Chapter 1 (Code: Power) part 2
In my last update, a strange being came and spoke to Sakura Sakurakouji, showing her a glimpse of the past.
"Have A Good Day!" The power fluctuates, flashing and swaying. It spins around, and as it touches Sakura's arm, a flash of blood and dead bodies splits the sky. Many dead bodies. The image disappears quickly, but nausea swells in Sakura's stomach, prompting her to lift a hand to her mouth.
"Sakura!" A voice calls, nearby. "Sakura!"
"Toki!" Sakura replies, "Toki, where are you?"
Toki Fujiwara appears behind Sakura, "Hey, you big waste of space!" He catcalls to the figure, "Why don't you get out of here or pick on someone your own size!"
"THe PoWer BReed. I Am More PoWerFul THen You, And SaKuRa Has More PoWer THan You Are ACCounTing For. TRust Me WHen I Say THis, RareBReeds Have A DiFFerEnt PoWer THan PoWerBReeds, But It Is EQual To THat Of A PoWerBReed. I Have GoTTen WHat I Came Here For. I ReMinDed SaKuRa Of Her PoWer And Her Past. You Would Be Wise To Leave SaKuRa Now BeFore Her PoWer DeSTRoys You And Your Ace Since SaKuRa's PoWer Can DeSTRoy You EaSilY. Soon, SaKuRa Will Break And BeCome THe CaTaLyst For My FreeDom, DeSPite Your AnCesTor's ATTempts." The figure answers, before fading to a vague, blurry image and then sinking into the ground. With the figure, came the last of the sunlight, falling beyond the horizon and leaving Toki and Sakura in darkness.
Toki stares. I'd never leave Sakura, he vows to himself.
"Toki, you came!" Sakura cries in relief. She hugs him fiercely. "I missed you."
Toki stiffens and blushes before his lips widen into a grin. He chuckles, softly, his mismatched yellow-and-blue eyes glimmering and the blonde hair that frames his face bounces softly. When Rei Ogami, Rui Hachiouji, Masaomi Heike, and Yuuki Tenpouin left, Toki got to stay with Sakura, and his sister, to protect them, officially, protecting Sakura. He wasn't called to kill people often anymore, but when he did, it was in this area. I'm so glad I got to take care of Sakura, but ...
Sakura closes her eyes, thankful to be saved. But she can't help but think, I wish Ogami was the one who came.
Toki sighs, finishing his own thought, I'll bet Sakura wishes Ogami got the job.
Sakura takes a step back, "Thank you for saving me, Toki."
"Ah, you're welcome," Toki smiles to cover up his disappointment, "But you know that the only the I was really interested in saving were these," He points at her breasts, which were big, squishy, and soft, he knew, not that he was allowed to touch them. Without getting beat up that was.
Of course, that isn't true, Toki thinks to himself, I'm interested in far more than your boobs.
Rei Ogami paces towards the fugitive. "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and evil for evil. Burn to nothing." He declares as he puts his hand on the criminal, blue fire raging from his fingertips.
"OGaMi. I Have GifTed You TreMenDous PoWer. Now I Need You To Use It." A familiar voice rings behind him. The echo happens at the same time as the actual words, causing a strange dissonance. Evil for evil, power for power, promises for promises. A fair deal. "I Have ImPRiSoned Your BReed For Your AnCesTors' BeTRaYal. I Have PRoMised PoWer To You, DesPite You Not BeIng Born To It. It's Time For Your End Of The BarGain. Take THe Bag I Left You And Use It To DeSTRoy My PRiSon. THe STRonGest RareBReed Will Help You. Go Back To Get SaKuRa, My FaVoRite CHild. Kill Your TeamMates, And THen TeaCH SaKuRa Her PoWer. WHen I Am In ConTrol, You Will Be My PerSoNal ExECuTIOnEr. We Will STop EVil ToGeTHer."
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