The Road To My Heart

1 month since they became champions*

Toni and Tyler have been training hard for the upcoming tour with NXT. They would be under the lights and in front of the cameras for the first time recording on the road, since Triple H was hinting at the show going on a network; He wanted to see how they would do on a recording tour.

It was only for a week and two recordings, but he'll see how the superstars are during that time. A little test for them.

It didn't bother Tyler or Toni since they've been in the situation before. With Japan and Progress always moving around for recording, this was no problem for the secret couple.

Now inside with NXT storyline*

Toni has been trying to stay away from Tyler and the rest of Undisputed Era, they were really putting pressure on her to join.

One night at Full Sail, Toni snapped back at Tyler after she proved him that they won't have all the champions in the faction.

Dakota was the NXT Women's Champion, and she also didn't want anything to do with them.

Which was a mistake since she would later defend that title that night against a mystery opponent.

When she was standing in the ring, she heard the worst theme she could ever hear. Then out walked her worst nightmare.

Rhea Ripley walked down to the ring and started to assault quick, leaving Dakota defenseless.

Throughout the match, it was just assault until a botched moment came up.

Rhea chopped Dakotas left leg, making her extend it and tearing her ACL on the spot.

While the champ was in pain, Rhea ended the match by pinning her and winning the title.

She tried to go back and attack her, but they had already helped Dakota up and to the back where she would begin her long journey ahead.

So now all of Undisputed Era were now champions, and Tyler was still pushing for Toni to join; Her character was against it and that made the crowd back her up.

Present day*


Tyler quickly woke up as the blaring sound surrounded his bedroom at a high pitch.

It was around eight in the morning and Tyler has been having trouble sleeping lately.

With back problems and someone on his mind twenty four - seven, it's hard for him to relax and sleep.

So this morning hasn't been the best for him as he woke up with a killer headache, back pain and being exhausted.

Last night was his first night sleeping almost seven hours, but his body was only running on ten for the whole week.

Either his sleep schedule needed to change, or he needed to find out what's wrong.

Tyler: Fuc-.. this is going to be a long drive.

He sat on the side of his bed and rubbed his face, trying anything to wake him up a little before getting in the shower.

But he got as much as he could, so he took a cold shower this morning.

20 minutes later*

The shower helped alot, atleast waking him up. He wasn't a fan of having to take a freezing cold shower, but had to do whatever it took to wake up.

As he was dressed, packed and ready; he had to text his new roadie.

Tyler: Hey, you up?

After sending it, he went through Instagram to see a new post.


"Well, I've been up since 6, got everything packed and cleaned up a little. Now waiting on my driver to wake up! #NXTTour"

He couldn't stop looking at the picture, but when he got a response that made him snap out of it.

Toni🖤: I thought you'd never wake up, but yes I'm ready!

Tyler: Alright, I'll lock up.

Tyler made sure he had everything before he steps outside, but he didn't need to worry as he was set.

As he walked outside his door and locked up, he looked up and saw Toni doing the exact same thing.

When she caught him looking over, she smiled at him then proceeded to walk to him.

She could tell something was up.

Toni: Ty, what's wrong?

He looked at her and looked exhausted, she then knew.

Toni: How long did you sleep?

Tyler: I slept pretty good last night, it's just my body hasn't caught up.

Toni: Do you want me to drive?

Tyler: No that's ok, I can't sleep in cars anyways.

He kissed the side of her head and they walked down to his Jeep, where he packed their bags for them and joined Toni in the front. Both were buckled and they headed out.

Today would be a bit of a drive as they were going from Orlando, to Alanta, Georgia.

It'd be a long, almost seven hour drive and they needed to go straight through if they'd make it on time.

An hour into the drive*

Tyler was driving quietly, shades on and the music turned up a bit.

He looked over for a second and saw Toni's head fall to her right. She just fell asleep, and now he was alone with his thoughts for a while.

4 hours into the drive*

Toni was now awake and she was attempting to make a protein shake, while they were driving.

Tyler would glimps over at her sometimes to make sure she didn't spill.

Toni: Hey easy!

Tyler: You think I'm doing this on purpose?

Toni: I.. I almost got it.

Tyler: Don't you dare spill it, you'll be cleaning it.

She looked over with her eyes squinted, but then went back to her shaker and dumped all the powder in.

Toni: Ah, got it!

She started to shake it and the lid wasn't on tight enough, so the liquid mixed powder went all over her and Tyler.

His face was shocked as it was freezing cold water, dumped all in his crotch as he's driving.

Toni immediately looked at Tyler as he was now hovering over his seat and pulling into a rest stop.

She had no idea if he was mad, but she needed to know.

When he parked, he looked down at the puddle and then back at her; Toni had a shocked expression on her face, but that changed when he started to laugh.

They both then started to laugh for a bit, then the couple stepped out of the Jeep and looked at the mess.

Toni: Oh my.

Tyler: Well.

Toni: I'll clean it.

Tyler: Your damn right.

He laughed a bit as he got paper towels from the back of his emergency kit in the back and helped her clean up as much as they could.

Toni and Tyler then grabbed a pair of new joggers from their bags.

He changed in front of the Jeep while she was sitting in the back seat changing into new ones.

After five minutes, they were back on the road.

An hour left of the drive*

Luckily the car was now clean and not sticky, but it did smell like fruity energy shake.

They were now deep into conversation, but they were quiet for a second and Toni broke it.

Toni: Hey T, can I ask you a question?

Tyler: Yeah, what's up?

Toni: I remember a while back when we first started hanging out, and I met your dad.

Tyler: Ol marky Mark

Toni: I love your dad, he made me feel like family.

Tyler: That's my pops.

She smiled as she could see the connection between his dad and himself just through that conversation.

Toni: But you never told me what happened to your mom.

Tyler: I haven't?

Toni: No, and I'm sorry if that's a touchy subject.

Tyler: No, it's ok.

He sighed a bit and kept his eyes on the road as he began to the beginning of the story.

Tyler: My mom, god she was my best friend. We would go everywhere together when I was a kid, and especially at the bank where she worked there as a manager. I would literally follow her everywhere, she was my safety.

Toni: ...

Tyler: One day, my dad came into my room when I was just turning I believe fifteen. He rushed my mom to the hospital, she had a constant headache for the past 3 days and now can barely walk. That's when he knew something was up.

Toni was quiet the whole time as she was giving her boyfriend all the time he needed telling her this personal story.

Tyler: So I had to stay home for a bit and watch my brother. I figured they'd be gone for a couple minutes, you know since it was only a headache. Six hours later my dad comes home, and that raised red flags everywhere.

Toni: You knew something was up?

Tyler: Instantly, I mean I'm mama's boy. Now I'm sitting in the living room with my little brother when my dad comes in. He tells us that mom has cancer, and that's when I flipped.

Toni: ...

Tyler: I didn't know how to take it, and I started to cry. But she was at stage two brain cancer, and I had no idea how serious that was; Until she hit stage four after her chemotherapy, then she lost the battle when a couple days after my sixteenth birthday.

Toni looked over and saw him drop a tear, he was still driving but got a bit emotional.

She rubbed his cheek off and held his hand.

Toni: Ty, I'm so sorry. I had no idea it was that bad.

Tyler: Not a lot of people do, but I'm glad she didn't suffer long. I've heard stories of people living with it for a long time, I don't think I could go through that.

Toni: No one does.

They continued to hold hands and drive when she said one more thing.

Toni: I'm sure she's proud Tyler.

Tyler: I hope so, she was my biggest fan going through school wrestling.

Toni: I'm sure shes a bigger fan now.

He looked at her and smiled, then waved her closer as they shared a kiss.

Tyler: You always know what to say to make me smile.

Toni: I can't help it, you always make me laugh.

Tyler: Perfect combination.

They continued to hold hands as they were a couple minutes out from the arena.

At the arena*

Tyler pulled into the parking lot, in the back so no one would see them. When the coast was clear they both jumped out and grabbed their bags.

He walked his girl into the venue until they reached the locker rooms, she then gave him a kiss on his cheek and went inside.

Tyler stood there for a second before heading to the men's locker room.

NXT Live*

Both Toni and Tyler have promos tonight as something big was going down.

The news finally broke about Dakota Kai having surgery and now recovering from the ACL tear. That was building a rivalry between the new NXT Women's Champion Rhea Ripley and her best friend and NXT UK Women's Champion, Toni Storm.

Tyler was in Adam's corner tonight as he was battling Matt Riddle, but not alot was going on.

The camera's showed Matt his a nasty running knee on the NXT champ, then lock him up in a hold.

Three more Undisputed Era members ran down and all four surrounded the ring, making Riddle unlock the hold.

He looked around at everyone as Adam hit him with a nasty Superkick and dropped him in the middle of the ring.

The ref counted to three and the match was over.

All four members standing outside of the ring got in and celebrated the win with the leader as Rhea walked down clapping. She was impressed on the peer pressure the four did on the bro, and now it was time for her to put pressure on someone.

Five minutes after Adam's promo*

Adam, Bobby, Kyle, Roderick and Rhea all went backstage, leaving Tyler out in the ring by himself.

He had a microphone in hand and extra tshirt on his shoulder. Everyone knew what was happening and expected everything.

Tyler: Alright, I need a honest answer since I never got it months ago. Toni, come out here please.

He waited a good minute until her theme hit, and that made his character mad as he was waiting that long.

The cameras caught her walking out of gorilla and across the stage to the middle of the ramp, laughing.

Tyler: So; I'm trying to do business, and you make me wait then come out being unprofessional?

Toni: Calm down Tyler, you know I would give anything to talk to you.

She winked at him and walked down the ramp, title in hand and making him get goosebumps.

Toni: Now, before I get in that ring with you; I better not get attacked by your women fighter!

Tyler: Rhea won't come out, I need to talk to you.

He walked over and even held the ropes open for her, which was slowly having the fans stand by him.

She got in and was still sceptical about what he was about to do.

Tyler: Alright, just take this and hear me out.

He handed her the shirt and she held it questionably.

Tyler: Toni.. Toni.. Toni, listen. Joining Undisputed Era could work out for the both of us in a positive way. For example, we'll always make sure you keep that whatever you call it.

Toni: My shiny shiny?

Tyler: Sure, now you can keep.. your shiny shiny-

Toni smiled, and almost started to laugh when she could see that Tyler hated calling it that.

Tyler: I, Tyler Black promise you'll be on top of the womens division with the help of our other powerhouse Rhea Ripley.

Toni: Now I get how it would benefit myself, but why would it be good in your part?

Tyler: Imagine this; Undisputed Era has all the gold that NXT has to offer. That could make us an unstoppable stable, literally no one would be able to take us down.

Toni: I still don't see the point Tyler.

Tyler: Trust me T, you'd make a great fit for us in the faction. Think about it and get back to me next week.

He dropped the microphone, jumped out of the ring and headed up to the ramp; leaving Toni in the ring by herself with her title, and a shirt.

With Toni*

She then followed his path and went up the ramp, looked at the shirt and then the crowd.

Everyone was on her side and trying to convince her not to side with the cheaters.

But she left everyone hanging and wondering what was happening, as she walked backstage without another word.

Later on that night*

Tyler and Toni were in his hotel room, enjoying a pizza they ordered and watching a movie while they were cuddled up on his couch.

It was a scary movie, so she buried herself into him when a jump scare was building up.

He really wanted to scare her, but decided not to; just to enjoy the moment together.

So he put his arm around her, making the aussie jump a little.

Tyler: Sorry.

Toni: That's ok.

He pulled her close and they watched the whole thing.

After the movie*

Tyler and Toni then walked out to his small balcony he had next to his bedroom, where they enjoyed a few drinks to start to feel good.

But Toni had a different idea, as she pulled her phone out and facetimed her best friend.

Bea: There are my two favorite humans.

Tyler: Hi Bea.

Toni: I miss you so much.

Bea: I miss you too, so happy you'll be here in a couple weeks.

That was a shock to Tyler as he had no idea what she was doing.

Tyler: Wait, you're going to Japan to visit them? And you didn't tell me?

Toni: I was about to tell you this morning until I spilled all that protein shake.

Tyler: Oh, alright. Well damn, I wish I could go. I'll be too busy.

Bea: Aww, I know Will misses you two too!

Tyler: I haven't seen my bro in months.

They all continued to talk until Bea had to go, so they kept drinking and enjoying each others time.


Tyler had no idea what time it was, and no idea where Toni went.

She told him she was going to the bathroom a couple minutes ago.

So he got curious and walked back inside to see her laying on his bed, passed out.

Tyler: T.

He walked over and saw she was fully asleep. So he pulled her up towards the top and tucked her into his bed.

Knowing how it is when you wake a tipsy person, it's no fun; Tyler then got into his bag and got changed for bed.

He took a pillow off his bed and went to the couch that was across the room.

Before laying down, he set an alarm for the next day, kissed Toni goodnight and went back to the couch.

He laid down with back pain and fell asleep quickly.


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