Focal: Relating to the center or main point of interest
Keith pov
The week went by fast. The hot weather made things seem to go faster.
Me and Lance had been talking lots.
By lots I mean almost 24/7.
We had exchanged numbers on Wednesday and have basically been talking to each other nonstop.
On Wednesday we talked from the time we got home until 5 am.
I drank coffee just to stay awake and talk to him.
He would send me pictures of himself doing stupid shit and pictures of him making goofy faces.
I was getting tired at 3 and I told Lance and he texted me a bunch of puns and jokes and I began laughing but forgot my family was sleeping but that perked me up.
Thursday morning was hell as I was so tired.
Christine noticed and asked me why I was so tired and I told her I was talking to a new friend and most parents would be upset but she was happy I've made a friend.
Lance was tired too that morning and as we finished avatar in drama we both slept and were awoken by Pidge clunking our heads together.
I almost had a heart attack because it scared me.
I had got Shiro, Hunk, and Pidge's numbers too.
I had short little conversations with them individually.
It was now Friday.
School had just ended and I was so happy.
Only two more weeks left then it's summer.
Barely doing any work in class is amazing. I mean there is a bit of review in core classes.
I feel bad for the kids writing exams. I'm happy that I don't have to because it wouldn't make any sense for me to write them since I just got to this damn school.
I don't really know what the plan is tonight. Me, Lance, Hunk, and Pidge were going to the colorado street bridge.
Shiro decided to be the responsible person and actually study for finals.
I'm surprised Pidge decided to come with us because that is something they would do (According to Lance) So it's only going to be 4 of us.
When I got home Lance was immediately texting me the first 6 messages read:
We're going to die without Shiro
It's going to be chaotic
He keeps everyone in order but without him we're fucked.
I laughed reading his messages.
"I'm sure we'll be fine Lance" I responded.
We texted for a bit because I was confused as to what was the plan was.
My phone suddenly rang and I answered.
"You realize you could just text me right?" I said.
"Yeah I know, but I wanted to hear your sweet voice" Lance's smooth voice purred from on the other end of the phone.
"Stop fucking around and tell me the plan!" I demanded.
"Calm down baby I'll give you the info" Lance is the literal embodiment of the ;) emoji.
"Lance stop flirting with him" I heard the muffled voice of Hunk in the background.
"Is that Hunk?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.
"Yeah he's here, he's staying with me this weekend because his parents are going on a trip" Lance said.
"I didn't want to stay at home because my sister and her fiancé are there and I don't want to intrude" I heard Hunk say.
"Anyway" Lance said
"Okay so we'll come and pick you and Pidge up, be ready by 8:30" He explained.
"We're also taking my car" Lance added.
"Hunk's jeep is shit" He laughed.
"Fuck you" I heard Hunk yell.
"Just text me your address later"
"Yeah I will"
"We ordered pizza and it just got here so I'm going to let ya go"
"Alright I'll see you soon Lance"
"I'm out!"
Lance hung up. I laughed.
"Who was that?" Christine said. I was sitting at the breakfast bar.
"Ah just a friend" I said. "That reminds me; Could I go out with a few friends tonight?" I asked her.
"Will you guys be drinking?" She asked. "You know I don't drink" I said.
"I know I'm joking" She said smiling. "Who is driving? Do you need a ride?"
"My friend is driving, he'll pick up and drop me off"
"What will you be doing?" She asked. "We're just going to look at this bridge that's supposedly haunted" I answered. "Ooh that's exciting!" Christine squealed.
"I know you love your paranormal stuff" She giggled.
"But yes you can go but I want you home by midnight" She said and patted my back.
"I trust you and I know you make good decisions. You're a good kid Keith" She said and gave me a side hug.
I smiled. I texted Lance my address soon after.
Dane made everyone spaghetti for supper and once I was done eating I went upstairs to change.
I want to look cute for Lance.
I searched through my clothes.
"Keith" I heard Dane call from downstairs. I walked out of my room and over to the balcony.
"Yeah?" I called back.
"How many people are going to be with you?" He asked. Dane is quite over protective of Me, Cole, and Meenah but especially me.
Most parents would be protective of their daughters especially when they're younger but I'm male and I'm 17. But most parents don't have queer kids to look after. But Dane is super paranoid about me getting beat up and harassed and he always likes to keep an eye out for me. He surprisingly isn't worried about Meenah.
She's a feisty thing and is super tough and she can kick my ass if she tries hard enough.
She'll be tough as a teenager and Dane isn't as worried.
For years I wasn't allowed to go to the pride festivities back in San Antonio because Dane was so scared for me.
All 5 of us went for the first time last year.
I wasn't even allowed to go to the bathroom by myself. But we all had an amazing time. Cole and Meenah had stuck stickers and tattoos all over their arms and faces.
"Including me there will be four" I yelled back.
"Alright" Dane replied.
"I want to meet the driver by the way" Dane added. I huffed audibly.
"Keith" He scolded dragging out the "E" "Yes okay" I groaned and went back into my room.
I resumed going through my clothes.
I checked my phone for the time. 8:00 shit! It was hot out still. I found my shorts from the other day and slipped them on. Now for a shirt. I took off my black tank top and tossed it on the floor. I looked in the corner of my closet. I still had a box of clothes I forgot to unpack. I ripped the tape off and opened it. The first shirt on top. This was the one. I thought I'd lost it. It was a short I ordered off amazon and the only size they had was an extra large but I wanted it so bad I said fuck it and bought it. It was just a simple white shirt with black strips on the hems of the collar and sleeves and just a simple alien head graphic on it. I'm making this sound like a big deal for such a lame sounding shirt but it's seriously the comfiest thing I own.
I put it on and looked in the mirror.
It was too long and covered my shorts so it looked like I wasn't wearing anything underneath.
I scrunched it up a bit over the waistline of my shorts and tied a small knot in the corner.
The shirt sat just above my waist. That's better. I can look cute and be comfortable.
I tied my hair in a loose ponytail. I grabbed my phone and unplugged my charger.
I went downstairs and sat on the living room couch. I anxiously waited.
"You look nervous" I heard Meenah say. I turned my head towards her and she flopped on the couch next to me. "Eh I'm a little nervous" I said nervously laughing.
"Why are you nervous" She asked picking my hand up gently and holding it.
"I'm going out for the first time in months" I said.
"Can I paint your nails this weekend?" She asked changing the subject.
"Yeah sure" I said. I really wouldn't mind getting my nails painted honestly. She let go of my hand and skipped off. "Good talk" I mumbled.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door and my heart leaped into my throat.
I quickly got up and opened the door.
I could hear Dane coming up behind me.
I opened the door and I was greeted with Lance's smiling face.
"Ready to go?" He asked.
"Yeah I am, My uh dad wants to talk to you..." I trailed off.
"Yeah no problem" Lance said cheerfully.
Dane opened the door wider and stepped in front of me.
I was preparing myself for embarrassment.
"Hi I'm Dane, Keith's Dad" He said. My heart skipped a beat. Dad.
He said Dad.
A smile crept onto my face as I moved to stand beside him.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Lance" Lance said enthusiastically.
"So where are you boys going tonight?" Dane asked.
He was in full on Dad mode.
Dane did know what was going on tonight.
"We're just going to a bridge that's uh...supposedly haunted and we just wanted to check it out" Lance said.
I could tell he was now nervous.
I mean Dane is pretty intimidating. He's 6'4 and pretty muscular.
He was only a few inches taller than Lance.
He's got a decent head of salt and pepper hair with matching stubble. Y'know the typical dad look.
"Oh yeah I've heard about that bridge, the Colorado street one right?" Dane inquired.
"Yeah that's the one" Lance said laughing nervously.
"Yeah Keith is super into ghosts and aliens and all that" Dane said.
Lance looked over at me with a flirtatious look.
I as usual blushed.
Lance was clearly trying to hide how nervous he was.
"You're driving right?" Dane asked. Lace nodded.
Dane noticed how nervous Lance is. "Don't be scared bud, I'm not going to bite" Dane said patting Lance lightly on the shoulder.
Lance sighed a sigh of what I assumed is relief.
"That's all I need to know" Dane said. "Drive safe" He added and went back inside shutting the door.
"Fuck I'm so sorry" I whined.
"Nah it's fine, I just wasn't expecting to be interrogated" Lance said.
"I'm just going to grab my shoes" I said and opened the door and grabbed my doc martens that I left next to the door. "Bye guys I love you!" I called before shutting the door.
I quickly slipped my boots on.
Lance is dressed nice.
A light blue button up shirt and light khaki coloured jeans.
"You look nice" Lance said. I was caught off guard.
"Well shit thanks" I said as I finished tieing my shoe laces.
"You don't look that bad yourself" I said. I jumped at the sound of a horn blaring.
"Stop flirting with Keith, let's go!" I heard Hunk yell.
The windows were open and I could see him leaning over from the backseat and laying his hand on the steering wheel.
I looked over Lance's shoulder at his car.
"2010 chevrolet malibu right?" I said pointing to the blue car behind him. "Wow spot on" Lance said.
We both walked over to the car.
"You get shotgun" Lance said.
I opened up the car door and sat inside. "Hi Keith" Pidge said from the backseat.
"Hey Pidge" I said smiling at them. "Hi Hunk" I said turning my head towards him.
Hunk waved.
Lance got in and started the car.
He pulled out of the driveway and we were off.
"Did you have any trouble finding my house?" I asked buckling myself in.
"No not really" Lance chuckled.
"Oh pffhh bullshit!" Pidge scoffed.
"We went in circles for a solid twenty minutes" Pidge added.
"Shut up peewee" Lance spat.
"Peewee? Are you fucking serious?" Pidge barked.
"That's a 1980's insult Lance" "Okay okay, I got us lost! Happy?" He asked Pidge.
"Oh I'm beaming" Pidge scoffed. Everyone laughed lightly.
"By the way Lance sucks at driving and will probably kill us all!" Pidge exclaimed.
"They're not lying" Hunk added. Lance didn't say anything.
We were all quiet for a few minutes until Lance spoke up.
"Okay Keith your house is fucking huge what the hell!" Lance cried.
Pidge swatted him
"Lance!" They hissed.
"What?? I'm just saying" Lance retorted.
"I don't know how we can afford it. Our house in San Antonio was so much smaller" I explained.
"I'm still in shock" I added.
"Well it's really fucking nice from what I saw" Lance chirped.
I just nodded.
It took about 20 minutes until we got to the bridge.
Lance really does suck at driving. He speeds, goes through stop signs, slams on the breaks, and tailgates.
The sun was setting as Lance found a nearby parking lot.
He parked and stopped the car and we all got out.
"Okay the bridge is just up over there" Hunk explained.
"I can see the lamp posts" I said.
"So tell us about the hauntings Hunk" Lance said as we walked.
"Okay so when the bridge was being built a worker fell off into concrete and it dried with his dead body still in it and apparently he haunts the area, then lots of people began jumping off of it and the most famous story is that a lady threw her baby off the top then jumped off herself but the baby landed in a tree and somehow survived" He explained.
"Where did you find all this information?" I asked him.
"I watched a YouTube video and googled it" Hunk proclaimed.
"So what exactly is our goal here?" Pidge asked. The bridge was in full view now.
"I don't really know, I didn't think that part through" Hunk shrugged.
"Wow aren't you a genius" Pidge said sarcastically.
"We can just look around and see if we see any ghosts" Lance suggested. Everyone agreed.
We reached the bridge and all began walking on the walkway sidewalk part beside the road part.
Informative I know.
"So Keith, your dad said you're into scary stuff huh?" Lance inquired.
"Yeah I am. I love horror movies and I listen to scary stories on youtube lots and watch lots of videos. I've always been interested in the paranormal, even when I was kid" I explained.
"Hah nerd" Lance remarked.
We all walked side by side.
The sun was totally gone now and the lamps illuminated the area.
Me and Lance soon fell behind Pidge and Hunk.
They were waking much faster than us. "So uh about your dad..." Lance trailed off.
"Yeah?" I asked.
Lance gave me a look.
"He's my foster dad" I mumbled looking down at my shoes.
"I live with my foster parents" I informed.
"I'm not going to get into it" I began to think.
I wish he didn't bring that up.
I wish he would of just not asked me about it.
Stupid Lance.
Oops here comes a mood swing.
Lance could sense I was getting upset. He stayed quiet.
"How long have you been living with them?" He asked.
"Can we drop the subject please?" I snarled letting a tear fall down my face. I quickly wiped it away. I can't let him know I'm crying.
"Fuck I'm sorry" Lance said sweetly.
I sniffed and tried my hardest to keep my emotions under control.
"Guys hurry up!" Hunk called from up ahead.
"Stop walking so fast?" Lance hissed. We hurried up to catch up to them. "Hey Keith are you okay?" Pidge asked. "Yeah I'm fine, just allergies" I lied.
I brushed some hair out of my face and let my arms drop to my sides. That's when it happened.
I didn't notice at first but I quickly noticed once I felt it. Lance had gently grabbed my hand and held it in his.
I looked over at him.
I wiped my eye again making sure no tears were there still.
Lance gave me a weak smile as if to say sorry.
He was holding my hand.
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