When An Orphan Runs An Orphanage

Characters: Philza, Techno, Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo

TW: Orphanages, Implication of A Fucked-Up Sleeping Schedule.

Other: Bruh how the fuck does this thing has a fluffy ending what the hell-

Soft, yellow sunlight flitered through a many-times patched up window and shined upon a young boy with fair skin and curly blond hair. The sun had risen not long ago, but had moved high enough into the sky that the windows facing the flaming star had been hit with a gracious amount of sunlight.

The male in bed groaned as his face was shrouded gently with warmth, and slowly arose from his position laying down, yawning quietly and stretching his arms to a great amount before sliding out of the bed and onto the worn wooden floor.

After changing, the teen crept down the creaky stairs as softly as possible, making sure to not wake up the other many inhabitants of the large, old, mansion-like shelter. Once reaching the bottom floor, he headed straight to the kitchen and flung open the pantry and somehow-functioning fridge, grabbing all the necessities to make a large multitude of breakfast-appropriate dishes.

It wasn't long until the delicious aroma of bacon, eggs, and pancakes filled the air and drifted up the multiple levels of the household, visiting every door and enticing the sleeping children from their sleep. Meanwhile, the young blonde downstairs waited for the exact moment as he patiently watched the strips of meat and raw egg cook on a pan over a gaslit stove.






Just as he counted to zero, the sound of footsteps pounded down the creaky floorboards as their owners stomped excitedly down the staircase, a stream of children of ranging ages (though all younger than 12) practically stampeding onto the main floor, some going to the kitchen to see if breakfast was ready yet, other going to set the long dining table that sat in a spacious separate room with plates, spoons, forks, and napkins, and a couple more steering off to the gigantic living room to continue their game from the past night.

"Tommy! Tommy! When will breakfast be ready!?"

Hey Tommy! You mind if me and a couple others go have a nerf gun battle out back while we wait?"

"Oooh! Hey Tommy, could I help with breakfast?"

The 14-year old named "Tommy" had a fond, calm smile on his face as he continued to prepare the first meal of the day as he answered all the daily incoming questions.

"Don't worry, Ems. Breakfast will be ready soon. Tedd, well, why the *heck* not (*le garsp* Tommy not swearing? Impossible.) Just be sure not get too roughed up unless you don't wanna have to take another shower. And of course, Small J. You can help by putting some of the food on the dining table, ok? Good."

This morning was just another normal one in the KR Household. The KR Household (The name was decided by the young'uns, and the acronym stands for "Kids Rule!") was originally an orphanage run by an old, mean codger that was strict and punished anyone who stepped out of line. Luckily, when Tommy came by to the orphanage, he and a small group of kids helped overrun the place and send the mistress high-tailing it back to wherever she came from.

From that time on, Tommy was officially introduced to every single kid in the orphanage (he spent weeks memorizing all of their names) and was also unofficially nominated the head of the KR Household. He was always the first one up in the morning, and was always the last one asleep. Of course, there wasn't much that the other kids could do to help Tommy with his obscure sleeping pattern and the fact that he, on an average basis, got around 3-4 hours of sleep. If he was lucky, maybe even 6 hours tops.

But that didn't matter. His own needs were much less important than getting the others to sleep at their bedtime. Their brains were still heavily developing, after all.

After about 20 more minutes of cooking food (with the help of some others), breakfast was ready and already placed out on the long dining table. Tommy asked some other kids to go fetch the children playing outside, but just as the blonde started to serve out the food to some of the younger who couldn't quite reach across the table yet to the food platters, the main (and only) phone in the house rang its loud dinging noise. Many of the young'uns started crying due to the sudden, loud noise, and Tommy rushed to answer the device's call.

"Hello? This is the GroundWeiss Orphanage, how may I help you?"

"Oh, um, this is Philza Watson. I'm requesting a visit to see if I-we could adopt a kid."

Tommy's side of the line was silent for a while, before he pushed through his shock and answered.

"O-of c-course, Mr. Watson, we-we'll be ready for whenever you come to stop by! Ok goodbye!"

The teen practically slammed the ancient phone back into its holder after quickly hanging up, and hastily made his way to the dining room. The older children had already helped calm the younger kids down, and had all resumed eating when the ocean-eyed boy walked into the room, clearing his throat to grab everyone's attention. He clapped his hands together and sighed in exasperation, basically signifying that something was wrong.

"Guys, I might have just gotten us all into a bad sort of predicament." The oldest male said, and nervously watched everyone's reaction as they waited for him to explain himself. "Well, you see, there was this......person, on the phone, who may or may have not called to come adopt someone?"

The uproar that followed after Tommy finished was incredible.


"Nooooooo! I dun wanna be adopted!"

"Who called the phone? Was it an adult or some shady person who lives under a bridge?"

"When are they coming over!? This place is a mess, my goodness!"


The male at the center of it all simply sighed and dragged a hand down his face, before hollaring and getting everyone to quiet down.

"Alright, listen. Everything will be fine, ok? We'll finish breakfast, tidy this place up a bit, and act like we didn't actually kick the original owner of this building straight out the door. And when they arrive, Gerald, Rest, Kopi, and I will greet them and act as maturely as we can. Meanwhile, you guys will be on your best behavior and act like civilized children, not wild banshees that, on a daily basis, throw tomatoes around the house, alright?" Tommy said, and the room was deathly quiet except for the clatter of silverware and soft sniffles. Everyone's head were simultaneously nodding with wide eyes. "Alright then, get to it!"

The next hour and a half were almost scarily silent, everyone (including Tommy) doing their parts to help clean up around the house as quickly and efficiently as possible. When they were done, the old building's interior looked brand new (though there was nothing that could be done about the barely-suspended chandelier and the couple shattered windows).

Around noon was when the people who had called arrived at the front of the revised orphanage.

There was 5 of them, and from the looks of it, 1 adult, 2 teens, and 2 kids. The adult seemed non-threatening with his bucket hat, soft gaze, giant raven wings, and posture, though looks could be deceiving. The teens, while one looks rather chipper and excited, the other didn't even bother to hide the fact that he was intimidating. The children that accompanied them looked.....odd, to put it nicely. One wore a button-up, green shirt and brown pants (if you get the brown pants reference I swEAR TO THE SKIES-), and has small, poking goat horns on the top of their head. The other child looked like he was naturally split in half, the only parts not contrasting to the opposing black and white colors being the crown adorned on their head, and the weirdly-colored green and red eyes.

The four oldest, Tommy, Rest, Gerald, and Kopi, stood in a horizontal line in front of the main doors, and watched as two others pulled the doors open and lept away, wishing to not be caught in the strangers' gazes like the entire rest of them. The group all fidgeted restlessly, hoping to get this over with already.

The family stepped into the orphanage, the two kids with them watching as some of the KR children quickly shut the gigantic doors and darted away to who-knows-where, the doors slamming shut as a heavy silence soon filled the air. Tommy had to mock clearing his throat to gain their attention, 5 pairs of eyes instantly snapping towards them and away from the awe-ing sight of the mansion-like household.

"Hello, and welcome to the GroundWeiss Orphanage. I am Thomas Innit, the unofficial head teen of the orphanage. Please call me Tommy though, no formality needed." Tommy sure was having a hard time keeping his voice steady, but he pulled it off and guestured for the others to introduce themselves.

"Greetings, I'm Gerald, Gerald Tikuna."

"Name's Restless Deron. Nice to meet'cha, though refer to me as Rest. Nothing else."

"I'm Kopiana Serine, though please call me Kopi! Pleasure meetin' ya!"

They waited for the family to introduce themselves.

"O-oh! Well, my name is Philza Watson, but call me Phil! These are my kids, Wilbur-"

"Hello!" The curly brunette shouted, interrupting his father.


"Hey." A monotone voice cut in, coming from the intimidating teen that seemed to be staring straight into Tommy's soul.


"Hi." The half-and-half child said awkwardly, though their voice seemed to a bit warbled.

"And Tubbo-"

"Goodbye! I mean, Hello!" The other brunette yelled cheerfully, waving a long-sleeved-covered hand.

After the introductions, an awkward tension floated around them before the "Head of the orphanage" fake-coughed and started walking, beckoning for them to follow along. They arrived at the first room, the door they stood in front of filled with scribbles, intelligible words, and drawings that made no sense.

"This is where kids the age of 4-7 are stationed for now." Gerald explained, taking up his role as one of the "tour guides" instead of allowing their own oldest to suffer under the pressure on his own. They opened the door to reveal a large multitude of children scattered around the spacious room, playing with toys or doodling aimlessly in notebooks. The four allowed the family to walk around the room a bit, before guesturing them out to continue looking around.

As they went to a couple more rooms, they lead the family back to the front room and left them to talk out an option among themselves, though they all silently hoped that they would choose no one and leave to another orphanage. The four gathered in a small office-like place that was probably used by the old mistress herself to confer amongst themselves. Tommy paced around the small room nervously, his mind zipping through anxious thoughts at 1000 mph, whilst Gerald and Kopi tried to calm themselves down. Rest simply leaned against the wall, looking unperplexed, yet they could all see that glint of doubt and worry in his eyes.

"Tom-Tommy. What are we gonna do? What if they pick someone? What if we end up sending off one of the kids to-to an abusive household, an-and they get sent back and are extremely traumatized, or-or really hurt? What if they get murdered? What if-" Kopi's black, long hair swished from side to side as she started to pace around herself, but Tommy sighed and tried to reassure her.

"Nothing bad is gonna happen, Big K. Hopefully no-one will end up leaving, but at most someone will end up leaving. I understand your concerns, yet I think I know, no, I DO know, that the Watson family is far from abusive, at worst a tiny bit neglective. The best we can do is hope for a good outcome, but worrying about it this much isn'tgoing to do any of us any good." The blonde's attempt at calming her down at least worked a small bit, but it didn't help much to ease the almost unbearable stress that the room's atmosphere held.

"Tommy's right. Thinking about all of the "What-Ifs" and possibilities isn't doing fuck. Like Tommy said, we just gotta push through and hope for the best. I really hope that Weekend or Xavier don't get picked though." Gerald added, his hazel eyes shining as his his gaze met Kopi's though the last part was lowly mumbled. Rest, for once, nodded and hummed in acknowledgement to everyone's words.

After about 15 more minutes of tensious waiting, the four all took deep breaths and walked out of the office, Gerald, Rest, and Kopi all standing off to the side while Tommy went uo to confront them.

"So, have you decided?" The young blonde asked the family, and the five looked at each other with unreadable gazes. Then, Phil answered.

"Well, I wouldn't really consider it a choice, but more of a question for you guys." Tommy's heart started thrumming faster, but he swallowed his nervousness and nodded, signaling for them to go on.

"Why are there no adults?" A pit in each of the group's stomachs grew. They had thought that they had somehow mutually convinced the famiky through some sort of way that they were older than they looked, but apparently the Watsons hadn't gotten the message.

"Well, you see.........." Tommy trailed off, at a loss of words, his mind infuriatingly blank of any believable excuse, and he looked over at the others for back-up.

"The caregivers all went to town to go get some more food supplies, while the Head Mistress had to go home due to some problems with her husband." Rest replied abruptly, black-colored eyes staring blankly at the adult, albeit his voice a bit shaky, but still firm.

Yet, instead of believing them, Phil's eyes narrowed as he crossed his arms. "You're lying, and I can clearly see that. I know that no adult would leave over 60 children unsupervised in a giant orphanage full of possibly dangerous items and breakable furniture. Now, tell me honestly this time, what happened?"

And from there the entire story was told, with occasional input from the three 11-year olds standing off to the side. When they finished, Phil seemed to understand, and they worked out an agreement. They weren't allowed to go to town anymore without either Phil, Techno, or Wilbur with them, and in return the Watsons would come over for frequent visits. Eventually, it seemed as if the Watsons were part of the household, Wilbur somehow fitting in well with the 10-now-12 year olds, and Techno growing a healthy, almost mutual bond with Restless. Ranboo and Tubbo practically became Tommy's closest friends, almost even brothers, and Phil basically acted like a dad for everyone else at the orphanage.

The next morning soon came around after many, many months had passed by since the moment the Watsons had found out about the GroundWeiss Orphanage.

Gentle, yellow sunlight flitered in through a clear, unscathed window and landed on a 16-year old's face, making the male groan and shift around, unhappy about his body naturally waking him up so early in the morning. As if on cue, soft footsteps made their way to the door allowing access to the bedroom, and a click resounded through the room as the door opened, revealing a man in his trademark attire, his giant raven wings tucked comfortably behind his back.

"Good morning, sleepyhead. Time to wake up." The adult said quietly, slowly sitting down on the edge of the bed and shaking the boy awake. The teen simply moaned in protest and shoved his face deeper into the soft pillow, determined to get back to sleep, when he heard his adopted father say something. "Alright then. Guess I'm having all of the biscuits to myself. Oh, and by the way, it's Delilah making them this morning."

That made the blonde's head snap upwards and have him leap off the bed, quickly pushing his dad out of the room, shouting of how he "just needed to change and he'll be right downstairs". Phil simply chuckled, shaking his head as he walked down the furnished wooden stairs that no longer creaked underneath any weight.

The delicious aroma of breakfast soon wafted throughout the entire house, arousing the children from their sleep, and eventually made its way underneath Tommy's bedroom door, and with that, he tapped his foot against the wooden floor and started counting.






Just as he reached zero, the sound of thundering footsteps down the staircase echoed through the household, his own feet eventually joining into the non-melodic chorus of noise before he reached the main floor. A good amount of kids had already woken up and started breakfast, including the UBM (Ultimate Biscuit Master) Delilah. He also saw Tubbo in there rhythmically pouring pancake batter onto a pan and flipping their sides, but he already knew that the brunette would be in there helping. He did so every day, afted all.

After saying good morning to anyone who passed by, he stood by the already-set dining table and watched as the seats were soon quickly filled. He helped the ones who couldn't quite reach the food yet before sitting down to get his own, and looked around the table with a soft grin on his face. Tubbo and Ranboo soon sat down besides him, along with Kopi, Gerald, and Rest, who sat in a trio across from them.

Tommy was sure that he was the only one who knew, or remembered, that today marked the second anniversary of the day Phil and his biological family found out about this specific orphanage that now absolutely beamed with activity and joyfulness every time of the day, and at night gave the feeling of peace and serenity.

And as he gazed around the room, his eyes caught on his adoptive dad's before Phil nodded knowingly, and an unfamiliar feeling suddenly bloomed in his chest.

Though, all he knew at that time, was the fact that he was proud of how far he and the KR Household had come.



Do you have any idea of how long this fucking oneshot took-

2 days.

2 fucking days for this oneshot and I can't even keep an update schedule for one of my books-

I mean, look at this shit.

It's literally above the 3000 word milestone limit.

What the hell.

Also, this ain't proof-read, so please excuse any grammer or spelling mistakes-

Currently, I'm about to get started on either a part two of one of the oneshots I allowed you to choose from, and after I do one of those I'll try to work on a request.

I'm actually really, really sorry about the long wait for another oneshot. I've just been feeling really unmotivated to write shit, especially since the end of the school year is coming up in 6 weeks and my teachers are literally throwing work at us.

Again, sorry about the long wait, but I hope you enjoyed this!


P.S. The word count is approximately 3154 words-

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