(y/n)'s pov
we make it back to tommy's house and start to set up our streaming gear. we decided that tommy hit 4 million followers before i hit 1 million we decided that we were going to stream from his channel. we get out all of the things we need for the cupcakes like eggs, milk, and vegetable oil. tommy decided that he was gonna use a mixture of different oils, so he also got out unmelted coconut oil and olive oil. (don't do this with apple sauce as a replacement for eggs its disgusting)
"ready to start streaming (y/n)?" tommy asked with a smile.
"yeah but one question, why do you have different oils out?"
"because i though it would taste good. and big man tommyinnit is never wrong."
"whatever helps you sleep at night." at that we start the stream.
"shut the fuck you tommy were in your kitchen it's very echoey." I say while rubbing my head.
"today were doing a baking stream since we both hit big number of followers!"
"since this child didn't want to make chocolate cupcakes he's gonna be making vanilla." i say while making a weird face.
"nah you just know I'll be making a better cake than you."
"if thats what helps you sleep at night big man." I go to get a mixing bowl and realize we don't have any out. "fuck. the one thing we forgot to get out was the mixing bowls." I go to the cabinet that had the bowls and took two out.
"while we wait for (y/n) to get the bowls send in some would you rathers for us." tommy says while i climb up onto the counter to get the bowls. "why are you on the counter (y/n)?"
"because im short and can't reach the bowls dumbass."
"we'll just be tall."
"wow tommy let me just... grow."
"anyways recommendfailure asked 'wyr have the ability to see 10 minutes into the future or 150 years into the future?' i would want to see what the futures like." tommy replied while he took a mixing bowl from me.
"well on a normal day i would say 10 minutes but since we're making cupcakes in 10 minutes they will be baking so 150 years." i say, opening the box of cake mix.
"bumblebeehoney53 asked, 'wyr wear one or seven colors everyday?' i would wear 7 colors a day as my iconic shirt is 2 colors and you didn't say if you had to see the colors or not." he said with a smug look on his face.
"i would we're one color. you didn't say anything about shades and i can make really good outfit combos with those." for the next couple of minutes we kept answering would you rather questions while we add what we need to to our mixes. phil then joined chat and tommy made him join a vc.
"what's up mate?"
"phill we're making cupcakes!" i chime in.
"i see that, i bet (y/n)'s are going to taste better."
"thank phill."
"sorry mate but you add weird shit into cupcakes lmao." phill said while laughing.
"sorry tommy im just better, but we should probably put the cupcakes in the oven, which im going to let you do."
"cause im not burning myself." i say while i get up and sit on the counter and set timer for 30 minutes.
"just do it tommy."
"fine." while he puts the cupcakes in the oven tubbo joins the call.
"TOMMY! (Y/N)!" tubbo yelled as he joined.
"TUBBO!" i yelled back.
"hi tubbo." tommy replied.
"ooo i should get ranboo to join." tubbo says while i assume he's messaging ranboo. we go back to answering would you rather questions.
"sparklingjems asked 'would you rather only be able to listen to one song for the rest of your life or only be able to watch one movie for the rest of your life? and which song/movie. now i don't know so ill let (y/n) answer first."
"easy movie and (f/m). it's my favorite. (favorite movie if you don't know.)
"yeah i still don't know but yeah." tommy says while giving the camera a thumbs up."
"im here what's up." ranboo said while joining the call.
"hi mate" phill chimed in.
"OH MY GOD PHILL I FORGOT YOU WERE HERE!" i yelled getting startled by him. while everyone laughs. "haha very funny. glad you take amusement in my pain."
"no no it's cu- FUNNY!" tommy says cutting himself off.
"it's what tommy?" just then the timer for the cupcakes went off.
"oh would you look at that the cupcakes are done." he goes to take them out of the oven.
"it's been 30 minutes already. damn das crazy." i grab the stuff needed to frost the cupcakes.
"i got (f/c) frosting and tommy got red. we also got a bunch of other things to put on the cupcakes like sprinkles and decor."
"mine are going to turn out better than yours (y/n)."
"sure ill let you believe that mr. innit." by now everyone left the call and it's just me tommy and the chat.
"the sexual tension in the room is enormous." the text to speech lady said. i can see tommy's face go red and i can only imagine so did mine so i walked out of camera and banned the person.
"we are not going to say anything like that in this chat again we are both MINORS how hard is that to comprehend." tommy said while he forested his cupcakes. i walked back on camera with my laptop and started working on my cupcakes. after about 20ish minutes we both finished our cupcakes.
"now chat which one looks better we're going to start a poll." i state as i open the poll on my laptop. after 5 minutes the poll closes and it wasn't even close. "ha they liked mine better tommyinnit." i stick my tongue out at him.
"that doesn't mean anything we still need mother in it to taste them, ill go get her." he walks out of few. "MOTHERINNIT WE NEED YOU TO TASTES THESE CUPCAKES!" he yelled whole going up the stairs. after a minute they both came down the stairs. "taste mine first." he hands his to her.
"this. this is an interesting taste." she said. i hand her mine.
"this should help the taste of tommy's." she takes a bite of mine.
"this is absolutely amazing (y/n)."
"WHAT!" tommy yelled.
"sorry tommy motherinnit has spoken." i smile at him. we then end stream a bit afterwards and we go into his living room.
"oh my god finally the streams over." tommy says collapsed onto the couch.
words 1185 :)
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