Count Those Kisses (Mature Content)


(An Intense One)

(Mature Content)


Currently Having A Christmas Party...

7:00pm.... Valleyview....

December 20, 2015...


Todd: Hey Quanum~ Wanna try this one??

Chris: Ooh? What is that? O.o

Todd: Just a drink Quanum~ "Just a drink~"... Here...Try some

Chris: Oh... kay?? What flavor?

Todd: Lemonade -_- Don't ask again, take it!

Chris: Rahahayt~(right) hahaha *drinks*


On the other side....


Jack: Joy...

Joy: *looks* huh?

Jack: Can you come with me for a while...? This is really important...

Joy: Huh? Why?

Jack: Here, I'll show you *takes Joy's hand*

Joy: Hu... u... uh wait?? Where are we goiiiii--~


On The Other Side...


Chris: hmmm... *holds head* *blinking... squinting*

Todd: *laughs with his friends*

Chris: What... *sway* is.... *sway*.... goi~ *sway* .... on.....~??

Todd: *whispers* Joy Pepper~

Chris: Huh?? *dizzy*

Todd: Joy ~ *laughs*

Chris: Uhh.... Joy..... yeah.... Joyyyyyyy~~ *sway sway sway walking away*

Todd: Hahaha! Goodbye Quantum! Enjoy the night with your target~!! *laughs evily with his friends*


On the other Side...


Jack: Here! Room 02, Class B! *pushes Joy in*

Joy: wha..... what?!

Jack: *Turns off light*

Joy: Hey wait!! I can't se--

Chris: *swaying swaying* Hi~ *sways* Where's my Joyyy~??

Jack: Nice timing Quanum! I'm waiting for you! *grabs Quantum.. pushes him inside too*

Chris: h... uhhh... *sways* Why is it.... Daaarr--kk ??

Jack: Byeeee~ :D *locks the door outside* *runs*

Joy: Hey!!! Jack!! Noooo!!


*turns nervously* a.... aaa....

Chris: Hi Joyyyyy~ *sways near*

Joy: O.o" Chris! We gotta do something!

Chris: Hu... uh yeah.... Then let's do iiiii~

Joy: What?! NOOOooo!! Not that!! We gotta do--

Chris: Oh Joyyy~ *dizzy weird face* come here~

Joy: WaaaaaaAAAH!!! *runs around*

Chris: *Chases*


On the other side...


Rima: It's Php 1600 (T.T) I can't buy it!!!

Gizmo: Whatever Rima, If you don't, now you see me, now you don't~ I have to go byeee

Rima: Oh pleashhhh You're my Ps3 emulator (T.T)

Gizmo: ba byeee :D *flies away*

Rima: Nooooooo *cries a river*


Back to


Joy: Wait... I'm in a noooo mood for that joke -_- Quit it...!! *stops running*

Chris: *prepares for a hug*

Joy: What? O.o

Chris: Hug meeee~ *pouts closed eyes xD *

Joy: Wait... ARE YOU DRUNK?!!! O.O

Chris: Joyyyyyyy~

Joy: Grrr! Get away from meee~!! *runs and switches on light* *sigh* phewwww~ I'm saved....

*lights then disappeared*

Joy: WHAT?! Nooo not noowwwww!! *switches on and off*

Chris: *hugs Joy from back* huuuggg :3

Joy: A.... wAAAAHHH!! *quickly let go* Quit it! Youuu!!

Chris: *hugs*

Joy: Arrrgh!! Chrissssss!!!

Chris: Kiss meeee~

Joy: O.O !??

Chris: *hugs*

Joy: ?!!!! Nooooo!! *pushes* Make it light first!!! *points up*

Chris: *holds Joy's hand* ... kisssss me first~

Joy: aaaaaaaaa O.O" ?!!! HELP MEEeeeee!! *slaps hand and runs near door... knocking* WAAAA HELP!! HEeeelllp!!! Meee ouuutttt!!! *knocks*

Chris: Kissss meeeee~ .... *sway sways near*

Joy: ?!?!?! .... No.... O.o ... *knocks panicking*

Chris: *jumps*

Joy: WaaaAAa!!


On the other side...


Jack: What kind of drink you gave to him?

Todd: *laughs* A Love Potion Desire *laughs*

Jack: What will going to happen then?

Todd: Oh... Something about loveee~ *sings*

Jack: Well that sounds lil great, how 'bout the light?

Todd: I told the guard to turn off the switch connecting to the Room 02, 'cuz no one's there, faking-ly- ~*laughs*

Jack: O.o Whyy?? Anyway? Don't you love Joy?

Todd: I told you.... If Chris do that to her and get sick of her one day~ then it's my turn to shine~ HAHAHA!!

Jack: Sounds great! Cheers! *smirked*

Todd: Cheers!





Back to...


Joy: Chrissss... You're so heavyyyyy!! *pushes away*

Chris: zzzzzzz... ow.... zzzz

Joy: Arrrgh!! That's why I hate boys who drink alcohols!!!

Chris: I am not... green cro--

Joy: Oh I know!! *rolls eyes* Why don't you take some rest ha?! (he doesn't smell like a drunk.... but why??)

Chris: *dizzy* Joyyyy

Joy: grrr.. WHAT?! !

Chris: huggg meee~

Joy: Arrgh!! NO -.-

Chris: *pulls and hugs*

Joy: Waa.... O/////O

Chris: =^_^= *kisses forehead*

Joy: O/////O .... Oh my!! Stop it!! *let go of hug*

Chris: Heyyy lookk at thaaa~ *points*

Joy: No... way -.-

Chris: Heyyy look at meeee~

Joy: hah??

Chris: *pulls*

Joy: Ow.. Hey!! What are y--

Chris: *kisses*

Joy: .... .... ..... ?!! *slaps*

Chris: *stops* ow....cch...




Joy: this isn't funny anymore ... *step back slowly*

Chris: *holds head* wh.... what.... joyyyyyy~~

Joy: STOP MAKING FUN OF ME!!! *starting to sob*


Chris: ... you really think.... uh.... Joy..... *hugs*

Joy: P...please... NO!! *sobs*

Chris: I'm serious...

Joy: ?

Chris: I'm not making fun of you...

Joy: ...

Chris: Don't cry....

Joy: *looks down mind puzzling... sobbing*

Chris: Joy... *kisses cheek*

Joy: *blushes* n.... no.... NO! *pushes* look so drunk!!! You just don't know what you're doing!!!! *sobs*

Chris: Joy, I know... that's whyyyy!~ *pushes to the wall*

Joy: O.O ?!

Chris: *kisses*

Joy: hmmmp.... *breaks free* No..n... Chris!!!

Chris: Don't deny it... You love what I'm.... doing....

Joy: O.... OF COURSE NOT!!! *slaps*

Chris: Ow... *holds head* ....

Joy: Get away .... fr.... from me !

Chris: !

Joy: DON'T TALK!!!


Gizmo's POV

"Who wants to buy a choklet??~",

"Meeeeeee~!!", says Rima

"Who else??",

"Meeeeeee~!!", says Rima

"Okay... who else??",




Back to

*goes near door

Joy: *knocks knocks* Helllp us outta hereeee!!! Someone pleaseeee *knocks knocks*

Chris: ...

Joy: *paused* h??

Chris: ...

Joy: h.... huh??

Chris: ...

Joy: What!


Chris: It's useless...! *grabs hand*

Joy: ?!?!! Chris!!!!

Chris: When will you give me your serious reply....?!


Chris: ... Ohhhhh?!


Joy: what NOW?!

Chris: Then Say it...!

Joy: Wh.... NO!!

Chris: SAY IT!! *pulls*

Joy: ...?!! Stop it! It hurts!

Chris: I love you Joy!....

Joy: ?!


Chris: I love you...


Todd's POV

"Spinning spinning, doing everything yeah yeah~~ They are having thaaat~ *laughs out loud*",

"Are you sure of this? Is she, I mean... Joy, is gonna be alright??? O.O ",

"Huh?! Chris has something like... you know? ...that appeal, now go screw yourself at the corner! It's not free, ,'cuz my dad.. cut off my allowance~ *whispers smirking* ",


Rima: *Smashes Todd*

Todd: OUCH!!! YOU!!!

Rima: ~Todd's Test Answers~ Click purchase to download~

Grace: No no no no no! Stop it! I can't take seeing *covers face*

Rima: Grace~


A kids got to do~ what a kids got to do~ *clicks* xDD


Superbook: Should I play the Opening Song?

Gizmo: *facepalmed*

Todd: Hey Rima!!! Gimme my phone!!! AND You are not even a KID!!!!

Rima: xD Rigghht... There's nothing to worry about ahaha~ aha! Except memorizing Todd's test answers xDD

Grace: *steals*

Rima: Hey Grace! Gimme ma phone!

Todd: WHAT?!! It's my phone!!!

Gizmo: Send her to the furnace... THAT DOESN'T EXIST!

Rima: Hey! That's Joy's line~

Gizmo: Quit it!


Joy's POV

...I don't know what to say.... He's almost getting me.... no.... no....way...




He then stared, putting his face closer, closing his eyes and kissed me gently...


Why...... can't I.... even... make a move.....


His lips.....


His kiss....


I wonder... why....



"Chris... what are y--",


"*kisses*...don't talk.... *kisses*",




"Chris.... Ch.... Chris.....",

"' warm... *kisses gently*",

"Chris... sto--...",

"your lips.... is so... warm....... *kisses gently*",


".....Ch....... Chris.... ugh....

I..... I can't.......Chris...... ",


I'm whispering his name as I'm trying to break free from his kiss...I'm catching my breath.... almost giving up... closing my eyes....But he's making my attention go.... just for him.....


He's driving me crazy....


blushing while slowly... accepting his kiss.....


"Joy *whispers softly* Joy..... *kisses* .... I love you....",

...He gently pushed me down, lying on the floor, trapped holding my hand and kissed me again so I could not move....


Todd's POV

Rima: Where are they??

Grace: He isn't in this town~!!

Jack: Haha! GOT YOU!! *smashes baseball bat*

ALL: *runs*

Gizmo: Oh nononono ghghghg *runs*

Grace: Waaaa! *runs*

Rima: Look out Grace! *runs*

Gizmo: But the muds! The bugs!!! And those people who need help?! >.< *runs* I Just find it soo... *tap cheek* so hard >.< *running*

Rima: Gizmo!! Where are we goingggggg

Gizmo: Aaaaannyyywwhheeereeee but neeeaaarrr~ *runs*

Grace: I really wanna help, I Really Do! *runs*


Rima: Gizmo!!!

Gizmo: Yeah?!! *runs*

Rima: Fly us up there now!

Gizmo: Screamingggg Thunderrrrr~!

CBN: Come bACK HeRE!!!

Rima: It's his idea to skip school!!

Todd: Ohhhh?! Well you were RIGHT THERE With Me!!! And crushing All Over That Pearce!!!

Rima: xDD Oh...I wish I had yours strength... xD

Todd: Forgiven?

Rima: Forgiven xD

Jack: YOUIU!!!! *casts ices*

Rima: What!!? Jack Frost??! O.O

Erza Scarlet: Yah! Let it burrnnn~ let it burrrnn~!! Reequip!

Natsu: ANd here I staaaanndd!! *blows fire*

Baymax: Hi~ The names Baymax... Your personal health care assistant~

Hiro: Baymax come here!

Rima: Aaaaaahh Hiro :'>

Gizmo: *facepalmed*


Joy's POV


"Chris, don't... please....",


"I won't do something.... *kisses blushing* ",

"I can't. ... *breaks free* ",

"*kisses* Joy.... Don't...",

"Chris.... n... no! *pushes breaks free*",


"Uh.... I can't....>////<",




"Accept it.....", *kisses gently* ",


I closed my eyes.... Feeling his warm and soft kiss.... I had no choice.... He's sending his love with that kiss... I can really feel it.... The way he's doing it...



He then stopped and smiled...


" .. Joy...",

"Y.. yeah....",

"Who's your first kiss?",

"My.... my parents... o... of course!",


He just smiled and put his face closer....

"Your first boy.... kiss",

"My father!!",

"Your first.... ... childhood friend.... ki--"...


".... O////O ........... c.... can we stand up now from this.... awkward position....?! O.o ",



"O////O ", ?!




" You love me right...? ",

" Chris! You're taking too much... advantage! >////< ",

" you too... *kisses* ...",

" WHAT?! No... Stop it!! Alread--",

"*kisses* more....Joy...",

"Ch... Chris!",

"...I respect you....*kisses gently*....",


*I give up.....


"Ch....Chris.......Ch.... it's.... warm....uh.....",


I just finally.... whispered out.... accepting his warm kisses.... I don't want to stop him anymore.... I can feel his breathing... He's so close.... He ran his fingers to my cheek down to my lips then gently touching it... and kissed me again...


"Chris...." I whispered

"I love the way you whispered my name =^_^= *kisses*",

"Chris... promise me.....",

"I won't do something.... I just want you to feel how I really love you so bad...I promise....Joy.... I really promise....",




"... Joy.... *kisses gently*",


"Uh... uhmm.... Chris...",


"keep whispering.... I love you Joy.... *slowly kissing*",

"...... I.... I love.... you..... Chris....",


"I saved this kiss for the first... and the last girl.... I would love...",





Jack: ICE MAKE!!! *casts ices* *breaks the door*


Chris: O.O WaaaAAAaa!!!


He accidentally slipped and kissed Rima


A moment of silence...


*Wakes Up*

Chris: HEY JOY!!!

Joy: hu.... HUH?!! wha... hospital... what?!

Chris: You're sleeping for almost 2 days! I thought you were in a coma!!!

Joy: A... what?? O.o

Chris: And you keep calling my name :)

Joy: *slaps*

Chris: Ow!!! grrrr WHAT?!

Joy: So I'm just dreaming??? O.O"

Chris: Huh?? Oh...? Yeah...Actually~ You didn't attend Christmas Party -_- I was so sadddd

Joy: WHAT?!

Chris: *rolls eyes* You were just here at the hospital while... Calling my name -.-

Joy: Really?? O.o

Chris: Yeah yeah yeahhhh

Joy: Really?! :'DDDD It was just all a dream??

Chris: Huh?? -_- Can you tell me what happened to that dream you are talkin'? -_-

Joy: Arrrgh... no way

Chris: "SAY IT!!"

Joy: *flashbacking the "SAY IT" line* O/////O

Chris: Hey?? You okay? O.o

Joy: *slaps*

Chris: Ouch!! grrr *grabs hand* One more and I'll kiss you ! !

Joy: O/////O >/////< *looks away*

Chris: huh? Joy?

Joy: *slaps*

Chris: Ow!!! grrr... *slaps*

Joy: Ow...! >.< W H A T ? ? ! O.O"

Chris: *slaps* bruha!!

Joy: Ow!! grrrr!! *slaps* Mas bruha ka ! !

Chris: *slaps*

Joy: YOU!! *slaps*

Chris: *slaps hard*




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