*A/N sorry if things are getting a bit dry and repetitive. I'm trying to spice up things a bit so this whole story isn't just the same shit on a loop. Please stay with me guys ; - ; *
Obscurity: the state of being unknown, inconspicuous, or unimportant.
Lance pov
Jeez I can't believe school is starting soon.
I refuse.
What do you mean summer didn't start like a week ago? I call bullshit.
I'm slightly stressed because of Keith's situation right now.
This is some scary shit.
The poor baby has had enough to deal with, he dosen't need this shit now. I don't know who sent that dagger but if they try to hurt my Keith; Somebody's going to get stabbed. Those whole few hours were just a big blue.
Fuck this whole day is just one blur.
I'd noticed the rain had finally stopped.
I heard Christine and Dane get the kids into bed and they had to shush them a few times because they were being noisy.
I was having trouble falling asleep. Keith was out like a light though. Good.
He needs rest. I was letting him have his space tonight. I wasn't cuddling him like I usually do, although I really want too. I was starring up at his Nirvana poster on the ceiling when I heard him begin to stir next to me. I turned my head to see him with that look of pain on his face.
I unfortunately know that look.
His eyes were shut tightly and his teeth were gritted with his eyebrows furrowed.
"Keith?" I asked softly putting a hand on his cheek. He was hot. He grunted and his breathing quickened.
He's having a nightmare. I know by the look.
He dug his nails into the sheets and rolled to his back. I could see his chest rising and falling rapidly.
He's told me to always wake him up if he's having a nightmare/night terror in the early stages before it worsens and escalates into a panic attack. He hasn't had one since like June. It's been a while. He whined and began to thrash around as if he was trying to push someone or something off him.
"Keith! Keith, Hey Wake up baby!" I said trying to keep my calm. I sat up and tried to put his arms to his sides. "Shh, Shh it's okay" I said. Can he even hear me. His subconscious powered physical strength wasn't as strong as my conscious strength and I was able to overpower him. I put his arms to his sides then he suddenly screamed and jolted up. He was panting an looked terrified. He looked around the room at lighting speed and then locked his eyes on me.
His eyes were getting that shiny look when they well up with tears. I
grabbed him and hugged him, putting his head to my chest with a hand.
"Shh, you're safe" I said softly.
Keith began to cry.
"No no, Don't cry" I said. I heard him gulp. He looked up at me, eyes wide, racing with bewilderment.
"You're safe" I whispered. Keith sniffled.
"You need to sleep honey" I said.
Keith nodded slightly.
"I'm here. Nothing can hurt you. It was just a dream" I cooed.
"I'm sorry for waking you up" Keith mumbled.
"No you didn't, I was still awake" I said. "Well you should sleep too then" Keith said.
"We both need sleep" I whispered.
Keith pov
"You're grumpy today" Lance huffed. "I'm just not happy" I mumbled giving my coffee a stir.
"You slept for like 8 hours. When you sleep good you're usually happy" He commented.
"I don't know what's up" I said sitting at the breakfast bar.
"Hey but at least it's sunny out today" He said sitting next to me.
"Mhmm" I mumbled and took a sip of my coffee.
"I'm just...worried about you" Lance said putting his hand on my thigh. "Don't be" I said.
"But I am" He retorted.
"You're my special boy and I don't want you to be stressed" Lance pouted. I smirked.
"Too late" I scoffed, taking another sip.
"I don't want to leave you" Lance whined as he hugged me tight before leaving.
"You need to spend time with you family and I need some time to think" I said, my voice muffled because my face was being held tightly to Lance's chest. "Don't think too hard" Lance said pulling away.
"I'll try. I'm trying my best right now" I said.
"Good" Lance said.
"I'll see you soon okay?" He added putting his hands on my shoulders.
"I love you" He said giving me a quick peck.
"I love you too" I smiled. Lance kissed my cheek and headed off. I waved bye to him as he drove off.
It was around 2 in the afternoon. I was still waddling around in my sweatpants. I'm not going anywhere so why should I be concerned?
"Did Lance leave?" I heard Christine say.
"Yeah he just left" I said turning around.
"Ack I forgot to thank him" She said. "What for?" I asked.
"For coming over on such short notice and for making you feel better" She said.
"He's always willing to do anything for me" I said.
"And that's a good trait to have in a partner" She said.
She then gave me a little half smile. "What?" I asked.
"You're growing up too fast" She said putting a hand on my cheek.
"Soon you're gone be 18. 18!" She exclaimed.
"You're getting old"
"Hey!" I cried. "You've grown up so much. I'm so proud of you for the young man you've become" She said. "Alright, alright I get it I'm old!" I laughed. She ruffled my hair.
"Mm that reminds me, I should cut your hair a bit. Just in time for school" She said.
"Ah yeah I've been in need of one" I commented.
Christine ended up cutting about 2 and a half inches off my hair. It still looks the same but just a bit shorter.
I wanted to give me and Lance some space and he agreed the next time we meet will be when school starts. No thank you.
Later on in the evening Christine took Meenah and Cole out for school supplies shopping. I didn't need much. I just asked for her to get me pens, pencils and a notebook. I can just reuse all my old school shit that's still in decent condition. It was just me and Dane now.
We were sitting in the first living room. The one by the front door. Watching some sitcom on tv. Dane then turned the volume on the tv down a bit. I looked over at him. He put his hand on my shoulder.
"So" he began.
Oh no.
I know the look he's giving me.
He wants to talk about something either awkward or regarding my sexuality.
"I know you're almost an adult now" He said.
Ugh don't say that. I'm not an adult yet" I huffed.
"Okay, Okay. I know you're in your late teens" He corrected himself.
"And now that you're older you've probably been exposed to mature related situations" He said.
Oh god I know exactly where this is going.
I raised an eyebrow at him.
"And?" I asked. "I'm just wondering if you and Lance have had intercourse" He stated.
LAugh Dane!" I cried burying my head into my knees.
"Don't say intercourse jeez!" I hissed. "I just want to know so I can make sure you two are being safe" He said. I groaned.
"Okay you don't have to tell me! I just want you to be safe" He said.
"Ugh" I grunted.
"If you need anything or want to ask me anything you can. Man to man" He said giving my arm a little punch. "Stop" I groaned dramatically.
"Guys having sex with guys isn't too different from guys and girls. You don't have to give me tips or shit like that. I know what I'm doing" I said grabbing fistfuls of my hair in distress.
"So you're admitting you and Lance have..?" Dane asked.
Augh! I'm not talking about this" I cried.
"Okay Keith. I just want what's best for you and your safety. As a dad that's my role" Dane explained.
"If you need condoms and are too scared to go buy them I can help you out there..." I cut him off.
"Stop!" I said again.
"Well I don't know if you or Lance need them because I don't know who's the uh..." I cut him off again.
"Just shhh" I said uncovering my head and putting a finger to my lips.
"We're safe. Me and Lance know what we're doing" I said. Dane gave me a weak smile.
"Good" Dane said patting my back. "I'm leaving before this escalates" I said getting up.
"Awe Keith C'mon!" Dane whined. "You know we'd had to have this conversation sooner or later" He called after me. I walked into the kitchen to get some water.
I really suck at staying hydrated in all honestly.
I got a glass and filled it with water. I felt my phone buzz on my hip. I took my phone out of my pocket.
It was Lance.
Lance🌹: Really missing your sweet ass right now :'(
Me: Is that so?
Lance🌹: Yes, I want you badly right now
Me: Well that can't happen
Lance🌹: I mean it could??
Me: Go spend time with your family dummy!
Lance🌹: Fuuuucckk I don't want toooo
Me: To bad. You've been spending so much time with me and not enough with them!
Lance🌹: What about you? Are YOU spending time with your family??
Me: Yes, Christine took the kids out for school supplies shopping and I'm spending time with Dane
Lance🌹: Good
Me: I was anyway
Lance🌹: And?
Me: Then he wanted to talk about my sex life
Me: I tried to avoid the topic as much as I could and I'm in the kitchen now
Lance🌹: Just run away
Me: God I want too
Lance🌹: I don't want school to start
Me: Me either
Me: I hate that shit
Lance🌹: Fuuuckk
Me: I've had my eye on some cute pastel tops at forever 21 so I might go get those within the next you days
Lance🌹: Uh yes please?? Become the soft pastel Tumblr boy of my dreams
Me: I never really used to wear colour until I met you
Lance🌹: Wha?? Really
Me: Yeah, It was always just black or solid dark colours. Sure I had my tie dye tops and shit but I never really wore them
Lance🌹: I've really made that much of an impact?
Me: You've really lit up my life
Lance🌹: L I T 😂👌🏻🅱👀💦👏🏻😜🍆🔥🙌🏻™
Me: I hate you so much
I locked my phone and put it back in my pocket. I fucking hate Lance and his memes. I was just trying to have a nice conversation...then he had to bring in the memes.
When I went to bed that night I was just thinking about school. Fuck school. I hate school. I've only got one more year left right?
How bad can it be?
At least when school starts that means Halloween is closer.
Damn I should start thinking of what I should be for Halloween. I plan this shit early every single year. I bet Lance will want to do some kind of stupid couple costume. He's brought it up a few times. He says he's love to see me in a playboy bunny outfit but he couldn't pay me to even put the ears on.
I could be something cute and scary? Maybe a vampire bat? Or a cat?
Never mind. Cats are just cute, not scary. But I would like to do something with Lance. The few times he's mentioned costumes; all of them included me being in some kind of slutty outfit.
Not a chance.
Maybe if we're alone I might consider something I bit more risqué, but at school and if we go trick or treating...No way.
I would like to go trick or treating yes. I haven't been able to go the last few years with friends because HA I didn't have any. I went with Meenah and Cole for a bit last year but I was not happy while doing it so I pawned them off on Christine and Dane. I just sat home and watched horror movies.
You can call me immature all you like for wanting to go. It's free candy! Who the fuck dosen't want free candy!!
The next day Christine, Cole, and I went out to get school clothes. Meenah had got hers last night. It was just us boys. I wasn't finding anything I liked. Cole just settled on a few things from Sears.
I was happy when we finally got to the forever 21. I found the cute pastel sweaters I saw.
Fucking call me every fangirls dream pastel boy aesthetic. I don't care.
I tried on a really nice pale baby blue one. It had no text or anything, just the solid colour.
I sent Lance a mirror picture.
Me: Thoughts??
Lance🌹: I'm saving that...
Lance🌹: Then come over so I don't have to jerk off to it. I could have the real thing.
Me: Fuck you!
Me: Just give me your thoughts! Does it look okay?
Lance🌹: You look like something I'd see on a pastel goth aesthetic blog
Me: ...Thanks
Lance🌹: Your thighs look great though
Me: I'm rolling my eyes into oblivion at the moment
Lance🌹: Your thighs could kill a man
Lance🌹: That man is me
Lance🌹: I've said this before but if you could actually strangle me with those bad boys that'd be great thanks! :))
Me: Should I get the sweater or not Lance??
Lance🌹: Yes get it
Me: Are you ever not horny?
Lance🌹: Very rarely
Me: I'll try on the others...
Lance🌹: There's others??
Me: Yes
Lance🌹: Fuck yes 🙌🏻
I peeled off the blue sweater and threw it onto the little bench next to me. I put on just a simple t-shirt with black and white horizontal stripes on it.
I sent Lance another picture.
Me: This one?
Lance🌹: You look like a prisoner
Me: Mm you'd like that wouldn't you?
Lance🌹: Bad boii ;)
Me: Yes or no?
Lance🌹: Yes please
Me: I want to go look at the women's section but Christine dosen't like it when I wear girl clothes
Lance🌹: Fuck that! You rock crop tops and short shorts! Don't listen to her
Me: I'm so gay
Lance🌹: I know you are
Lance🌹: ...Do man thongs exist?
Me: I fucking hate youu
Lance🌹: I legit didn't say anything about you wearing one. Maybe I wanna wear one!
Me: You?
Lance🌹: Yes! As a matter of fact
Me: Jesus
Lance🌹: My kink is cute boys in lingerie
Me: Thank you for sharing
Lance🌹: More like a dream and a kink
Lance🌹: Will you fulfill my dream babe?
Me: Nope, Fuck off
Me: Male things do exist though
Lance🌹: Hmm I'm thinking pink
Me: Get your kinky shit out of here. I don't want to hear it. I'm just trying to find clothes for school. I didn't ask for your sexual comments
Lance🌹: :')
Me: I'm getting the shirt
Next I tried on a plain black shirt with some tips on the sides.
Me: I'm not asking your opinion on this one. I'm getting it either way
Lance🌹: OOH that ones edgyyy
Me: Good
Lance🌹: Please take on a pastel goth style please!
Me: No
Lance🌹: Come onnn
Me: No
Lance🌹: Find something pink
Me: No
Lance🌹: Just put something pink and send me a picture
Me: Why? So you can whack off to it?
Lance🌹: ...No
Me: Ha! How about you consider going a day without jerking off
Lance🌹: Oh god no! That's like a day without water
Me: You nasty man
Lance🌹: Get-something-pink
Me: Make me
Lance🌹: Ughhhghg. I've never seen you in pink. PLEASE Keith
Me: No
Lance🌹: Can I convince you??
Me: And how would you do that?
Lance🌹: I can send you pictures
Me: Don't send me dick pics, That's trashy
Lance🌹: Fuck
Lance🌹: How about you do it for me then huh?
Me: No
Lance🌹: God you're stubborn
Me: And I actually considered sending you ass pics today jeez
Lance🌹:WHAT? FUCK, NO! I TAKE BACK EVERYTHING I SAID. Don't get pink, do whatever no pressure
Me: Nice try
I took off the black shirt and folded the other two and took the three into my arms and brought them out.
"Do they fit?" Christine asked. "Yup" I replied.
I ended up getting all three shirts. It'll be enough for school.
Later on that night I went on my laptop and ended up on Amazon and scrolled around for a bit.
God I really love provoking Lance.
He loves provoking me too.
Foreplay with him is really nice too.
Hmm I have an idea.
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