Coalesce: Come together and form one mass or whole
Keith pov
I awoke to Lance shaking me.
"Lance what the fuck?" I grumbled opening my eyes.
"I have a really good idea!" He chimed still shaking me.
"Stop shaking me, I'm awake" I scolded.
"Ack okay sorry" He said.
"What's this idea?" I mumbled rolling over to my back so I could face him. "We should go to Santa Monica!" He beamed.
"What? Why Santa Monica?" I asked. "There's a beach there and it's so nice and we should go!" He grinned.
"How far is it?" I asked rubbing my eyes.
"About an hour" He replied.
"Oh that's not too bad" I said.
"What time is it?" I asked him.
Lance grabbed his phone and looked at it.
"It's 9:30" He said.
"9:30?? What the fuck Lance it's so early!" I yelped and shoved my head under the covers.
"Come on Keef" He begged.
"Only my family can call me that, Not you! I scolded and tried to roll back over but Lance was sitting on me so I couldn't.
"Get off me dickhead" I groaned and tried to move out from underneath him.
"I'm not going anywhere" He teased. "How are you under the duvet still? It's like 100 degrees out!" He yelled. I yanked the covers off my head. I then noticed Lance had his shirt off. He must've taken it off during the night. He was looking down at me.
I quickly ran my eyes down from his chest down to his hips.
His stomach was smooth looking at flat. Lance was slightly toned but he's still slim.
Unlike my gross scrawny body.
"God you're so gay" He cried noticing me looking.
"Ugh leave me alone! What am I supposed to do when there's a hot half naked guy on top of me?" I barked. "You think I'm not huh?" He said.
"I mean I don't blame you, I am pretty hot" Lance purred.
"Shut up" I scoffed and shoved him off me and he flopped onto the bed next to me.
I rolled onto my back finally kicking the covers off me because I was getting hot. I heard Lance move and then he rested his head on my ass. I groaned.
"Stop groaning so much you big baby!" He teased.
"Shut the fuck up" I yelled.
"You're adorable" Lance giggled.
I blushed at this.
"Awe look who's all embarrassed!" He said mockingly.
"We should go soon though" Lance suggested. Ugh yeah okay" I mumbled. "What's your zodiac sign by the way?" Lance asked out of nowhere.
"Uh I'm a Scorpio, Why?" I asked very confused.
"Ahaha I fucking knew it!" Lance cried. "Why do you want to know?" I asked him harshly.
"Just wondering" He beamed. "And you?" I asked.
"I'm a Leo" Lance replied happily.
"I don't know anything about zodiac signs and that shit" I said sitting up.
"I was thinking you'd be an Aries or Cancer because you're so angry" He said in a baby voice. I scowled at him and got up.
"Wear something cute!" Lance begged. "Oh and what is your definition of cute?" I asked crossing my arms and smirking at him.
"Oh you know, Something that shows off your amazing body" Lance said nonchalantly.
"Right" I smirked sarcastically. "Good thing my shorts are clean" I said before going out to my room.
"I'm going to get them!" I called upstairs to Lance. "Morning!" I heard Meenah say.
I waved to her as she was sitting in the first living room.
I went into the laundry room and grabbed my clean shorts from the dryer and was just about to walk back upstairs.
"Keith hold on" Christine called from the kitchen.
"Yeah?" I asked pausing.
"How did you sleep?" She asked coming out from the kitchen.
"Good" I nodded.
"What are you boys planning on doing today?" She asked.
"Uh we were thinking of going to Santa Monica" I said.
"Santa Monica? What's there?" She asked.
"Lance says there's a nice beach there" I replied.
"How far is it?" She asked.
"About an hour" I said.
"That's actually a good idea since it's going to be really really hot today" She said. I nodded and went back upstairs. I threw the shorts at Lance.
"Ah yes these ones" Lance cooed.
"It's going to be 105 degrees today" Lance said.
"No way" I said.
"Yeah, bless my idea of the beach" Lance added.
"You pick out a shirt for me" I said. Lance smirked. I opened up my closet for him. I sat on my bed as he looked around my closet. I heard him laugh. "Oh my god please wear this!" Lance cried holding up one of my shirts. It was my white muscle shirt with "Homosexualien" Across it in bold black text and a rainbow alien head below it.
"Oh no not that one" I said covering my mouth.
"Yes!" Lance cheered.
"I bought that as a joke!" I cried.
"Well you're wearing it" Lance commanded. I sighed.
"Fine" I scoffed and got up and snatched the shirt from him.
I got the shorts and put them
on. I then took off my t-shirt and put on the stupid muscle shirt. There was just massive holes on the sides than ran all the way down until there was about 5 inches of fabric left from the hem of the shirt. "Perfect" Lance chimed.
"Can you tie it up so it sits up higher?" Lance asked.
"You've done it before with that other alien shirt" He added. I rolled my eyes and tied one corner of the shirt and brought it up higher so it came just below the belt line of my shorts.
"There we go" Lance smiled looking at me with satisfaction.
"Ooh wear those heart shaped sunglasses again too!" Lance chirped.
I grabbed them off the shelf I had them on and put them on the top of my head. I looked at Lance for an answer. "You're so hot" He said.
"So you've told me" I chuckled.
"Okay I have shorts that are just about as short as yours" Lance explained. "And I have them with me" He added grabbing a pair of khaki coloured shorts from the duffle bag he brought. "And I have this shirt!" He said whipping out a grey shirt with "Everyone loves a bisexual boy" On it with cheesy little hearts around the letters.
"Oh my god" I said face palming. "What? It's adorable and now we a way" Lance said smiling.
"We're taking my car" I announced. "Oh no, nuh uh" Lance snapped.
"This was my idea and I know where I'm going so we're taking my car" Lance bickered.
"Ugh fine" I agreed. Lance put his outfit on.
"I brought sunglasses too!" Lance said taking a pair of just plain black sunglasses out of his bag.
"Let's go!" Lance laughed and pulled on my arm.
"We need to get food first dumbass" I said.
"God it's so fucking early" I complained.
"Oh shush" Lance hushed me.
We went downstairs into the kitchen. "You're leaving already?" Christine asked. She was still in the kitchen. "Yeah" I said waking past her to the pantry.
I saw her eyes scan Lance's shirt and she grinned.
Cole was sitting up to the breakfast bar eating cereal.
Meenah was next to him colouring with markers.
Cole looked up and made a confused face trying to read Lance's shirt.
"I didn't know you're bi" Christine spoke up.
"Shows what I know" She chuckled. "Yeah I am" Lance grinned.
I went into the pantry and grabbed a box of cereal.
I exited and set it down on the counter. "Oh Keith you're not going to wear that shirt are you?" She asked disappointed. "Why what's wrong with it?" I squeaked looking down at it. "It's...stupid, I told you that when you bought it, I hate it" She said.
"I know you hate it but Lance picked it and he wants me to wear it" I said shutting the pantry. She looked over at Lance who looked slightly embarrassed. She then quickly looked back at me then back at him trying to puzzle together her thoughts.
Christine smirked slightly and leaned against the counter casually.
"I see" she said after a long pause.
"Uh Lance do you want to pick out some cereal?" I asked him breaking the silence.
"Yeah sure" He said skipping over to to pantry.
"What are you having?" He asked me. I held up a box of vector. He snickered and opened up the pantry. I pointed over to the area where the cereal is. He picked out corn pops which was what Cole was having. He put the box on the counter. I grabbed two bowls from a cabinet and set them on the counter next to the boxes. I grabbed a carton of normal milk and almond milk for myself from the fridge. Almond milk is kinda gross in my opinion but hey that's one of the few options you get if you're lactose intolerant.
"I'm assuming you want normal milk?" I asked.
"Yeah...?" He trailed off. "I have almond milk so I'm assuming you don't want that?" I asked.
"Pff don't assume that" He scoffed. "We'll do you want it?" I asked.
"...No normal milk is fine" He said sounding defeated.
"Can I try some though?" Lance asked. "Yeah sure" I agreed getting a small glass from another cabinet.
I poured him a glass. Lance sniffed it carefully.
"Looks ominous" He complained.
"Just drink it Lance!" I barked. He took a small sip. A weird look creeped onto his face.
"It's...weird" He said setting the glass down.
"It's kinda gross, how can you drink that?" He asked.
"I don't love it but I prefer it over coconut milk" I said. I slid the carton of normal milk over to him. I poured my cereal and went and sat next to Meenah. She was enchanted by her colouring book. Lance poured his too and sat next to me.
We both ate up fairly quickly as Christine put away the boxes and cartons for us.
"Well we're off then" I announced putting our bowls in the sink.
"Alright" Christine said giving me a hug.
"Be good!" She warned. I giggled. "Yeah I will" I said.
Lance and I went over to the door and began putting our shoes on.
"Oh wait Keith" Christine called. I motioned for Lance to stay there.
He nodded and tied up his converse. I slid off the one flip flop that was already on my foot. I jogged over to the kitchen.
Christine motioned for me to come into the living room, I did and she followed. "So..." She began trying to hide a smile. "Is there something going on between you and Lance?" She whispered so the kids couldn't hear her.
I felt my face heat up.
"No there's not!" I said defensively.
"That's okay, Just asking" She said quietly.
"I really hope things go well today" She said kissing my forehead.
"I love you" She said her voice returning to it's normal tone.
"I love you too" I laughed.
"Have fun today" She smiled.
"I will" I replied.
I went back to the front door and slipped my blue flip flops back on. We went out the front door and I shut it behind us.
"What was that about?" Lance asked as we walked to his car.
"Nothing important" I lied.
We got into his car and he started it and it rumbled to life and we were off.
"I'm gonna have trouble keeping my eyes on the road because you're next to me" Lance said.
"You're dressed like...that and I'm happy I picked that outfit" He grinned. "Well just try your best not to crash" I said. Lance turned on the ac.
I sat back in the seat and got comfy. I looked in the little section between the two front seats. Lance had a little basket littered with cd's. I looked through them.
"I have a sick mixtape in right now" Lance said.
"Sick mixtape?" I echoed. "Yeah! I don't have an aux cord thing so all I have is a cd player and a bunch of mixtapes" Lance explained.
Lance turned on the cd player and pressed play.
"I'll start it from the beginning so you can hear all this ones glory" Lance said. "I'm a slave 4 u" by Britney Spears started playing.
I'm not ashamed to say I've recognized all the songs Lance has played for me. But he can't know that.
Lance began mouthing the little opening sentences and moving his shoulders sexually and making bedroom eyes at me. I just laughed at him. "All you people look at me like I'm a little girl..." He began singing. "Not again" I groaned and covered his mouth.
"Fine, Fine. I'll stop" He said in defeat.
The ride was full of songs by Rhianna, Shakira, Nicki Minaj and others.
Lance sang them all and I joined in on a few.
The hour of driving went by fast and soon enough we were there.
We parked and walked to the beach. "What do you even plan on doing here?" I asked him when we began walking on the sand.
I was caught of guard when I saw the ocean. I'd never seen the ocean or been near it before.
It's beautiful. The warm wind was soft as it blew.
"I don't entirely know, There's a boardwalk with rides and stuff. We can walk around and stuff too" Lance replied.
He saw I was starring at the ocean. "Have you ever seen the ocean before?" Lance asked putting his arm around my hips in a side hug like thing.
"N-No, I've never been to it and I've only seen it in pictures and movies" I stammered.
"Well you can't live in California and not experience the beaches and ocean!" Lance said.
"It's so pretty" I said.
The light blue waves were splashing onto the smooth sandy beach and ending in a white foam.
"Well come on then!" Lance said pulling at me.
"And do what?" I asked stupidly. "Come and experience the ocean" Lance replied removing his arm from my abdomen and held my hand.
He's holding my hand!
I gripped his hand back.
There were quite a few people scattered along the beach but it's early so I'm assuming more will show up.
Lance lead me towards the ocean. The sounds were soothing.
Lance stopped and took a minute to take his shoes and socks off. I just slipped mine off.
We left them a few feet away from where the waves came up the furthest.
We just got to the edge and Lance lead me into the water.
I was startled at first. It's like the water is alive.
I jumped slightly.
I gasped as a wave splashed over our feet and up to our ankles.
"What's the matter?" Lance asked squeezing my hand.
"I'm just not used to this" I said.
"It's kinda scary" I added curling my toes and stepping back a bit.
"Awe don't worry" Lance comforted me and kissed my cheek.
He just kissed my cheek.
I'm internally screaming right now.
Another wave spread across our feet. I jumped again and held onto Lance. Scared. I wrapped my arms tightly around his stomach and hugged him closely.
"It's just water, It can't hurt you" Lance said rubbing my back.
"I don't like it!" I whined and stepped back out of the reach of the waves dragging Lance with me.
"Keith you're fine!" Lance cooed.
"It's pretty but I don't like it" I whined burying my head into Lance's chest looking for comfort.
I'm being a big baby but that's okay for now.
"Awe Keith" Lance said softly and hugged me.
"I'll show you that it can't hurt you!" Lance said breaking away.
"Wait what are you-" I was cut off by Lance running into the ocean and running out to where the waves reached above his thighs.
I was afraid the waves would catch him and drag him under. Panic filled my whole body.
Lance was smiling and had his arms stretched out wide.
"See? I'm fine" He yelled.
I balled my hand into a fist and put it over my mouth.
Lance put his hands in the water and splashed the water around up over his head and all around.
Lance did this for a few minutes, he looked stupid but I don't care.
He then came back to shore.
"See? I'm fine!" Lance beamed. I hugged him again tightly.
"Don't do that!" I cried.
"Awe were you worried about me?" Lance asked teasingly. "Yes! Clearly!" I said.
"Okay okay I won't do it again" He promised.
"Damn your moods can change fast" Lance observed.
"One minute you'll be a little ball of fire and the next you'll be hugging me" He added.
"I know" I said. "If you like this current
mood; don't make stupid decisions or say stupid shit and you'll get the happy Keith" I warned.
"Okay" Lance agreed.
And that's just what he did. For hours Lance didn't do anything reckless or said any anger provoking things.
He was being so sweet so that made me feel safe and happy.
My anger was pushed away and all I care about is him now.
As the day progressed more people showed up to beach and as we walked on the boardwalk and beach we got a few disgusted looks from parents with kids and many stares. Lance had reassured me no one would say anything because California is very lgbt friendly, especially the L.A area compared to Texas where if we acted the way we did we'd get yelled at and death threats.
We got a thumbs up from what we assumed was a lesbian couple.
Lance held my hand the whole time.
Lance made sure not to leave my side and held on to me for hours.
We got sno-cones and he got blue and I got red.
Lance kept trying to convince me that if we French kissed our tongues would turn purple. I usually hate people who display affection in public but this was different. It wasn't really different but in my opinion it was.
I kissed him.
It wasn't a French kiss but I just kissed him out of built up recklessness.
It was evening when we decided to head back to my house.
When we got back Lance shut off his car and we stepped outside of the car. "Thank you so much for taking me" I said hugging him.
"You're welcome" He answered.
"Will you stay over again?" I asked giving him puppy dog eyes.
"Of course" He laughed.
He locked his car and we went inside. Christine was waiting in the living room for us.
"So? How was it?" She asked eagerly putting the book she was reading down.
"Amazing" I said shutting the door behind us and we took our shoes off. "That's great! I'm happy to hear that. Did you eat dinner?" She asked.
"Yes" I lied. If you count sno-cones as a proper dinner then I wasn't technically lying.
"Can Lance stay over again?" I asked Christine.
"Of course, you're always welcome here Lance" She said warmly.
We thanked her and went upstairs.
"I have sand everywhere" I complained as we got into my room.
"Ugh me too" Lance said.
"We should probably shower" Lance grinned. What?" I asked him.
"You said we"
Lance snickered at me.
I was going to say something rude but I'm just so in love with Lance right now that I couldn't bring myself to say it. "Yeah, I did didn't I?" I chuckled. Lance smiled happily.
"Well let's go then" I said grabbing his hand and taking him into the bathroom and shutting the door quietly behind us and locking it. I turned the shower on.
I had no time to think this time and I just went for it.
I should just shower with the cute guy.
You only live once.
Lance is going to see my naked.
I'm going to see him naked.
My heart jumped at the thought.
"Let's make it quick, I'm tired" I said.
"I can do that" Lance agreed.
I took my shirt off and Lance did the same.
Lance came close to me and fumbled with the fly of my shorts.
I can't believe I'm doing this.
When he got it undone I helped him shift them off.
"As much as I adore your underwear I'd prefer them to be off" Lance purred.
"O-Oh" I squeaked.
We are both in our underwear. I can feel the sexual tension rising between us.
"I'll go first if it makes you feel better" Lance said.
He took off his underwear and kicked them to the side.
I'm not here to have sex, I'm just here to get clean.
I repeated that in my busy mind.
I'm not here to have sex, I'm just here to get clean.
I'm not here to have sex, I'm just here to get clean...
Lance can tell I'm not in the mood but that probably won't stop him from his comments.
I tried not to look but I am gay after all and hey I tried my hardest.
I then hesitantly took mine off and kicked them aside.
I didn't let Lance get a good look before I stepped into the shower.
Just shower Keith, Just get clean. I told myself.
Ignore him and just face away from him.
I wet my hair first like usually do. I shivered as I felt Lance wrap his arms around me from behind. His hands are cold. He let his fingers trace along my body.
I gasped in shock.
I didn't face him.
I moved forward so he could get in the path of the water.
Lance began to kiss my neck softly.
I squeaked in shock at this.
He then moved his hands down my back and placed them on my ass.
Hm okay cool...
We have to get clean..." I reminded Lance.
He cleared his throat nonchalantly.
"Oh yeah uh right" he stammered.
I grabbed my shampoo and lathered it into my hair and rinsed it out.
"Now I know what you use to get your hair so pretty" Lance giggled.
I moved so he could do the same.
Once he rinsed out the shampoo.
I still didn't look at him.
Until I turned around to exit the shower.
You shave?" Lance asked surprised.
I opened my eyes and he was gawking at me.
"Yeah I do" I hissed.
"I hate being hairy so I shave everywhere, Another gay stereotype I fall so perfectly under" I grumbled.
"I don't care Keith" Lance said.
"I'm trying to use all my willpower to not look at your junk" I said.
"I don't care, I'm looking at you" Lance said.
Don't look, Don't look.
I squeezed my eyes tight. Shut the shower off and stepped out.
I quickly covered myself up and I tossed a towel at Lance.
I wrapped it around my waist.
I grabbed another towel and dried my hair with it.
I quickly brushed my teeth then I picked my clothes up and quickly dove into my room and Lance followed with his clothes too.
I sighed a sigh of relief when I saw Christine has folded up my clean laundry and laid everything out on my bed.
God bless this woman.
I dug through the pile of clothes and found my favourite striped briefs. They're white and royal blue stripped. I'm in the mood to be a little bit sexy but I'm also in the mood to sleep at the same time.
I let my towel drop and I put on the underwear.
I put on my rainbow tie-dye shirt as well and put away my clothes as Lance got dressed.
I hung my towels up.
It was 10 pm now.
I opened my door and yelled goodnight to Christine who yelled it back. I shut the door. Lance just had red boxers on. "Since you're wearing blue I decided on red" Lance said.
"Okay I really don't care what you're wearing. I'm ready for bed" I said.
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