slip out of the wall) Mike? Hurry!

(Finally the root slips out of the wall, sending Cameron screaming and plummeting down the hole. Cut to Gwen walking along a river, sounding frantic)

Gwen: Forget Chris; find a way out. Forget Chris; find a way out. (Cameron falls down into the water, splashing her in the face and snapping her out of it) Cameron?

(Gwen walks to the edge of the river and pulls Cameron out. Cameron coughs and vomits the water he had swallowed out)

Cameron: (Looks to Gwen in surprise) Gwen? You-you saved me!

Gwen: (Confused) Well, yeah, why wouldn't I?

Cameron: (Launches at her in a hug, confusing her even more) I'm sorry I was so cold to you before! Mike had me going, and my paranoia about being a villain was getting to me!

Gwen: (Awkwardly) uh, believe me I know how that feels.

Cameron: but from here on in, I trust you completely! (Smiles and snuggles her)

Gwen: (Uncomfortable) So, uh, want to find a way out of here, or stop hugging or something?

Cameron: (Gets up) Come on, let's find Chris together! (Runs in the same direction Gwen had came from)

Gwen: (Nervously) Yeah... Great.

(Cut to the top of the pit, light shining down on it from an unknown source)

Mal: (Grunts off-screen, faking concern) Cam, buddy, you still there? (Grins maliciously as he holds up a giant boulder, speaking normally) You won't be for long! (Looks down at the empty pit and looked mildly disappointed, tossing the boulder down) Well, that's one problem down.

(Out of the pit's darkness, Ezekiel jumps him. Cut to Mal inside the prison, rubbing his head)

Zoey: (Walks over to Mal and helps him up) Mike, are you ok?

Courtney: I guess it's all up to Gwen and Cameron now.

Alejandro: Just Gwen, I suspect. The last time I saw Cameron, will likely be "the last time" I saw Cameron.

Zoey: (Scared and angry) What did you do to him?

Alejandro: (Defensively) Nothing! I tried to help but he would not accept!

Mal: (Stands up, faking anger) Oh, so you just left him hanging there? Not cool!

(Confessional: Alejandro)

Alejandro: Interesting... I never mentioned that Cameron was 'hanging'.

(Confessional ends)

Dawn: (Glaring towards Mal) funny, "Mike," Alejandro didn't mention anything about Cameron "hanging."

Mal: (Slightly nervous) uh... who said anything about hanging? It's an expression, you know?

Dawn: oh I'm aware. I also am aware of a story about a two-faced demon hiding behind an innocent scapegoat!

Scott: (Confused) is this a fairy tale?

Dawn: no, Scott! It's something you ALL must hear!

(Confessional: Dawn)

Dawn: I'm sorry, Owen! I know I gave my word that I would not tell anyone, but I've been foolishly keeping quiet for too long!

(Confessional ends)

Dawn: a dark soul has been at work, deceiving you all! And that soul is...

Mal: uh... I'd be careful, Dawn; scary stories like that could get people hurt... like say people you REALLY care for? (Dawn's eyes widen in terror; she looks back at Owen and Noah and sighs)

Zoey: (Confused) Dawn? Are you ok? Who's this "dark soul?"

Dawn: I... I cannot say. But I will say this; evil is wearing an innocent man as a mask in this cage. (Mal smirks triumphantly, Courtney and Scott look confused, and Alejandro looks at Mal intriguingly)

(Confessional: Dawn)

Dawn: (Ashamed) I should've known, Mal knows how much I care for the boys. I can't gamble their safety; Mal is too dangerous to turn your back on. (Smirks) besides, he does not know it yet, but Mike shall ensure his reign of terror shall end. The less Mal knows about any suspicion until then, the better.

(Confessional: Mal)

Mal: (Chuckles) poor Dawn. So caring, so mixed up, so EASY to persuade... not as easy as Zoey, but even more satisfying.

(Confessional: Alejandro)

Alejandro: Dawn knows about this strange one, it might be possible that the pathetic Owen and Noah do too. (Groans) I guess this means I'll need their help after all if it comes to that.

(Confessional ends)

(Cut to the rats eating through Chris' ropes)

Chris: (Nervously) Yo, little rodents! Uh, let's make a deal here! I know a cheese artisan! Surely we could work something out!? (One of the rope's threads snaps, stopping him inches from the acidic waste below. The rats looked down at him for a second before chewing at the final strand)

Owen: uh, w-w-wait! I have a whole cheese cellar if you leave us alone!

Noah: didn't you clean out that cellar ...twice?

Owen: (Looks guilty) m-maybe?

Chris: Ok, getting scaredy! (Calls out in fear) Heeelp!

(Cut to the cavernous path, where Cameron and Gwen come across several colorful streamers)

Cameron: (Stops Gwen) Look, streamers! From the party Chris was planning.

Chris: (Off-screen) Heeeelp!

Cameron: (Points down the path) It came from down here!

Gwen: (Points in the other direction) Which is why we should go the other way!

(Chef suddenly runs past the two, carrying his meatball cannon. Cut back to Chris)

Chris: (Absolutely terrified) I said, HEEEELLLLP!

(Pan over to Chef who skids to a halt near the entrance)

Chef: Chris!

(The others cheer. Chef screams when he sees the rats, and smacks them away with a stick)

Chris: (Indignantly) What took you so long? (Sniffs) And why do you smell like mint chocolate ice cream? (Chef looks sheepish)

Owen: ooh, do you have any leftover?

Noah: forget about ice cream! Get us down from here!!!

(A snarling is heard and the four of them look to the source, and scream in terror as Ezekiel holds the meatball cannon. Zeke fires at Chef, coating him in meatballs and causing him to fall over)

Chris: Zeke, Zeke, let's talk about this!

Owen: yeah! Remember the good times we had?

(Ezekiel drops the cannon and spits at Owen and Noah's rope, causing it to start dissolving a bit. Owen and Noah inch a bit towards the toxic waste. The contestants gasp more)

Noah: it's Zeke, dude! There aren't any good times for him!! (The duo scream in terror) Owen, before we die, I just wanna say that even though you smell like a wet donkey using a urinal, you're probably my best friend on this whole crappy show!!!

Owen: aww, well you're, no doubt, my best friend EVER! (Noah smiles a little) also I accidentally used your toothbrush to clean the toe jam from my feet!!!

Noah: you did what?

(Ezekiel runs on all fours towards the three of them. Gwen and Cameron peek from behind his throne)

Cameron: I'll distract Zeke, you get Chris, Owen, and Noah! (Gwen is about to say something, but Cameron interrupts) You saved my life; I owe you this! (Runs out in the open) Yoohoo, lookie lookie! (Waves his arms) I'm a big distraction!

(Ezekiel stops, and vomits out acidic goop at Cameron; but the goop misses)

Cameron: Ha, you missed! (The ceiling crumbles) Uh-oh... (Rocks tumble down onto him)

(Ezekiel hisses triumphantly, before the sound of a cannon reloading was heard)

Gwen: (Now holding the meatball gun) This is for Cameron (Looks away awkwardly)! Aaaaand for beating up Duncan in Africa. (Fires it and sticks Zeke to his 'throne' leaving him screaming and gargling in anger. Everyone cheers. Owen, Noah and Chris fall to the ground. Gwen looks down on them) you guys ok?

Chris: (Angered) Could have been a little gentler!!

Gwen: (Annoyed) I was talking to Owen and Noah! (Gasps) Cameron!! (Runs towards Cameron)

Noah: (Still with a look of fear on his face) hey, Owen; remember when I said, repeatedly, how much I hate Chris?

Owen: (Still traumatized as well) yeah?

Noah: ...I meant every word!!!

Gwen: (Digs through the rocks covering her friend) Cameron! (She finally pulls Cameron's battered unconscious body from the wreckage) Cameron, speak to me! (Cameron gargles a bit) or... that works too.

Chris: (Runs up to Gwen, untied) Come on, we gotta get out of here before Zeke-

(They both gasp and look at Zeke's throne, where Zeke has disappeared)

(Confessional: Chris)

Chris: (Calmly, smiling in false serenity) For the record, I would like to state that, I, Chris Mclean, am not afraid of that sad misunderstood freak show named Ezekiel. Sure, it looked like I was scared, but I was faking! I'd say that dramatic performance is worth at least 5 Gemmies!

(Suddenly a familiar hiss and gurgle and groan is heard outside the confessional walls, causing Chris to shiver in fear)

(Confessional ends)

(Cut to outside the confessional; Chris runs straight out)

Chris: HEEEELP! (Mal peeks his head from behind the confessional, giggling)

(Cut to the campfire ceremony. Everyone (minus Cameron) is sitting; Noah and Owen sit in the fetal position, while Dawn rubs both of their backs)

Chris: Gwen wins our never to be repeated, or spoken of again, challenge! She saved all of us! But more importantly, she saved me! So, I'll honor the deal Chef made. The spa hotel is yours, Gwen. (She, Zoey, Courtney, and Dawn cheer. Chris notices Noah and Owen shaking) so, Owen and Noah, about the whole me getting you two nearly dipped in toxic waste, (Giggles nervously) funny, right?

Noah: (Bitterly) the hatred I have for you could power 5 metropolises!

Chris: yeah, what a great way to celebrate 100 episodes of mayhem.

Zoey: wait, whatever happened to Ezekiel?

Chris: who cares? Lets just be glad that he didn't-

(Suddenly a growling is heard; everyone looks to see Ezekiel charging towards the group, snarling. Everyone screams and clings to each other as he prepares to lunge forward. But before he can pounce, a net is dropped on him, entangling him and making him unable to move)

LeShawna: (Pops out of the bushes with a net launcher) and that's how WE get him!!!!

Harold: (Pops up right next to her, also with a net launcher, and with his arm in a sling) YES! Another point for my wicked skills!

Contestants/Chris/Chef: LeShawna and Harold?

Owen: what are you guys doing here?

LeShawna: (Walks up to Gwen) well I mostly came back to see how my white girl was doing. (Pulls Gwen into a tight hug) I'm still rooting for you, Baby Girl.

Harold: also, Geoff and Bridgette recruited us, and my wicked skills, to capture the feral Zeke creature!

Courtney: Geoff and Bridgette? What could they possibly want with HIM?

(The sound of a helicopter revving is heard as two cables drop)

Harold: (Grabs onto the cable) you'll just have to wait and find out. (Looks towards the camera) in the meantime, have a happy 102 episodes, Total Drama!

Chris: it's 100 episodes!!!

Harold: your math is about as wrong as your grasp on the laws of nature. GOSH!

LeShawna: (Holding on to her cable and the net holding Ezekiel) yo, as much as I love knocking Chris off his 10-mile-high pedestal, we got places to go!

(The helicopter takes Harold and LeShawna away)

Chris: (Clears his throat and turns back to Gwen) Now, who's headed for exile on Boney Island?

Gwen: (Smirking) Alejandro!

Alejandro: (Sighs dejectedly, then looks down at his bare foot) First my boot, now this?

Noah: (Smirking) oh, the tacky designer horror.

Chris: As for who goes home, no vote is required! (Chef rolls Cameron in, who is sitting on a wheelchair in a full-body cast, protected by his bubble) Cameron is too injured to continue! So, as rules in my cruel streak dictate, he must be flushed!

(Zoey walks up to Cameron sadly and rubs her arms around his bubble, trying to hug him)

Zoey: I'll miss you, Cam.

Cameron: (Muffled under the bandages) Miss you too...

(Zoey walks away and Gwen rubs the bubble next)

Gwen: You get better, ok?

Cameron: Thanks, Gwen!

(Owen is next; he picks up the whole bubble in a bear hug, causing Cameron to wail in terror)

Owen: take care, dude! (Walks off)

Noah: (Awkwardly comes up) sooo.... This is awkward since we've never actually interacted... soooo.... (Fakes a high five on the bubble) I hope you get all... NOT broken soon.

Cameron: uh... thanks? (Mal comes up next, hugging the bubble) Hi, Mike!

Mal: (Whispering in his normal voice so only Cameron can hear) Oh, Mike's gone, I'm Mal. And I let you fall! (Cameron's eyes widen) So long, sucker!

(Mal chuckles and walks away; Cameron starts screaming in terror. He is still screaming while he is placed in the Flush of Shame. Chef pops his bubble and Chris presses the button, flushing him away)

Chris: Yeah, not how I wanted to celebrate the 100th episode of Total Drama. But, at least no one got hurt! Well, Cameron did, but not me! And that's what's important, here on Total Drama All-Stars!

(End Credits)

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