Characters: Antfrost, BadBoyHalo, Tommy, Tubbo

TW: Shouting, Crying, Mild swearing.

Other: The Egg made Tubbo cry >:( Now Tommy's pissed >:)

"Tubbo-Hey, Tubbo. C'mon bud, lets go get out of here, alright?" Tommy says to his friend, who was currently sobbing on the floor due to something the Egg said. Tommy sighs pitingly, helping the half-goat to their feet before Tubbo suddenly latched onto his best friend, obviously wanting some physical comfort from the other.

The younger teen exhales silently, slowly stroking his soft hands through the brunette's fluffy, brown hair, before separating the hug, but not fully letting go by keeping an arm around Tubbo to continue giving the older male a sense of security.

But, just as the duo started to walk towards the exit, 2 sets of footsteps alert them of another's presence, and Tommy looks behind them to see Antfrost and BBH standing there with a dissapointed look in their eyes. Tubbo turns around to follow the blonde's gaze, just to see both of the older males behind them, allowing Tubbo to get another accidental glance at the Egg.

The young hybrid's sniffles start to turn into weeps, and the youngest quickly took notice of this, allowing Tubbo to bury his head into Tommy's chest (PLATONIC LOVE FUCKERSSSSSS) while his gaze hardened into a fury-driven glare.

"Where do you think you'll be going, Tubbo and Tommy? You're not planning on leaving the mighty presence of the Egg anytime soon, are you?" Bad questions, looking oblivious or uncaring towards the pair's visible emotions, and by this time, the brunette was full-out sobbing, causing Tommy's grip on Tubbo to tighten protectively, a low warning growl escaping through his mouth from the back of his throat.

"Keep the fuck away from us, you pieces of shit." Tommy replies back passive-aggressivily, getting fed up with the fact that the two fuckers behind them were acting so inconsiderate of his best friend's feelings, but still being careful enough to make sure that he doesn't yell straight in Tubbo's sensitive ears.

Antfrost's seemingly bleak expression suddenly had a hint of amusement hidden in it, and Bad simply snickered, shaking his head slightly. 

"Now now Tommy, that's not a very nice thing to say, hm?"

"Does it look like I fucking care, you dickhead?!" The protective teen snapped back, taking a cautionary step backwards, ready to dash out of the room with Tubbo if they needed to. Thankfully, the two Egg-influenced didn't take note of this action, instead suddenly pulling off a move that neither of the two expected.

Whipping out their tridents, the two older males swiftly put themselves inbetween the younger duo and the exit while holding their 3-pronged, enchanted forks threateningly towards the pair that was now behind them.

"I don't think that you would want to pull any naughty type of stunt now, hm Tommy? If either of you make a move forward, both of us will not hesitate to-" BBH cut himself off as he watched the youngest angrily throw a pearl behind them, and race towards the exit while carefully dragging a recovered Tubbo along, who made sure to not be a deadweight to his friend by running right behind him.

The two teens practically flew up the steps, and the two's grips on each other's hands tightened, signifying that Tommy was going to have to use his new trident to help them escape. After launching up the water exit, the two saw that it was raining outside and smiled in relief, and the trident shot both of them through the air, across the SMP, until they landed in a "trident tower" right next to the construction sight of Tommy's WIP hotel.

Sam stood silently by the giant sign, looking forward at the gates up front, until he noticed the boy's presence and acknowledged them with a knowing nod. Upon closer inspection, Sam saw that the two teens seemed to have been running from something, or someone, as he saw obvious adrenaline rushing through them as they dropped to the ground.

"Hahahaha! This plan never fails! We're safe, Tubbo! Oh, c'mere bud." Tommy bursted out, before seeing the frightened expression still plastered onto his friend's face. The young male sighed, and wrapped the hybrid into another hug, rubbing circles in his back to help him calm down a bit, not hearing the light steps of feet behind them.

Suddenly, Tommy was ripped mercilessly away from Tubbo, and was held at fork-point (I'm sorry but i jUsT cAn'T sToP-) by Antfrost's shining trident, the place seeming go have suddenly gone silent as the rain coincidentally stopped its formerly ongoing torrent of hell.

The quick breaths that came from both of the boys seemed to be the only noise in the area as BBH walked into the blonde's eye-sight, and simply snickered at the male's terrified expression, not noticing Sam's gaze basically burning holes into the back of their white and black hoodie.

"Oh, Tommy~You really thought it would be that easy to get away, from us? Tommy, we are trained professionals at this job, not some lousy bounty hunters that give up on their prey once it gets out of eye-sight." Bad seethed, glaring at Tommy through mischevious, but frustrated narrowed eyes.

At first, the teen thought it would be the end of him, but a random thought popped up into his head when he thought about how his BigInnit hotel wouldn't be completed without him here. And, with all of his goddamn wits, Tommy yelled:

"SAAAAAMMMMMMM! SAAAMMM! SAM, THEY AIN'T WEARING THEIR HARD HATS! THEY DON'T GOT HARD HATS ON, SO THAT AREN'T ALLOWED HERE, CORRECT!?" He screeched, being loud enough to make both Antfrost and Bad clamp their hands over their ears due to the sheer volume of his shouting. This allowed Tommy to quickly scramble out of the siamese's reach and hide behind Sam, eyes wide with fear as the older pair of infected beings soon let go of their heads and turned around, faces twisted into pure fury.

But, Sam had already took action, having an enchanted netherite sword in hand, an enchanted sheild in the other, and full enchanted netherite armor except for the unbreaking III "Hard Hat" on Sam's head.

Instead of playing as Sam Nook, the man instead stared down the two intruders, going to enough extent to have Bad and Ant eventually avoid their own gaze from Sam's. 

It wasn't long until the hunters had left the area after Sam almost quite literally kicked them out, and Tommy did something very "UnInnity". He enveloped both Tubbo and Sam into a hug, with the brunette almsot instantly hugging back, and Sam also repeating back the action after a moment's hesitation.

At least they were finally safe, and out of the Egg's grasp.

For now.

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