Chapter 40


Toya's baby shower ran smoother than I anticipated. My family came through for her as always. My mother is basically like LaToya's God mother.

As a little girl she stayed down the hall from us in our apartments. Her mom use to leave her and her sister home for days at a time. She would leave them with no food, sometimes no water, even lights.

One day my mom and I saw her walking the streets; she had to be like 4 years old. When we asked her where she was going she lowered her head and spoke softly; "looking for mommy and sister."

Even at 9 years old I felt bad for her, so I asked my mom could she stay the night. She didn't give it a second thought, I hopped out of the car and grabbed her hand softly guiding her to the car.

"Mommy says stranger danger" she said as she pulled away from me backing away.

"I promise I won't hurt you, we live right down the hall from you" I spoke pointing towards our apartment building.

She hesitated, "promise?" she asked holding her small pinky out.

I held mine out also and wrapped it around hers "I promise. I promise to always protect you for as long as I live."

Although I know she was to young to understand, she smiled. We got into the car and went home. It was an ENTIRE week before word got around that her mom was looking for her. Even her sister didn't notice she was gone; she was to busy out partying with her friends.

More than 15 years later, I've kept that promise, she's the little sister I always wanted. "Bae you straight" Jasper asked as he sat next to me.

"Yeah I'm good just thinking"

"About what , anything you wanna talk about?" He asked wrapping his arms around me, kissing my cheek.

"No baby it's nothing major. I was just thinking about when I first met Toya. She has truly came a long way. I feel like a proud big sister." I said dramatically sniffing.

Chuckling he said; "you so damn dramatic"

"Whatever, can y'all get these gifts and put them in the cars so we can make one trip while the girls and I start cleaning up?"

"Sure thing ma" he kissed my lips and went to get the guys.

About 30 minutes later we had all the decorations cleared, all we had to do was have the guys put the chairs and tables up. After realizing it took them way to long to come back inside we walked outside.

Once I got outside my blood immediately began to boil. I watched as she stood there talking. I didn't even care what she had to say, shawty had some nerve popping up here. How she even figure out where the fuck we was at?

Jurianna sped walked past me mumbling to herself, as Mani and I stood there processing the scene before us. With a quickness she reached out and slapped him.

"Oh no the fuck she didn't" I ran full speed, before I knew it I was lounging mid air to rock her shit. Jasper grabbed me out the air and bear hugged me. "Nigga let me the fuck go" I hissed, squirming to loosen his grasp.

Two shots rang out and Jaslyn's body hit the ground. I looked around Jasper to see Imani standing there breathing hard as she placed her gun back in her pants.



"IMANI WHAT THE FUCK" Jason grabbed her roughly pushing her back into the building.

"Nigga get yo hands off me! The bitch and her friend been asking for that shit" she heaved.

"We told y'all, WE TOLD Y'ALL WE WOULD HANDLE IT" Jase raised his voice as the vein in his neck popped out.

"WHEN ? WHEN ONE OF THEY ASS RAN ONE OF US OFF THE ROAD AGAIN?" Imani yelled back. "I been at home taking care of my kids all this time, being quiet, being a good little housewife, letting y'all work BUT Y'ALL DROPPED THE BALL ON THESE BITCHES."

"Calm yo motherfucking ass down!" Jase said through gritted teeth. "Had you held on a little longer you would've known that we had this shit covered. Just cause we don't say shit in front of y'all don't mean we ain't planning. Now yo ass done started a fucking war AND fucked with my money!"

Debo and Strap were fuming. Simply because they had strict orders on the moves the had to make and Imani had fucked up a month's worth of planning.

LaToya stood there staring a hole into Luckie's face. "How did she know where we were?" she asked him.

He breathed deeply and ran his hand down his face; "I don't know LaToya , I promise I haven't talked to her since that night" he said looking into her eyes.

She stared at him trying to gage whether or not he was lying. She nodded; "Okay, I'm ready to go home. Can we leave?"

Jason was livid with Imani and it took everything in him not to ring her fucking neck. He grabbed her arm and walked her to the car. "Sit in this bitch and don't fucking move."

"Nigga you got two kids and neither one of them is me!" She huffed.

"Play with me if you want to Imani"

He walked off and back into the building. The guys were huddled in a circle, he walked up to them; "we finna have to move them. Everybody gonna have to relocate to the safe house. I know Jaron, this nigga gonna go crazy when he find out his sister was killed. Whether he know it was us or not we will be the first place he will look. I'm not risking none of the lives of these women, or my kids."

"Kkiiidddssss! Nigga I didn't even know you had fucking kids" Luckie mugged him.

"Nobody knows I have kids but Jasper. I'm the head of the biggest organization in Atlanta, I'll be damned if anybody tried to use them as leverage against me. Therefore they stay under the radar."

"I feel it" Luckie nodded.

"Alright so everyone go to they spots and have the girls pack any clothes and shit they wanna take. Luck I will have one of my guys come and get everything in the nursery and move it to the safe house." Jason spoke. "Debo you and two trucks tail Tango & Juri, Strap you and two trucks tail Luckie and Toya. I will trail you and Ri Jase along with two trucks."

They all nodded in understanding and went their separate ways.



"So you just not gonna speak?" I asked

"I ain't got nothing to say" Jasper replied keeping his eyes on the road. "Once we get here pack a bag, pack enough for at least 3 months." He stated dryly.

"Where are we going?"

"To a safe house, since Charlie's Angels are back and in full affect."

"Oh you wanna be a smart ass? That bitch signed her death certificate when she put her hands on my brother. Either way it go she was gonna die." I shrugged. "She violated, how we know she wasn't here to kill one of us? How we know that shit wasn't a set up? She could've been there to kill Luckie or even Toya, and I'll be damned if I lose either one of them. I'd give my life for BOTH of them and my nephew. So be mad all the fuck you want, right now it's fuck y'all feelings because at the end of the day my family safe."

"All I'm saying is we had a plan" he replied pulling into the driveway of his home.

"A plan that took too long to execute. We been back from Jamaica for three weeks now. What was y'all waiting on? For them to try some shit again? What happen to; aS sOoN aS wE gEt HoMe I'lL hAnDlE iT? Well we home and you ain't handled shit" I spat and got out of the car slamming the door.



"I thought I told you yo pregnant ass wasn't gonna do anything?" I asked Juri as we moved around our room packing.

She shrugged; "the opportunity presented it self and y'all niggas let the bitch violate. Ain't no way she should've even stepped foot on that property. All y'all niggas just standing there letting her talk out the side of her neck to my cousin and wasn't saying shit. Y'all didn't even tell the bitch to leave."

"We were out in broad day light, what y'all expected us to do?" I mugged her.

"TELL THE BITCH TO FUCKING LEAVE! She ain't have no reason to be at Toya baby shower. The shit didn't dawn on y'all to think how the fuck she find out a location of a PRIVATE event for FAMILY ONLY?" She yelled.

"Calm down before you stress my baby out bru" I stated calmly.

"Nigga shut the hell up talking to me" she rolled her eyes.

"We had a plan, y'all fucked that shit up"

"Well when was the plan gonna be executed? When hell froze over? Or when one of them came for one of us? Y'all move when y'all want to, let this had been one of y'all situations shit would've been handled with a quickness. But nah y'all wanna take y'all precious ass time on these bitches. FUCK THAT"

"I'm done with the conversation, put my child in harms way again and imma fuck you up myself" I stated as I grabbed bags and began taking them down the steps.



"Baby I'm sorry" I told Toya as we pulled up in our driveway.

"Fuck it" she shrugged. She exited the car not even waiting on me to open her door for her.

"You mad at me?" I asked

"Mad is an understatement, my life and my child's life was just put in danger because you couldn't keep ya dick in ya pants"

"I don't think she was there to start no shit." I shrugged

"Oh now you thinking? Was you thinking when you fucked the bitch? Fuck what you think, me and ya child should've been the first thing on your mind. You should've made the bitch leave."

"I told her too, I cursed her ass out for even showing up. That's why she slapped me; I called her every name under the sun" I explained, which was true.

I explained to her that I was where I wanted to be; with my family. I let her know that she was just a quick nut; that the shit didn't mean nothing to me.

Jaslyn stared at me in disbelief as she tried to explain how she was in love with me and how she wanted to be with me. I had to dead that shit and that's when she slapped me.

I would've never given up my life with Toya to be with her. She was just something for the moment and that moment was over.

I had to be an example for my son and I'd be damned if that example was a "no good ass nigga."

My son need to know that he was a prince, I was a king, and his mother was our queen. He is going to know what's it's like to have both parents, unlike me.

"I hear you, so where we suppose to be going?" She asked me as she sat down on the couch in our bedroom.

"A safe house for a while. A war gonna start behind this shit and we need y'all as far away from it as possible."

"Where at?"

"It's between Lake Spivey and some other location Jase has. I don't know yet. We won't know until we all meet up at Jase house for the location."

She nodded; "well make sure the dudes get everything we need for Israel." She yawned.

"You tired?" I asked walking over to her.

"Yes, very"

"Well go ahead and take a quick nap while I make sure everything that we need is packed up. I'll wake you when we ready to leave" I kissed her forehead.

"Okay" she spoke softly, as her eyes instantly closed.



Mani ass had clearly loss her fucking mind. She knows for a fact that we move smarter than that and ain't no way I would've moved like that in broad day light. We rode home in silence.

As soon as we walked through the door our kids ran full speed towards us. Instantly my mood changed. My kids mean the world to me, along with Imani no matter how mad she make me.

Jason Jr., who was 5 years old ran up to his mama wrapping his arms around her legs. "Mommy I missed you" he said softly.

"I missed you too mommy's man" she smiled and picked him up.

Our 3 year old daughter Jewel ran over to me reaching up for me to pick her up. "Hey daddy's baby girl" I smiled kissing all over her face.

"Daddy, me miss you" she said smiling. "I missed you too baby girl"

JJ reached for me and Jewel reached for her mama. We showered them with kisses and love as our nanny walked up with their packed bags and handed them off to security.

I had called her ahead of time to ask her to pack her and the kids bags so when we got home all we would have to do was pack for ourselves.

"Everything is here sir" she stated.

"Thank you Sophie, I appreciate it" I nodded to her. "We will be leaving in about 2 hours could you get the kids some snacks and make a quick lunch please?"

"Yes sir, Ms. Imani do you need anything?" She asked.

"No Sophie, I think I have it, thank you" she replied hugging her and kissing her cheek.

They were pretty close since I had Mani stop working along side me when she became a mom. Now I regret showing her the ropes because she thinks she bout as hard body as me, if not harder.

When we made it to our room I turned to her; "What were you thinking pulling a move like that in broad day light?"

"I was protecting our family." She shrugged.

"Yes I understand but that wasn't the way to do that shit. You know that girl brother work for us. How is going to war with him gonna look to Lloyd?" I asked.

She stale faced me; "If anybody understands the meaning of family it's him"

"Whatever, the next time I ask you to stand down, you stand down."

"Nigga I don't work for you, I work with you, don't get it twisted. I'm not these minion ass niggas that's scared of you" she mugged me walking past me and into the closet.

"I didn't say you did but at the end of the day you are the mother of my kids. I'm already out here risking my life, I don't need you doing the same shit. If anything happens to me I need you here to take care of my kids." I explained to her in the best way possible.

"I get it Jason, it won't happen again" she replied still wearing that mug on her face.

I grabbed her lightly and turned her towards me; "I'm being serious. I can't live with myself if I let something happen to you or my kids. That's why I kept y'all low key this whole time. Y'all are my weakness and I can't let a nigga get to it."

"Fine" she rolled her eyes.

"Give me kiss."

She smirked and kissed my lips. The doorbell ring and I knew it was the fam showing up so that we could all go to the safe house. Sophie answered the door as I descended the stairs with some of our bags.

"Alright we almost ready to head out. I have a house in Lake Spivey y'all will be staying at. The guys will all still stay in our homes but will be back and forth discreetly to check in." I explained

"So y'all not gonna be with us? What if I go into to labor, I'm gonna need you there" Toya said to Luckie.

"I know baby. I'm staying there until you give birth then imma have to get back into this" Luckie explained.

"What about you?" Juri asked Tango.

"Imma be hands on with this until you get far along into your pregnancy, then I have to come back a few weeks after you give birth." He explained, she nodded.

"We gonna be heading out in about 30 minutes" Debo stated as he walked into the house. We all nodded. "We moved all the cars into the underground garage so that we can all pull out at the same time. Everyone will get into the black Tahoe's, that way if we are being watched they won't know whose in what car."

"I doubt they know anything yet" Jasper stated.

"We don't know that, the streets talk. Plus we don't know if she was alone when shit went down so we can't risk it." Debo replied.

We all loaded into the cars and headed to the safe house, it took a hour for us to get there.

When we pulled up all the guys got started bringing bags in. "This is beautiful" Juri stated.

(Safe house in MM)

"It is" Toya agreed.

"It's aight" Ri said pushing my shoulder.

"Whatever midget, go choose your room" I chuckled.

"Kids go choose which rooms y'all want" I said to my kids, they ran full speed up the stairs. I smiled and shook my head.

"Even though I'm still salty with you for not telling me you had kids, thanks bro" Luckie said dapping me up.

I laughed; "well now you do, go ahead and get some practice being a dad. But let me warn you, them lil niggas spoiled and bad as shit!"

"Look who they parents are" he shrugged walking off

"Fuck you lil nigga" I chuckled.


Author's 📝

This is by far the LONGEST chapter 🤦🏾‍♀️ shit is over 3000 words 🙄 SORRY 😅

If you know anything about Kingpins then you know that their families are normally kept a secret; which is why Imani was introduced later on in the story. He had trust the group first; which explains why they are just now finding out about his kids.

Sssoooo Jaslyn is deader than a doorknob 😭

Who y'all think gone go crazier? Keasia or Jaron 🤔

How y'all feel about it being her 🧐

How y'all think life about to be in this safe house 🤔

If you haven't already check out the gang 🤘🏽 I'm currently reading ALL of their stories & take it from me they are 🔥💯 cantbeduped IuvIetters MarshaaBlount qveen__mon ThatGirlBlessings



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