
Desire: A strong feeling of wanting something or wishing for something to happen

*A/N things are finally kicking off
  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) sorry for the wait. Nothing too intimate is going to happen,  just a good ol' makeout scene*

Lance pov

"Do you guys want to watch a movie?" I asked. Keith nodded.
"Sure" Hunk replied.
I sat up and grabbed one of the remotes off the table.
When my dad got this huge promotion at work earlier this year we decided to update our basement and we added a projector and screen and a new couch. This projector is pretty cool but kinda throws off the aesthetic and style of our mainly country style home.
I turned on the projector and scrolled around until I found Netflix.
"Bestbi? Really?" Keith asked sarcastically referring to my profile name.
"Yes Keith, I am the best bi" I retorted flashing him a grin.
He rolled his eyes at me.
"Horror?" I asked Hunk and Keith. "Fuck yeah!" Keith agreed.
"Ack as long as it's not gory" Hunk said.
"Hunk has a weak stomach" I explained to Keith.
Hunk looked embarrassed. "Yo have you guys seen the conjuring?" I asked. "Yeah I've seen it like 5 times" Keith said cooly.
"I've never seen it" Hunk replied. Keith starred at him wide eyed.
"Really?" He gasped.
"Really" Hunk replied.
"Well we're going with that then.
I've only seen it once but there's not any gore really so you're good bud" I said to Hunk.
I selected the movie and it started.
I scrambled up to turn the lights off.
I jumped back on the couch this time closer to Keith.
My mind is racing.
Damn hormones.
I want Keith to be mine.
I want to straddle him and kiss his neck.
But Hunk is here and how am I going to initiate a makeout session with Keith.
Keith noticed I had inched closer to him.
He looked at me and I winked. He smirked and rolled his eyes.
That's how he's gonna play huh?

We watched the movie for a bit. I would look over at Keith every few minutes.
The screen illuminated his slim frame. I traced my eyes up and down him. He's honest to god eye candy.
He's a little bit too thin to be honest.
Listen, I'm skinny but Keith is smaller than I am.
It's almost sickly...
But his violet eyes, shiny thick hair, perfect facial structure make up for it.
His shorts were the same ones he'd worn earlier this week and I appreciate the fact that they're just a bit too tight. He's enough to make me drool. But Keith didn't seem to notice me eyeing him.
I was thinking now.
Jana was at her boyfriends house for the night. The three kids were in bed already, my dad is on a business trip for a week. My mom is still upstairs as I see the kitchen lights shining down the stairs. Almost perfect.

My mind just began to focus on the movie when Hunk spoke up.
"I'm going to go get some snacks" He said and got up.
I nodded giving him permission.
He knows my family and my house like the back of his hand.
He trudged up the stairs.
I don't have a lot of time.
I can't make a move know because I don't want Hunk to come back down and just see us.
I'll have to wait.
How am I going to fucking do this??
Am I just going to jump on top of Keith?
Should I up my flirting game? I mean it's already on point so I'm not sure what else I can do.
I can't just say
"Oh hey Keith let's suck each other's faces off!"
That's not how reality works.
Keith seemed to be transfixed by the movie.
Hunk then came back down with a few bags of chips.
He tossed them onto the table. I mumbled a thank you to him.
"Your mom wanted me to tell you that she's going to bed" Hunk said.
"Alright" I said.
"I'm just going to go say good night" I said.
Keith wasn't paying attention.
I jogged up the stairs and caught my mother just as she was turning the lights off.
"Good night" I said giving her a hug. "Buenas noches mi dulce niño" She said kissing my forehead. That means "Good night my sweet boy" btw.
"Don't you boys stay up all night" She added releasing me from the hug and heading upstairs.
"We won't" I said and headed back to the basement.

The movie was about halfway through now.
I was itching to make a move.
Then it happened.
I heard a grumble and then Hunk began to snore.
He had fallen asleep!
Fuck yes!
I grabbed a blanket draped over the back of the couch and lightly placed it over his body.
Now listen, Hunk is such a heavy sleeper. If someone blew a damn air horn the most he'd to is stir.
Keith had his eyes still glued to the screen.

You only live once and I'm not going to waste any time.
I shifted closer to Keith, He turned his head to look at me.
I gave him a flirtatious smirk.
He looked slightly confused as to what I was doing.
I leaned over towards him and straddled him.
Keith looked surprised
"You know, if I could arrange the alphabet I'd put U and I together" I purred.
"Is that the best you could do?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
I gave him a weak smile. He then roughly grabbed the collar of my shirt and yanked my torso towards his and letting our lips connect.
I was caught of guard.
I made a "mmf" noise as Keith wrapped his arms around my neck.
I closed my eyes.
Keith shifted under me and before he could it I did.
I broke the kiss and pushed him down flat on the couch pinning his wrists to the sides of his head.
"Oh I don't think so" He growled and pushed me up then down and he now had me underneath him in the exact position I had just had him in.
I smirked at him.
He gripped my wrists tightly and aggressively pushed his lips onto mine again.
I didn't really like being held down.
I'm more dominant and this isn't my forte.
I tried to move from his grip but Keith wasn't letting go. Fuck he's pretty strong considering how skinny he is.
I squirmed.
I bit his lip and he jumped in surprise. We moved our lips together for a while longer.
I was running out of breath.
I broke away and moved my lips to his neck.
His grip unknowingly loosened and I quickly moved my hands to his waist.
I needed control.
I moved my hands up his back and to his shoulders. I kissed his neck a few times then began to suck on right where his neck meets his torso. He groaned rather loudly and my eyes shot open remembering Hunk. I looked over at him and he was still asleep.
Don't want to risk waking him up even though I almost definitely know he won't.
I just want to be safe you know? I harshly grabbed Keith's hand and pulled him to his feet and dragged him into my old room.

Keith pov

Lance pushed me roughly onto a bed. A soft, fluffy white duvet and soft faux fur blanket were now underneath me. I was panting slightly. My eyes quickly scanned the room. A white desk and dresser were beside each other on the wall opposing the bed I was on. White bedside tables were on each side of the bed. One had a lamp and one had an alarm clock.
The bed was littered with grey throw pillows and about four or five normal pillows with white pillow cases. The room was like one big cloud.
I didn't think that this was Lance's old room even though this was the one he had pointed too.
Then I noticed a blue beanbag chair and a few Pokemon plushies in a corner.
Yup this was defiantly Lance's old room.
It must of been redecorated. Lance quickly grabbed my attention by unbuttoning his shirt and tossing it onto the floor.
"Oh...oh okay" I said my voice quivering.
Shit now he's going to think I'm nervous.
"Aw Keith you sound scared" Lance purred.
"I'm not fucking scared" I growled scowling at him.
"Prove it" He pestered his bright blue eyes egging me on.
He moved onto the bed and sat on his knees. I grumbled, anger and desire clinging to my voice. I propped my torso up with my elbows. Lance shifted over to me and straddled me again as he did earlier. My heart was beating loudly. I grabbed Lance's shoulders and pulled his body onto mine. I pulled him down towards me. I grabbed a handful of his hair and pushed his face down onto mine. I resumed kissing him.
This wasn't good enough.
Lance bit my lip.
I yanked away and moved my lips onto his neck. I roughly kisses his neck and moved up towards the center of his neck. I began to give him a hickey and he seemed pleased.
I am not scared.
Especially of him.
I sucked harder on neck.
"Fuck you're eager aren't you?" Lance said. I lightly dug my teeth into the same spot of skin.
That's going to leave a huge mark.
I released my lips and poked my tongue out slightly and dragged my mouth up to his mouth again. Lance let out a muffled "Ah" as I stuck my tongue into his mouth. His tongue met mine. Lance broke away.
"I'm not letting you leave with no marks. That's just not fair" He said and began to give me a hickey.
How am I going to hide this.
Lance was sucking on my neck and hard. He spent almost 20 seconds on each area and he'd go back if he hadn't been satisfied with the mark. "Enough!" I hissed and cupped his face and began to kiss him again. His lips are so soft. His body is warm.
I began to sweat. I broke away momentarily to peel off my shirt.
I threw it onto the floor next to Lance's. He looked at my body happily.
I'm insecure as all hell...
but I can't let him know that.
I'm skinnier than him and I look sick.
My ribs stick out and my hip bones are protruding. His don't

I don't want to go as far as to have sex with Lance. I'm just fine with this.
Lance began kissing me once again and I saw him take his jeans off without our lips even parting.
I hope he wasn't thinking about it.
Not tonight.
I closed my eyes again and let him take control. He placed his hands on my chest and dragged them down to my ribs and then my stomach. I shifted because his touch was ticklish. I felt his fingers trace along the waist of my shorts.
Lance subtly unbuttoned them and pulled them down my thighs.
We were both in just our underwear now.
I kicked off the shorts and Lance pushed them off the bed and on to the floor. I'd shut my eyes again. His breath was hot against my neck.
At this point I'm honestly surprised I don't have a hard on.
"Oh these are cuuute!" I heard Lance say. He was referring to my grey boxer briefs with little black bats on them. I like bats okay. Not like baseball bats but like spooky Halloween bats. I didn't open my eyes.
"Mhmm" I mumbled into his neck. I then opened my eyes slowly and the first thing I saw was the very prominent hickey/bite mark on Lance's neck that I'd given him. You can see the indents of my teeth oh god. It's hot though. It suits him.
From where my head was I couldn't see Lance's face. I was clinging onto him as he was on his hands and knees hovering over me.
"Mm I want to see your face" I said and let go of him. Lance took the queue as if he could read my mind and let me move to go on top of him. I don't mind this. Switching on and off.
I liked being dominated by him but he can't know.
I went back to kissing him once again. Boring I know. I held Lance's face in my hands and I was on my knees hovering over him. Our lips moved in a perfect rhythm. Lance put his hands on my hips. He then quickly moved them and placed them on my ass. I made a muffled noise into his mouth.
If he tries to take my underwear off I'm done.
He dosen't. He instead squeezed my ass harder which made my tense up a bit. I'm not used to this.
This is my first kiss.
Well my first like 50+ kisses over and over with the same person. I've never kissed anyone before and that hit me just now. I don't even know what I've doing but I've seen enough movies to know a general idea. I'm probably not doing well.
Oh well.
Lance is going to have to deal with it. I'm enjoying myself and uh... I think he's enjoying himself a bit too much. I released my arms from his face and put them beside his head for balance.
I moved so that my pelvis was right on top of his.
My abdominal weight was being supported by him underneath me. I hope I'm not too heavy.
Lance moaned softly into my mouth.
Fuck that's the first noise he's made. He lightly bucked his hips up to press harder against mine.
I better not get hard oh god please! Lance moved rhythmically under me and I could just tell he was already hard.
I moved so that I was back to my knees. Lance didn't seem to like that and bucked his hips up in dismay.
I guess he likes that closeness. I broke away totally out of breath.
I panted softly as did Lance.
"Mm that was nice" He huffed.
"But it's my turn" He grabbed my hips and rolled me over and back down underneath him again.
I was panting heavily and he gave me a look full of tension and passion.
Lance dropped his abdominal weight onto me just like I had but this time he was grinding on me!
Like some fuckboy from vine in 2013! I really needed to catch my breath. I was still huffing but Lance wasn't.
This feels really good fuck.
Without thinking I moaned and quickly shot my hand up to cover my mouth. Lance chuckled.
"You're fine, no one can hear us" He said. Well that gives me a bit of relief. At this point I'm about half hard if that makes sense.
I swear to god Lance's goal is to give me this fucking hard on and he's doing well.

Lance pov

I moved my body back and forth on top of Keith's. He was still slightly out of breath. He let out a sharp
"Ah" And then dug his nails into my back and dragging them downward.
I was already hard and my goal is to get the great Keith up to my level.
He already had enough hickies on his neck so what else can I do.
Then it came to me.
I pressed my lips to his chest and slowly moved them down leaving a trail of kisses on his stomach.
Keith giggled.
He's ticklish?
I got to the waist of his underwear then moved myself down so my lips were on his inner thighs.
I know this area for almost everyone is sensitive so it's worth a shot right.
I began to suck on the inside of his thighs.
Keith gasped and threw his head back. Who says sex is way to a mans heart? Well it's obviously not the way to go for Keith because he's pleasured just by this.
I put my hands on his hips.
"Lance-" He panted. I'd left a few marks on his legs.
"Get back up here" He huffed.
I obeyed and moved my body back again to straddling him. He pulled my face up towards his so we could kiss more.
Keith wrapped his legs around my abdomen. I could feel the nail marks from earlier start to sting.
I ran my hands through his hair messing it up.
Keith squeezed his legs tighter and I felt him.
I've succeeded.

Keith pov

Congrats Lance you got me hard.
I thought to myself as he ran his hands through my hair.
This is seemingly lasting forever.
He ran his tongue down from my lips and down my chest then back up again and kissed me one last time.
I finally pushed him off of me and he landed next to me on the bed.
I was panting like crazy. I could tell he was done his playtime.
Lance was huffing heavily now. "You're-so-fucking-hot" Lance said in between huffs.

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