Nightly Escape

Back to the present, 10 years after the fight between Lust Demons and Torture demons.

The shadows faded away from Red's view, only to show her the dead Queen under her. She's done this so many times, but she wasn't used to seeing it. Every new death pressed on more guilt.

"Good job Red." Amber's voice rose over the torture field. 

Soon enough one of the giant doors opened up to reveal Amber, her wings spread out. 

Red just stared at her mother, standing tall even though guilt had filled her. She watched as Amber walked over to the queen in between them; nudging the dead queen with her foot.

"Well. She's dead." Amber stated, looking up at Red for a moment and then back down at the queen. "But; it took you a lot longer this time. Are you fighting that Shadow Demon you have again?" She asked, still looking down at the queen.

Red's ears flinched down for a moment. 

When Red was young, her mother quickly saw that she didn't want to fight. So, her being the "good" mother she is, she convinced a Shadow Demon to corrupt Red. Now Red changed form when the demon takes over. Her body blacking out, her eyes filled red, and her hair flowing like fire.

"Well, Demonic gets more mad if I fight back." Red looked away from Amber, walking over and grabbing her chains that where laying on the ground. She slowly wrapped them around her wings, the sound of chains clinging together filling the field.

A piercing whistle escaped past Amber lips; and in the minutes, the sound of Hellhounds were heard running towards the field through the open door. In a quick minutes, three Hellhounds walked through the door, sniffing at the dead Queen. "Take her away." Amber commanded. With some maneuvering, the Queen was on top of the Hellhound's back and being taken away.

Amber watched for a moment and then looked back over at Red. "You have the rest of the day off. But tomorrow is that one old demon's turn again." 

"You mean Scout?" Red asked, flattening her ears to the side.

Scout is a very old demon. He's a dark gray demon with a missing back left leg. He keeps his right eye covered with his short black hair. Red doesn't know whats wrong with his eye, but he always says it's from her mother. He has been there for years; way before Red was even born. When Red was young she snuck into his cell, only because she had seen him being pulled around by the Hellhounds. He was so weak from the beating from before that she wasn't scared. But ever since then, Red would sneak into his cell just to hang out with him. Scout has become a father figure to her. He's not much of a speaker, and his memory is slowly slipping. To this day, Red doesn't even know what kind of creature he is. To her he's just an old demon.

"Yes, the old man." Amber said, turning towards the giant door. "Have a good night." After that she faded into the dark void of the prison. 

Red sighed, walking back to her room. Groans were all around her, some quickly stopped as she passed. Her ears flattened, soon getting into her room.

She walked over to her desk that was in the middle of the room, grabbing a book that was on top of it. There was a pentagram on the cover, the title looking like gibberish. 

"I'm ready to get out of here." Red mumbled to herself.

As night fell, the prison got quiet. 

Red snuck out of her room, the spell book under her wing. 

Some demons woke up as she past, confusion growing on their face. Some crawled to the bars of the cage, others stayed back. 

"Red?" A voice called out.

Red jumped and looked towards the voice. It was Scout. He was sitting at the bars, a confused look on his face. 

"What are you doing? It's late." Scout asked, leaning in a little closer to the bars.

Red just stared, not knowing what to say. After a minute she started walking again, leaving Scout behind. Her ears flattened. She wants to take him away, but opening a cell at this hour will get the Hellhounds barking, which will alert Amber.

After a moment of walking, Red was back in the Torture Field. And without hesitation, marks were being drawn onto the dirt ground. The symbols covered up the entire field.

Red gently landed in the middle of the markings, opening the book to the right page and started chanting the spell.

She had to chant it fast though, because the Torture Field is rigged to stop any magic that is performed. Now its not an enchantment that stops the magic though.

Red was almost done with the chanting, the symbol glowing a light baby blue.

Before she was finished, one of the giant doors opens up, only to reveal a cannon, aiming strait for her. 

Red made her wings into steal, covering herself from the blow. 

In a second, the cannon blew, a large steal ball shooting towards her. She quickly finished the spell, a bright blue light swirling around her. Before she was taken away, the metal ball hit her wings, knocking her back.

In a flash she was shot out of the prison and onto a large field of grass. Red landed on her stomach, a large crack trailing down her wing now. 

Red looked around her, seeing two figures running over to her. She saw an orange figure and a dark gray figure. 

She quickly tried to get up and run, only to fall back onto ground. She growled low, only to black out.

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