Chapter 33

A week later .....


I was getting ready for the cookout at Luckie and Toya's spot, they claim they got a surprise for us. I know it better be me finding out if I'm having a niece or nephew or I'm cursing somebody ass out.

I walked into the closet to find something to wear, I settled on a multi-colored fatigue bra with some red pants since I was team boy.

Walking into the bathroom I checked my phone for the 100th time to see if I had a message or call from Jasper. I've barely talked to him in a week; ion know how I felt about that.

Last week we had our first argument and he's been distant every since. One day I even pulled up to his house to see what was up and curse him out for ignoring me.

I walked in to find the house empty; the dogs weren't even there. I went to the security booth and them niggas wanted to act like I was speaking a foreign language when I asked where he was.

I cursed they big asses out and pulled off. This nigga had clearly told them not to tell me where he was. I even called Jason ass and he wanna play dumb too. But cool I got some for all they asses.

What he didn't realize was that day I was so mad all I saw was red; I don't regret saying none of the shit I said because it was true. I do regret raising my voice the way I did though.

I sighed deeply and connected my phone to the Bluetooth and stepped into my awaiting bath water. I laid my head back and closed my eyes. I started having flashbacks of all of our date nights, us making love, us cuddling, everything. I reached for my phone and attempted to text him;

To: KingJas❣️🥰: "bae I know you still mad at me but I miss you. Call me"

I placed my phone face down and continued to soak. After 20 minutes I raised out of the water and stepped out. I grabbed my phone to see if he replied. His ass left me on read.

I sighed and placed my phone on the counter and stepped into the shower. I washed my body, then my hair and stepped out.

While oiling my body my phone rung. I ran to it thinking it was Jasper but was saddened when I saw it was just Luckie.

"How can I help you?"

Luck🍀💚: "I swear you rude as fuck, I was just calling to make sure you gonna be on time"

"Yes Isaiah I'll be on time" I replied ignoring his smart ass comment.

Luck🍀💚:  "Okay, you Okay? Don't lie either because I can hear it in your voice"

"I'm straight"

Luck🍀💚: "I just said don't lie"

"Where's Jasper?" He got quiet

Luck🍀💚: "uuhhhh"

"Exactly, y'all pussy ass niggas wanna have y'all head in his ass and not tell me what the fuck is up! So don't ask me what's wrong"

Luck🍀💚: "look sis, we just don't wanna take sides. Plus we never experienced y'all fighting so we kind of don't know what to do"

"Fuck it" I shrugged as if he could see me. "I'll see you when I get there" with that I hung up the phone.

They all wanna kiss this nigga ass and shit. We can all play this petty ass game. I walked into my closet at sat at my vanity to start my make up.

Once I was done I got dressed and headed out of my condo. At the same time Strap was coming out of his. "Hey bro"

He nodded and we headed towards the elevator and rode down to the parking garage. Once we got down there I looked at the car Jasper got me and decided not to drive it.

I hopped into my G-wagon and exited the parking garage with Strap trailing behind me. 20 minutes later I was pulling into their driveway. I immediately noticed Jasper's car in the driveway.

I sighed deeply, his bitch ass can come here but can't answer my calls or text.


I looked down at my hand and removed my ring and placed it into the glove compartment. Since he wanna be a bitch boy, I'll show him two can play the "whose the bigger bitch" game.

I checked my makeup and exited the car. I walked to the door and let myself in with my key. Everyone was here smiling and laughing while music played lowly throughout the house.

Once I closed the door all heads turned to me. I mugged them; "damn can I have my face back?"

"Girl hush" Juri laughed and walked over to me hugging me. Tango followed suit. "What's good cuz" I hugged him back. "Hey curly sue" I laughed.

"Get punched" he stale faced me. I loved calling him that when he had his hair out like it was today.

"Sssiiissssyyyy I missed you" Toya squealed as she wobbled over to me.

I smiled genuinely; "I missed you more baby. How is my niece or nephew" I asked rubbing her belly.

"Getting ready to get evicted, this lil peanut growing to fast" she said dramatically.

I laughed at her as we walked further into the living room. I could feel Jasper staring at me but I didn't give a damn, since he wanna disappear and shit.

"Where's my light bright ass brother?" I asked looking around.

"He out back on the grill" Jase said entering the living room. I didn't even bother to acknowledge him or his stupid ass brother. I walked through the kitchen and went into the backyard to see my brother.

"BBBRRROOOTTHHEERR" I yelled walking over to him.

"Why you so loud bro" he mugged me.

"Cause I missed you" I hugged him around his waist.

"Yea yea, you seen ya boy" he nodded towards the house

"Fuck him"

Chuckling he said "y'all two so prideful"

Not wanting to discuss it anymore I shrugged and walked back into the house.

"Toya boo, you need any help with anything" I asked as I entered the kitchen.

"Just help me set up the food please" she replied as she finished up putting food in pans.

"Gotcha let me go get Juri"

I walked back into the living room; "Jurianna could you come help us set up?"

"Yes ma'am , here I come" she said as she got off of Tango's lap.

"Kiari where's your ring?" Jasper asked

I ignored him and walked back into the kitchen. Don't try to talk to me now nigga after a whole 7 days of ignoring me.

I ain't never blew a nigga phone up the way I did his. I called him at least 50 times this week for them all to go unanswered.

Then he have the nerve to tell everybody not to tell me where he was at or what he was doing. Yeah he had me fucked up.

"Ri you good?" Jurianna asked as her and Toya stared at me.

"Yea I'm straight"

"Na sis, you crying" Toya said.

I placed my hand on the side of my face and indeed I was crying. I act tough but Jasper ignoring me really hurt me. This is the first time in almost 6 months that I haven't spent every Friday with him and gone this long without talking to him. So yes I was hurt.

I grabbed a napkin and dabbed at my eyes. "I'm good, let's set up."

They knew I didn't wanna talk about it so we proceeded to set the table up for us to eat.

Once we were done everybody came to make their plates and sit at the table. We grabbed hands as Luckie said grace; "In a world where so many are hungry, may we eat this food with humble hearts; in a world where so many are lonely, May we share this friendship with joyful hearts."

"Amen" we all said in unison. The conversation around the table was flowing, there was great laughs and jokes, but me, I wasn't in the mood to talk so I just ate my food and laughed here and there.

I could still feel Jasper's eyes on me as he sat across from me at the table. Everyone was sitting next to there significant others except for us. I opted out of sitting next to him, I wasn't finna pretend like we was cool because we not.

Once we were done eating and had the dishes cleaned, we all filed back into the living room.

"Okay guise, it's the moment you've all been waiting for" Toya said smiling hard.

I sat up attentively because I was ready! "Luckie came up with the idea on decorating the nursery and then showing you guise as a big reveal of our peanut."

"So follow me niggas so y'all can see what we having" Luckie said from the foyer. I laughed because this nigga could not be serious for nothing.

We followed him up the stairs and down the hall to a room that sat next to their master bedroom. "Y'all ready?" He asked.

"Nigga open the damn door" Jase replied from behind everyone.

"Nigga who invited you in the first place?" Luckie mugged him.

Jase chuckled; "fuck you lil nigga, let me see if I'm having a niece or nephew."

"Aight here we go" he said as he grabbed Toya's hand and placed it on the knob along with his. They opened the door to reveal the baby's room.

There was blue everywhere; "YES I KNEW IT" I screamed and started twerking. "I knew you was having a boy" I said hugging Toya.

"Now why you lying" she side eyed me and twisted her lip up. "You swore up and down I was having a girl, you and Juri apple head ass"

"Aye I ain't even say none, I was still team girl" Juri said hugging her also.
"Congratulations mama"

"Mmyyy nigga" Tango said dapping Luckie up.

"Aye bro, yo lil nigga gone be crazy just like yo ass" Jasper joked dapping him up too

"Nigga fuck you, you and yo bean head ass brother" Luckie chuckled.

The guise went to the man cave while us women stayed and admired the nursery. "It's so beautiful in here" I said looking around.

"Thank you, your brother did it all. He even knocked the wall down to make two rooms one. Talking about how his lil nigga needed a huge room" she replied rolling her eyes.

"It seems like y'all are back on track" Juri said sitting on the bench.

"Yyeeaaa we okay, just taking it a day at a time" Toya said blushing.

"That's good because I thought I was gonna have to cut his ass" Juri said.

We all laughed. "Y'all laughing but I'm dead serious"

"We know" Toya and I said in unison.

Just then there was a light knock on the door, we all looked in the direction to see Jasper standing there with his hands in his pockets. "Ri let me talk to you a minute."

I cocked my head to the side; "oh now you wanna talk, but you been ignoring me for a whole week."

Sighing deeply he looked me in my eyes; "I'm not gonna ask you again, either you gonna let me explain or we can continue these petty ass fuck it attitudes."

I sat there for a minute staring at him intently, it was completely quiet. So quiet you could hear a rat piss on cotton.

I slowly stood up and walked towards the door and past him. I heard his footsteps behind me as we descended the stairs and went out the front door.

Once we made it outside I turned to face him; "Speak"


Author's 📝

Ssooo we having a boy 🙌🏾💙

Y'all think Jasper took it to far with ignoring her for a week 🤔

How y'all think he felt when he saw that she didn't have her ring on 🧐

Was she being too dramatic ?

Aannnyywwhhhooo , y'all know the deal if you haven't by now, check my girls out 💯🤸🏾‍♂️



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