Dual: Consisting of two parts, elements or aspects
Keith pov
Lance had already fallen asleep. I could hear his breathing steady.
I tried to sleep. I couldn't.
I didn't want to flip around because that'll wake Lance up.
I just waited, and waited. My mind isn't even too worked up.
I wish Lance hadn't pointed out the scars on my bicep. They're not something I'm proud of. They're the most prominent ones. You can't see the others unless you look closely at my arm. Then they're noticeable one you see them. I'm not ready to talk to him about that phase of my life yet.
I'm not proud of what I've done so I don't want to tell him yet. I'm surprised he hasn't noticed the others. Or maybe he has and didn't say anything. He's not usually looking at my arms anyway. Maybe if he has noticed them he may of assumed they were nothing of interest. I'm sure everybody has a few scars on their body somewhere.
I waited for longer.
I was tired but couldn't fall asleep. I needed help.
"Lance" I whispered nudging him. He stirred.
"Hm?" He hummed.
"I can't sleep" I said.
"I mean I'm tired but I just can't sleep" "Do you want me to do anything?" He asked.
"I can stroke your hair or rub your back or something like that" Lance suggested.
"I don't know" I replied.
"I'm cold as well" I added. "I have an idea" Lance said sitting up.
"Get out of your sleeping bag for a second" He said.
"What? Why? It's freezing!" I hissed. "Keith just listen" He said.
I slid out of the sleeping bag. Lance got out of his too. He unzipped them both so they were flat like blankets. He laid them on top of each other just like blankets.
"This might help, I can hug you closer" He said. I was freezing so I dove under the newly improved bed set up. He resumed his position next to me.
"Is this a bit better?" He asked. "Yeah" I replied. I can feel him nice and close now instead of having the sleeping bags creating a barrier. Ah he's so warm again.
"Ah you're freezing!" He exclaimed. "Warm me up then" I said shutting my eyes. He always holds me because I'm smaller than him. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into his chest.
"You're gonna spoon me now?" He asked.
"I'm always the little spoon, You deserve to be the little one too" I said squeezing him.
"It feels weird not holding you" He said. Then hold me too, you're facing me and I'm facing you too.
"Oh right" he giggled and held me too. It was just a big hug pretty much but we were laying down.
"So we're both the big spoons?" He asked.
"I guess so"
"Better?" He asked me a few minutes later.
"Very much so" I replied. The heat coming off his body felt so good. Better than it did last night.
"You're so squishy" Lance giggled squeezing me.
"Shh" I hushed him.
"Okay okay" He said. I felt better now. I just listened to the nighttime noises. A few crickets and an owl. You know stereotypical night noises.
When the next day came I was more than happy to get up and just fucking leave. I'm sick of all this outdoors shit. I was actually up earlier than everyone else. Lance was still asleep when I woke up. When everyone did get up I think we all equally wanted to get out of there. We packed up everything and left around 9 am. Hunk stopped for gas in L.A before heading back over to Pasadena. Shiro was the first to be dropped off. His house looked so cute. It was small and had an amazing garden. Rose bushes and a small fountain and different types of plants. Pidge was next, then finally me and Lance. Hunk dropped me off at Lance's too because like I said the other day I wanted to stay over. Lance wanted me to stay over too. I just want to cuddle in his adorable room. I still need to ask Christine though. Dane should actually be home now! When we got to Lance's Hunk got out and gave me a hug and thanked us for coming. He was just happy that I agreed to come. I like Hunk, he's just a big teddy bear. I thanked him for driving and feeding us.
I really didn't get much sleep last night. On and off. Me and Lance dragged all our stuff inside. We were both tired as shit. It was around 10 now and when we got inside Felix and Candice were the only ones awake. They were watching cartoons in the living room. Lance put the sleeping bags in the hallway closet and we went upstairs. "I'm going to call Christine" I said as we got to Lance's room. I dialled her number and after a few rings she answered.
"Morning, You're up early" She said. "It's like 10" I said.
"Is Dane home yet?" I asked her.
"Yes, he just got back last night" She said. I got excited. I missed him.
"Is it okay if I stay at Lance's tonight?" I asked.
"Keith you've been gone for days, We all miss you" She said.
"I know I know, I miss you guys too, it's just one more night" I begged.
"Fine" She sighed.
"I want you home tomorrow morning though Mr, I can come get you if need be" She scolded.
"Yes I will, I'm sure Lance can drive me back" I said.
"Alright, Just text me if you need a ride" She said.
"How was camping?" She asked.
"Good I guess, For staying in a heap on nylon for days on end and getting devoured by mosquitoes and eating nothing but hotdogs and cereal you could say the trip was okay" I laughed. "That's good, I hope you all had fun" She said.
"Don't try and convince me to let you stay another night! We all have a big surprise for you when we get home" She said giggling.
"Anyway I'm going to go, I'm making breakfast for everyone. Have a good day, I love you" She said.
"Alright, I love you too. See you tomorrow. Say hi to everyone for me" I said.
"Okay I will" She replied. We both said goodbye and I hung up.
"So?" Lance asked eagerly.
"I can stay" I said.
"Yay!" He cried.
"Do you want to go back to sleep for a while? I didn't sleep well" Lance said rubbing his eyes.
"Ugh I thought you'd never ask" I sighed. Lance pulled the blinds down and shut them so the room was fairly dark even though some morning sun snuck through.
Lance shut the lights off. Me and Lance had just put shorts on when we got up but didn't change out shirts. I took off my shorts but Lance left his on.
Lance sprang onto his bed.
" I know you like the right side so you can have it, I usually sleep on the right when I'm not with you" He yawned. "Ah are you sure? I don't want to take your spot" I said.
"Shh it's fine" He said patting the bed next to him. His bed was unmade still and I giggled at the sight. I got into the bed and laid down.
Holy fuck it's comfy.
It feels like I'm sinking.
"Why am I sinking?" I asked.
"Memory foam" Lance responded laying down next to me.
"Ooh I like it" I said. I laid on my back. Lance had a big poster of the solar system on the bottom of the loft which is right above the bed.
"You're such a nerd!" I said nudging him motioning to the poster with my head.
"Shut up" Lance hissed. I giggled again. "I'm tired Keith" He added.
"I am too!"
"Then go to sleep dummy"
"Fine I will"
I turned to my right like usual. Lance was out in five minutes. I soon fell asleep after.
We only slept until noon. But I was still tired when we got back up. We were woken up by the sounds of running up and down the hall. Candice and Felix were the culprits and were trying to wake us up. When we both finally got dressed and mobile again as soon as we got downstairs the two were jumping up and down begging Lance to take them for a ride on the atv. My whole life I've referred to them as quads. I thought they were two different things but Lance explained to me that they're the exact same things. I've never been on one before. When we got to the kitchen Lance's dad was washing the dishes. He lookes like a mix of all the kids but much older. He had a full head of short dark brown hair, the same tan skin that the rest of the family has and stubble almost thick enough to form a beard. He was tall just like Lance and Jana. Not as tall as Dane but maybe 6'2 with a muscular build. Lance introduced me to him and he's just as friendly as Mariana. He smiled warmly at me and he said it's a pleasure to meet me. He introduced himself as Anthony; Lance's dad. He dried his hands on his jeans and gave me a firm handshake then resumed. Everyone must of already told him that me and Lance are together.
Lance the two kids and I went outside into the back yard. It was so big! A big field full of grass was a better description than a yard, It went back so far. Once I looked harder they had no back fence, their backyard lead right into the fucking desert! A garden was next to the back deck and that's where Mariana was. She was sitting on her knees doing what I assumed was gardening.
"Are you taking them on the atv?" She asked turning towards us four.
"Yup" Lance responded.
"Alright, make sure you all wear helmets" She cautioned.
"Yeah yeah" Lance said.
"Hi Keith" She greeted me as we turned to the grey shed a few yards away. I waved and smiled to her.
"By the way mamá Keith is staying over tonight" Lance called as we walked. "Okay" She laughed. The four of us made our way to their garage shed thing. I looked to my right and all I could see was rolling hills with a few patches leading to rocky desert hill kind of things. Their yard went downhill and there was a few more small desert hills in the distance. I'm surprised their grass isn't dead because this is California. I guess the thing I thought was a shed is a garage. It's got a garage door and everything. "Have you ever driven an atv before?" Lance asked me.
"Nope" I said.
"Jesus Christ Keith is there anything you have done?" He asked. I just snorted. "I don't trust myself to drive one so please don't make me" I whined to Lance.
"Fine, You can ride with me. I can hook the kids up to a trailer. I usually take them one by one on 10-20 minute rides around because they're not allowed to drive them by themselves yet. Kaleb can barely drive one so he shouldn't be allowed to" Lance explained. Felix entered a code into a panel beside the garage door and it opened. It was a decent sized garage. A tractor was on side and two walls were lined with shelves full of assortments of tools, a few toys and just yard equipment. There were four atvs to parked to the left. They were all around the same size. Lance tossed me a large full head helmet from a shelf. I barely caught it. "You guys have to go in the trailer, Keith is riding with me" Lance announced putting a helmet similar to mine on. The kids put on smaller matching red ones with visors. I don't want to fuck up my hair ugh. But I also don't want to crack my head open. I sighed and put the helmet on. Lance hopped on the vehicle and pulled it a few feet out of the garage and pulled a small green trailer from beside the garage. I don't know how to describe it. It's a trailer pretty much. Like a box you cut in half...if has no top. There were cushions in the bottom of it meaning that they had done this before. Lance looked up the trailer to the back of the atv. Felix and Candice hopped in and Lance got back on.
"Just hold onto me okay?" Lance said. I awkwardly clambered onto the vehicle and sat behind Lance.
"Put your arms around me" Lance ordered. I slipped my arms around his ribs and held on tight. I then saw Kaleb run out of the house yelling at Lance to wait. I thought he wanted to come in the trailer with the kids but no. He quickly hopped onto one of the atv's throwing a helmet on. Kaleb started it and pulled out next to us.
"Hi Keith!" Kaleb yelled to me over the sound of the vehicles. I said a brief hello. "I can't race you dipshit, I've got the trailer and the kids plus I have Keith who's never been on one of these things before" Lance explained. Kaleb scoffed.
"Fine okay" He groaned. Kaleb sped off and Lance followed him. We headed off down the slow descending him. I squeezed Lance tight because I'm fucking terrified. Felix and Candice hollered with glee. The trailer was being quite smoothly pulled. Better than what I was expecting. We were coming up to a dip and a small dirt hill. I shut my eyes and hugged Lance so tight I thought I would break his ribs. Lance sped up and I felt us go up the hill. When I opened my eyes Kaleb was a few feet ahead of us. The grass was disappearing and we were entering a more desert like area. Lance followed Kaleb up and down hills and I was ready to cry. I was so scared we were going to tip over but everyone else was hollering happily. I looked behind to check on the kids. Felix gave me a thumbs up and I smiled weakly at him. I couldn't even see the yard anymore. We were in total desert area now. Small plants were scattered around the land. The ground was a tan colour. Dirt I'm assuming. I loosened my grip on Lance and moved my arms down to his waist. I held onto his belt. We were on flat land now as we followed Kaleb. Being on safe flat land made me feel better. I then thought of something. I slowly moved my hand over to Lance's thigh then cheekily grabbed his crotch and he yelped in surprise.
"You little bitch!" He yelled at me and nudged my hand away with his elbow. I snickered.
"You're gonna get it you little shit!" He hissed at me.
"Oh yeah?" I teased gently putting my hands up his shirt and touching his stomach.
"Fuck how are your hands so cold?" Lance asked frantically.
"It's well over 100 degrees" He added. "Keith I'm gonna crash if you don't stop" Lance threatened.
"There's nothing to crash into other than fucking cacti" I barked at him. Lance purposely swerved and ran over a bush.
"That bush had feelings Lance!" Felix screamed jokingly at him. We soon caught up to Kaleb and rode alongside him for a few more minutes before we decided to turn around a go back. Lance went over the hills we passed and didn't go over the first time. I was not thrilled. There was nothing out in this desert. No animals anywhere. We went up and over a huge hill and on our way Lance howled. I was so worried about the trailer falling off but the kids were laughing and having fun. I loosened my grip as we got back onto smoother ground. The warm wind rushing past us felt good. The house and green grass soon came back into view and we were soon back in the yard. We parked and Kaleb parked did too.
"That was so fun!" Candice clapped hopping out of the trailer along with Felix. Lance got off and helped me off. My legs felt like jello when I stepped onto the grass. I took my helmet off and my face was soaked in sweat.
"Oh ew" I said in realization. "What?" Lance asked.
"I've been wearing the same shorts for days!" I said.
"Whatever, that's not s big deal" Lance said taking his helmet off.
"It is for me! I brought no other pants" I sighed.
"I'll let you borrow some of mine then" Lance suggested. He took the helmets and put them back on a shelf in the garage. I wiped the sweat off my face and ran my hands through my hair. "Keith you looked so scared" Kaleb laughed giving me a punch in the arm. "I was!" I shrieked.
"With Lance at the controls you had a good reason to be" Kaleb said. He tossed his helmet onto the grass. Mariana was still crouched working in the garden. Me and Lance went back up to the house. Jana was out sitting on the deck smoking. I didn't know she smoked.
"How was it?" She asked Lance.
"Good" He replied leading me back into the house. We went back up to his room.
"You can look through my closet and pick something you like" Lance said flopping onto his bed. I nodded and opened his closet. It was fairly clean. I sorted though his clothing and picked out some blue plaid shorts. I held them up to Lance asking for reassurance. "Yeah go ahead" He said. I peeled off my shorts and threw them into my duffle bag which was next to Lance's bed. I put on the shorts. They fit really well. They were a bit long but that's okay.
"You look cute" Lance said lifting his head to look at me.
"I've never seen you wear shorts that long and it's kinda weird" Lance laughed.
"What do I not look gay enough now?" I asked him.
"Exactly"He responded. "I'm kinda anxious" I said sitting next to Lance. "Why?" He asked.
"Christine said everyone has a surprise for me when I get back" I said.
"Why are you anxious? That's fun!" Lance exclaimed.
"It could be something bad" I retorted. "Why would she give you a bad surprise?" Lance questioned.
"I don't know" I mumbled.
"I'm sure you'll be fine" Lance said. "You gotta stop worrying so much" He huffed.
"I know I know" I sighed. Lance put his arms around my waist and just kinda laid there on his bed while hugging me. "You good?" I asked him petting his hair.
"Mhmm" He said. I felt Lance press his lips to the strip on exposed skin that must of shown where my shirt didn't touch the shorts. I gasped in surprise. "Ah don't do that" I hissed at him and pulled my shirt down.
"It's warm there though" He whined. I shifted out of his reach.
"Nooo Keith!" He cried. I moved over to the side of the bed I slept on earlier and laid on my back and looked up at the space poster Lance had.
"Do you think aliens exist?"I asked him.
"Do I think aliens exist?" Lance asked. "Of course I do, What the fuck" Lance said.
"Do you?" He asked me.
"Obviously, have you seen all my alien shirts" I said.
"Oh yeah" He laughed. Lance laid down next to me.
"If you could go to any planet and get there safely, which one would you go too?" He asked.
"Well you technically can't get to any of the planets without dying. I mean there's mars but it's not really sustainable for humans yet. Robots can barely stay functional on some planets" I said.
"Okay Pidge" He joked.
"Well if I could go to any planet and not die I would go to Mars" Lance said. "Same" I replied. "I wonder if aliens are living among us" Lance pondered. "Probably" I said.
"Maybe you're an alien!" Lance accused. "Wha-" he cut me off. "You're unearthly attractive, you never really knew your family or remember the begging of your life so maybe you were sent down to earth by aliens" Lance screamed. I laughed at him.
"Yeah totally" I scoffed.
"I love my alien boyfriend" Lance said putting his head on my chest. I kissed his hair.
"Oh god we're going to be seniors" I said after a few minutes.
"Fuck" Lance whispered.
"Then after that we're off into the real world" I said.
"I don't wanna be an adult" Lance whimpered.
"I'm gonna be 18 in a few weeks...shit" Lance groaned.
"Haha you're gonna be old" I teased him.
"I can't be an adult, I don't wanna" Lance complained like a child.
"Aging is inevitable" I stated. Lance groaned. "I expected you to either be an Aries or Scorpio" Lance said.
"I was right though" He added.
We laid there for a bit and just talked about space and the future. Kaleb soon burst into the room telling us to
come down for supper. The 3 of us went downstairs and into the kitchen. I didn't even realize how hungry I was. Jana, Anthony, and Candice were all sat at the table. Anthony at the head and the two girls on the chairs on the side next to him. There were various bowls and plates of food on the counter. Lance handed me a china plate with magenta flowers painted on it. The plate was beautiful. Lance had a matching one and began to scoop food into his plate. I followed and did the same. See the thing with me is that I tend to not eat a lot. I don't need a lot of food to function. It took months for Christine and Dane to get used to this. Dane was convinced I had an eating disorder but it look lots of convincing to prove the truth. I didn't, I never eat lots and I never really have. I sat next to Lance and Kaleb took a stool from their island to sit down next to Lance. The long sides of the table were made to fit 3 chairs each but only one side had the three which was the opposite one from me, Lance and Kaleb. Mariana and Felix were the last to sit and Felix sat next to Candice and Mariana sat at the opposite head of the table. We all didn't hesitate to begin eating. Candice and Jana were talking about dogs.
"Lance ran over a bush today in the atv" Felix announced.
"Oh no" Anthony gasped trying to humour the child.
"That bush could of had feelings Lance" Felix said sticking his tongue through the gap where his two front teeth should been and then sticking it out at Lance.
"It's a bush Felix" Jana said. Jana had her long dark hair pulled into a ponytail and I noticed all the piercings she had on her ears. Jeez she has so many. From what I could see she had 3 lobe piercings on her right ear as well as 4 cartilage and a tragus. The 4 cartilage were all decked out in small rose gold coloured hoops and her ears all had matching rose gold shaped star studs. 2 lobe piercings on the left as well as An industrial bar on and the outer lobe piercing had a chain that came up to cuff the cartilage of her ear. The industrial bar was gold as well and all the others were the same rose gold and the lobe had the matching stars. Honestly they all suit her.
"I love your piercings Jana" I exclaimed.
"Hey thanks man" She said smiling. "All of the kids aren't allowed to get any piercings or tattoos until they're 18 and we never thought Jana would be the type for all the body modifications but we were dead wrong" Anthony explained.
"I got my first lobe piercings when I was 12, the rule wasn't in place yet. The only piercings any of us are allowed to get until the set age are just lobe" Jana said.
"I'm not thrilled with all of the piercings, her ears look like disco balls" Mariana said.
"I'm 19 now and I got all of these in the first 6 months of being 18" Jana said. "I've got a medusa too, I got it this year but I lost the jewelry" She added pointing above her cupids bow.
"She's got tattoos as well" Candice spoke up. Jana turned around in her seat and moved her hair to reveal a pretty feather tattoo on the back of her neck.
"I've got one on my thigh too but I'm wearing jeans" She said.
"It's nice" I said.
"Thanks" She smiled. "You're going to be 18 soon Lance, Do you want anything?" Jana asked him.
"You're gonna be 18?" Candice screamed slamming her hands down on the table.
"Yeah" Lance chuckled.
"What!?" She screeched. "Candice" Mariana said putting a finger on her lips to signal Candice to be quiet. "Sorry Mamá" She said. "I might want to get a tattoo or two" Lance said.
"Ugh not you too" Mariana sighed. "I'm gonna be a free man" Lance announced triumphantly.
"Not until you move out" Anthony said. "Darn" Lance mumbled.
"I want ear gauges" Kaleb spoke up.
"I wanted those too!" I said to him. "Ew are those where you stretch your ears all out?" Mariana asked. Kaleb said yes. I took a few bites of my food.
"Those are disgusting please never get them Kaleb" Mariana begged. Kaleb crossed his arms.
"I like your nails Keith" Candice said breaking the silence.
"I said the other day, aren't they nice?" Mariana said to her.
"Did you paint them?" Candice asked. "No my sister did actually" I said.
"You have a sister?" She said eyes widening.
"Yeah, well foster sister technically but she's 8" I explained.
"I'm 10" she said holding up her hands to show me all 10 fingers.
"I'm sure you two would get along" I said.
"I've got a brother too" I added.
"How old is he?" Felix asked.
"6" I answered.
"So they're both two years younger than you guys" I said. I'm surprised they didn't ask what foster means. They may of already known.
When everyone finished eating they all slowly left the dining room going all different directions. Anthony went to go bring the atv's inside the garage. It was just me, Lance and Mariana. We were both helping her clean up.
"Thank you boys, I can handle the rest" She said taking plates from us.
"Are you sure?" Lance asked her. She nodded. Lance began to head upstairs. "Keith" I heard her say just as I was about to leave the kitchen.
"Yes?" I responded. "If you ever want to talk about anything you can come to me. Well any of us really" She said. "Lance told me everything. I know you don't really know me that well but you can trust me" She explained. I felt happy and warm because of her kind words.
"I'm truly so sorry you had to go through all of that" She said. "You are a strong young man and you deserve the best this world has to offer. Lance loves you so much and I can see that in him" She said holding my hand.
"You are so wonderful and Lance is very very lucky to have you in his life" She said giving me a big hug.
"Thank you" I said smiling. I thought I was going to cry.
This woman is amazing. She let go and put her hand on my cheek tenderly. Lance came back downstairs once he realized I didn't follow him.
"Hey what's going on?" He asked.
"I was just telling Keith that he can come talk to me anytime and that he's such a wonderful person" She said removing her hand.
"Oh yeah, you can come talk to any of us anytime. You are amazing Keith" Lance beamed.
"I'm gonna cry guys" I laughed wiping my eye with my thumb where a few tears had welled up.
"Thank you both" I said. "You're welcome honey" She said.
"C'mon lets go" Lance said pulling on my arm. I looked at Mariana. She nodded letting me go. Lance pulled me upstairs and into his room.
"Whoa what is it?" I asked as Lance closed the door behind us.
"Eh nothing really. I just want you to myself" He said letting go of my arm. "Okay" I chuckled.
"What do you want to do tonight?" He asked me.
"I don't know, we could watch movies or something" I suggested.
"Yeah that sounds good" Lance agreed.
We just hung around in his room for an hour or so then decided to go down to basement to start a movie.
"Ah good memories down here huh?" Lance said. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the sofa. Lance turned on the projector. We decided on a movie called the den. I hadn't seen it but Lance said. It's like unfriended. I could see the sun slowly set from the window in the guest room. We watched that movie and just cuddled. I screamed at a jumpscare and Lance was laughing so hard he had to pause the movie.
"You scream like a little girl" He yelled at me. I was mad. He recovered after a few more minutes. Around 10 Jana came down and went to bed so we turned the movie down. We then started the evil dead once the den ended. Mariana soon came down and said goodnight to us and announced she already put the kids to bed was going to bed herself along with Anthony. She hugged both of us and told us not to stay up late.
"Oh hey the Fourth of July is this week" Lance said. "Oh yeah" I said.
"People were so extra about it in Texas" I grunted.
"It's pretty extra here too" Lance said. We then watched more of the movie.
Before I new it Lance was on top of me sucking my face off. It just kind of happened. I broke away for a minute. "Jana" I huffed quietly reminding him his sister was in the room next to us. "Oh yeah" He said. He rolled off of me and turned the projector off. We quietly made our way upstairs to the main floor then upstairs again stumbling around in the dark and found our way into Lance's room. Lance shut the door quietly then dragged me over to his bed pushing me down onto the plush mattress. He turned his lava lamp on to give us some light to accompany the moon light. The room now had a red glow. I was pretty horny at this point. The mood just kinda sprung up. I know Lance is horny 24/7. I just wanted him on top of me. We ripped our clothes off in record speed so we were in just our underwear. I was panting as Lance gave me a few hickies to join the lonesome one he'd given me the other day. His body was so warm. Warmer than it had been a few minutes ago. We kissed a few more times then Lance broke away. I looked at him. He looked nervous and bit his lip.
"What?" I asked him my heart racing. He sighed.
"Keith..." He trailed off.
"Hm?" I responded.
"Do you want to...?" He hummed nervously.
"Do I want to what?" I asked dumbfounded.
"Do you want to have sex Keith?" Lance blurted. My heart began to pound faster. I felt like it was going to fling itself right out of my chest. I could hear the beat in my ears.
"That kinda killed the vibe" I said.
"I took sex Ed and health for years and learned consent is the most important thing in intimacy" Lance explained. "Consent is what matters most" He added. Well at least he remembered that.
I had to think.
Did I want to have sex with Lance?
Yes. Hands down yes.
But I'm scared.
Scared of what I don't know. I've never had sex before and this is kind of a big fucking deal. Lance looked down at me nervously awaiting my answer.
I swallowed my fear.
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