Chapter 9
Juri in MM
I sat in this parking garage waiting and waiting. "What's taking this bitch so long" I said to myself.
Here I was being a crazy bitch scoping out who my man was with last night. See Jasper ass think he can just up and leave town and come back like nothing ever happened.
When I popped up at his house earlier this morning I was hoping that we could sit, talk, and maybe even have some angry make up sex.
I was sadly mistaken, his crazy ass pulled a gun out on me. What he don't know is I had been following him since earlier that day so I seen him talking to this skinny bitch in the club last night.
Yea shawty was cute and all that but that man IS MINE. I will do anything to get him back and I mean anything.
I was on the way to meet Ri to get some breakfast at The Flying Biscuit when I got a phone call from Tango.
"So yo pickle head ass gone leave out this bitch without saying good bye or giving me a kiss!"
"Nigga we had an ENTIRE conversation before I left out the house and I did kiss yo crusty ass lips, don't call me with the bull. What you want" I said laughing at his ignorant ass.
"I miss you man, what time you coming home?"
"Tayshaun I literally just left I'll be home after I meet with this investor and go see the office building."
"Okay well Luckie and me gonna go to the gym or some since you wanna leave me in this bitch lonely and horny"
"Nigga bye" I laughed hanging up on him.
I knew he was gonna call right back because I hung on him, before I could even finish the thought my phone was ringing.
"Make me fuck you up bruh" he said as soon as I picked up the phone.
Giggling I said "I love you baby, I'll be home in a few hours."
"Mhm I love you more baby, have a good day and call me and tell me what price they give y'all for the space so I can write y'all a check." He said.
"And you wonder why we spoiled, you know we have our own money right?"
"Man bruh just call me, bye" he said then hung up. I would've called him back but I was pulling up to the restaurant to meet Ri.
Getting out of the car I grabbed my Chanel bag & strutted towards the doors. Ri was already seated at the table on her phone when I walked in.
"Hey boo, what's up, how long have you been here."
"Not that long I just walked in like 5 minutes before you" she said.
The waitress walked up, "Hey ladies my name is Susan, I will be your server for today."
This girl had the prettiest eyes I've ever seen, they were a light hazel color that really complimented her face, she didn't look like a Susan but to each it's on.
"Can I start you ladies off with something to drink?"
"May I have a cranberry juice & a glass of water with light ice and lemon please" Ri said.
"I would like an orange juice and water with lemon please."
"Okay and are you ladies ready to order or do you need time?" Susan said. "We need time" Ri said before I could even answer.
"Okay I will be right back with your drinks" "Thank you" we said in unison.
"Ri do you know her , she was staring mighty hard at you." I said "Nah I've never seen sis a day in my life, I noticed that too" she replied.
"Okay ladies here are your drinks, what can I get you to eat?" Susan said as she sat our drinks down.
"May I have the Shrimp and Grits with a Fluffy Flying Biscuit" Ri said.
"Can I have Flat Iron Steak and Eggs, steak cooked medium well and I would like my eggs scrambled with cheese please" I said handing her my menu.
"Okay ladies so I have a Shrimp and Grits with a Fluffy Flying Biscuit and Steak and Eggs cooked medium well with eggs scrambled with cheese, correct?"
"Yes thank you" Ri said.
"Okay, I'm going to put your order in and your food will be right up." Susan smiled and walked off.
"Somethings up with her, I'm getting a bad ass vibe from her" I said while sipping my orange juice.
"Yeah me too, long as she don't mess up my food she can do what she wanna do" Ri said shrugging her shoulders.
Her fat ass have a one track mind when it comes to food. Kiari is always so humble and laid back, the complete opposite of me. See me, I would've asked the bitch if she had an eye problem the way she was staring.
Susan came back with our food in about 15 minutes. "Here you are ladies, does everything look ok for you" she said as she placed our food down.
"Yes, Thanks" I said with a sly smile.
"You're welcome I will be back to check on you ladies, Enjoy!" She said with a smile.
Ri and I begin eating our food while going over the business plan we needed to present to the investors.
"So why the dude Jasper from the club last night sent 6 dozen roses to my building this morning?" Ri said.
Choking on my eggs I shot my eyes up to hers, "he did what? How he even find out where you stay, you only told the nigga your first name"
"Girl I don't even know" she said laughing
"Then the note in one of the bouquets said I'll be yours forever, just tell me where to start!"
"bbbiiiittccchh" I whispered yelled! "I live with my nigga and his ass ain't never bought no damn 6 dozen roses, maybe one or two when his ass fucked up and thought that was gone get him closer to some pussy; but SIX; that's A MAN sis!"
"Girl first of all, ion wanna hear none else bout you and ya nigga sex life k? And I kknnooww, I don't even know how to thank his ass, ion know where he be" she said as she spread the jelly over her biscuit.
"Tango said his name hold weight so imma find out for you, cause bitch you need some dick in ya life!"
"Did you forget I just got out of a relationship with Max worrisome ass" she said as she rolled her eyes.
"I said dick not shrimp" I said with a straight face. She burst out laughing "bitch you outta pocket."
"Shit you the one said he a quick pumper, ion know how you dealt with that shit for 2 years." "
That tongue is a gift from God though!" she said raising her eyebrow.
"Ew, just like you don't wanna hear my sex stories, ion wanna hear yours" I said scrunching up my face.
Waving her hand, she said "oh whatever bitch." Once we were finished eating we began to look around for the waitress.
After 10 minutes of looking we got up and went to the bar to pay. Why do they have a bar in a breakfast place, I'm not sure but whatever.
"I'm not sure where our waitress is but we would like to pay" Ri said to the bartender.
"Okay ma'am I can assist you here, who was your server?" "Her name was Susan, she has the hazel like eyes" I said.
"I'm sorry, we don't have anyone by the name of Susan that works here" the lady replied with confusion.
Ri and I gave each other the "what the fuck" look.
"Okay well she served us the food and everything, here is our ticket and payment, you can keep the change, we have to get going." Ri said as she passed the lady a $50. "Thank you ladies, have an awesome day" she said, still with a confused look on her face.
"Bitch what in the witch craft is going on here." I said as we walked to our cars.
"Girl ion know but all I know is I'll never forget those eyes, them bitches was creepy, I wanna know who the bitch is." Ri said as she got into her Benz truck cranking it up.
"Me too, I'll meet you at the building though, drive safely. I need to go call my man before he have a heart attack" I said as I checked my phone to see Tango ass called me 5 times & texted me 10 times.
"With his dramatic ass, girl bye" she said laughing through the rolled down window as she backed out of her parking space.
Author's 📝
Thank you 🙏🏽 Thank you 🙏🏽 Thank you 🙏🏽 (I don't think I can say that enough😂)
I TRULY appreciate you guise getting the reads up this far. So as a treat I made this chapter MUCH longer than normal, so I hope you enjoy !
Even though we are just getting acquainted
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