
Eunoia: Beautiful thinking; A well mind

Lance pov

I was just drifting off to sleep when I felt Keith flipping and flopping next to me.
"Quit moving" I grumbled.
"I can't! I'm so cold" Keith whisper screamed.
I could hear the other three up still. "Alright c'mere" I said taking my arms out of my sleeping bag and opening them up for him.
I could only see Keith's silhouette. Keith accepted and inches his sleeping bag close to me.
I held him tightly. My one arm underneath his ribs and the other on top of his hips.
I could feel his ribs and it felt a bit weird.
"Better?" I asked him.
"Mhmm" he said softly.
Why is he so precious? I could feel Keith's body heat radiate on to me.
But his hands were cold.
I could feel the cold through my thin shirt.
"Take the hoodie off Keith, Sharing body heat works better with less clothing on" I mumbled.
He lazily threw the hoodie off.
"Are you just trying to get me naked?" He grumbled.
"No it's a legit thing" I said.
"Just focus on keeping me warm" He scoffed.
My arms resumed to their place.
Keith miraculously fell asleep in a matter of minutes.
That seemingly never happens.
I'm always the first one to fall asleep. Keith can't fall asleep unless he's perfectly comfy.
The few times I've slept in the same bed as him, I've picked up his sleeping habits.
I know exactly how he likes his comfy time to be set up:
-He needs to have a duvet or blanket long enough so he can tuck it under his feet. We're in sleeping bags so this is perfect.
-He needs to be on his right side. He can't fall asleep any other way
-He likes to have blankets folded up around him like a sleeping bag
-He told me this one but in the summer he always needs to have a fan going at night.
No matter what season or the weather he has to have some kind of cover.
Not a sheet because he told me that's too light. He needs a duvet or quilt. So he'll be under all these fucking covers when it's 100 degrees out.
-Keith also told me this: He hates dead silence and it's one of his biggest fears so he has to have headphones in if it's not warm enough for a fan. He can't sleep in silence
-And finally: He can't sleep with the windows open. Never
I'm a bit creepy because I know all of these things and we've only slept together a few times.
Not sex wise. Like legitimate sleeping. There will be the two types of people that read that two different ways.

I just want to say that Keith is such a fucking bottom.
Like honestly.
I can't see him ever topping me.
He's such a power bottom.
I don't entirely know that but I can tell that might be the case.
But he's never had sex though.
When I told him that I had a few days ago I wasn't lying.
I've had sex with two girls.
I didn't like it very much though.
They both were annoying.
I didn't have them both at the same time fyi.
I didn't know either of them honestly. Both of the times were at parties.
We weren't drunk.
I don't drink.
Oh god I hope Keith dosen't drink. Anyway. The first one was a bit of a hoe honestly.
I'd seen loads of porn already and I tried my best to do what I'd seen guys do in porn.
Porn is barely realistic. Both of the times I barely got hard.
I guess they were both hot. Whatever I'm not getting into this because I don't care about them and all I care about is the pretty black haired boy beside me.

Jesus now I'm thinking about fucking Keith.
Not now.
I'm trying to sleep.
Ah he'd be such a hot bottom. I just want things with him.
I would never force sex on someone ever.
I have empathy. But hey teenage hormones are a thing and I can't help my thoughts.
If Keith could strangle me with his things that would almost be better than sex.
If you saw his thighs you'd agree with me.
Keith has like girl legs on a guys body. He shaves too.
If you just saw his legs next to a girls you probably couldn't tell the difference.
Like all the curves of his legs match up with the average females.
I'm just going to talk about his body for a bit now.

My legs are like just sticks.
They're just pretty much straight. Keith's got pretty good hips and a waist too
His back curves inwards near his stomach which helps accentuate his ass even more.
The dip of his back curves into the shape of his ass.
I just love all of him.
His stomach is pretty great too.
Like I've said, he's a little on the skinny side but that's not an issue really.

I decided to focus on Keith's breathing to help my brain shut up.
It worked.
I woke up briefly a few hours later to the sound of water being splashed on the fire and the other three saying goodnight to each other.
The area went dark and the only light was from the nearby lamp poles.
The moon wasn't too visible because of the trees.

When the next morning came Keith was snoring a bit which I'd never heard him do before.
He was on his back with one arm beside his head.
What a cutie.
I didn't care about the time.
I laid on my back too listening to his soft snoring and the birds outside.
The sun was up too.

I want to kiss him.
So badly.
But I don't want to wake him.
He's said that we're just friends...I don't want to be just friends.
I want more.
I want Keith to be mine.
I want to be able to kiss him without getting nervous, I want to hold his little hand, I want to take him out on dates and I want to spoil him.
The real question is if he feels the same?
I might have wrecked my chances with him after the makeout. Even though that's what initiated this all.
Do I have feelings for Keith though?
Yes, Very, Very much so.

The morning sun was coming in through the mesh opening on the roof.
Keith began to stir then his big beautiful eyes opened.
Keith's hair was a bit messy and he had a soft sleepy look on his face.
"Morning" He said sleepily.
Hs mumbled an "It's hot" And tossed his shirt off.
I blushed.
He tousled his hair a bit and sat up and put rested his head on my chest.

My heart began to beat fast.
"Why are you nervous?" He giggled.
"I-I'm not" I retorted.
"I can hear your heart beating" Keith said.
"Okay yeah I'm nervous, There's this really cute boy with his head resting on my chest. I'd love to kiss him but I'm terrified" I admitted.
"You don't have to kiss me but I can kiss you" Keith chirped.
He blushed a little and sweetly laid his lips on mine.

"What the fuck are you guys doing? I can see your shadows" I heard Pidge screech from outside.
"What do you think?" I yelled.
"Augh stop it! I just want to eat my cereal in peace!" They screamed.
"We're not doing anything friends wouldn't do!" Keith called.
I then gave Keith's ass a hard slap which made a very audible sound. Pidge groaned.
"Lance!" Keith hissed and rubbed his back end.
"Wow I love your guys' very platonic friendship" They groaned again.
"I don't want them to come in here, They'll beat us up" I laughed and rolled over.
"Kiss me" Keith then said.
"You want me too?" I asked dumbfounded.
"Yes! Who else?" He snipped.
I nervously gave him a quick peck.
"Mm that was weak. Give me a little more" Keith smirked.
I cupped his face with my one hand and l pressed my lips to his but let them remain longer.

No doubts now, Keith obviously likes me.
I think I established that a while ago but it just hasn't sank in yet and I haven't admitted that.

But when will we initiate our obvious mutual feelings to each other's faces?

"Can  we just stay in bed all day?" Keith whined.
"I'd like too but we have to do stuff today" I said.
"Like what?" He asked.
"Hiking and stuff" I said.
"Check the time" He said.
"It's 10" I replied.
"It's too early again" He complained rolling onto his stomach.
"What time do you sleep in until when I'm not with you?" I asked.
"11-noon abouts, I go to bed late usually" He said.

"Can you pass me my shirt?" Keith asked.
His face was in his pillow so he couldn't see anything.
I grabbed it from where he'd left it, closer to me.
"Nope" I teased.
"Fuck, come on Lance!" He groaned sitting up.
I got up and stood up.
The tent is about 6 or 7 feel tall and maybe 10-12 feet across.
Keith stood and tried to grab it from me.
"Why don't you just get a different one?" I asked him.
"Why don't you just give it back?" He hissed.
"Come get it" I teased holding it above my head. Anger filled his eyes.
He lunged towards me and jumped, almost grabbing it.
I stuck my tongue out at him. Keith frowned and then tackled me.
I was caught of guard and we fell onto the air mattress.
"Thank you!" He said teeth clenched. He grabbed the shirt from me and put it back on.
"Holy..." I panted.
"Can you tackle me like that later?" I purred.
"Uhh no" Keith replied and shoved me away.
"We can all fucking hear you!" Pidge screeched.
Oh yeah.
Our friends are here too.
Keith dug around in his bag and put his shorts from yesterday on.
I stared at him as he put them on.
He then looked in his bag again.
He pulled out a muscle shirt sweater looking thing.
It's like a hoodie but has so sleeves. It was a greyish blue.
He took off the shirt he'd just put back on.
"I'd you were just going to change why did you make such a big deal out of me taking your shirt?" I asked.
"Because you piss me off and I wasn't going to let you win" Keith mumbled. "Well it worked, you won" I said.
Keith got a hair tie from the pocket of his bag and tied his hair back.
Keith's hair is pretty long. He could use a hair cut. Like I've said before; it's like a mullet. It's just long enough for a ponytail.
"Fuck" I heard him cuss under his breath.
"What?" I asked.
"I need coffee..." He trailed off.
"We have a camping coffee maker thing" I said. His face lit up.
"That's a thing?" He gasped.
"Yeah, You and Pidge are the only ones that drink it. Pidge has one, it's their dad's" I explained.
"It's like a kettle kind of, they'll show you how it works" I added.
"I'm learning so much!" Keith exclaimed.
I put some shorts and a tank top on. We exited the tent.
The sun was real bright.

Our chairs were still set up from last night.
"Pidge can you show Keith how your coffee kettle thing works?" I asked them.
"Yeah, I guess" They said. They motioned for Keith to come over to where they were sitting.
They already had the tin can looking thing out.
I sat in my chair from last night and watched them both converse.
"Where's Shiro and Hunk?" I asked Pidge.
"Bathroom" They said. Keith and Pidge were sitting on their knees around the fire as Pidge explained and showed Keith how the thing works. Keith watched wide eyed.

Shiro and Hunk soon came back from the bathroom.
Keith and Pidge had made their beloved coffee.
That day was such a good day.
We all spent the day hiking and exploring the area.
I've been here before but haven't gone this far.
We found streams, ponds and even a few animals.
All of us had all gotten a little dirty but me, Keith, and Hunk especially. Me and Keith had competition to see who could climb a tree the highest. Keith won that one.
He's super agile.
Since he climbed higher the more branches were up there and he got a few cuts on his hands, arms, and legs. I only scraped my hands a bit. Then Keith gloated about his victory for 10 minutes. Me, Keith, and Hunk then tried to race each other up a small but really steep rocky hill. I won that one since Keith was complaining about his knee hurting.
Yeah right Kogane!
We got back later on in the evening and immediately had supper.
After then Keith was complaining about being really dirty and wanting to shower.
I told him to wait until dark so the showers won't as busy.
He pouted for a while but we roasted marshmallows and that shut him up for a while.
Around 9 pm I finally got sick of him complaining and agreed to take him to the showers.
I didn't bring towels so thank god the campground had some in there.
This campground is extra in that sense.
Do I trust towels being offered by a campsite??
Not really but I have no choice.

There was a younger kid maybe 10 and his brother already in the bathroom they were just getting out of one of the showers thankfully.
I was holding Keith's hand and the kids gave us a weird look.
Well...more like I grabbed it and pulled him further as he wanted to leave at the sight of the kids.
They had white towels on a shelf near the sinks.
There were 3 showers.
They're like big bathroom stalls.
A changing area when you first walk into one and then a shower on one side. We brought a change of clothes, tooth brushes and just other general bathroom things.
We awkwardly waited a few minutes to see if the kids would leave.
No luck.
They were busy chasing each around in their underwear near the sinks.
They're not leaving any time soon. Where are their parents??
We then noticed that the two smaller showers were taken.
Keith growled.
"I don't want to shower with you" He grumbled.
"Well unless one of us wants to wait, We might as well just go together. We just did it the other day" I stated.
Keith gritted his teeth.
We decided to just say screw it and go in together.
The kids didn't see us.
We locked the door and put our stuff on the little bench built into the wall. Keith was trying to convince me to let him wear flip flops into the shower because of his germ phobia.
I said he'll be fine.
He left his flip flops by the bench.
I just walked over in my socks.
"Don't you dare try anything with me! I'm not in the mood and because there's kids here" Keith muttered.
I nodded obediently.

There's an ugly poka dot shower curtain that dosen't match the rest of the buildings forest green aesthetic. Gross.
It's black and white.
Who thought that was a good idea. They never used to supply towels here actually.
This is the first campground I've been too that does. #madrespect.
I was taking my time taking my clothes off.
"I'm not waiting for you, Im filthy" Keith stated.
He was already naked.
He tore open the shower curtain and turned the water on.
"Bring the shampoo" He called to me.
I grabbed the red bottle from on top of his pile of clothes.
I sped my undressing process up because I didn't want him to be done without me.
I could hear the echoing pitter patter of the kids' feet on the tile floor.
I entered the shower with Keith and yanked the hideous curtain closed. I set the bottle of shampoo on the little rack which was attached to the shower head. I fucking hate showers like this! The shower head is so low. It's maybe 5'9 which dosen't give me lots of room.
It's bigger than Keith so he has no problem.
God bless that Mediterranean bathroom of his honestly.
Keith was facing away from me letting, the water soak into his hair.
I moved into the spray of the water and wet mine.
I noticed Keith had a few small straight across scars on his bicep.
I've never noticed those before.
They're on the inside and I guess I haven't see that part of his arm as much.
They look almost like cat scratches but bigger.
What could they be from though? "What are these from?" I asked lightly touching my fingers to the area.
His eyes widened for a second and brushed my hand away.
"Nothing" He mumbled.
I don't believe that for a second.
"Are you sure?" I asked him.
"I'm sure" He said purposely avoiding eye contact.
In the short time I've known Keith I've studied his body and almost everything about him. His body language, emotions, facial expressions. When he's hiding something or dosen't want to talk about a specific topic he avoids eye contact because he's a pretty bad liar from what I can tell.
"Keith..." I trailed off.
"They're nothing Lance" He growled.
I don't want to anger him.
We've had a long day and the poor baby is probably tired.
I'm just concerned now.
I guess I haven't really studied Keith's arms.
Everywhere else yes.
"Make sure you wash the scrapes" I cautioned him.
He nodded.
He turned around to face me and bent down to grab the shampoo.
He put a small amount in his hand and passed it to me.
He washed his hair slowly.
I couldn't hear the kids anymore. Maybe they left now.
Keith's face was now stoic.
Well it usually is anyway but his eyes look sad.
I washed my hair and watched him use some body wash from a dispenser on the wall to wash up the scrapes on his body.
"You really kicked my ass back there" I said referring to the tree climbing incident.
I'm trying to lighten the mood a bit.
"I know" He said.
Keith rinsed the soap off and pulled the shower curtain open and stepped out leaving me.
Something's up.
I washed all the soap of myself and shut the shower off, grabbed the shampoo and followed in his footsteps out of the shower.
Keith was already drying his hair.
He had his second towel that he brought wrapped around his waist. Dammit I forgot to get a look at his ass! Oh well.
I'm sure more opportunities will come. I heard the door of the bathroom swing open.
I listened for any noise.
Nothing. I'm assuming that was the kids leaving.
I grabbed a towel and began drying myself off.
By the time I was done Keith was already dressed.
He's speedy tonight.
"Wait for me huh?" I asked him.
"Fine" He muttered.
Yup he's definitely got something on his mind. 
I quickly got dressed into my shirt with a cat in the pocket and when you pull the pocket down it gives you the finger. I put on some bright pink boxers that I'm proud to say I own.
He gathered his stuff up in his arms. I copied. I opened the stall door and we walked out. I tossed my towels in the bin that has a "Dirty towels here" Sign above it.
I took two steps and bumped into Keith. He was stopped. I looked up. The kids were still here and there was a guy in about his 30's now accompanying them. I'm assuming it's their father.
The youngest one was sat on the sink counters holding an iPad intently watching something.
The older one was brushing his teeth. Keith was frozen.
This was really awkward.
Fuck this, I  grabbed his hand and walked over to the sinks so we could brush our teeth and what not.
The dad had a disapproving look on his face.
He pulled the older one over towards him so I could use the sink.
There was dead silence.
I let go of Keith's hand and began to brush my teeth.
The kid holding the iPad began playing a game which played happy cheery music which helped break the silence. Keith applied some moisturizer to his face looking away from the family and into his mirror.
I finished brushing my teeth and waited for Keith.
I leaned on the half wall that separates the sinks from the toilet stalls. I folded my clothes into a ball and held them under my arm.
I took Keith's clothes from the counter and held them for him as well as mine. "Almost ready?" I asked him putting an arm around his waist.
"Mhmm" Keith said and spat out the last of his toothpaste and rinsed his toothbrush.
"Hey can you guys not? I've got kids right here" The guy spoke up.
I was taken aback.
"But we're not doing anything wrong" Keith said fiercely, grabbing my hand
again, but this time roughly.
"Boys can like boys man" Keith hissed and packed up all our stuff in a hurry and dragged me out of the bathroom. He was fuming.
As per usual when he's pissed.
He stomped back to the campsite. "We're going to bed" I said to the other three as Keith dragged me into the tent. "Fuck that guy" Keith yelled.
"Yo what happened?" Hunk called to us.
"Some guy with kids got pissed because Lance put his arm around me" Keith spat.
"It was just two two kids when we got into the shower and we thought they left so we just stepped out together but they were still there with their dad now. Then I did that and he looked so triggered" I explained.
"We're both a lil mad so we're going to bed early again, You guys should go soon as well" I said.
"I'm going now too" Pidge announced. "Night" Keith yelled to them. They said goodnight in unison.
"I hate people like that, he said something so simple but it's not like we were making out" Keith grumbled. "I know" I said putting our clothes down and zipping the tent up.
"Let's get some sleep" I said putting my hand on Keith's thigh. He rubbed his eyes.
"You're tired" I said.
"I'll admit I am" Keith said.
He dove into his sleeping bag. I heard the splash of water on the fire again and the area went dark.
"Don't worry about that guy Keith" I said rubbing his back.
"I'm calm now" He said.
"We showed him" He added. I chuckled.
"Yeah we did didn't we?" I said. I got in my sleeping bag.
"Hold me" Keith said.
"As you wish" I replied and moved closer to him and held him.

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