
Intimate: closely acquainted; familiar, close

*A/N this chapter will contain sex and sexual content so uh you've been warned man. I'm terrible at writing smut so please forgive me for this hot mess of a chapter*

Keith pov

I actually think I'm going to have a heart attack. My heart is beating so fast and there's hundreds of thoughts racing around in my head.
"I love you Keith" Lance whispered to me.
His hot breath tickling my neck.
He loves me.
He got up and went over to the shelf next to his bed.
He reached to the back of a cubby and pulled out a small wooden box with swirly designs on it. He opened up the little latch and pulled out a small purple package. A condom.
This is really happening.
What if I fuck up somehow??
Lance better top because I have no idea what I'm doing. He held the package up to his lava lamp.
"I'm just checking to see if it's expired" He said.
"Condoms expire?" I asked.
"Yup" He said.
"It expires next year" He added. I let out a sigh of relief.
"Hey but at least we don't have to worry about pregnancy" He joked. I snickered.
"I don't want this to be uncomfortable for you in any way" Lance.
"I want you to feel safe and happy"
I smiled at his concern for me.
"I am happy, I feel safe...I love you" I said.
"I don't want to hurt you..." He said softly.
"Lance honestly, Don't worry about hurting me. I know you won't" I reassured him.
"I'm just worried"
"Please don't be"
"Heh. I sound like you"
"Why? Because I worry all the time"
I crossed my arms at him.
"Well, stay true to yourself and don't worry" I advised him. Lance nodded. He sat back on the bed and kissed my neck. I held onto him and bit his ear lobe playfully.
"Are you trying to pierce my ear?" He laughed.
I giggled.
I kissed his neck slowly. His skin is soft. I rubbed my cheek on his shoulder.
"Mm your skin is soft" I mumbled.
I let my tongue trail over his chest. Lance shuddered. I moved so I could sit in his lap. Lance was hard at this point.
"That didn't take long" I smirked. He put his hands on my hips. I brushed my hair out of my face. Lance put his hands under my thighs and picked my up then set me back down so I was underneath him.
"You stay underneath me" he commanded.
"Oh?" I said cheekily.
"Says who?"
"Me" He hissed.
I placed my hands on the curve of his back. He began to kiss me again.
I slipped my tongue into Lance's mouth. I find french kissing a little gross but I don't really care now.
Lance gripped the waistband of my underwear and I helped him shift them off.
We did the same with his.
Lance tossed the articles of clothing to the floor. Lance ran his hands down the sides of my body.
I didn't let his lips leave mine. I kept my eyes shut. I then gripped fistfuls of Lance's hair and pulled a bit as I kissed him more. I parted our lips and bit his shoulder.
"Ow what the fuck!" He yipped. I nipped him again.
"Keith!" Lance hissed keeping his voice fairly low because his family is sleeping. Lance then bit my shoulder. I didn't yelp even though it did hurt. It felt good. I released my mouth from his skin. Lance bit me again. This time on my chest. I groaned.
"Do you like that?!" Lance asked. "Mhmm" I mumbled happily.
Lance then moved down and gave me a few more hickies but sucked harder than he usually would.
I liked the pain. It's not too bad, a pretty dull sensation compared to some things that are painful.
I licked Lance's jaw.
Lance kissed my chin then moved back to my lips.
He bit my lip. I then tasted that sharp metallic flavour.
"Ah you dick! I'm bleeding!" I hissed at him.
"Shush" He hushed me. I wiped the blood from my lip. It wasn't a lot of blood. Just a bit.
It stopped bleeding within a few minutes.
When I was back to kissing Lance I still had my fingers in his hair. I heard the condom package opening. My eyes shot open. All I saw was Lance's back and shoulder. No just let it happen. I tried to push my panicked thoughts to the back of my mind.
My heart was already racing because of the sexual tension between us. It was thick in the air. Lance's lips met mine. I kept my eyes shut. Lance picked my thighs up. I released my arms from the grip on his hair and flopped down on the mattress to look up at him. He moved my thighs so they were sticking straight up but so my calfs were just bent normally. Like an L shape. I had my eyes shut.
"Are you ready?" He panted.
"Mhm" I said. I was scared.
But...I love Lance so much and I trust him with my entire existence.
I've never had sex before but I definitely know you should stretch before but...That didn't happen.
Lance held onto me.
I felt him push himself into me. I grunted and squeaked in pain.
It felt weird and foreign.
I got used to it.
I winced as he went deeper. It was smoother than I thought it would be. Lance doesn't  have any lube so I know it's not going to be as smooth as I want it to be.
I was trying my hardest not to tighten around him.
It's harder than you think. I moaned in pain softly.
Lance smirked and thrusted into me. I grunted again. He was too far away from me.
I want to touch him.
He thrusted again and exhaled sharply. I had my eyes open now.
He pushed my thighs further down towards me so he was a bit closer to me. He put his hand on my cheek. "You're doing good" He reassured me.
I smiled weakly at him. His palm was sweaty. I held my hand up to his and placed it over top of his. I used my own strength to hold my free thigh up for him. Lance let his hand fall so he could grip my thigh again. He moved his hands up so they were closer to my knees now. He was nice and close now and that made me feel better. Lance was looking down at me lovingly.
He began a steady rhythm.
Starting off slower then going faster.
I moved with him. We both began to breath heavily. Lance was breathing heavier than me.
I let out a few unintentional "Ah" noises.
I was totally hard now. Lance pushed my thighs even closer to me.
I'm not that flexible so it kind of hurt. He moved his hands to the front of my thighs so he could get a better sturdier grip. It was easier for him now. Lance was sweating. I was too but not as bad as him. I'm not even doing anything. I'm just lying here. That's not how I work. I'm not going to be just useless and contribute nothing to this moment. "Harder Lance" I groaned.
"Really? Am I not going hard enough?" He panted.
"Harder" I commanded. Lance smirked at me. Lance thrusted harder into me and for a split second I felt it.
"Keep going" I panted.
"Keep doing that" I demanded. Lance obeyed. I let out a sharp moan and threw my head back.
"You like that?" He sneered.
I propped myself up on my elbows and pushed myself down so he went into me deeper.
I felt it again. I moaned again and let myself fall back down.
I moaned louder and then covered my mouth suddenly.
"No one can hear you, everyone's rooms are on the other side of the hallway. My parents room is on the other side of the house and both kids are heavy ass sleepers" Lance said.
He then picked up on the hard thrusting motion. The sensation went on consistently instead of just quick seconds of it.
I began to sweat harder. Lance pushed a few strands of hair stuck to my forehead with sweat back. I gazed up at him. Lance had a frustrated look on his face. Teeth clenched together.
He was just starring down at my chest. "Look at me" I snapped.
"Demanding" Lance smirked. I pushed myself further into him again.
"Can you go harder than this?" I asked in between a harsh breath as he thrusted.
"Holy shit can you take more? Keith this is your first time" Lance said surprised.
"We didn't even do anything to prep you" He said.
I doubt Lance owns a buttplug and I guess he just forgot.
Went he first went in he went slowly just for caution. That was the worst feeling so far.
"Just go harder" I growled and frowned at him.
"Fucking power bottom" He said under his breath.
"What was that?" I asked in a tone letting him know that I heard him.
"I said you're a fucking power bottom" He responded.
"You're trying to be one at least" I guess that is what I am.
I'm trying my hardest to play the dominate role and show him who's boss but yet I'm in the position to be submissive. I'm not letting him have full control.
He's going to do what I say.
"Just fuck me harder Lance!" I growled angrily.
"Jesus...are you sure you haven't done this before?" Lance asked surprised. He raised his thin eyebrows.
"I'm sure. It's just what I'm meant to do. It's destiny" I said.
"Pff your destiny is to get fucked in the ass?" He snorted.
"I'm meant to love guys and this feels so good and it's what's right" I said. "Shit okay" Lance said.
"Now, fucking listen to me!" I commanded. Lance winced slightly. What's this? The great Lance Mcclain listening to someone else's command? History has been made. Lance looked straight into my eyes which burned with passion and sexual desire.
He gave me a smirk and gripped my thighs tightly.
He slammed into me. I let a pleasurable scream escape me lips.
It wasn't too loud thankfully.
"Fuck are you okay?" Lance asked.
"I'm good" I said gripping the sheets in my hands.
Lance continued this aggressive thrusting for a few minutes.
I was moving smoothly with him. Pushing myself forcefully down when he thrusted up.
I began to moan pretty fucking loud. Every once in a while Lance's headboard would slam into the wall. Yeah it was that rough. It feels like I've done this before but I haven't.
I kept making rather loud moans.
I don't where this is all coming from. Instincts I guess.
I really am really fucking gay.
"Okay time to quiet down a bit noisebox!" Lance said putting his hand over my mouth.
I scowled at him.
He gave me a cheeky smile. He quickened his pace.
He's fucking doing this on purpose! Going in faster so I want to moan louder.
I tried my hardest not to make noise. I breathed harshly.
I moaned into his hand which muffled my voice.
"My family most likely can't hear you but you're just being really loud" Lance said. I shoved his hand away.
"Fuck you" I said.
"Fuck me? You wanna top now?" He joked. I covered his mouth.
"My arms are getting tired" He complained slowing his pace. I sighed and swung my calves up over his shoulders to give his arms a break.
My thighs and calves could relax a bit. Lance shifted a bit and was able to move closer to me now.
This gave me more flexibility and Lance could now lean down and kiss me.
My ass was almost hovering off the mattress from being bend so far this way. I could now see the bite marks I left on his neck and chest.
"You look really hot down there" Lance said.
"In both ways, you look flustered and sweaty but yet you look really sexy" He said. I rolled my eyes at his comment. He pushed hair out of my face again. Lance quickened his pace and held onto my hips.
I didn't have to work anymore.
Lance used his hands to do my previous job. He looks really flustered too.
A slight tint of red was streaked across his cheeks. Lance began to quicken his thrusting again and was able to maneuver himself to his own preference. He leaned down and sucked on my neck. With the mix of the pleasure and the warm sensation of his mouth on my neck; this is heaven. I dug my nails into his back and dragged them harshly down to his waist.
"Ow!" He yelped breaking his lips away.
"Oops" I giggled. He pushed into me roughly and I grunted. He bit my shoulder like I did to him multiple times and I now yelped in pain. Now that fucking hurt!
I'm taking control" Lance announced. "I don't think so!" I objected.
Lance groaned.
"Do you want to continue?" He asked. I didn't open my eyes.
"Of course I want too" I said.
"Jesus I don't know how much longer I can go" He panted.
"Okay but why do you even have condoms?" I asked.
"Uh when I fucked that last girl I had to buy some. I didn't want to get her pregnant for fucks sake" Lance said. "Why do we have to use one?" I asked. "I don't have any std's"
"Because I don't own lube and I just want to be safe. Neither of us will have any fun if there's no lubrication" Lance explained.
"Ugh but it feels like a plastic bag" I complained.
"Stop complaining" Lance said. I put my hands over my eyes and rubbed them a bit.
"I can't go any longer" Lance sighed and pulled out so fast.
I laid flat on the bed.
I squeaked in pain as my ass hit the bed.
Him pulling out did not feel good, It was so uncomfortable.
I opened my eyes.
Lance got back onto the bed.
The red on his face had faded.
"Okay how do you literally have no hair down there?"
"It's like you're a barbie" Lance said. "You've never had sex and have had no reason to remove the hair"
"I shave and wax because I hate having hair there" I said.
"Wha-You wax...there" Lance stuttered. "It's no walk in the park to do but it lasts longer than shaving" I said.
"God I could never do that. I let hunk wax my armpits once as punishment because I lost a bet and I cried a bit. I don't even want to imagine what it's like to do it around your dick" Lance said shivering.
"I got used to it" I said.
"You're gonna listen to me okay?" Lance said again.
"Im not scared of you and your plastic bag cock" I cackled.
"Holy shit I am so in love with you and your gay sass" Lance giggled.
I smiled.
"I'm barely even hard anymore" Lance complained.
"Hm that won't be hard to fix" I purred.
"Actually...Lay down" I said.
"Wh-Okay" Lance said moving around me and lying down. I leaned down over him on my hands and knees.
"Like I said...Your problem won't be that hard to fix" I said.
I laid my lips just above his dick and kissed upward.
I let my tongue trail over his hip bones which stuck out.
"Mm" Lance mumbled nervously. He curled his fingers into the sheets.
I'm not really into oral sex really so that's out of the question.
I kissed the insides of his thighs like he did to me when we made out that first time.
On a male that's one of the most sensitive areas of the body.
"Ah Keith" Lance moaned softly. I snickered.
"Like that?" I asked him. Lance let out a "gah" noise. I almost let my tongue graze his dick but I didn't.
I want to play with him.
He probably thinks I'm going to suck his dick.
If he wants to participate in oral he's going to give it to me.
I then began to kiss his neck and I softly rubbed myself on his thigh. He let out another nervous moan.
My dick isn't as impressive as his but that's not something I care about really. We're around the same size but Lance is bigger. I sat on his stomach and kissed his jaw. I let my breath dance along his neck.
"Keith problem solved problem solved!" He wailed.
"Good" I smirked.
"Hm" I pondered.
"Do me like this" I said.
"What? With you just sitting-"
"Yes" I snapped.
"Shit okay" Lance said.
He hesitantly put his hands on the sides of my stomach.
The area before my waist. I kinda looked down and felt around a bit then basically just sat down slowly letting his dick go inside of me.
"I've never tried this before" Lance said.
"I've seen a porno where the two guys did it" I said.
The entry didn't hurt at all.
"How is this going to wor-" I cut him off by slowly moving up and down. "Now you go up" I said.
Lance bucked his hips up a bit.
I bent my legs so I was straddling him. "There we go" I said as Lance got the rhythm. Oh yeah this was much better. Lance thrusted into me with ease. I put my hands on his stomach to help push myself up and down.
"Ah fuck this is good" I said.
"You're so hot" Lance whined looking up at me.
We continued this for a few minutes and we both were having a great time.
Lance gained his confidence back and was grinning at me and holding my ass tightly the whole time.
I then began to kiss him as he was still bucking his hips upwards into me. I could see Lance was getting very tired and I was tired too.
I eventually got off of him and it was a relief to have the stupid latex wad out of my ass.
I flopped down onto the soft bed. Lance got up and tossed the second condom into the garbage in his bathroom.
"You did so good. You're like fucking pro now!" Lance panted. He was sweating so much.
Bits of his hair were stuck to his forehead.
His face was flustered.
"I wouldn't say I'm a pro" I said.
"Are you 100% sure this was your first time?" He asked.
"Yes" I reassured him.
"This is only your first time and considering how good you were are I'm excited for the future" Lance smiled. "You look exhausted" I said sitting up and looking down at him. I pushed the bits of hair away from his face.
"I am" He breathed. "I haven't sweat this much in like a year" Lance said. "Do you have facecloths in your bathroom?" I asked him.
"Yeah they're under the sink" Lance said. I got up and as I took my first step I almost fell over.
My legs hurt and it was hard to walk.
I stumbled into his bathroom and rummaged around under his sink in the dark until I found a white facecloth. I shut the little cupboard and wet the facecloth with cold water and rung it out. I walked back over to the bed and sat down next to Lance. I folded the cloth and pressed it onto his forehead. He let out a sigh of relief.
"I needed that, thank you" Lance said. I dabbed the cloth around his face a bit then pressed it back to his forehead. "Are you okay?" I asked him holding his hand.
"You look like you're going to pass out" "I'm good baby. I don't think I've ever put that much effort and strength into anything before in my life" He said. I held his hand to my bare chest.
"You look pretty flustered too" Lance observed.
"I'm fine. I'm a bit sore but I know that's going to worsen by tomorrow" I sighed.
"You're pretty" I said. Lance blushed. He reached his hand out and stroked my cheek. Lance took the facecloth off and set it on his bedside table.
"You're the pretty boy. Not me" Lance objected.
"Lay down, You look tired" He said. I did as I was told and laid next to him covering my lower half with the sheet.
I still held his hand over my heart. I kissed his knuckles.
"I liked that last one. I was able to look up at you in all your glory" Lance.
"You and all your sexy noisy glory" He giggled. I rolled my eyes.
"You roll your eyes a lot" Lance commented.
"You annoy me lots" I said. Lance smiled. He kissed my forehead.
"I love you" I said gazing at him. I ran my eyes over the shape of his perfect slender face.
"Aw look at you saying it first" He said. "I love you too Keith" Lance hummed. "So much" We fell silent for a few minutes.
"We should really get some sleep" He suggested.
"Ugh yes please" I groaned.
I pulled the duvet up from by our feet. "Under the blanket of course" Lance said. I slid back so I could be closer to him but grimaced in pain.
"My ass hurts" I squeaked. It's going to hurt for a while honey" Lance said. I let out a breathy chuckle. I rolled to my right side as usual. Lance curled up to me and rested his hand on my stomach.
"I love you" He whispered and kissed my cheek.
"I love ya too you big dork" I laughed.

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