
Veinte: The Spanish translation of twenty

Keith pov

To be honest I'd really not play this.
I've already opened up too much to him.
I'm an idiot for that.
I'll do it to humour him.

Lance pov

I began.
"If you could get any piercing what would it be?" I asked Keith.
"Hmm" he pondered.
"Um I'd like to get my nipples pierced" He said.
"Really?" I gasped.
"I thought you were gonna say maybe your nose or something"
"Nah, Too basic" He said.
"You?" He asked.
"I'd like my ears pierced to start" I laughed.
"You go" I insisted.

"Alright. Uh If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?" Keith asked crossing his legs and brushing his hair out of his face.
"Mm I like it here a lot but probably L.A to be like the basic bitch I am" I replied.
"I have no idea, Canada might be nice" Keith said.
"Canada? What the fuck is in Canada?" I asked.
"Better people, no guns, free healthcare, better lgbt support" He said.
"Okay gotcha" I said.

"What's your dream car?" I asked.
"I have no idea, I like older cars, like older chevy trucks" Keith replied, brushing his hair out of his face again. He's so cute what the fuck.
Sitting cross legged in cute Halloween underwear with a cute blush spread across his cheeks and a small smile.
"I like mustangs" I replied.
"Not sure about my dream model" I added.

"Do you ever want kids?" I asked. "Whoa holy shit, You asked me about cars and now you're asking me about kids" I gasped.
"Just shut up and answer" I sighed.
"For me, I like kids so one or two would be cool" I said.
"I fucking despise kids except for Meenah and Cole" He spat.
I laughed.
"So uh none" Keith said.

"If you could go anywhere in the world for a trip, where would you go?" Keith asked.
"That's kinda similar to the where would you live question but um I think Cuba. I've got family down there" I smiled.
"I'd go to Japan. It's so pretty there" Keith smiled.
Just the way he said that, I know he really wants to go, just by the passion in his tone

"You go again" I said.
"Shit I don't know" Keith huffed.
"Uh what's your favourite colour?" He asked.
"Blue or Orange" I replied.
"I like both so I can't choose" I added. "You?"
"I like red, It's been my favourite colour since I was a kid" Keith said.
"I like grey too" He added.

"Okay, favourite food?" I asked. "Cheetos!" Keith smiled.
"That's adorable" I giggled.
"Hands down I love tacos!" I said clapping.
"Because I'm Latino I feel it's my duty to say something like that but I legitimately love them" I added.
"Okay but what flavour of Cheetos are your favourite?" I asked him.
"Just the normal ones, I like all of them but the original ones are great" Keith chirped.

"What's your favourite guilty pleasure song?" Keith asked.
"Oh boy, I'm open about lots of my music so I don't really hide anything but I love soulja boy" I said
"What about you?" I added.
Keith smiled embarrassed.
"Oh boy this will be good" I laughed in anticipation. "I uh...I like Tik Tok by Kesha" He squeaked covering his face with his hands.
"Oh my god!" I yelled.
I tried pulling his hands away.
"Stop! I'm embarrassed!" He said.

I gave Keith a few minutes to giggle from embarrassment.
Once if died down I began again.

"Okay what's your dream pet?" I asked. "Oh a cat of course! I love cats, I love lots of animals but I love cats so much" He replied, Smiling.
"Are you fucking serious? Cats are evil! Spawns of Satan!" I cried.
"No they're not Lance fuck you!" Keith hissed.
"Dogs are so much better and I want a german shepard, that's my ideal pet" I said proudly.
"But dogs are so annoying and they're so much work! They're loud and piss all over the place" Keith hissed.
"Cats are so ungrateful! They're mean and hate people" I argued.
"No they're not! Cats are angels" He said.
"Ugh" I scoffed.
"You're like a cat and I'm like a dog so this makes sense" I said.

"Who's your celebrity crush?" Keith asked.
"I'm bi so I get to pick two" I announced triumphantly.
Keith huffed. "Fine"
"Okay so for female I'd have to say Rihanna and for male Chris Hemsworth"I said.
"Interesting" He giggled.
"Hmm I think I'd have to go with Sebastian Stan" Keith said.
"Who the fuck is that?" I asked.
Keith looked at me bewildered.
"He's the winter soldier in captain america!" He cried.
"Never heard of him" I grunted.
"Chris Hemsworth is fucking Thor dude, Have you not seen any of the captain america movies??" Keith snapped.
"Nope, Just the avengers and the Thor ones" I said.
He looked so shocked.
"You've got some watching to do!" Keith exclaimed.

"Okay since we're kinda on this topic marvel or dc?" I asked.
"Uh marvel duh" Keith snickered. "Captain America makes me proud to be American" He added proudly. "Marvel for me too, I used to be a dc lover as a kid though" I said.

"Favourite artist or band?" Keith asked. 
"Oh fuck" I said. "I like Britney Spears" I shrugged.
Keith snorted.
"Oh and what's your answer edgelord??" I egged him on.
"Nirvana! I thought I told you that" Keith.
"I don't know, you probably did" I replied.
Keith rolled his eyes.

"Favourite holiday?" I asked. "HALLOWEEN" Keith said clapping between each syllable just like the 👏🏻 meme so like hal👏🏻o👏🏻ween👏🏻
"I like Halloween too but I prefer Christmas" I replied.

"Hm okay. Gotta think" Keith asked tapping his chin in thought.
"What's you're favourite drink?" He asked.
"Ooh easy! I love cream soda!" I exclaimed.
"That suits you, It's very flamboyant, just like you" He chuckled.
"I live Dr.Pepper" Keith said.
"That shit makes me sneeze" I snickered.
"The taste is like...gross and spicy" I added.
"How can soda be...spicy?" Keith asked annoyed.
"Dr.Pepper is spicy! Leave me alone!" I retorted.

We then took a few minutes to get up and stretch.
We both thought of more questions to ask.
I'm keeping track.

Once we sat back down I dove too deep.
"Are you a virgin?" I asked recklessly. Keith looked back at me with a surprised and disgusted look on his face.
"Excuse me?" He scoffed.
"Are you a virgin??" I repeated.
"That's none of your fucking business!" Keith hissed.
"That's what they all say" I said cooly. "Who are they?" Keith snapped.
"That's what virgins say..." I said. Keith was shocked.
"What?? That is seriously isn't any of your business!" Keith barked.
"What about you Mr.Perfect??" He asked.
"I've had a few girls, Never a guy though" I replied.
I wasn't lying. I've had sex with 2 girls. Both last year.
Keith was silent.
"Mm" He mumbled.
"I told you so now you have to tell me, it was my question after all" I said. Keith avoided eye contact with me. I nudged him.
"It's none of your business if I've been fucked in the ass before!" He snapped. "Oh so you're admitting you're a bottom?" I purred.
"I-I" He stammered.
He turned back away from me and crossed his arms.
Keith sighed in defeat.
"You could of just told me" I said.
"It's not that easy Lance, Almost every kid our age has had sex already and I'm an outsider" Keith said harshly.
"It's not a big deal Keith, we can drop it" I said.
"Well you've  made it seem like a big deal" He murmured.
"I have trust issues. I don't trust anyone enough to see me in that vulnerable of a state" Keith said.

"You know what? Fine then! If you want to go down this road: Are you a top or bottom?" Keith sneered.
"Hmm I depends on who I'm with.
I've never done it with a guy before but I'm more dominant so I'll say top" I replied.
"And you?" I asked.
Keith paused.
Keith said sharply.
"I don't think I could top. I'm pretty aggressive and all but I just don't think topping is for me" He said. "Interesting" I grinned.
Keith is 10/10 a huge bottom.

"Do you masterbate?" I asked.
God I'm getting reckless.
Keith looked revolted.
"Well I know you do obviously! So this one is all on me" Keith stated.
"Wha-how do you know?" I shot.
"Are you stupid? You whacked off in my bathroom when my family came home remember??" He retorted.
"Ohh yeah" I said remembering.
"But ha yeah I do, Often" I added.
"Not surprising" Keith mumbled.
"And you?" I asked.
"Once in a while" He said.
"But not as a rule" He added.

"Do you watch porn then?" Keith asked.
"Eh once in a while as well" I said.
"I don't, I've watched it a few times but it's not my thing" Keith replied.
"Can we get off the sexual side of stuff?" I questioned.
"Oh says you!" He scolded.
"Whatever fine" He added.

"Have you ever been I love?" I asked. There was a long pause from Keith. "No..."He trailed off.
"I'm not going to ask you to elaborate" I said out of respect.
"I have, Yes" I said. "A few times"

Last question, I've kept track.
"Did you lie on any of the questions?" Keith asked quietly.
"Nope! All honesty from me" I boasted.
"Mm, Me too" Keith said.
He avoided eye contact.

The next few hours went by slowly but peacefully.
We laid next to each other, facing the other but with a good distance between us.
I got to look at Keith's face for so long.
I've memorized every little curve and shape to it.

Getting into bed was a bit awkward.
I accidentally brushed my hand across Keith's crotch and he yelled at me.
It was actually a accident though!
We again kept a fair, reasonable distance between each other.

We had both drifted off to sleep when the door opened. Keith sprang up. "How did everything go?" Christine asked him.
"Sorry! Were you to asleep?" She squeaked.
"Almost" Keith chuckled.
"But things went good" He replied.
"It's late, I'm going to get the rugrats into bed then I'll probably turn in as well" She said.
"Alright" Keith said.
"Hi Lance" She called to me and leaned into the room and waved to me.
I smiled and waved back.
"Goodnight boys" She said and waved again.
"Keith shut the door after she left.
"I'm tired, Can we go to bed properly?" He yawned rubbing his eyes looking adorable.
"Yes" I chuckled.
"I'm not changing, I can sleep in this" Keith said flopping on to the bed.
"I'm fine too" I agreed.
Keith put on a fan and got under his duvet.
I just covered up with a sheet. He's crazy for wanting to cover up in this heat. "Goodnight" I whispered.
"Goodnight" Keith mumbled.

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