Torture of War

"Mom! Mom come on." Aaron yelled after his mother, wanting to mess around and have some fun.

Sitri walked past the trees of her quiet kingdom, smiling down at her son. "I'm coming I'm coming. Always full of energy." Aaron laughed, running into an open field past the trees.

Sitri walked past the last set up trees, looking up and seeing demons sleeping together up in the branches. She looked back over at Aaron, watching him run around and not seeming to care about the world around him.

She smiled, walking over to him and nudging him with one of her wings. Her dragon wing flaps always burning a beautiful baby blue. Aaron laughed, playfully trying to catch the flames with his claws. Sitri laughed, making her son jump up after them.

After hours of playing the sun was almost over head. Sitri looked over at the forest, seeing demons start to wake up or just talking.

One large demon walked out of the forest, standing tall. Scars covering his light purple skin, his dark black hair showing that he had just woken up.

"Hello Janela." Sitri said, sitting down in the grass.

"Hey Mom."

Aaron looked over at his older brother, running over and playfully tackling him. Sitri laughed, watching them play.

Out of no where, howls filled the air. The two brother froze, looking towards the sound. Sitri's head snapped towards the noise, standing up.

"Mama. What's going on?" Aaron asked, started to get scared.

Sitri looked over at Janela, "Go and warn your father that something is coming. And take Aaron." With that Janela was gone with Aaron.

She looked towards the open field in front of them, a dark figure walking into view. A wicked laugh filled the air as figures walked up the hill to reveal themselves, one being much taller than the other. the others being smaller and seeming more skinny.

"The Lust Kingdom. How... disgusting." The figure said, walking up closer to Sitri. Their wings were as wide as Sitri's, but more metallic. Their gray armor reflecting the sun's lightly glow.

"You shouldn't be here! Leave!" Sitri yelled, standing her ground.

The figure laughed again. Sitri narrowed her eyes at them, seeing their glowing yellow eyes looking to the side of her. "What a wonderful child. Why don't you let them come with me. They could give my daughter company." The figure said, smirking back over at Sitri.

"Leave! Now!" Sitri yelled, slamming her tail on the ground.

The figure laughed again. "You and what army?"

Sitri tensed up, her ears flattening back a little.

"This army." A male spoke. Sitri looked behind her, taking a breathe of relief.

A tall demon flew over the forest, his wings as wide as two trees, the flaps flaming black. His scales were a lighter black, his hair a dirty gold. His eyes were glossed over with a bright gold.

Below him, thousands of demons stood or flew. Many had weapons while others had sorcery.

"Well hello Asmo." The figure said, their smirk growing.

"Amber." Asmo said in a harsh voice.

The stand off stayed for about a minute, growls from Amber's hellhounds being the only sound. Amber's sharp gaze never left the demons standing in front of her. Asmo's and Sitri's never left Amber and her army of hellhounds.

Something quickly snapped, making Amber dashing straight for Asmo, her wings slicing through the air.

"Attack!" Asmo yelled before grabbing Amber's claws and throwing her to the ground.

Lust demons and hellhounds ran at each other, no holding back on their attacks. The smell of blood quickly filled the air, the smell sickening towards Lust Demons.

Sitri flew up next to Asmo, protecting her people with him. "Hope that Aaron is alright." Sitri said, watching Amber flash out of the trees towards them.

Down on the ground, deeper into the woods was a big opening where two large oak trees stood. Thrones carved into the trunks for the King and Queen. Aaron hid behind them, still being able to hear the sounds of screams and barking. He looked in the direction where the fighting was taken place, his ears flattening.

The sound of leaves crunching made Aaron jump, turning his head towards the noise.

Soon enough, a small demon, who was a little taller than Aaron, walked out of the trees. Aaron stayed behind the trees, looking over at the demon.

The demon's head quickly snapped over to where Aaron was hiding, their red and blue eyes glowing past their dark red hair. They started to walk towards Aaron's hiding spot, making him back up to try and stay hidden. 

The demon poked her head past the trees, tilting her head at him.

"S-stay where you are.." The demon stopped, still having their eyes glued onto him. "Who... Who are you? You don't look like a Lust demon." Aaron looked over the demon, noticing their large wings that seem to drag on the ground, even as they are folded. Their white scales reflecting the sun's glow, allowing them to stand out more easily.

Aaron took another step back, his ears flattening back a little. "Who are you?" He asked, shaking the small nerves and spreading his wings.

The demon just stared, showing no emotion. Aaron's eyes shifted from the red and blue eye, not knowing what to do or say.

"What do you want?" Aaron demanded, taking a step towards the demon, making them take a step back.

"You think I'm going to hurt you. Don't you?" They said, her voice smooth and calming. "I guess you have the right to think that since my mother is here fighting your kind."

Aaron's eyes widened. "You're one of them?" Aaron yelled, his claws becoming extra sharp.

"Well yes. But who says I have to act like them." The demon said, sitting down in the grass, wrapping their tail around their front claws.

Aaron narrowed his eyes at them, flicking his tail around.

"I'm Red. And I know you are Prince Aaron."

Aaron glared at her, flicking his tail at the ground. "Who cares if you know who I am. You're not welcome here." Aaron said, growling low.

Red rolled her eyes, getting back onto her feet. "Alright. But I have a message for you." She said, bringing her claw over and flicking Aaron's nose.

Aaron quickly swattered her claw away. "What is it Torture Demon."

Red didn't react as he said it so harshly. "Protect your kind. I know what my mother is doing is wrong, and I'm sorry."

Aaron's eyes widened, not expecting to hear that come from a Torture Demon. He took a step back, scratching the back of his head.

"Aaron!" In a flash, a burst of light purple flames separated Aaron and Red.

Aaron quickly jumped back, looking up and seeing Janela crash down, his back towards him. "Janela!" Aaron called, quickly looking at where his gaze lead, his eyes widening in fear.

A dark shadow being in the place where Red once was.

"Aaron. Run! Now!" Janela yelled, flying straight towards the shadow.

All Aaron did was stand there in shock, watching Janela fight. Only landing a couple hits on the shadow. A demonic laugh came from them, making a chill go down Aaron's back.

The flames slowly died out, allowing to see everything going on. Janela caught a glimpse of him, his eyes flashing with flames. "Aaron! Get out of here! NOW!" Janela yelled, making Aaron flinch.

Without hesitation, Aaron quickly turned around, running into the forest as fast as he could.

The sounds of screams slowly got louder, making tears well up in Aaron's eyes. As the trees past by him, a growl quickly caught up to the small demon.

Within a second, Aaron was pushed into the dirt. He shook his head, trying to get back up as fast as he could, only to be stopped by a large, cold paw. Aaron slowly looked up, only to be face to face with a large hellhound.

Blood dripping from its strong jaw like drool, its eyes filled with hunger. Their jagged nails slowly digging into Aaron's chest, some blood showing past his scales.

Fear quickly filled Aaron, not knowing what to do. In a second the hellhound launched its jaw towards Aaron, making him shut his eyes tight, waiting for death to come; but nothing came.

Aaron slowly opened his eyes, seeing trees pass by him. He felt the hot breathe of the hellhound on the back of his neck. Their jagged teeth digging into his scales, making Aaron wince in pain.

After a moment, the trees stopped coming, showing the army of hellhounds in a line next to Amber, standing high and mighty. Aaron looked over, seeing Red standing next to her, her ear flinching to go down. Around him were Lust Demons and Hellhounds down on the ground, hurt or dead. Sitri stood next to Asmo, blood dripping from her hair and her back leg, looking like it was chewed up by a hound.

"Mama!" Aaron yelled, wincing as the hellhound's grip tightened.

Sitri's eyes widened as she turned her head towards Aaron.

Without warning, Aaron was flung to the ground, out of the hellhound's jaws. He quickly got up, looking over and seeing Janela on top of the hellhound. He quickly ran over to Sitri, hiding behind her wings.

"Awwww. Well isn't this nice. Got the whole family together." Amber laughed, wrapping her wing around Red.

Aaron looked over at Red, seeing her hair covering her eyes.

"To bad it can't stay like this. I'm not leaving empty handed." Amber said, whipping her tail at the ground.

"What all do you want? You took out most of our people. What more do you want?" Asmo yelled, getting in front of Sitri.

Amber laughed, folding in her wings. "I just want something that can break you, and I already know what that can be." After, Amber snapped her claws, making most of her hounds charge them, yet again.

Asmo and Janela quickly flew up into the air. Sitri quickly turned around, picking up Aaron, flying up into the air.

As she was flying up though, more the one of the hellhounds jumped up, biting off feathers and at her legs, making Sitri scream out in pain.

"Sitri!" Amso yelled, flying down and kicking the hellhounds off her.

Without any say, Sitri handed Aaron to Asmo, quickly giving Asmo a kiss on the cheek before falling into the crowd of hellhounds.

"Mama!" Aaron yelled through tears, reaching down and trying to grab her.

Janela quickly flew down, only to be stopped by hellhounds snapping their vicious jaws at him.

The hellhounds quickly dragged Sitri back towards Amber.

Tears flowing down Aaron's cheeks. He felt something wet hit his head, he looked up only to see Asmo crying as well. Aaron could hear Janela cursing from behind Asmo.

Aaron looked back over at where they brought Sitri, his eyes only to be covered by Asmo's claw. Aaron quickly got the hint, hiding his face in Asmo's chest, the smell of blood and sweet shooting through his nose.

Amber looked down at Sitri and then back over to Asmo. "We'll be back again one day."

Those were her last words before turned around and walking out of site. Behind the hills, burst of flames were seen shooting up, the sounds of scream and howls being heard.

Asmo and Janela were stuck there, thinking over what had just happened.

Within the hour most of the Lust Demons were either buried or getting treatment.

Aaron was left at the oak trees, sitting on Sitri's throne, crying in his wings.


Aaron flinched, slowly looking up from his arms, seeing Red standing at the bottom of the oak.

"What are you doing here?" Aaron said coldly, looking away from her.

"I wanted to give you this. I couldn't give it to you when we left so I thought I would sneak away for a little bit."

Aaron looked over at her in the corner of his eyes, his head ending up turning all the way towards her.

She held out a piece of Sirti's armor that went around her neck. It was cracked and had claw marks all over it, the scent of blood even coating over it.

Aaron slowly got up from the oak tree, reaching over and grabbing the armor. He brushed his claw over the scratches, his claw shaking and tears falling on top of it.

Red took a step back, only to be pulled into a tight hug. She flinched, not knowing what to do. She was hesitant but hugged him back. Aaron's tears soaking into her fur. Red's ears flattened, gently pushing him off of her.

She got down so she was eye level with him, reaching over and whipping come of his tears away with her thumb. "Listen to me. You are strong, don't let anyone say otherwise. Protect your people."

Aaron nodded, whipping the tears off his face.

Red gave him a comforting smile. She got up, bringing her claw over and ruffling up Aaron's hair, and left.

Aaron laughed lightly, but the mood slowly turned back down. He got back up on Sitri's throne, sitting down and hugging onto her chest piece tightly.

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