Chapter 44


Toya, Mani, and I sat in the kitchen making small talk as we waited for Ri to return from handling Keasia. We were currently talking about how we were going to go about making this house feel like "home" with 3 families, a couple, a nanny, and an army of security.

We wanted to make the house seem as normal as possible, especially since JJ and Jewel were questioning when they were going back to their home. Mani had to explain to them that we were all living here now and that this was gonna be home for a while.

While talking we heard the alarm chirp signaling that someone was entering the home. Considering the fact that all the men were gone we figured it was Kiari.

We all paused and turned facing the entrance of the kitchen. "It's done" she said removing her hoodie. A sigh of relief passed over all of us. "Good now we just gotta get through this war and we can be good" I stated.

"Jason doesn't want us to worry about that part. They just want us to take care of these kids and ourselves. We got enough security here to protect us" Mani explained as she yawned.

"Juri when is your doctors appointment? We find out soon what you're having. I can't wait ! I hope it's a girl since I had the boy" Toya said

I smiled and rubbed my growing belly. I was now 16 weeks pregnant and pretty big might I add. In about two weeks I would be finding out the gender of my nugget. I was also hoping for a girl but having a little Tayshaun wouldn't be so bad either.

"Yes I'm excited, I think I want to do a gender reveal. I know it's lame but it's something I've always wanted to do." I shrugged.

"No, I think it's a good idea. It will give us something to do other then walking around here doing nothing since we can't go back to work." Ri replied while going into the refrigerator, pulling out something to cook.

Jewel came running into the kitchen; "stop running baby" Mani said as she jumped into her lap.

"Mommy Zay ccwwyyiinngg" she dragged out. For some reason she never called him Israel, it was always Baby Zay or Zay.

It was cute that she gave him her own nickname and don't let you try to call him that, she'll have a damn fit.

"That's my cue" Toya said getting off of the bar stool and walking towards his room.

Jewel was right behind her. "I help you TeeTee" we heard her say. We all giggled.

"Go ahead and have that baby a little brother or sister" I said to Mani. She choked on her water.

"Girl I ain't popping no more of them demon seeds no time soon!"

We all laughed hysterically; "don't do my niece and nephew" Ri said pushing her softly.

"Girl them kids are like sour patch kids! When they daddy here they just the sweetest lil things. As soon as that motherfucker leave it's like all bets are off, they finna go crazy!" She replied shaking her head.

"That's because he spoil they asses" I chuckled

"Right then have the nerve to say I spoil them more. Nigga please." she rolled her eyes.

"I'm not finna play with y'all two" Ri laughed while seasoning her meat.

"What you about to make cousin?" I asked walking over and watching her intently. My baby and I were so hungry and Ri cooking was definitely gonna hit the spot.

"I had a taste for some meatloaf. So I'm about to whip up that, some macaroni, cabbage, and sweet yams." She danced.

"You about to cook like that at 11 at night? That's why my lil bro going crazy over you. Yo ass be whipping it up" Mani said.

"Yes ma'am but that ain't the only reason." She replied and started to twerk.

"Eww" Mani laughed. "Let me make sure these kids ain't driving Sophie crazy and I'll be right there to help you out"

I wiped the tears that fell from my eyes and sniffled. Ri looked at me; "What the hell you crying for girl?"

"You just love me so much" I said dramatically.

"Girl if you don't get yo pregnant ass outta here" she laughed.

"You're laughing and I'm so forreal, I'm so happy right now!"

"Good fucking bye drama queen!"

"I'm going to lay on the couch, my feet hurt"

"Yes do that crazy lady." Ri replied

I plopped down on the couch next to Toya and Israel. "Let me see my nep nep" I reached out for him.

"He just ate so he might need to burp"  she said passing him to me.

"Hey chunky man what's up?" I asked him as I gave him Eskimo kisses. We weren't ready to be kissing all over his face, plus Luckie don't be having that shit about his son face. I sat him on my lap and started to burp him.

"So are you nervous to give birth?" Toya asked as she played with his curly hair

"Terrified!" I said scrunching my face up.

"Epidural is your friend, remember that" Toya said as she picked Rel up and sat him up on his pillow between us. She rarely liked holding him because she didn't want him to be too spoiled.

She grabbed his blanket and placed it on top of him. He looked up at her and started making noises. She giggled and snapped a picture of him; "let me send this to your daddy so he can see you yelling at me" she giggled.

Hubby👪👅:  "Look at ya son yelling at me baby🤣"

She puts her phone down and picks up the remote so that we could chose a movie on Netflix to watch together, we decided to watch Avengers: Infinity War.

About an hour and a half into the movie Ri called the kids and Sophie down, made plates, and brought them to us. She also called in some of the security to get food and to have them take plates to the others.

She was really big on treating them with respect and including them in on all dinners. Kiari has the mind set that if you treated them like family they would look at it as if they were protecting their own families, not just their boss's family.

Once everyone had food she made her plate and joined in on the movie.



Jase, Jas, Luckie, and Tango were all riding in the bulletproof van heading to one of Jaron's main trap houses. Malik called Jase earlier to inform him that three of his traps had been burned down costing them well over half a million dollars.

"So what's the plan?" Tango asked

"We go in, kill everybody in the bitch and burn the shit to the ground" Jason shrugged.

It's like Jason turned into the devil himself when he got the call, his eyes immediately went black.

They had been riding for a good 20 minutes before coming to a stop in front of a two story home off of Glenwood.

Security filed out of their cars first and covered the perimeter of the house. The guys hopped out and made their way to the door, two of us on the right and the other two on the left.

Rakishi used a Battering Ram to breach the door, two soldiers ran in, shooting the first three people that were in the living room. We moved around the house killing everyone in sight.

They returned fire but Jaron's security wasn't as skilled as Jase's team. A couple of Jase's soldiers were hit, but it wasn't fatal wounds.

They were removed from the house and placed into one of the trucks to be taken to the on call doctor.

"Let's split up; Luckie you with me, Jasper you and Tango together." Jason stated. They began to go their separate ways, they all had specific tasks to do.

Luckie and Jase went up the stairs, while Jas and Tango descended into the basement. Once they made it up the stairs they realized that there were five doors. Nearing the first door, a solider kicked the door in and immediately began firing.

Jase walked in and inspected that this was just a regular bedroom where it looked as if a couple were in here having sex.

The woman sat in the corner of the room, balled up, with her face in her lap. "Where's Jaron?" Luckie asked as he squatted in front of her.

She stayed silent, just eyeing him; "You death, stupid, or dumb?" He asked her.

She sniffles and wiped the snot from her nose. "I can't betray family" she spoke a little about a whisper.

Luckie shrugged and spoke into his earpiece; "Send Bri up"

"Roger that"

A minute later Bri was walking into the room; "yes boss?" She asked Jase.

"Handle her" was all he said as he and Luckie exited the room. Before they even made it to the next closed door they heard three gun shots.

They proceeded to enter each room; which were all mostly bedrooms. Only one other one had people inside, they killed them and made their way back down the stairs.


As Jas and Tango descended the stairs they immediately heard gunfire, Jas stepped in between security and Tango. "Aight cuz make sure ya vest tight and ya head is on a swivel. Let security enter a room first then us behind them."

Tango nodded. Jas had never seen neither him or Luckie in action so it was intriguing to see them with dark eyes.

They proceeded to a door that security had cleared already to see that it was the money room.

Tango placed the explosive on top of the stacks of money and set it for ten minutes while Jas watched their surroundings. Exiting the room they entered another, which was the product room. Jas placed his explosive on top and set the time for ten minutes also while Tango watched his back.

They were entering the last room when they walked in to see two of their security guards laid out with bullet wounds in their head.

Immediately they got on alert. With their backs to each others, they both swept the room not seeing anyone. Suddenly they each heard what sounded like a gun being cocked. Focusing on the corner of the dark room were the noise came from, they both aimed their guns in that direction.

Before the person could fire, they both emptied their clip in that direction, as a result hearing what sounded like a body dropping. Jas went over to inspect, once he got closer he realized that it was Jaron's right hand man Titus.

He smirked and proceeded to plant the explosive, they exited the room and headed back upstairs. Once they made it up they met back up with the guys and exited the home.

Rakishi did a head count of his guys to see who all made it. Only two of his guys were killed; Shaun and Mike, while three were injured.

He nodded in acceptance as he walked Jas and the guys to their car. "Boss we only loss two and three were injured"

"Good, that's not bad at all. Make sure the ones that were injured are getting the proper care. Inform them that they will take some time off to fully recover but the will be still getting paid. Be sure to take money to the families of the ones we loss tonight. Let their wives know that you will be their source of income from now on. You will assure that their families want for nothing for as long as you live. Someone will also be by each weekend to get the kids and bring them to the safe house to play with my kids so that the moms can have some time alone." Jason replied.

"Let the wives know that they are welcome too. My home is their home."

"Gotcha, I will get it done tonight"  Rakishi nodded.

Jason pulled out a burner phone and dialed a number, he let it ring out five times and tossed it as far into the yard as he could. "Let's roll to the next house. I want to burn down at least half of his traps until we get a location on him"

"Bet" everyone said in unison as they proceeded to their awaiting cars. The fleet of cars pulled off one by one, before they knew it they heard a loud explosion, signaling that the bombs successfully went off.


Author's 📝

Sssooooo how y'all feel about this chapter 🤔

What y'all think gonna happen next 💭

How do y'all view Jason as a father and boss ?

What do y'all think Jurianna will be having ? Boy or Girl 🧐

The epilogue will be next; idk if I will do it today or tomorrow, just be on the lookout 😊

I want to thank everyone for ALL of the support 🙏🏽 it means the world to me! It's crazy because I told some of my friends about this book first and you guys as strangers have been wwaayy more active then them😳. They know I'm salty with them 🤣🤷🏽‍♀️

Anywho, COMMENT , VOTE , & SHARE the books from my girls. Show them the love y'all show me🤞🏾 IuvIetters ThatGirlBlessings MarshaaBlount & cantbeduped like me they have posted their first books and need all the support !



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