Chapter 41
It's been a week since my sister was suppose to be back from Florida and I was starting to get worried. I had called her phone and texted her several times just to get no answer, then eventually her phone was started going to voicemail.
Today I was flying down there along with Titus and Keasia so that we could check out her place.
Although I wanted to ring Asia's neck I put those feelings to the side for now. Well at least until I find my sister.
A hour and a half later we were landing in Florida and on the way to her home. We pulled up and I didn't notice her car which could've meant she wasn't home, but then again she could've been parked in the garage.
"Y'all stay here" I said to Keasia and Titus as I exited the car.
"Who?" Keasia asked as she hopped out behind me.
I entered her home with my key and headed towards the stairs as Asia checked the first level. We met back up in the front, both expressing worried facial expressions. "I didn't see any sign of her, what about you?" I asked
"No everything seems to be in place, as if she wasn't even here."
I nodded. Where could this girl be? We locked up the house and drove to her job. Keasia walked in to speak with a couple of her co-workers, 10 minutes later she was walking back out.
The look on her face let me know something was wrong. "What did they say?" I asked
"They said she hasn't been to work in over 2 weeks. Which is confusing because didn't she tell you she was coming down here for work last Friday?" Keasia asked.
"Yes, something is up. I can feel it in my spirit" I replied as I crunk the car up. This was true, the last few days I have been feeling off, like something was wrong. The fact that I haven't heard from my sister makes me think something is wrong with her.
I know I was mad at her or whatever but I don't feel it was serious enough for her to not answer my calls or texts.
We stopped to get food and got back on the road. "Titus call down and put the word out for anyone to hit me up if they hear from or see my sister"
"Gotcha" He said as he pulled his phone out.
A week has went by and everything so far was radio silent. "I could've stayed at home for this shit." Toya groaned as she rubbed her belly.
"Girl hush, act like you ain't happy to be in the same house with ya crew if you want" I chuckled.
"Oh hush" she giggled as we walked out of the room and headed back downstairs. Today we were having a lil cookout/pool party, just to relax everyone's mind.
All the women were chilling on the huge couch watching movies, while us men were throwing down on the grill and the kids ran around outside playing.
I walked outside to check my meat. I raised the grill top and flipped the chicken, ribs, and kabobs.
I closed the top and walked back inside. "Uncle Luck up up" Jewel said as she stood in front of me with her arms raised. I picked her up and kissed her chubby cheeks. "Hey ma ma, what you doing"
"I eat eat"
I chuckled; "we gonna eat in a minute ok"
She poked her lip out; "I eat eat now uncle." she said as she laid her head on my shoulder.
I walked her into the kitchen and sat her on the counter. I headed over to the oven and opened the top one grabbing a piece of chicken and handing it to her to eat.
She smiled and started dancing with the chicken in her hands. "You just like ya mama and aunties" I shook my head.
"What do you say?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"Tank you!" After she finished I wiped her hands and mouth, then placed her back onto the floor. She ran back outside to play.
Toya came in and checked the Meatballs and Mac and Cheese that were cooking in the bottom oven.
She bent down and I smacked her ass. "Ooowww" she pouted rubbing her butt cheek. "You play to much"
"What I tell you about bending down with my babies in you?" I questioned pulling her towards me and wrapping my arms around her.
"I be forgetting, I'm sorry" she replied with puppy dog eyes.
"It's okay, give me a kiss" I puckered my lips for her to kiss me. She stood on her tippy toes and kissed my lips.
"Eeewww get a room" Juri said as she walked into the kitchen.
"Mind ya business" I replied booty bumping her. You could start to see the pudge in her small belly. All these kids that was finna be in this house was gonna be a wreck.
When Jason said his kids was spoiled and bad he meant that shit. Them lil crumb snatchers were a handful. I watched them for an entire day and by the end of the day I'm sure I had grown two grey hairs.
Especially JJ, all that lil nigga wanted to do was either play fight, play the game, or play football. If you didn't do what he wanted when he wanted the lil nigga would kick you, punch you, or slap you. Whatever it was he felt like doing at the time the lil nigga was gone do it.
Jewel wasn't that bad, but if she didn't get what she wanted she would legit lay out in the floor and scream to the TOP of her lungs, kick her feet, and swing her arms as if someone was trying to kill her.
If this what it meant to have a child I was in for a rude of awakening. I walked back outside and sat next to the guys on the couch as we resumed the game.
About 20 minutes later everything was done cooking and we brought the rest of the meat in. Imani began to fix plates for JJ and Jewel, as the other women began to make plates for us.
We all sat down to eat, doing the norm; talking, joking and laughing. Toya gasped as she held her stomach. "Baby you okay" I stood up and squatted next to her and begin to run her stomach.
"Yeah I just got a sharp pain that's all" she closed her eyes, squeezing them tight as the pain passed. "I'm okay" she breathed out.
Mani eyed her; "has this been happening often?"
"Not often, just maybe every 30 or so minutes" she said as she picked her fork back up to eat some macaroni.
"Okay you may be starting labor"
My eyes widened; "how so? She's only 34 weeks, that's too early!" I said starting to panic
"It's too early, I'm scared" Toya pouted.
Ri came to her side; "just breathe mama, you got this, we got you"
"Besides, you won't have to worry until the contractions are about 4 to 5 minutes apart. Then we will need to get her to the hospital." Mani replied.
"I'm gonna call Piedmont Henry Medical Center to buy an entire floor for you." I said going to grab my phone off of the charger.
Kiari walked to the intercom; "Debo could you please have guys on stand by to ride with us to the hospital, Toya will be going into labor soon"
"Gotcha" he replied.
We all sat back down to eat but I was watching Toya intently, I could tell she was scared. "Baby come here" I raised from my seat and grabbed her hand softly.
We walked down the side hallway and into our bedroom; "baby calm down, I promise you got this"
She pouted as tears filled her eyes; "but what if I don't, what if I don't push right and the baby gets stuck"
I suppressed my laugh; "baby I'm sure there is no way you could push wrong"
She mugged me; "how you know? Have you ever pushed a baby out"
"Okay then"
"Bae, calm down"
Before she could respond another contraction came along and she stood there holding her stomach closing her eyes once again. I rubbed her back.
"DONT TOUCH ME" She said through gritted teeth.
I moved my hand slowly; "What I do?" I asked confused.
"You put this damn baby in me!"
I chuckled and walked into the bathroom to run her a bath so that she could soak.
"Why you leave me standing here in pain nigga?"
"What you wanted me to do? You asked me to stop touching you so I came to run you a bath"
She undressed and stepped into the tub slowly easing into the tub. I sat on the edge and rubbed her hair as she instantly relaxed. "Can you believe we are about to be parents?"
"No I can't, do you think we are ready? We are just 20 and 21 years old." She asked as she kept her eyes close.
"It's a little to late for you to be asking that question ain't it" I chuckled
"Oh hush, there was no way I was gonna get rid of my baby"
"OUR baby" I replied.
"Yea yea" she smirked. 20 minutes later she emerged from the tub and we stepped into the shower. I washed her body as she watched me intently. "I love you Isaiah" she said looking into my eyes.
I could truly see the love in here eyes, I was hoping she could see the same in mine; "I love you more"
We finished our shower and stepped into our room and laid in bed naked. I wrapped my arms around her as we drifted off to sleep.
"Oooowwwww" Toya groaned in her sleep as she rubbed her belly.
"Baby we may need to go ahead and go to the hospital, they are going on 8 minutes apart"
She groaned; "I'm not rrreeaaddyyy"
"Well get ready cause my mans coming" I kissed her hands. I walked into the closet and grabbed the hospital bag. Grabbing some sweats and a shirt for Toya, I assisted her with putting her clothes on and walking out to the living room.
Everyone was in there laid out in different parts of the living room. I smirked because I knew they were all just out here so they could hear when we were going to the hospital.
I called over the intercom for Debo to get the cars ready and woke everyone up, letting them know it was time. The hospital was only 9 minutes away from us which was a good thing.
Once everyone got dressed, we put the kids in the room with Sophie and left out. Toya was having another contraction as we were on the way over.
"How far apart are they sis?" Kiari asked
"Like 8 minutes apart" she gritted
Kiari nodded. "Remember that you got this" she kissed her forehead.
"Thank you sis, there is something I wanted to ask you" Toya replied.
"I was wondering would you do the honors of being Israel's God Mommy?
Kiari gasped; "really?"
"Yes really sis" I replied
"I would love to, thank you so much" she said wiping a tear that dropped from her eye.
"Why you crying sis?" Toya asked
"They are happy tears. I never thought I would see the day my little brother would have a family. Plus I am surprised you asked me to be his God Mommy" She replied sniffling
"Of course, you have always been here for me. The first day we officially met you promised me that you would always protect me. You have yet to break that promise. You are the best thing that has happened to me"
I cleared my throat, they both eyed me; "besides yo light bright ass brother, you and Mama Tori have always been there for me. So thank you, thank you for everything."
We pulled up to the hospital and we all got out, I helped Toya out the car and helped her inside. We checked in and went up to the top floor. She was placed into a room and prepped in a gown.
"Good Morning Ms Johnson how are we doing? I am Dr Cox and I will be delivering your baby for you today" a dark skin woman stated as she walked into the room going over to the sink to wash her hands.
"Hello, I am fine. How are you?" Toya replied smiling.
"I'm doing good, I'm going to check you to see how many centimeters you are dilated"
Dr. Cox checked her and let her know that she was about 6 centimeters dilated, that we would have to wait until she is at least 8 before she could start pushing. She gave her ice chips to help in case she gets hungry.
"Who will you have in the room while you give birth Ms Johnson?"
"My boyfriend and my sister; the father and God Mother" Toya replied.
"Okay that's fine, are you interested in an epidural?"
"Yes ma'am, I don't think I can go through the pain of a natural birth."
"Okay, I will be back with the anesthesiologists so that he can administer that for you."
"Thank you"
"My pleasure"
She left out of the room and returned about 2 minutes later with an anesthesiologist; "Good Morning, I'm Dr. Carter and I will be administering your epidural today. How are we feeling?"
"Good Morning, I'm doing fine; just in a little pain"
He nodded; "That's normal but we will solve that problem right now. Sit up on the edge of the bed for me please." Toya did as he asked.
"I'm going to hand you a pillow to hold on to" he handed her the pillow.
"Thank you"
"Now I'm going to need you to be as still as possible as I insert the needle, I will then insert a catheter. It will take about 30 seconds tops"
Toya nodded and took a deep breath; "I'm ready"
He inserted the needle, then the catheter, and asked her to lie down immediately. He explained that it will take about 15/20 minutes before it will take affect.
"Thanks doc" I replied shaking his hand.
"It's my pleasure"
He exited the room and Toya grabbed my hand and smiled at me; "Thank you baby"
"For what" I asked rubbing my thumb across her hand.
"For loving me and making me a mommy"
I chuckled; "you high as hell"
An hour later....
"Ok Ms Johnson, it's time to push. The next time you have a contraction I want you to push. You won't feel it but I will tell you when." Dr Cox stated as she and I suited up.
"Dad I'll need you to hold her leg, can you do that?"
I nodded as my nervousness kicked into overdrive.
"Okay Ms Johnson let's push on 3. 1.......2.......3!"
Toya began to push.
"Good, good. Now breath, when the next one comes we will push again."
I kissed Toya's forehead, as Ri stood beside me recording from an upward position so no one would see my girl's lady parts.
"Ok push on 3. 1........2......3!"
She pushed again. They repeated this about 5 or 6 more times until I suddenly heard my son's loud cries fill the room.
Toya was breathing deeply as Ri and I silently cried; "he's beautiful baby" I spoke to Toya as I watched the nurses clean him off.
When they were finished they handed him to me. I held him in my arms and kissed his forehead; "hey son"
"Let me see him Isaiah" Toya said weakly. I handed him to her and instantly tears rolled down her face.
"He's beautiful, oh my God"
Israel Xavier Smith
Born: September 23,2018 3:30am
4pds 8oz; 18in
(Sorry for any errors, I was literally dozing off while writing & editing. I will fix any mistakes in the morning🤷🏽♀️) I know that I'm normally active w/ commenting back but I'm ssssoooo tired I will reply to comments in the morning.
How long y'all think it's gonna take for Jaron to figure out his sister dead 🤔
Welcome to the world Baby Israel 🥰💙
What do you guys think will happen next 🧐
Go ahead & check out books from IuvIetters ThatGirlBlessings MarshaaBlount cantbeduped qveen__mon & -redrum 💕🤟🏾🤸🏾♀️ You won't regret it 💯
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