Endearment: love or affection
Keith pov
It was now the second last day of summer.
Can school just not happen??
Can it just not be a thing? Is that an option?
Summer went by too fast. It was so rushed.
Quite a few significant events happened though which is great. Amazing life changing events I'd say. This has been the best summer of my life. My previous summers have been filled with unfortunate panic attacks and seasonal depression. I usually get depressed around summer which is the opposite of like everyone. Summer usually makes me depressed. The heat makes me grumpy. I'm almost always grumpy, year around so what am I even saying??
I haven't seen Lance in about a week. I really haven't been keeping track of time.
It seems like a long time.
I'm secretly really clingy and I want to tell him how much I miss him but I don't. I really need to stop doing shit like this. He's always going on about how much he loves me, how much he misses me, how hot I am and how great my body is and shit. I want to tell him exactly how I feel because I feel the same way! Lance is so fucking hot and I want to tell him constantly but I just...don't.
I miss him when we're apart and I love him so much. I can't express emotions.
Lance has spent lots of time with his family like I told him to do.
Jana and him went shopping the other day and we wouldn't stop texting me so I literally just turned my phone off.
Spend time with your sister!
For days I've been egging Lance on and telling him I have surprise for him. He's been begging me to tell him and at least give him a hint.
I haven't given in.
I told him it was going to be a surprise.
I've invited him over today. I'll admit by now even I'm getting impatient.
It's the second last day so I better make it go out with a bang yeah?
Lance pov
"Keith when are they going to bed?" I whispered harshly at him.
"Not for another hour or so" He hissed giving my leg a smack.
We were sat at the breakfast bar waiting impatiently for Dane, Christine, and the kids to go to bed.
Keith has been telling me he has a surprise for me.
I've been begging him to give me a hint but he won't budge.
There's no way I'll be able to get it out of him. He said I'm "getting it" tonight. Not entirely sure what that means but it better be something good. He's sure set up some good anticipation.
Meenah and Cole were playing and Christine and Dane were watching tv.
I was treddling my leg up and down impatiently.
"Stop" Keith said smacking my leg again.
"Just be patient!" He barked.
"I can't!" I whimpered.
"I just want to know what the surprise is!"
"I spent a fuck ton of money on all of it so you better be fucking happy" Keith grumbled.
"Shit..." I said.
"Mm hey I know what we can do in the meantime" Keith said.
"Hm?" I asked. Keith grabbed my hand and lead me upstairs.
"I've had this idea for a while" He said. He took me into the bathroom and shut the door.
"I haven't tried this bathtub out yet. Just look at it, it's massive" Keith said. "Are you suggesting we fuck in a bathtub?!" I squeaked.
"No dumbass! Why can't we just have a bath together. Isn't that cute? That's a thing couples do right?" He asked.
"Oh yeah it is" I said.
"That's a really cute idea actually" I added.
It was dark out so no natural light was coming in from the big window behind to the bathtub.
"I don't think anyone has used it yet actually" Keith said turning the water on.
"Can we just be naked together and not have it be sexual? Why not just romantic?" Keith said.
"Jeez okay I'm sorry. Sex was just the first thing I thought of" I said.
"Oh what a surprise" Keith said rolling his eyes.
"Love youuu" I gushed.
Keith got two towels and set them on the floor next to the bath. He turned the water on and put the little silver drain down.
"We should be able to fit both of us in here right?" Keith asked. I looked down at the bathtub.
"Yeah we'll be good" I reassured him. Keith took his shirt off and threw it down on the floor.
"Bet'cha I can get undressed faster than you can!" I challenged.
"Oh a bet huh?" Keith said. I nodded. "You're on!" He yelled.
I ripped off my shirt and threw it next to Keith's. I got my socks off too.
"Fuck I have a belt! This isn't fair!" I whined beggining to fumble with my belt.
"Haha!" Keith mocked. He was already in just his underwear.
"You challenged me!" Keith sassed. I managed to get my belt undone finally. Keith slid his underwear off.
"I win!" He squeaked.
"Fuck" I muttered shifting my jeans and boxers off.
"I beat you at your own game" He beamed.
"Okay I get it!" I barked. Keith pushed the pile of clothes to the side so no water would get on them.
Keith climbed into the bathtub.
"Ffff it's hot" He yelped.
"Just like you" I said smoothly. Keith sat cross legged in the shiny white tub. I went up the little 3 stair staircase that lead up to the bath and got in after him. "Ooh fuck yeah it is hot" I agreed.
"Just like you" Keith mimicked.
We both just kinda sat there waiting for the bath to fill up. It finally did and Keith shut the water off.
"Whoa look at the moon!" Keith exclaimed suddenly pointing out the big window next to us.
"It's full" I said.
"The stars are bright too" He added. "This bath is so big" Keith said. I nodded in agreement.
"Come here" I said opening my arms out wide. I stretched my legs out in front of me. Keith sat in between my legs and I held onto him.
"This is nice" He said after a few minutes of silence.
"It is" I agreed.
Keith just laid in my arms and I stroked his soft skin. Keith I swear jumped 10 feet in the air when there was a sharp knock at the door.
"Keith, Meenah and Cole have to get in to brush their teeth" I heard Christine's muffled voice call. Keith gave me a panicked look.
"Yeah just a minute" He croaked. He pulled the drain up and the water level began to sink. We both frantically hopped out of the tub and dried off hurriedly.
"I forgot about them" Keith whispered putting his pants on. "You won't need your clothes on for long. Don't worry about getting a shirt on" Keith purred. I was intrigued.
We hung our towels up and nonchalantly strolled out of the bathroom. Meenah and Cole were waiting outside.
"Lance was in there too?" Meenah asked.
"We were just getting ready for bed" Keith said. Meenah nodded, believing the lie.
Me and Keith dove into his room and shut the door. Keith yelled goodnight to everyone before he locked the door.
Keith breathed a sigh of relief. We were both already shirtless.
"Go get on the bed" Keith said, fiddling with his hair. I obeyed.
"Close your eyes" He said.
"I like where this is going" I remarked.
I heard Keith open his closet and rummage around for a minute. I heard him close it again. I jumped a little when I felt him tie something over my eyes.
"Is this a tie?" I asked him bringing my hand up to touch the cool fabric that was now strung over my eyes.
"Yes" Keith said.
"You can take it off in a minute"
I squirmed with anticipation. I heard him walking all around the room, back and forth.
"This is all for you" He said. I felt him touch my thigh with his fingertips. I then heard a small jingle of bells when I felt Keith shift his weight on the bed. "The fuck is that?" I asked.
"An option" He replied.
"I don't know how to put any of this shit on so don't make fun of me if I did it wrong" He said.
Keith grabbed my hand and put it somewhere on his body.
There was a silky smooth fabric covering a small bit of the area my hand was pressed onto.
"I'm so confused" I said. I felt him sit on my lap.
The weight of him on my body always feels so good.
Keith let go of my hand and I felt him untie the tie that was tied around my head for whatever reason.
He took it off and I blinked a few times letting my eyes adjust to the dim room around me. I rubbed my eyes.
I swear to god at that moment I wanted to squeal like a 12 year old at a One Direction concert.
The first thing I noticed was the fucking collar.
He did not...
I swear to god this is something straight out of a kinky goth blog.
Keith was wearing one of those black fake leather collars with the little silver heart in the center.
I never thought this day would come.
My hand was still where he left it which was on his hip. From what I could see Keith had on some kind of fancy ass underwear on. That was what the silky feeling was.
They looked really tight.
I hope he's not uncomfortable.
"This shit was expensive" Keith said. "Okay those look really tight and I'm worried they're going to cut off your circulation" I said motioning to the underwear.
"They're women's so I literally have close to no room for my junk" Keith explained.
"I couldn't find anything like this that came in mens" He added.
"What? They're just black silky underwear it's not that spec-" I stopped my sentence when Keith moved my hand up over to his ass. There's no back to them.
"You bought assless underwear?" I exclaimed.
"Yeah, I did it all for you" Keith grinned.
"What was that jingling noise I heard?" I asked.
"Oh yeah! I bought cat ears as a huge joke but I didn't know if you would want me to wear them because that's kind of weir-"
"Please!" I shouted. Keith covered my mouth. I forgot about his family once again.
"Shh!" He hissed at me.
"So are you a furry now?" I asked him. "I bought them as a joke Lance" Keith said. He got off of me and crawled over to the opposite corner of the bed.
He pulled a headband with little fluffy black cat ears with pink bows and bells on them out of a bag.
"Fuck just take me now" I groaned. He put them on.
He just scoffed at me. As per usual. I then noticed the socks. Thigh high black lacey socks.
"I didn't even see the socks!" I exclaimed.
"You can see them now" Keith said sticking his leg out. He crawled back over to me. He gave his head a shake so the ears could jingle.
"You're not wearing those" I said taking them off his head. Keith laughed.
"I was going to get the socks in pink because you said you like pink but I don't like pink so I got black" Keith explained.
"But Mm these are tight" He said tugging at the fabric around his crotch. "No. I'm going to suck it up for you and your sexual fantasies" He said and kissed my neck.
"Please...I want you so bad" I groaned. "Are you happy though? Do you like it?" Keith asked. I nodded furiously. "Yes! Very much yes. I love everything!" I cried.
"Good fashion taste" I added.
"This is some shit straight out of a wet dream of mine" I exclaimed.
Keith pov
Lance likes the outfit very much. I wasn't expecting him to be as happy as he is.
In a matter of minutes I was on top of Lance doing what I do best; being a whiney powerbottom.
"Your hands are so fucking cold" I huffed at Lance.
"Well sorry! I can't control that shit" He retorted.
"They literally feel like chunks of ice clinging onto my ass" I grumbled. "Well I mean I can always put them on more sensitive areas of your body" He said.
"Don't you dare!" I hissed. He raised a cocky eyebrow at me. I scowled down at him. Lance moved his hands from their place and put them on the insides of my thighs. I gritted me teeth and inhaled sharply, making a hissing type noise.
"Fuck-You" I choked out.
"Do not move them up any closer" I warned him.
"But Keith I'm just trying to warm them up" He whined.
"I will hop right off you if you continue" I said.
"Okay I'll stop I'll stop" Lance said surrendering.
That was a really good session.
We both did pretty well to be honest. Nothing got too messy or sweaty which was nice. We went to bed almost straight after like we usually do. I put away my little getup back in its bag and shoved it under my bed.
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