Episode 11- As Seen Above, Zeke's Down Below

Okay, so here it is. Chapter 11!


"Last time on Total Drama-" Chris began. He was interrupted by a fiery blonde.

"Chris there's no time for an opening! Some old contestants got kidnapped! We can't spend time telling people what happened last time!" Blaineley screamed. Chris flinched.

"Yeah, probably right... for once." Chris said. "I'll give 'em the short version. Dave and Sky got back together, only for Sky to be kidnapped by Ezekiel, and Dave got switched to the Alligators. There short version." Chris said.

"Good. Now let's make sure they aren't hurt." Blaineley said, worried about their safety.

"Yeah, you're right. Again." Chris said, worried about a potential lawsuit.

Izzy sat down at the Crocs table beside Dakota. "Hey, I wonder if Ezekiel remembers that Chris humiliated him so much in Season 3. HAHAHA!" Izzy said, laughing.

"Guys, this is a major emergency. We let Sky, Heather, Alejandro, Duncan, Mike, and Zoey get kidnapped by Ezekiel. We need you guys to go and find Zeke's layer and save them." Chris said. "You too Blaineley."

"What?!" Blaineley said, taken aback.

"Yeah, you're really lazy." Chris said.

"My arm is broken!" Blaineley said. "And it's your fault!" She stormed out.

"Uh... I got it working." The nasally intern said. The monitors turned on. It had one of the Crocodile cabin, Alligator cabin, Mess Hall, Confessional, inside and out, the docks, three spots on the beach, the cave entrance, the cliff, and the host's cabin.

"Hey it's the blonde hosty girl!" Izzy said, pointing at Blaineley, who was sitting on the host's cabin steps. She was unaware of the dark figure behind her.

"Oh no!" Ella sung. She ran out the door and began running to Chris and Blaineley's cabin, with everyone else in pursuit.

"No!" She screamed. She fell over, unconscious. Trent grabbed her before she hit the ground.

"She fainted." He said.

"Where's Blaineley?" Staci asked, backing away from the steps.

"If we knew her location, she wouldn't be missing." Scarlett said, patting the top of Staci's head.

"Don't patronize me." Staci said, glaring at Scarlett.

Everyone went back to the Mess Hall. Chris sat in a chair, drinking hot chocolate with whipped cream. "Oh, did you find Mildred?" Chris asked.

"Um, who's that?" Lindsay asked.

"You know, that blonde girl with the red dress." Dakota said.

"Oh yeah!" Lindsay said.

"Uh, no we didn't find her." Sammy said.

"Oh well. One less paycheck." Chris said.

LeShawna frowned. She walked over to Chris and grabbed the cup. She poured it out on his head and walked back.

"UGH!" Chris whined. "LeShawna! I just now had these dry cleaned! That's it. It's your guy's responsibility to find Duncan, Sky, Alejandro, Heather, Mike. Zoey, and Blaineley and save them." Chris said.

"What?! No way!" Scott fumed.

"I'm not doing that." LeShawna said.

"You gotta be kidding!" Courtney said.

"Yes way. You'll do it if you wanna stay in the game." Chris said. Everyone gasped. "And Courtney, you can't sue. I updated your contract." She huffed.

"Did I say I was going to sue?" She asked.

"No, just telling you before you did though." He said with a laugh.

She glared at him.

"Okay, get going people." Chris said. "Oh, and if you wanna get into the control room, where I'm guessing Zeke is, I suggest you try looking around the mountain."

The teams, plus Izzy, ran over to the mountain.

"I don't see a- AHHH!" Cody screamed. The ground underneath everyone broke away and they fell.

[Confessional- Noah]
"How didn't I see that coming." He sighed. "Why do I come back to the show?"

Izzy and Dave was the only ones who didn't fall.

"Oh. Maybe there's another way in?" Dave said.

"Probably not!" Izzy laughed. She grabbed Dave and jumped in.

Courtney looked up. She'd been knocked out by the fall. She saw another figure in the cavern. It was lying on its stomach, probably unconscious. She crawled over to it.

"Hey wake up!" She said. "Please wake up!" She didn't want to admit it, but she was terrified. This cavern made her feel... hollow... and empty. She hated this feeling. She felt like this back in World Tour, when Gwen betrayed her.

The figure began to move. He rolled over and saw Courtney. His dark grey eyes met her dark brown ones and they knew who the other was.

"Scott?" Courtney asked.

"Yeah it's me." He said. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I guess. But I'm still mad at you!" Courtney said.

"That's understandable, but right now there's a challenge to win." He said. "Plus it kinda sucked not talking to you. I missed you." He said.

Courtney smiled. "I missed you too, Scott. But if I ever find out you're cheating on me again, I'll have to hurt you. And badly." Courtney said. She took his hand.

"Yeah, I kinda figured." Scott said.

Lindsay and LeShawna were trying to find the door to the main room, where Scarlett once tried to blow up the Island. Lindsay, surprisingly, had made a good point when she suggested that he could be there, since it was in the middle of the island.

LeShawna felt the person she was carrying on her back begin to move. "He's waking up." LeShawna told Lindsay.

Dave looked up. "Where are we?" He asked.

"Oh, Daniel! We're in the roomie place where Zayn is hiding!" She said.

"I think she means we're in the Control Room, trying to find Ezekiel." LeShawna corrected.

"Sky!" Dave said. He jumped off LeShawna's back and began to lead the girls.

"Do you even know where you're going?" LeShawna asked him.

"Not in the slightest." Dave said.

Sammy and Topher fell together. Topher had grabbed Sammy before everyone was separated, but they were alone, and Sammy was knocked out, so Topher was carrying her.

"Ugh..." Sammy muttered. She began to move. Topher sat her down.

"Topher?" She asked, finally opening her eyes.

"Yeah, it's me." He said with a wink.

"Oh thank God!" Sammy said, closing her eyes. When she opened them, Topher was gone, and she was alone.

"Topher?!" Sammy cried out.


"Oof!" Topher said. He'd been staring at Sammy when something grabbed his hair and pulled him up. Next thing he knew, he was in a cage with Sky, Duncan, Alejandro, Heather, Mike, Zoey, Blaineley, and Staci. Several seemed to be knocked out, as only Sky, Blaineley, and Staci were awake.

"I was caught." Staci said.

"Topher!" Sky said, running over to him. "Where's Dave?!" She asked.

"I wasn't with him. I got separated with Sammy." He said.

"Oh no!" Sky said. She began crying. Blaineley walked over to her.

"It's okay." Blaineley said. "I'm sure he's fine and on his way to save you." Blaineley reassured her.

Suddenly the cage door flew open and another person was thrown in. She looked up at everyone. "Oh hi, Tanner, Suzy, Barney, and Sarah." The blonde said.

"Lindsay?" Blaineley asked. "you got caught too?"

"Yep. He grabbed me by my hair and pulled me away from LeShawniqua and Darryl." She said.

"Darryl?" Sky asked. "Wait! Does Darryl have black hair, a blue shirt, and green pants?" Sky asked. Lindsay nodded.

"Is he okay?" Sky questioned.

"He's totally fine." Lindsay said.

Scarlett groaned. She got separated with the psychotic ginger and the songbird. She knew how to get to the Control Room, it was just if she could deal with them. Ella was crying about Rodney, and Izzy refused to call Scarlett by her proper name. She called her Brainzilla.

"How much farther Brainzilla?" Izzy asked, cackling.

"Not much farther. But if you would be quiet, it'd go much faster." Scarlett mumbled.

"Heheheheh. Whatever Brainzilla." Izzy said.

Scarlett noticed it'd became quiet. Ella had stopped singing. She looked back. Izzy grinned and gave the peace sign. Ella was gone.

"Where'd she go?" Scarlett asked.

"Her caught probably Zeke, idea have I, Brainzilla." Izzy said.

Scarlett sighed. She wished Zeke had grabbed her instead of Ella, so she wouldn't be stuck with her.

Dawn and Trent had been put together. They were as lucky as you could be when your friends got caught be a rouge, feral beast.

Dawn looked at Trent. "Are you sure we need to keep it a secret?" Dawn asked.

"Yes! Last time I dated a girl and people knew, they used it to their advantage in the game. I don't want anything to happen to you." Trent told her. She smiled.

He leaned down, and she stood on her toes. They kissed. Dawn felt something electric run up her spine. It felt as though it was only her and Trent in the world.

Trent felt sparks. He knew right there he liked liked her. Probably more than double liking her, he loved her, and he wasn't sure he cared who knew.

Noah sighed. "Of course." He mumbled. "Why Chris decided to let the teenagers find a feral mutant is beyond me."

"Maybe if you'd quit complaining, we'd find Zeke and the rest and win this challenge!" Sierra screamed.

"Maybe if you'd stop trying to molest Cody everyone you got around him, he'd like you." Noah said. Sierra gasped.

"How dare you!" She screamed. "I'll tear out your f***ing heart!" She lunged at Noah.

"Guys chill." Cody said, getting between them. "We need to find Ezekiel and soon." Noah and Sierra huffed. "No thanks!" They said. They turned away from Cody, pouring.

They turned to argue with Cody, but he was gone. The only thing left where he was standing was one of his shoes.

"Codykins!" Sierra screamed.

Topher flinched as Cody was thrown into the cage too. They had recently gained Ella, and now him. It may have been a crazy thought, but he wanted Sammy to be found next. He didn't want anything to happen to her.

He heard the cage door open and a he felt a glimmer of hope. However, Scarlett was thrown in. Following Scarlett was LeShawnna.

"Oh great." Scarlett mumbled.

"Boy, Zeke's gonna get a whoopin' next time I see him." LeShawna said.


Dave was alone now. He walked around a corner and saw a blonde haired girl lying face down.

He ran over to her and shook her shoulder. She looked up.

"Dave?" Dakota asked. She yawned and rubbed her eyes. "Where are we?" She asked.

"Remember, Ezekiel?" He asked.

"Oh yeah!" Dakota said, jumping up. "Let's go!" She grabbed Dave's arm and ran off.

Sammy screamed as she ran into someone.

"Sammy! Calm down, it's me, Courtney!" Courtney said.

"Courtney?" Sammy asked. "Oh it's so great to run into someone!" She hugged Courtney.

"It's great to see you too!" Courtney hugged her back. She felt Sammy's nails dig into her back.

"Ouch! Sammy, what are you doing?" Courtney asked. Sammy pulled he up and grabbed her arm. She began running, dragging Courtney with her.

"Why are we running? And where's Scott?" Courtney asked.

"Ezekiel got him!" Sammy screamed. "If we don't hurry, we'll be next!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Topher frowned. Zeke had caught Scott, not Sammy. He knew he sounded awful, but he was only worried about her.

He was deep in thought, mainly about Sammy, when Trent and Dawn was thrown in.

"Oof!" Dawn said. "That hurt!"

"Dude, Ezekiel's went crazy." Trent said.

"He needs some help. If I win the million, I will help him!" Dawn said.

"Uh... That's cool." Trent said. He frowned.

"Let's see, Courtney, Dave, Dakota, Sammy, Izzy, Noah and Sierra are the only ones Zeke hasn't caught yet, right?" Cody asked.

"I think so." Scarlett said.

"Guys, what if Ezekiel catches everyone?" Staci asked.

"Then we'll probably be eaten by Ezekiel." Blaineley said, sitting in the corner.

"Listen Noah, I know you like Cody and all, but he's mine." Sierra said. She had her hands on her hips and was staring down at Noah.

"Uh, what? No! I don't like him!" Noah said.

"Then why are you blushing?" Sierra asked.

'Crap.' Noah thought. 'She can't be the one to find out.'

"Listen hun, I don't like Cody like that." Noah said. "And I'm blushing because you're making me feel awkward!"

"Oh yeah, I've heard that before!" Sierra said. "Codykins is mine, not yours so back off!" She said, shoving him. He fell back on the ground.

"Ouch! You skank!" Noah said. She picked him up by his shirt collar.

"What'd you say?" She asked. Before Noah could answer, she felt something grab her hair, which by this point had only half grew back, and pull her and Noah up.

Courtney and Sammy had ran into a small room. They screamed when they saw a figure moving around in the darkness.

"Hey, calm down." Dave said. "We're trying to find the key Chris lost to the Control Room."

"Oh..." Courtney sighed. "That's a relief. We thought you was Zeke." She was completely oblivious to the dark figure behind her. Sammy screamed.

"What?" Courtney asked. She turned around. "AAAAAAAAH!" She screamed. Zeke grabbed her arm and dragged her off.

"Oh no no no no!" Dakota said, backing into the corner. She began to grow taller.

"Dakota, are you okay?" Dave asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just scared." She said.

Sammy began to help search for the keys. Suddenly, Dave spoke up.

"Where's Izzy?" He asked.

Topher grinned. Izzy had managed to find a way into the Control Room. She had finally found where the lock was on the cage.

"Don't worry, Explosivo will go BOOM BOOM and free you. Yes he will!" She said, disappearing.

Almost five seconds later, Zeke opened the cage and threw Courtney and Izzy in.

"Rats." Izzy said.

Sammy held up the jingling mess. She'd found the keys under one of the desks. Her, Dave, and Dakota ran down the hallway to the room marked Control Room.

"You guys ready?" She asked. Dave and Dakota nodded. She unlocked the door. She ran in.

"Topher!" She screamed.

"Hey, we need help." Topher said.

Zeke had tied up everyone on the ceiling.

Dave ran over and grabbed the small Swiss Army knife that was on the desk.

"Hey, I don't wanna rush you or anything..." Heather said. "But WERE TIED TO THE CEILING!"

Zeke jumped out of nowhere. He licked his lips and looked up at Heather. He rubbed his stomach.

"I think he wants to make a meal out of us!" Courtney shrieked.

"That's it!" Dakota screamed. Her hair began retracting back, until it was short, spiky, and green. Her eyes turned yellow with red pupils. She grew much taller, at least 10 feet. Her fingers grew into claws, and her teeth turned into fangs. She grinned.

"Zeke mess with Dakota fwiends, now Zeke gonna PAY!" Dakota said, slurring her words, slightly.

Zeke ran at her, but she grabbed him by the hoodie and held him.

Sammy pulled out a small mattress Zeke had salvaged and set it under the contestants. Dave got a ladder.

Dave had cut everyone down, except for Sky. He began to move the ladder over to Sky. He climbed up and cut her down. She did a backflip before landing on the ratty mattress.

Dave climbed down and embraced Sky. "Oh Dave! That was really heroic!" Sky said.

"You could've made it rhyme." Dave said, slightly laughing.

"C'mon guys." Sammy said. Topher was carrying her. "We need to leave."

Dave saw something over by the control panel. "One sec!"

He grabbed the bottle of hand sanitizer. "I finally found some more!" He said. Sky laughed. She leaned back against one of the old monitors.

The one on top of it began to lean forwards. Dave dropped the hand sanitizer and pushed her out of the way when the monitor collapsed. There was a cloud of dust that went up. Sammy and Sky screamed.

The smoke cleared. Sky was safe, however, pinned under the monitor was Dave.

"Ouch. That hurt. At least you're safe. Right Sky?" He asked.

That night, everyone was present at the elimination ceremony. Dave was in a full body cast and a wheelchair.

"Since Dave is too injured to compete anymore, we'll need someone to take his spot." Chris said. "And we've decided to allow Duncan back into the game."

"Oh yeah baby!" Duncan said.

"And, since she helped save everyone, we've decided to allow Dakota to continue to compete, as long as she keeps Dakotazoid in control." Chris said.

"Oh yay!" Dakota said. She hugged Courtney.

"And finally, she was technically the first to get to the cage, so Izzy's back as well." Chris said.


"One last thing." Chris said. "Dave and Sky get to leave on the Boat of Losers, since he's injured. However, the rest of you are leaving by Slingshot."

An intern pushed Heather in front of the Slingshot.

"No!" Heather screamed. "Let me back in the game instead of Duncan!"

"Hmm... Interesting offer. Y'know what. I'll think about it." Chris said.

"Really?" Heather said.

Chris laughed. "Nope!" He pushed a button and Heather was shot off the island. Following her was Alejandro, then Mike and Zoey.

Finally, the Boat of Loser showed up, and Dave was sent off.

"And for one last thing." He said. An intern rolled up a box, nailed and locked shut. "It's time we sent Ezekiel off." They loaded Zeke into another boat and it disappeared.

"Hopefully the doctors can help him." Ella said.

"Shut it." Chris said. "That wraps up one of the most dramatic episodes yet. Will the next one be filled with more drama? Who knows. We'll just have to wait and see on the next episode of Total Drama All Stars 2!"


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