
Epiphany: A meaningful experience

Lance pov

Keith was out like a light almost as soon as we went to bed.
He must've been tired.
He didn't reject my cuddling and I held him until he fell asleep.
His soft rhythmic breathing was soothing.
I carefully let go of him so he could be free to move if needed.
I turned onto my back and starred up at the ceiling.
A nirvana poster was up there.
Keith must really like nirvana. He's got 3 nirvana posters and was wearing a nirvana shirt earlier.
They're music isn't my favourite but I don't mind them.
I prefer pop music but older pop music from like the 90's and early 2000's. The shit today is just garbage.
Old pop music is the best music there is.
Keith seems more like the kind of person to listen to indie bands no one has heard of or like really emo music. I'm not entirely sure but it's probably something within those categories.

I was getting tired and my eye lids began to feel heavy.
I turned back over to face Keith. He looked so...innocent. He was facing me and had his hand under his head. A few strands of his jet black hair were scattered across his face. I gently tucked them behind his ear. He just looked adorable. It's creepy of me to just watch someone sleep but if you saw him like I'm seeing him now you'd want to stare because of how gorgeous he is.
I kissed his forehead and saw his eyes flutter open.
Shit I woke him up.
He looked at me angelically but eyes still tired and wrapped his arms around my waist.
He buried his face into my chest making a little soft groaning noise. I didn't say anything and just let it happen.
I stroked his hair for a bit as I felt tiredness overcome me.
His hair is nice and soft. I could tell he fell back asleep as his rhythmic breathing returned and I soon after fell asleep.

I was awoken to Keith moving around in my arms. I quickly checked my phone for the time. It was 3 am.
He had his back to my and I sat up and looked over at him. His eyes were shut tight as if he was in pain. He was moving his legs around and groaning softly.
I think he's having a nightmare.
I didn't know what to do.
Should I wake him? Or leave him alone.
He rolled onto his back and had a distressed expression on his face even though he was asleep.
His hair was stuck to his face with sweat.
I carefully pushed the strands of hair back.
Keith's breathing became sharp and laboured.
He looked like he was literal pain.
My heart was pounding and I was about to lay my hand on his shoulder to shake him awake when he shot up gasping.
He was sitting up now.
He was breathing frantically.
"Whoa fuck are you okay?" I said panic stricken.
Keith pushed his hair off his face again and began to hyperventilate.
"Shh shh it's okay" I said moving closer to him and cradling him.
Keith then began to cry and pushed his head into my chest like he had earlier.
I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back.
I'd never seen him like this. He was now sobbing.
I pulled away and he looked up at me tears running down his face. I wiped his left eye with my thumb.
"He's still here" Keith whispered.
I don't know why by that just made my skin crawl.
Was he talking to me?
I was now scared.
"What? Who's here" I asked frantically looking around the room but seeing nothing. Keith repeated himself.
"He's still here" He said harshly emphasizing the still.
"Who Keith?" I asked my fear starting to show.
"My father" He said burying his face back into my chest hugging me very tightly.
He is terrified.
His breathing slowed down but his crying didn't.
I don't know what to say. I know barely anything about Keith's birth parents. He hasn't really spoken about it.
What do you say in a situation like this??
"It was just a dream" I said rubbing his back. We both stayed quiet for a minute.
"I guess I should tell you..." He trailed off.
"Don't tell me if you don't feel safe" I said.
I knew what he was going to talk about.
He looked back up at me and let go.
He sat on his knees.
He wiped his tears and sniffed.
"M-My parents passed when I was a baby" He said.
"My mother overdosed on heroine and my dad had to take care of me. He slowly went insane but was trying to deal with his demons all while trying to take care of me. We moved out of our house and he built his shack of a house secluded from other people. I mean there were a few other houses nearby but not super close.
I don't remember any of this but he shot himself in the room next to me and I was left in the room next to his body. I was left for days starving and on the verge of death when our neighbours found me" He croaked his voice cracking. I felt tears well up in my eyes.
"So long story short none of my family members could take me and I was put into foster care. I've been through so many foster homes. I was such a fucking asshole. I never listened to anyone. I was the king of the world and no one could tell me otherwise. I would beat the shit out of kids at school, I'd break things and was rude to everyone. I was never happy. The only things I have to remember my parents are a few pictures and a few little things that belonged to my mother. My mother was a rock and roll type of girl. She met my dad at a young age and got pregnant with me. Her and my Dad's favourite band was nirvana and my favourite band is nirvana too. And they saw them together three times in concert and my mom got hooked on heroine. Surprisingly not from Kurt, She just found it.
My mother was young and stupid. She didn't want to die that's the thing. She took more than she knew her body could handle" Keith continued.
I'm getting really emotional.
"Anyway nobody wanted me. All I cared about was myself just like my father. I never let anyone in and never told anyone anything but then Christine and Dane offered to foster me. Christine gave me the maternal comfort I'd never revived as no one I was fostered by was brave enough to even touch me. I guess the wall I'd built around myself crashed down for the better when I began to get comfortable with them. The kids loved me and I learned to love them. This family changed my life Lance, They changed me by giving me love and not punishing me for fucking shit up. I love them so much and I just want them to fucking adopt me so I can be with them forever" He explained.
Tears were falling down my cheeks now.
I held Keith's hand.
Keith deserved so much more.
This is a lot.
"Two of my foster families were abusive to me which only made me worse. They'd beat me when I got in trouble at school and I'd fight back with all I could muster. Both families were the same type of people. One family couldn't handle me anymore and I was sent to the next ones who treated me exactly the same. I've blocked out most of the memories of the abuse. I have scars on my back and hips from the first set of abusive foster parents. The husband would burn me with the butts of his cigars"
Keith held up his shirt and pointed towards two roundish scars on his hip. He turned around and ran his hand over about 5 or 6 more almost identical marks on the middle of his back. I was almost sobbing and had my hand clasped over my mouth.
Keith pulled his shirt back down.
"That guy was a piece of shit. You know the typical alcoholic hillbilly Texan wife beater. Before I even figured out I was gay he'd call me a faggot and every vulgar name in the book. I don't even remember his name" Keith said.
"But soon after that when I was 12 I was starting to question my sexuality, I never liked girls but girls would like me. Girls in my school classes would always admit they had crushes on me but I could never return the feelings. When I was 13 my friends at the time were all getting girlfriends and I didn't feel the need to have one. I realized I was gay when I liked this guy in my English class in like seventh grade and I told one of my asshole friends and word got out and he found out and was disgusted with me and soon almost the whole school found out and I was called all the names almost every day. I had to become my own best friend because I had no one. When I came out to Christine and Dane they were so supportive. They didn't give a fuck and just wanted me to be happy and loved me for who I was. Even Meenah and Cole were supportive and they were so young. I simply told them that some boys can like boys and I was a boy who likes boys. Meenah was ecstatic and always tried to find me a boyfriend" He said smiling weakly.
"I told my siblings almost the same thing when I came out" I managed to say.
"But yeah now I'm here. I've got a really rough past and I've still got lots of issues but not as bad as they used to but I'm a whole different person now and I'm finally happy" Keith finished.
He looked at me and I removed my hand.
"Oh my god" I cried and grabbed him and wrapped him into a tight hug.
"You didn't deserve any of that shit and you deserve so much in life. You're so incredibly strong Keith to even battle that shit for years. You're such a wonderful person and I want you to be happy" I sobbed.
"Don't cry Lance" He said softly.
I loosened my grip on him and cupped his face with one hand and I kissed him lovingly.
That was the most meaningful interaction I've ever had with anyone. I've never loved anyone more than I loved Keith at this very moment.
"I'm sorry...I just dumped all this on you..." He said.
We've only known each other for a short time but I've never felt like this about anyone before and that's your typical love story quote but it's exactly how I feel.
I swallowed hard nervously.
"Don't worry. It's okay" I said.
"You deserve to be treated like a prince and that's what I plan to do" I said starring into his eyes.
Keith just grinned at me.
"I still kinda hate you though" Keith said. I laughed.
"Why?" I asked.
"You make me feel ways I've never felt about someone before and I hate it. I'm not used to this kind of affection. Plus you gave me a hard on when I was trying my hardest not to give in to your temptation" He said biting his lip.
"God you're so fucking cute" I said and kissed him again.
We were both so tired now.
"Well my dream was about my dad, He came and found me and was standing in the corner by my door" He said his voice quavering.
"Shh shh don't cry again" I comforted him.
"That's fucking scary" I said. Keith chuckled.
"Yeah no kidding" He said.
"Let's go back to sleep" I suggested. Keith murmured a yeah and he was still anxious for a while after.
He apologized repeatedly and started to best himself up over what he told me and said about how much he regrets it now.
I reassured him that I don't think any different of him and I just have so much more respect for him.

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