3rd person pov
(y/n) is a 16 year old minecraft twitch streamer. they live next to their best friend tommy, who got them into streaming. (y/n) and tommy have known each other since they were 7, and over those 9 years of being friends (y/n) started to develop a small crush on tommy, with tubbo, niki, and wilbur as the only ones who know. tommy being the oblivious bitch he is doesn't realize that (y/n) likes him back.
(y/n)'s pov
"ALL RIGHT CHAT! THATS ITS FOR THIS STREAM! HOPE TO CATCH YOU IN THE NEXT ONE! peace baiii guys!" i say as i end my stream. tommy and i have been streaming for about 2 hours just chilling on minecraft.
"why do you end your streams like that?" tommy asks me as we are both still in the discord call.
"why do you end yours with 'alright boys thanks for coming?' when you know not everyone is a boy, and then end after raiding someone?" i fight back.
"i asked you first bitch." he says as he gets closer to his mic. i raise my hands in defence even though he cant see me, if he could that would be kinda weirdchamp.
"because i like the way i say bye." tommy and i stay on call for a bit longer before tubbo joins us.
"hey tubbo!"
"Hey (y/n), hey tommy! im doing good. how about you guys?"
"im good i just finished streaming" i say as i crack my fingers after keeping them in place for a bit to long.
"pretty good tu-" tommy starts before getting cut off bye someone yelling.
"THOMAS I NEED YOU TO EMPTY THE DISHES!" tubbo and i burst into laughter as we can hear motherinnit over the call
"MOM IM IN A CALL WITH TUBBO AND (Y/N)!" he yells back
"ALRIGHT GIVE ME A MINUTE! hey guys i have to go, motherinnit is yelling at me to empty the dishes." tommy says after he yells down to his mother.
"oh we know big man we could hear her." i say while trying to stifle a laugh. (is that the right word idk anyways pog)
"oh, bye guys i'll talk to you later i guess." he disconnects from the call.
"soooo?" tubbo says while extending the o.
"what?" i think i know where this is going.
"have you told him you like him yet?"
"no tubbo i haven't i cant be like 'hey tommy i know we've been friends for 9 years but I really like you will you go out with me' that will ruin our friendship!"
"what will ruin your friendship?" someone says joining the call. i look over at discord and see that it's eret who joined.
"oh hey eret were just talking about (y/n) crush on t-"
"TUBBO STOP NO!" i cut him off i don't want everyone to know i like tommy someone is bound to tell him.
"eret shut your mouth i swear to god ima beat your ass"
"woah calm down there mx. (y/n). who all knows?"
"you, tubbo, niki, and wilbur, unless someone told other people *cough cough* tubbo *cough cough*
"YO WHAT THE FUCK (N/N) IMA FUCKEN HIT YOU BITCH!" ((n/n) is nickname for those who dont know)
"woah woah woah there clam down children to need to yell! jesus christ!"
"sorry dad." i reply back to eret
"did you just-"
"yes i called you dad so what?"
"i thought wilbur was your dad or something?"
"nah he ain't no dad to me."
"who ain't no dad to you?"
"who ain't no dad to you?" wilbur repeated in a kinda treating way.
"i uh- um- i meant it as a joke haha."
"anyways (y/n) i came into vc to ask you if you wanted to play among us with us tomorrow. were down a player niki had to go and do something."
"sure ill play." I say with a smile but none of them could see me, cause once again of they could that would be weirdchamp.
i think that's it for this chapter I honestly don't know where I was going for half of it but yeah if you have any ideas for new chapters please let me know hope you guys enjoyed I'll see you in the next chapter :)
words 754 :)
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