Hiraeth: A mix of longing, yearning or nostalgia
*A/N: Sorry this has been dragging on for so long. Keith and Lance will meet in this chapter*
Keith pov
School starts today.
Dread filled my entire body and my arms, legs and neck felt heavy and droopy.
I don't want to do this.
What's the point?
"I still don't see a point of even going when there's not even a month left of the semester" I grumbled as Christine was attempting at waking me up.
"It's better than nothing" She says yanking open my curtains and pulling up my blinds and letting the bright sunlight instantly flash into my room like a strobe light.
I yelped and shoved my head under my pillow shielding my eyes from the light. "Keith you're 17. Meenah and Cole get out of bed better than you" She teased.
It took about 20 minutes of coaxing to get me out of bed.
I felt bad for being a stubborn asshole.
We had most of our things unpacked by now, it was Monday and me and Christine's vehicles had arrived yesterday evening.
Dane had already left for work. One of the reasons we moved was because he got promoted and was entitled to move here. And we just wanted a change of scenery.
Why couldn't it of been Los Angeles?
I stumbled into the kitchen rubbing my eyes and yawning. Y'know typical morning stuff.
"I have your class time table printed out. It's sitting by the front door on the table" Christine said. I nodded.
"Your hair is a mess" Meenah teased as I sat down next to her at the breakfast bar.
"I know it is" I groaned trying to pat it down. My hair is always a mess in the morning. I wasn't hungry because I snuck out into the kitchen at four am and had a fancy meal of goldfish crackers.
I poured myself a cup of coffee instead.
"Go get ready" Christine hissed at Cole and Meenah who were both trying to touch my hair as I trudged back to my seat. They obeyed instantly and rushed off to go get dressed. I cracked my knuckles and my neck.
"That's gross! I hate it when you do that" Christine yelped. I cracked them once again as well as my back just to bug her a bit.
"Stop it!" She bickered and hit me with a dish towel. I chuckled.
"You better get a move on, School starts in an hour" She said.
Yesterday the five of us drove around the area locating our schools and Dane's new work building. My new school's name was Pasadena high. The most basic of school names in existence. *Insert name of city/town here* and add "high" or "high school" and there you got your average, basic high school.
Meenah and Cole were starting at a school called High Point Academy which sounds really fancy. Better than fucking Pasadena High.
When I finished my coffee I was already running late.
I quickly got dressed and tamed my wild mess of hair and I was off. I said a quick goodbye to everyone and groggily jogged out to my car.
I seriously should of woken up earlier.
I was stuck at a traffic light and I was already 5 minutes late. I checked my the slip of paper with my time table on it to confirm that I was for sure late. I drummed my fingers on my steering wheel out of stress. As soon as the light turned green I was trying my best to not go over the speed limit. Fuck rush hour honestly.
I can't get used to this. I don't want too
When I got to the school there were no parking spots.
It looked odd considering I'd seen the area empty yesterday.
I drove around to the back of the school and found the very last spot in the smaller lot. Only 10 minutes late.
I hadn't even bothered getting any school supplies, there was only a month left so what did I even need? I had a pen and notebook with me and that's it. I shoved the two things into my small bag. The stereotypical "gay boy man purse" it's black and has loads of pins on it. I got out of my car and locked the doors and shoved my keys into my bag as well.
I was shaking as I clenched my around my folded up time table.
I'm happy Christine had registered me and printed off the time table before we moved.
She enrolled me online thank god that this is an option in the modern day.
I took a deep breath and walked around the building to the front and pulled the door open.
It's a decent size school. I see a "All visitors must check at office before proceeding" sign hanging above me. An arrow on the sign pointed to the way of the office. I found it and awkwardly stood at the door trying to pull when it was a push. I'd already embarrassed myself and one secretary was looking at me. I stumbled in one I figured out the door out. I went over to the first of 3 desks. What was I going to say? Shit I hadn't thought this part through. "Hi uh I'm new, I was enrolled just over the weekend" I said giving my best fake smile.
The secretary just kinda gave me a look.
"Honey, why are you transferring when there's only a month left of school?" She asked
"I really had no choice, my parents wouldn't let me miss getting in" I mumbled.
"Are you the one from Texas?" One of the other secretary's said. I turned my head to look at her.
"Yup that's me!" I said with a fake chuckle.
"Come here" The second secretary said. "Keith Kogane right?" She questioned. She said my last name wrong. "Uh it's pronounced kaw-ga-nay" I corrected her. She said it like "Ko-Gayne"
I don't have Dane and Christine's last name. I have my fathers.
It's nice name though. Sounds like super hero but just knowing it's my fathers discourages me immensely. "Sorry" She apologized.
"Do you have your schedule?" She asked me. I nodded.
"Your parents filled out everything out online so I'll give you a lock and you can go pick any locker that's available"she said getting up and heading to a room behind the desk. "It's only a month of school! It's not a big deal to miss it if you're new" the first lady piped up.
"Yes I'm heavily aware of that" I groaned. The second lady came back out handing me a lock with a tattered slip of paper taped to it.
"Thank you" I said taking it from her. "Here's a school map" She said handing me a piece of paper.
"The rooms aren't hard to find" first lady said. I showed the second lady my time table.
"Room 208 that's just upstairs and the first class on the right" She said grinning. I thanked both of them and spun around and was caught off guard by the door swinging open and hitting me.
"Oh shit!" I heard a voice say. I stepped back let whoever it was through. Anger flooded through me and I clenched my fists ready to give this person a good lashing.
I was met with tall lanky guy with dark tan skin and a surprised look spread across his face, starring back at me.
My eyes locked with his.
His eyes were blue. Like super blue. I had never seen that shade of blue in a persons eyes before and jesus christ he was pretty.
Can I say that?
Guys can be pretty too.
He stood quite a few inches taller than me.
I'd say he was 5'11 or 6'0.
He had short shiny chocolate-brown hair and a long thin nose. He was wearing a white and blue striped shirt.
"I didn't see you there, I'm sorry" The guy said.
I unclenched my fists as I looked back into his bright blue eyes.
"Mm yeah whatever" I mumbled and pushed past him trying to seen as unphased as possible.
Which was literally my opposite reaction.
"Jeez what's your problem?" I heard him retort.
My anger resumed it's paused state.
I gritted my teeth.
"My problem is dumbass people like you not stopping to look where they're going!" I spat turning back around to face him.
I shot him a death glare and a cocky grin formed on his face as I did so. "Don't get so pissed man" He said.
I could instantly tell he was cocky just by his tone. I muttered a "fuck you" and spun back around and towards a sign pointing to the stairs.
That was the fastest swing of emotions I'd ever had. I was angry, then I felt in love and lost in his eyes and then I caught on that he was copping me attitude and I instantly hated the fact that I was attracted to him and got angry again.
"What a dick" I thought to myself.
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