Forbearance: withholding response to provocation
Lance pov
I hate California for only a few reasons.
1: It's really polluted in most areas. L.A is gross with all the smog
2. Earthquakes...enough said. They don't happen often but you never know.
3. It's so fucking hot all the time. I complain so much about the heat. My family and Keith all get on my ass about it. All I do is complain when it's hot which is most of the time. The good thing about living in the country is that it cools down a lot during the night which is nice because I can leave my widow open.
Before I say anything else I just want to put out the fact that Keith gives great head. We just tried it for the first time tonight...well he did anyway.
I was hesitant as I find it a bit gross and all but Keith seemed eager to try and was willing to do it just for me.
I wasn't expecting it to feel as great as it did. I'm a bit more open to it now.
I offered to give him one too but he refused.
I've never felt a sensation like that before and it basically just gave me tingles the whole time.
I'm a bit hypocritical. I'd love for him to do it again but I wouldn't really want to do it to him. I'm not grossed out by Keith obviously but I'm just not comfortable with giving. That could change I don't know.
I offered but hoped he'd refuse and he did. I was thankful for that whoops. I love everything about Keith, even his downstairs parts but I just prefer normal sex over oral.
Now anyway.
It of course was a hot night.
August now.
I know Keith can't sleep with the windows open so that option is dead whenever I stay with him and vise versa.
I swear to god these people have their ac cranked 24/7 so that must cost Dane and Christine a damn fortune.
They turned the ac off tonight and told us to just put a fan on.
Keith's small fan was on his desk blowing the air around.
It was so hot. Keith of course being the baby he is is tucked snug under his duvet as usual.
I want to cuddle with him but I'm going to overheat if I get underneath the covers with him. He has his back to me like he always does. My hands are cold. Damn. I want to hold Keith so bad. Fuck I'll just suffer the consequences. I moved over and draped the duvet over my body and snuggled up close to his sleeping body. Do I dare to touch him with my cold ass hands? He's sleeping so maybe he won't notice. I was naked but he'd put his underwear back on. I got real close and wrapped my arms around him and pressed my hands to his stomach for warmth. He stirred a bit. Well at least my hands aren't cold anymore.
Keith groaned softly.
It was nice to feel his stomach rise and fall. He's so warm all the time.
I mean he's hot constantly if you get my drift. I cradled him closer.
His stomach is so soft.
He's not pudgy or anything.
I've said that before but honestly it's so nice.
No hair at all.
Smooth skin.
Heaven itself.
Keith has just the right about of squish I guess you could say.
I've noticed he's gained a bit of weight which is good.
He's probably quite a bit lighter than me but that's because I'm taller and a bit more muscular than him.
I wish Keith had a bit more confidence. I want him to realize how gorgeous he is. I wish he realized how loved and accepted he is. I can tell he feels a bit lonesome but he's got such a massive support group now.
He's got Christine, Dane, and the kids, Shiro, Hunk, Pidge, and Me and my family. I don't want him to feel alone ever again.
It really hurts me to know that he used to harm himself.
That's not something you want to hear from your partner. I was almost in tears when he told me. For a while I really wondered what those marks were. Now I know. He has a few small short lines on his upper arms, and quite a few on his lower arms which are only visible if you look at them closely or in a certain light.
I wish I could just watch over him all the time and come to the rescue if he's feeling down.
When Keith went outside the other day to go help Meenah and Cole clean up the pool toys. I briefly told Christine a bit of how I feel and she said that he's doing so much better than he was before the move.
She said I've made a huge impact on him and that he's so much happier now. That itself makes me so happy. She said she has so much hope for our relationship. That makes me happier.
I'm gonna get all poetic here but Keith is so strong. He's one of the strongest people I've ever met. I think Shiro and him are tied at number one.
When Keith smiles it makes me feel warm because just knowing what he's been through and just seeing him smile even though all of the things from his past are right there with him. That's strength right there. Okay I'm done I'm done.
"Mm your hands are cold" I heard Keith grumble. I rubbed them up and down on him stomach.
"Don't" he said sleepily.
"My hands are freezing, just let me warm up" I said. Keith grumbled. My hands soon warmed up more.
"Now they're warm, leave them there" Keith whispered.
"This is a plus for both of us. You get my warm hands and I get your warm tummy" I said.
"Jus' go back to sleep" He said softly. "Fine" I said kissing his cheek.
Me and Keith spend a lot of time in bed together.
Not having sex but just lounging around.
It's one of our favourite pastimes.
We both sleep better than we do alone.
Keith pov
I honestly think I'm getting the hang of this whole sex thing.
I was terrified at first but now it's one of my favourite things to do with Lance. I'm good at hiding hickies and bite marks now. I've got this.
It feels weird to know I've only known Lance for only about 3 months. It seems like it's been so much longer. Probably because I've never opened up this much to someone and shared and showed them my all. I've never been this close to someone. I trust Lance with me entire being. I want to be able to validate him whenever he needs my support. I want to be more supportive towards him. More encouraging I guess. Lance is always giving me motivation and saying things to boost my confidence. Lance may still feel a bit insecure down inside. I want to diminish that.
When we woke up in the morning the first thing I did: Was kiss him and told him that I love him. Lance just cheekily licked the side of my face in response. We lounged around in bed like we usually do.
"So" Lance began.
"Tell me your thoughts on morning sex" He said.
"Excuse me?" I said.
"We just woke up Lance how horny are you?" I asked.
"I'm always horny! Have you met me?" Lance exclaimed.
"Just answer the question" He said.
"I wouldn't like it. If I don't have coffee yet it's not worth the effort. I don't like mornings. Nights make it better" I explained.
"I won't refuse sex ever by the way" He stated.
"Ever?" I asked.
"Well with you anyway" He added.
"I just prefer kisses in the morning" He said yawning.
"Good thing that's all I'll offer you" I said.
"I'll take an offer right now, any offer" Lance grinned. I gave him a kiss on the nose.
"Oh you're naked still" I said surprised looking down.
"Yup" He smirked.
"But I did notice you shaved" I said.
"I did just for you since you were complaining last time" Lance said.
"All of your body language consists entirely of: Grunts, groans, scoffs, rolling your eyes, scoffing, and huffing" He laughed.
"Yeah that's true" I agreed.
I should say more.
"You're valid and I love you" I said putting my hand on Lance's shoulder. He gave me a "what the fuck" face.
"I want you to feel valid. I love you and care about you" I added.
"I don't say enough encouraging things to you but you always say nice things to me...even though they're a bit degrading" I said. Lance laughed.
"Oh wow you're warm" I observed rubbing Lance's shoulder.
"I'm cold, hold me" I demanded.
"How can you be cold? You're weird" Lance teased.
"It's so hot in here, you're insane!" He exclaimed. I picked up his arms and put them around me because he wasn't listening.
"Okay, where do you buy your underwear? You have such cute styles and patterns" Lance asked.
"I order lots of them online or I just shop around" I said.
"I really like these ones" He said giving the waistband of my underwear a snap. "They're old" I said.
"But they make your ass look great!" Lance exclaimed.
"I'm being objectified in my own house" I said.
"Hey I've never slapped your ass before, sit up" I demanded. Lance did as he was told and I gave his ass a hard smack.
"Ow!" He yelped.
"That's for all the times you've smacked me too hard" I bickered.
He sat back down and I put the duvet over his lap and rested my head back in it. We just kinda sat on my bed for a while.
"We should get some clothes on, I know what we can do today" Lance said.
"What is it?" I said suspiciously.
"You'll see" Lance grinned.
"I don't trust you" I said. Lance got up and grabbed his clothes.
"You've been driving me everywhere and I haven't driven you anywhere. I'm driving this time" I stated. I then examined the hickies that were slowly fading on my chest in my mirror.
"Oh yeah I guess so, I hope you're a good driver" Lance hoped.
"Oh please! You're such a terrible driver Jesus Christ we almost crash every single time you drive" I hissed.
Lance is truly such a god awful driver. He speeds, goes through stop signs, tailgates, cuts people off, swerves in and out in traffic, goes way too fast over speed bumps, honks at people if they're crossing the road too slow, and he will not hesitate to give someone the finger if they get in his way. I always yell at him if he's doing any of these things when I'm in his car...which is often.
I'm surprised he hasn't been in a car accident yet.
"I'm a good driver, Lance so you can relax" I said.
"You need a haircut" Lance said coming up behind me as I was still facing my mirror.
"Yeah I know" I sighed brushing my hair out of my face.
"I just want to be naked all day" Lance complained.
"I wouldn't" I responded.
"Okay where are we going?" I asked turning around.
"Mm why should I tell you?" He cooed. "Because I'm the one driving asshole!" I barked and poked a finger to his shirtless chest.
"Well I'll tell you that it is supposedly haunted" Lance smiled. I perked up. Lance noticed that.
"It's in long beach though" He added. "About hour drive"
I gave his hints some thought. I have no idea. I pushed past him and grabbed a thin grey hoodie beach hoodie from my closet and tossed it onto my bed. I picked up a plain black misfits shirt off my floor and put it on then slipped the hoodie over top.
"Your birthday is in October right?" Lance randomly asked.
"Uh yeah?" I said adjusting the hoodie on my torso.
"The 23rd" I added.
"Oh okay" He said nonchalantly.
"Did you forget the date?" I questioned him putting a hand on my hip. "...Maybe" Lance mumbled. I just gave him an annoyed look.
"Okay I can't take you seriously when you're not wearing any pants" Lance giggled.
"And your little sassy gay pose!" He snickered. I looked around my room for a pair of shorts ignoring Lance's teasing. I found my freshly washed black ones. I wear them a lot okay? They're so comfy and it's summer. I shifted them up my legs and did them up.
I noticed Lance went silent.
I looked behind me and he had a tank top on now. He was staring at me intently.
"I've never seen you from behind when you put your shorts on and I just want to thank god for what I just experienced" Lance said placing his hands together to do to praying pose. "Oh shut up" I scoffed, putting bright pink socks on.
"Hey it's a compliment! I'm telling you once again about how great your ass is" Lance said.
I swear to god Lance never shuts up about my ass.
"Like you actually struggled to pull them up over your ass and just fucking bless up!" Lance cried raising his arms up and dropping to his knees dramatically.
"I want apple juice" I said rubbing the back of my neck.
"Keith, I was just gushing over you and you're talking about apple juice!" Lance squeaked.
"Yeah so?" I asked.
"Ugh never mind" Lance scoffed.
Lance's tank top is blue ombré with a palm tree on it, Stereotypical Californian.
"You are not wearing that!" I hissed at him as he put a snapback on with
"I'm sexy and you know it" Written in big bold white font.
"Why do you even own that?" I snapped.
"I'm wearing it and you can't stop me. I'm wearing it half ironically, half not" Lance said crossing his arms and sticking his tongue out at me.
"You know I'm sexy Keith" He purred putting his hands on my ribs.
"I'm going to look fly today okay?" Lance sang and slipped on a pair of tan tinted aviator sunglasses.
"I mean I look fly every day but today I'm stepping up my game" He said.
"If you're wearing this out you're wearing it backwards" I said spinning the cap backwards.
"Fine" He spat. Lance brushed his hands on his adidas pants.
"You're such a fuckboy" I groaned. "Yeah? But I'm your fuckboy" He teased.
"I'm going to get my juice" I said heading downstairs.
The first thing I noticed was a purple sticky note on the counter.
"We went out for groceries, be home soon :)" Was scribbled in Christine's handwriting. I opened up the fridge and dug around for apple juice. I found the jug pushed to the back of the fridge. There's barely any left.
"Whatever" I muttered and took the cap off and drank from the jug.
"Keith!" Lance yelled.
"What?" I said putting the jug down almost choking from Lance'a shrill voice suddenly filling the house. "You're not drinking coffee!" He said faking a shocked face.
"Oh fuck you" I said slamming the nearly empty plastic jug on the counter. "I'm not going to have any this morning" I added.
"Do you want food?" I asked Lance. He nodded.
"Go pick something, I don't care. Don't eat the lucky charms though or Cole will flip" I exclaimed. Lance laughed. He looked around in the pantry and decided on toast. I didn't eat anything as I usually do.
Lance is lucky we had just enough nutella for one last piece of bread. "Okay" I started after he finished and put his plate in the sink.
"Where are we going?" I asked. Lance scratched his ankle with his opposite foot and yawned.
"The queen mary" He announced.
"The huh?" I asked.
"It's a ship that was used in the world wars and is permanently docked now. Almost thousands of people died on board but it's massive and there's rooms you can stay in and restaurants and stuff inside. It's supposedly totally haunted" Lance explained.
"I don't know about this..." I trailed off. "We're going either way" Lance stated. "I've been there a few times when I was younger" He added.
"Fine" I muttered.
Lance was stood in front of me. I just lost track of all my other thoughts and gazed up at him longingly. The morning sun was coming in through the back windows. I always love looking at him in the morning sun. His freckles totally show up better in this light. I just silently hugged him. "What's that for?" Lance asked.
"I love you" I said.
"Bam another mood swing" Lance said. "I'm not complaining though" he added.
"I feel like everything we do is the same. It's all the same suff. It's getting boring. Other than sex" I complained. "Well we can just have a lot more sex then" Lance grinned.
"I feel we rushed into this too quickly" I said bringing my head to Lance's chest asking for attention.
"We just kinda dove right in and didn't take time to develop" I said.
"I see where you're coming from" Lance said.
"I mean we can switch it up and you can just grope me all the time" Lance shrugged. I chuckled weakly.
"Just honestly go for anything at this point" Lance added.
"I mean you switched things up a bit last night if you know what I mean" Lance winked.
"Yeah" I mumbled.
"But hey you could always top" Lance joked. I looked at him wide eyed.
"A-are you serious?" I asked.
"Well can try if you want too" Lance said. I gave it some thought. "It never hurts to try right?" I said shrugging.
"You're right. Well we can try tonight then" Lance beamed.
"I do like seeing you on top of me though" He flirted.
I elbowed him.
I scribbled Christine a note next to the one she left me telling her me and Lance we're going out for the day. I lost my keys since I haven't driven my car in a few weeks. I found them under my bed.
"So the Queen Mary has tours and shit. It's mostly a hotel though. They've got a cafe and restaurants" Lance said as we got into my car.
"Wow I've never been in your car before" He said slamming the passenger side door and slipping into the creaky faded leather seat.
"It's cleaner than mine" He added looking around.
"Yeah because I don't throw my fast food garbage all over the place" I bickered getting in.
"You're a lanyard person?" Lance asked giving my lanyard a tug while I stuck the keys attached to it into the ignition. "...Yeah" I said slowly.
"I just keep my keys on a ring, lanyards are too much" He explained.
"I lose them too often so that's why I have them on the flashiest lanyard ever" I said starting my car. My lanyard just has a rainbow print on it. Very me. My car gave a bit of a fuss since it hasn't been driven in a while. My gas light was on.
"I have to stop for gas" I told Lance pulling out of the driveway. He muttered an okay and began to poke at the skin around his fingernails. My cd book caught his attention as it was sitting by his feet. Lance picked it up and began to flip through.
"Nirvana, Nirvana, More Nirvana, Dead Kennedys...the fuck is that?" He said out loud.
"They're an old punk band from the 80's" I told him.
"Pff My chemical romance, green day, Oh! Another nirvana...In utero deluxe edition huh?" Lance hummed.
"Okay I've had that mcr cd since eighth grade leave me alone, I know one song off that green day album and that nirvana album cost me a fortune. It's a 20th anniversary addition" I exclaimed.
"I don't listen to music that's older than me" Lance boasted. He flipped a few more sides over.
"Bring me the horizon? The front bottoms..?, All time low, Mayday parade?? The fuck is all this?" Lance sneered.
"Bring me the horizon are amazing, The front bottoms are amazing, all time low is amazing and I only know 4 songs off that mayday parade album and I regret buying it" I said.
"Emo ass" Lance muttered. I want to slap him but I'm driving on a busy road.
"What the fuck is a mindless self indulgence?" Lance asked.
"Enough! Give me that!" I snarled making an attempt to grab the cd book from him.
"Nuh uh Keithy I'm lookin' still" He teased.
"Urgh" I scoffed under my breath and regained my focus on the road ahead of me.
"Who the fuck are all these bands?? The story so far? Real friends? What the hell" Lance said.
"Give me the dead kennedys one" I said. "Which one??" Lance asked.
"The one with the creepy burnt monkey hand on it" I replied. Lance flipped back a few pages and pulled the cd out and handed me. I jammed it into my cd player. I turned it right to my favourite song off the album. Lance is not going to like this.
The thwacky bass rhythm started.
"Okay nope, this isn't so bad" Lance said nodding. I chuckled barely audibley. He has knowing he has no idea what's coming. The rest of the instruments kicked in full blast.
"What the fuck?!" Lance screeched looking at me horrified. I grinned at him evilly. Lance sat looking at me terrified as the song continued.
"Windows covered with bars
Security guards
Is that a house or a fortress?
Against the rest of the world"
"How can you listen to this? Do people actually call this music??" Lance squealed covering his ears. I laughed at him.
"Sorry it's not Brittany baby" I mocked making a kissy face at him. Lance sat forward and left his hands pressed against his ears. I pulled up to a gas station and parked.
"No don't leave me in here with this shit!" Lance hissed.
"Figure out how to work the cd player and you can change the cd" I sang and closed the door before he could respond.
I pumped the gas and I watched Lance press a bunch of buttons trying to figure out how to work it. He finally found the "eject" button and slammed his pointer finger onto it harshly. He ripped the cd out and shoved it back into the book.
I laughed as I finished filling up the tank. I left Lance to find a cd as I went inside the small convenience store a few yards away from the gas pumps. I paid for the gas and had an awkward exchange of small talk with the man at the cash register.
When I got back into my car Lance was waiting.
"So let me get this straight; You listen to that music...And can keep your sanity?!" Lance asked.
"Yup" I said buckling my seatbelt up and starting up my car again.
"So basically that song was about a guy who ate a bunch of poisonous berries and set a forest on fire?" Lance asked. "Yup" I replied.
"Did you pick another cd?" I asked him. "You don't have any kesha. I'm disappointed" Lance scoffed.
"Do I fucking look like I listen to kesha?" I questioned him.
"Do you want an honest answer?" Lance asked.
"Couldn't hurt" I responded.
"You're gay Keith...what gay guy dosen't own a fucking kesha cd?" Lance sneered.
"I'm bi and I own 3" He added. I snickered.
"Just because I love dick dosen't mean I need to own a kesha cd, Lance" I said. "I could of said like but I don't just like dick" I added. Lance giggled.
"Here, this one" Lance said nudging me arm.
"The front bottoms?" I asked him confused.
"There's a purple guy on it so it's gotta be interesting" Lance said. I took the cd from him and put it in.
The sweet simple acoustic guitar rhythm made me feel at ease.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"Please fall asleep so I can take pictures of you and hang them in my room so when I wake up feel like yeah everything's alright"
A feeling of comfort and warmth filled be being. I sang along to the pretty song.
"You are still here, you are still happy, you are still smiling and laughing
you are still the only thing and everything I need in my life"
I looked over at Lance who was starring peacefully out the window. I followed the roads we'd taken to get to L.A before. We got onto the highway.
"And it goes in in out through the mouth - breathing exercises
I will never figure out til I am running in circles
or I am walking in circles or I am crawling in circles or lying on the ground"
I continued to sing softly to the song, glancing over at Lance once in a while.
This is nice.
"when I am sad, I am sad - but when I'm happy, oh god I'm happy
there's just no place in-between for us to meet"
"You have a really nice voice" Lance piped up.
"I'm just singing softly, how can you hear me?" I laughed.
"Selective hearing" He replied.
"This is a nice song" Lance said putting his hand on my thigh.
"I know" I said. Lance traced circles with his thumb on my skin.
Lance pov
At that moment I wanted nothing more to than to just turn around and go back to Keith's house and plow him into the sheets. That's not an option though.
He was in his zone. Singing softly to a pretty guitar song.
I'd wreck the peaceful mood my saying anything.
Then he'd get mad at me.
I'm trying not to stare at Keith's oh-so-tight shorts that are hugging his...everything too tightly.
I shut my eyes tightly. I had my hand on his nice smooth thigh.
His skin is so soft. I began to sweat.
I turned the ac in his car on. I usually pay most attention to his ass when I'm around him but he's sitting so really I've got no other choice.
I could just not stare at him hungrily but what fun is that? I'd love to just grope his package right here right now but that's not a good idea. He's so happy and quiet right now. I made a soft hum in the back of my throat.
Me thinking like this shouldn't be a surprise. I'm always horny.
All I talk about is just Keith honestly. I'm not going to apologize.
I'm not sorry I talk about wanting to fuck my boyfriend and how hot he is almost 24/7. Keith is mine bitch and I can do whatever I want with him.
Keith pov
Lance gave me directions for the next few miles. The song finished and the next one started.
Lance still had his hand on my thigh and was gripping it with his whole hand how.
I heard Lance groan softly next to me.
I turned my head to him. He has his eyes shut and lips pursed.
"Lance?" I asked.
"You good?" He opened his eyes to see me.
"I'm good I'm good" He managed to sputter.
"I'm not even going to ask what you're thinking about in that brain of yours" I sighed.
"Good" He croaked.
"I just really want you to sit on my face right now" He said.
"Of course you do" I said.
"I know you're thinking about fucking me Lance" I said.
"Well not quite" He said.
"I'm thinking about you fucking me" He said.
"You've never been topped before" I said.
"I know" Lance said. His words hung dead in the air.
"I also can't stop staring at your crotch" He added.
I sighed.
Typical Lance. I kept my eyes on the road and then squeezed my thighs together.
"Mm don't do that" Lance squeaked. "What? I'm not doing anything?" I lied and squeezed my legs again together. His finger tips got in on that action. Lance ripped his hand away.
"You're provoking me!" He yelled. "Yeah I am. You do it me all the time" I said. He didn't reply.
I followed Lance'a directions and listened to his sexual comments unfortunately overlapping the sound of my cd. I blocked most of them out.
We entered the city and Lance navigated me around the bustling city.
"Keith no! Turn right!" Lance screeched at me. I slammed on my brakes. I quickly looked around to see if anyone was behind me.
We weren't on a busy road so I quickly put my car in reverse and backed up and turned into the missed turn.
"God did you not listen to me?" Lance huffed.
"I did but your stupid face was distracting me!" I hissed putting my car back in drive and going down the road. "You were talking to me and I wasn't even thinking about what you were saying because I was starring at your gorgeous face!" I hissed. Lance giggled. Lance gave me the last few directions and all of a sudden a massive ship came into view. I'm intimidated immensely.
"It's so big Lance what the fuck!" I yelled.
"It's two times as big as the titanic was" Lance said. My jaw dropped slightly.
I shut my car off and unbuckled my seat belt. I got out and Lance followed. I stretched my legs and arms. I shielded the bright sun from my eyes and I looked up at the ship. God it's the biggest thing I've ever seen.
"I'm intimidated by big things" I said shuddering.
"Don't say anything about my ass or your dick!" I snapped at Lance before he could say anything.
"Oh fuck we're by the ocean" I said unenthusiastically. "I
"forgot you hate the ocean" Lance said. I could hear the waves crashing in the distance.
"Should we go then?" Lance asked after a few minutes of watching me stare at the massive object floating on the edge of the shore. I sighed.
"I guess so" I replied.
"I'll hold your hand so you don't get scared" Lance teased linking our hands together and lacing his long skinny fingers with mine. I gave him an annoyed look.
We began walking towards the ship. The closer we got I was getting more and more terrified. Lance gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. I just want to go home. There were many small bridge like things from the dock leading to the ship. We began walking on the closest one. I made the mistake of looking down at the water below. I inhaled sharply and jumped closer to Lance. I heard the waves crash loudly and I clung onto Lance like a baby. An employee gave me a strange look as we entered the ship. Seeing two guys holding hands and one clinging to the other like a teddy bear I bet isn't a sight you see every day.
"Keith you're okay" Lance reassured me rubbing my back. I hugged him tightly.
"You'll be fine babe, You're safe" Lance said.
Keith must of looked absolutely terrified.
"Hey is she okay?" I heard a female voice say from behind me. I had my face smushed into Lance's chest so I couldn't see the source of the voice. "He's a boy" I heard Lance correct the voice.
"Oh...Um is he okay?" The voice said awkwardly.
"He's not the biggest fan of the ocean and is a bit intimated by the size of the ship here" Lance laughed.
"Ah I understand. We get lots of people intimidated by the size" The voice replied.
"If there's anything I can do for you two just ask me or another staff member" The voice said.
"Thanks" Lance said. I removed my head from his chest and looked behind me. A young girl with her hair pulled into a tight bun began to walk away as I did so. Lance snorted.
"What?" I asked him.
"She thought you were a girl!" He cried. "I mean I guess from behind you do look really feminine" Lance said. I let go of him and pushed him away a bit. "Your hair is getting long, you're wearing your short shorts and you've got feminine legs and curves" Lance added. I crossed my arms at him.
"It's not a bad thing! It's hot!" Lance said. I mumbled whatever. "Should we go on a tour then? They've got tours every few hours" Lance suggested. He tried to grab my hand again and I hesitantly gave it to him.
"Ugh I regret not having coffee now" I groaned.
We paced around for a bit then Lance signed us up and we paid for a tour. I ended up finding a very overpriced cafe and bought a stupidly expensive coffee.
We had to wait half an hour for it. I rubbed my shoe over the ugly patterned carpet of the boat, changing it's colour. Me and Lance were sat on a leather chair waiting for our tour. I'm a nice boy and gave an old lady my seat and sat in Lance's lap.
"Jeez when you're sitting on me like this your butt is kinda boney " Lance said.
"Oh I can get off you right now if that's what you want" I said.
"No no! You're fine you're fine!" Lance said frantically.
"Good, shut up then" I barked.
"Why don't you sit on me then?" I suggested.
"It won't be as comfy for me" Lance said.
"Oh my god" I scoffed.
Our tour guide soon arrived. I got up off Lance. I set my coffee down and cracked my knuckles. Lance flinched. "Ew Keith that's gross!" Lance squeaked. I laughed and cracked them again but not as loud. Lance nudged me with his elbow.
"Come on let's go" Lance said. I picked my styrofoam cup off the small table next to the chair. We followed a group consisting mostly of older tourist couples, a few families and two younger women but it's mostly just old people. Lance laced his fingers with mine again. His hands were very cold. I didn't complain to him though. The ship is pretty cold. Ac I'm assuming. Or maybe it's the ghosts.
As we walked and listened to the tour guid I felt a bit self conscious about holding hands with Lance.
We were in a big group of people, all very close to us.
I don't want anyone to say any homophobic shit or make rude comments.
I really shouldn't care but I kind of do. Lance really does not give a fuck obviously and would carry me around as a trophy every day if he could.
Why do I care now?
I wear shirts all the time with something gay written on it and wear it out in public.
I've kissed Lance in public too.
Why do I care now?
I shook my head trying to shake my dumb thoughts.
I quickly threw my empty coffee cup out then gripped Lance's hand harder and lifted my head up high.
I pushed my thoughts to the back of my head.
I distracted myself by looking at the architecture of the boat.
I let go of Lance's hand and put my arm around his waist.
I leaned into him so our bodies were touching together. Lance looked over at me.
"You good?" Lance chuckled.
"Just peachy" I mumbled. I lifted his shirt up a bit around where my hand was. I put my hand on his waist and put middle and ring finger in the waist band of his underwear.
Just subtle touching you know.
"W-whoa" Lance said quietly. I rubbed my thumb on his skin.
"Damn Keith, Calm down babe we're in public" He teased. The group stopped to look out the windows. I'm not going to look because fuck that. We let most of the group pass us so we were at the back.
"Why are you so touchy?" Lance chirped.
"I don't know. Can't I touch you?" I retorted.
"No. You're not allowed" Lance joked and turned towards me. He kissed my cheek.
Nobody was looking but I felt a bit embarrassed.
I blushed. I put my other hand on his waist.
I stood on my tippy toes and kissed his nose.
He licked the side of my face. "Enough!" I giggled and pushed him away.
"Never!" He said and gave me a few small sweet kisses on my face. I giggled again forgetting where we are.
"Lance we're in public" I whispered just to remind him.
"No really?!" He asked sarcastically and kissed me. I quickly darted my eyes around the area. A few people were done looking out the portholes and turned around to see us. I felt embarrassed.
I'm trying very hard not to care.
Two old couples were starring at us.
"People are starring!" I whispered to Lance.
"So? I don't care" Lance replied. "I can kiss my boyfriend in public if I want" He said.
He gave me another kiss. I pushed him away a bit.
I hate couples who display public affection.
"Let go, Lance" I said softly.
"What's the matter?" Lance asked hugging me tighter.
I squirmed as more people looked at us. If I saw a couple doing this in public I'd be grossed out so I'm trying to be sympathetic to these people.
"Oh are you embarrassed?" Lance teased. I struggled to get away from him.
"Lance let go" I said again.
"Awe Keith, Don't be embarrassed" Lance blabbed. I leaned back a bit but Lance still didn't let me go. He was almost dipping me like you do in dance. I'm just about as strong as him so what am I doing? I released my grasp from him and managed to pry his arms off my body. The people now looked away.
I was getting hot but I don't want to carry my hoodie around. I could just tie it around my hips.
I'll just do that. I pulled my hoodie off and tied it around my waist.
I need a hair tie too ugh. I patted around in my pockets. Thank god I had one in my back pocket.
I guess I must have forgot it in there before I washed them. I stretched it out a bit and tied my hair up.
"Cutie" Lance said to me.
"I think I'll ask Christine to give me a haircut later" I said.
"I'm not going to get that much cut off. I like my hair long" I said tightening my ponytail. My hair can just fit into a ponytail. It's not really long. The longest parts at the back come down just above my shoulders and the shortest are my shaggy bangs. It's not a mullet. Not even really close.
I held Lance's hand again and we continued on with the tour.
It was a little boring and I'd much rather go look around myself.
The tour has been about an hour and a half now. We walked for a while longer then entered a large ballroom.
The tour guide caught my attention when she began to talk about the ghosts that supposedly haunt the ship. I pulled Lance closer to the group so could hear better.
"There unfortunately have been thousands of...fatalities on this ship. There are famous deaths some of you may have heard of. One of the most famous being the little girl named Jackie who supposedly haunts the pool area" She explained clasping her hands together.
I hadn't given the poor girl much of my attention but she seems very kind.
Her hair is super cool.
Long box braids which started black and faded into purple.
She was wearing bright red lipstick which paired nicely with her ebony coloured skin.
I'd say she's maybe in her early 20's.
I must of looked intrigued by her ghost talk because she made eye contact with me and smiled warmly.
I could just barely see over the heads of the group.
"You look very interested, sir in the misfits shirt" She smiled warmly. A few people in front of us turned their heads.
"Uh yeah I'm interested in that kind of stuff" I laughed nervously.
An older lady with thin stringy grey hair made eye contact with me, then Lance and traced her beady brown eyes down our bodies and then locked them on me and Lance's interlocked hands. "Do you need something ma'am?"
Lance asked passive aggressively.
I elbowed him.
Her head snapped up and turned it quickly back muttering something incoherent along the lines of "Goddamn queers"
I gritted my teeth.
I was ready to snap.
I was about to lose my shit when Lance put a hand on my chest pushing me back a bit.
"Keith calm down" Lance said. I can feel that imaginary steam coming out of my ears.
"She's old, old people are like that" Lance said. He put his hand on my lower back and rubbed me in an attempted calming motion.
I finally stopped caring about what we did and that confidence gets totally ripped away by some old bitch.
Not on my watch.
This reminds me of that guy and the two kids at the campground.
I can't have people like this stepping all over us.
"Is there a problem here?" I snapped at the lady. She turned around again, looking shocked. She looked confused for a minute, most likely thinking about what to say.
"You two men should not be doing...that in a public facility. There are children here" She said quietly but harshly, flicking a pale boney hand in the direction of us.
Ah yes the classic "protect the children from the gays" homophobe. Well in our case a gay and a bi. "That" referring to us simply holding hands. I don't know where this burst of confidence came from. Just a while ago I was feeling insecure.
"We are just holding hands, we're not doing anything wrong. There are many other couples here doing the same!" I barked.
"People like you make me scared to show subtle affection to my boyfriend in public" I said.
Most of the group was starring at me now.
"J-Just fuck off and leave us alone" I shouted. I don't even care about the kids here.
"I will not have anyone speak to me like this, especially a homosexual" She yelped stepping away from me.
Ah yes she's using the "proper" terms now. Gotta add those big fancy words in to sound superior. Can't just say gay. I can speak to this lady however I want, she's being homophobic.
"Keep your nasty little comments to yourself lady, We don't need this bullshit!" I shouted turning on my heels and dragging Lance away.
I was fuming.
"We're leaving" I said. I pulled Lance down a hallway lines with portholes. We came to a seating area.
"Keith stop for a minute!" Lance said. I stopped and turned to him, tears nearly escaping my eyes.
"Sit down" He said putting his hands on my shoulders and sitting me down on a nearby green suede chair. I covered my face with my palm.
I wiped away the strands of hair that were stuck to my face. I was flustered and angry. I think I'm being a bit overdramatic.
"Keith" Lance said softly taking my hand and removing it from my face.
"I just wanted to learn about the ghosts and fucking hold my boyfriends hand!" I cried. Lance crouched down to one knee like in the marriage proposal stance. He held my hand.
"I'm proud you spoke up. I didn't really want you to say anything but you showed the old hag" Lance said. I exhaled loudly. Lance tucked some hair that fell in my face behind my hair. I hung my head low. Lance rubbed my hand with his bigger one.
"I just want to go home so I can kiss and love you without other people there" I said.
"And I'm hungry" I added.
I heard the fast click of high heels coming to my right.
"There you are!" A voice said. It was the tour guide.
"Are you both okay?" She asked stopping because us.
"Why are you asking us? I was the one swearing and being rude" I remarked. "The women was escorted out after you left and security just happened to be walking by. She yelled some very vulgar things after you left. Much worse than what you said" She exclaimed.
"I'm not supposed to have the group split up and that's why I was supposed to come look for you two but I came to apologize and ask if you were okay" She said looking sad.
"You don't need to apologize? You didn't do anything" Lance said. "She came up to me twice earlier complaining about you guys and made it seem like you two were doing so much worse than holding hands and kissing" She said.
"I told her just to ignore you boys if she didn't like what she saw" She said.
"I'm Mika by the way" She said holding her hand out to shake Lance's then mine.
"I'm Lance and This is Keith" Lance said.
"I was already so nervous about even holding his hand earlier and I finally felt better then that happened" I croaked.
"I won't tolerate homophobia or anything of the sort. I'm bisexual so people like that really push my buttons" Mika said.
I love this girl.
"Hey I'm bi too!" Lance squeaked.
"No way!" She squealed jumping. She then looked at me.
"I'm gay" I said giving my hand a little wave.
"Oh I wasn't going to ask about your sexuality. I was just going to say how cute you guys are" Mika giggled. "Thank you" Me and Lance said in unison.
"Yikes this is pretty unprofessional of me but my manager isn't here today" She laughed.
"I'd appreciate if you guys would come back since the tour is almost over anyway" She said. We both agreed and the three of us began walking back the way we came.
"I'm happy security didn't walk by a few seconds earlier because they would of totally kicked you out for swearing too" She said laughing nervously.
Me and Lance stayed for the rest of the tour. It was so much more enjoyable. I hesitantly apologized to the three families that were in the group. I didn't want to apologize but Lance made me. It's not like your kids will never hear those colourful words eventually. Two of the families were very surprisingly understanding and accepted my apology. The third family were obviously foreign tourists and obviously don't understand English well. They fortunately speak Spanish. Lance spoke to them and translated to me what was being said. Lance said that they said they had no idea what happened as they didn't understand anything that was said. Lance said that the mother appreciates my bravery and called us both handsome young men. She put her hand on my shoulder.
After the tour Mika let everyone go. Me and Lance stayed a few minutes afterwords to quickly talk to her. We thanked her and she gave us both hugs which she said she'd totally get in trouble for doing if she got caught. We waved goodbye to her as we left.
"I've had enough of people for the day. Can we go home now?" I whined to Lance once we got outside the ship. "Yes" He laughed.
"I learned a lot today. If Mika hadn't been so nice I probably would of been angry for the rest of the tour. I payed attention to her explanations and every thing" I said.
"Did you see any ghosts?" Lance joked. I gave him an annoyed look.
"No Lance" I said.
We got into my car and I pulled out of the parking lot. I made Lance look up directions for a Starbucks. There was one a few blocks away.
This is a nice city actually.
I got a giant ass coffee and a muffin for Lance.
"You're not going to sleep tonight that's a lot of caffeine Keith" Lance said. "Shh" I hushed him.
"If I'm not're not sleeping baby" I said.
"S-shit" Lance gulped.
"Fuck don't eat that without washing your hands!" I barked at Lance as he took the muffin out of its paper. "There's hand sanitizer in the glove compartment" I said. Lance gave me an annoyed look.
"Yes sir" He joked opening the glove compartment and finding the small plastic bottle.
"Lance you were touching all sorts of things! think about how dirty your hands are" I said.
"Yeah yeah I'm going I'm going" Lance mocked putting some of the liquid into his hands and rubbing it in.
"Happy now?" Lance said flailing his hands in my face.
"Beaming" I muttered.
Lance finished his muffin pretty quickly and stole a sip of my coffee.
"Oh hey I know this album!" Lance said holding up the plastic album cover of Nirvana's nevermind that he found on the floor.
"The disk is in the book if you want to listen to it" I said.
"I don't know any of the songs. I just recognize the naked baby" Lance snickered.
"Put it in, I wouldn't mind listening to it" I said. Lance obeyed and found the actual cd and put it in the player.
"Oh I know this one!" Lance squealed. "Of course you do! Everyone knows this song" I cried.
"Nobody appreciates any other Nirvana songs" I grumped.
"Keith, Stop being so edgy" Lance mocked. I scowled at him.
When we got back to my house I was just exhausted.
I hadn't finished my coffee yet but it was surprisingly still warm.
"Keith?" I heard Dane call once we got into the house.
"And Lance!" Lance yelled.
"You're back!" Meenah said getting up from the couch and running towards us.
"Where did you guys go?" Dane said coming down the hallway.
"Long beach" I replied slipping my shoes off.
"Why did you guys go all the way over there?" He asked.
"We went to the queen mary" I replied. "The big ship?" Dane said. I nodded.
"What's there?"
"It's basically just a hotel but there are restaurants, tours and yeah" I said. "We went on a tour" I added.
"It's supposedly haunted too" Lance put in.
"Sounds fun" Dane said. Lance gave me a look asking if we should tell him what happened. I turned around and started walking upstairs. Lance followed. "Supper will be ready soon" Dane called after us.
When I got into my room I put my coffee on my desk and just fell onto my bed.
My mood is just...dreary. Lance quietly shut my door.
"You still wanna top tonight" Lance purred and straddled me.
"If I can find the motivation" I grunted. "Oh baby I can sure as hell motivate you" Lance cooed.
"Is that right?" I asked.
"I'm gonna fuck up somehow tonight" I said.
"Don't think like that, You'll do great" Lance said warmly. Lance snakes his hands into my shirt and ran his fingers up my stomach and to my ribs.
His fingers feel like feathers.
"Do you have a sleeping mask?" Lance asked pressing his hands to my rib cage.
"Yeah I do actually" I replied. "It's in the drawer" I said pointing to my bedside table.
"I'm going to show you something" He giggled. Lance got off me and found the mask. It's orange and has bats on it. Lance locked my door.
Oh boy what is he up too?
"Put it on" Lance said. I put the mask on slowly. I'm genially concerned. My vision was blanketed by blackness. All of my senses got switched around. Instead of sight being my number one sense, it's now my sense of touch. "Take your shirt off" Lance said.
"The fu-why?" I squeaked.
"Just do it Keith" He barked.
I just want to sleep. I don't want this really. I don't even know what Lance is planning. I jumped as I felt Lance touch my back. Lance kissed my chest. His breath felt like fire on my body. I felt goosebumps begin to form on my arms. Lance traced his fingers back down my body. He gently grazed his fingers on my sides. I shivered. I feel so incredibly vulnerable. Lance then began to palm me through my shorts. "Nope, Not doing that!" I said trying to brush his hand away. Lance pushed down harder. I whimpered.
"Not now Lance. Where are you going with this? What is the purpose" I asked. I'm teasing you. I want you to try it with me later" He said. Lance ran his fingers up and down my torso again. I shut my legs. Lance moved his fingers to my hips. This is where I'm most ticklish.
"Lance stop" I said. Lance didn't listen. I tore off the blindfold.
"We're done here" I said throwing the mask at him.
"Do all this to me later" Lance said.
"In your dreams!" I scoffed. Well there's 5 minutes of my life wasted.
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