The Dragon's Children
Characters: Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Drista, Dream
TW: Strong description of death, Implication of abandonment
Other: This one won't completely revolve around Tommy, but he will be greatly included, and the POV will be mostly from his view. The start will be starting off as a no POV. Also, if you start to ship Tommy and Drista, you are dead to me. Period.
It was a nice and silent time in the End.
4 sleeping figures in the middle of a giant, floating island above a bleak and dismal void surrounded by a scatter of numerous enderman snored away in their dreams peacefully, happy to not be disturbed by any outside mobs or ruthless beings for once.
One of the figures stood out amongst all of them, being a giant, grey and black dragon with humongous wings and a powerful tail, accompanied by purple eyes that could seek out anything in the light or dark. That being, was called the "All-mighty Enderdragon", being feared due to their immense power that they withheld inside themself, and being the ultimate guardian of the end meant that they were no mob to be simply messed around with.
Though, despite the dragon's power, many had already come and defeated them mercilessly just to grab their eggs and the many balls of EXP that they dropped when they seemingly cracked open and dissapeared into oblivion. And the disturbing part was the fact that their children of 3 had to watch from the shadows and safety of the enderman every single time it happened, unable to do anything to prevent their mother from enduring this pain-filled process time to time again.
Now, they stayed at rest, finally able to catch a break from the painful process that forever haunted their dreams and memories.
Or so they thought.
A blond-haired boy who wore a red and green t-shirt and a pair of brown cargo pants was the first to wake up from their well-deserved slumber, yawning while standing up and stretching their identical pair of wings that they had inherited from their mother, along with the small gray horns that sat upon their head, and the same, lanky, swishing tail that resided at the boy's backside. His name was Tommy, and was the eldest of his brothers, of which he was very happy about, often boasting about it to his sibling's faces.
He looked around groggily, before turning his gaze over to the sleeping pile behind him that he was proud to call his family, before deciding to wake up his brothers to go play something, in hopes that they could try to avoid any other bad nightmares, or the overwhelming sense of boredom that followed when they had nothing to do.
Well, time to commit wake up siblings, and hopefully not get grounded by his mother for waking all of them up.
Tommy's POV
The first thing I did was silently walk up to Tubbo, who's wings were tightly wrapped around himself, still snoring away while dreaming of who knows what. But, that was about to soon end as I gently pried one of his wings away from his face, and roared as silently, but as sternly as I could, right next to Tubbo's dark-colored ear, causing him to quickly flinch awake before glaring at me once he realized what had happened.
I simply shrugged in response, a michevious grin playing at my mouth, when I turned over to my other sibling, Ranboo, and shook him awake as violently as I could.
The middle child quickly startled awake, his expression priceless as he was practically yanked out of his sleep, before he noticed that I was trying to restrain my snickers and hide my ever-increasing grin that slowly spread across my face.
Ranboo simply sighed, before getting up and stretching just as I had done, before he turned his gaze back to me with an emotion that I could quite not read.
"What do you need, Tommy, that's apparently so important that you had to shake both of us awake from a rather pleasant sleep we both had going on?" He asked, a stern facade crossing across his face as a tiny droplet of guilt slipped through my own expression, before I regained myself and answered his question.
"Well, to be honest, I sorta just got up, and you know me, I get bored really easily, soooooo........" I replied, sheepishly scrathing the back of my neck as I averted my eyes from his own. Tubbo sighed, running a hand down his face.
'If I were to be honest, I felt as if sometimes I was the youngest, Ranboo was the oldest, and Tubbo was the middle child, but who the fuck cares, wait, why am I even thinking about this?' I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts as I heard Ranboo suggest something, instantly piquing my interest as I pushed my thoughts to the back of my brain, mentally deeming entertainment more important than mind-wallowing thoughts.
"Well, I do remember hearing Drista say that she was coming over to play today the last time she was over here, and by the looks of it, she should be here at any moment." The dragon-enderman hybrid replied, tapping a single finger against his chin in a thinking moment, and the feeling of excitement immediatly rushed through my mind as I was given the fact that my best friend was coming over to the End today.
Almost as if on que, the all-too familiar sound of teleportation sounded through the endless void that I called my home, and I raced towards the origin of the noise to be met with a face filled with seemingly the same emotions as my own.
I tackled the blonde-hared girl into a hug, simply happy to see her again after being bored out of my mind for a few days, before we separated and did an extremely complex secret handshake that only we knew how to do, because that's what made it secret.
My spiked taik swished energetically behind me as I finally verbally greeeted her, earning the same guesture in response, before my brothers walked over to us to say their own "Hello's". It wasn't that they weren't that enthusiastic about seeing Drista again, they just didn't have as close of a bond as we did.
Drista and I became friends when I first found her crying near one of the healing pillars, and I helped calm her down before asking what happened. To my suprise, she had completely spilled, telling me about how her older brother, Dream, was constantly causing chaos and wars, and the pent-up anger that he held in whilst out on the field he released on her, often causing some problematic bruises and injuries, but thankfully never going as far to use other hazardous objects against her.
So, after a few more fights with her brother, she sat in her room for a couple days to cry it out and try to avoid the bastard, when after coming down from her room, realized that Dream had simply packed up his stuff and left, leaving Drista all alone in the house without even acknowledging that she wouldn't know where he went.
So, after searching through some of his chests, she found half a stack of blase rods and ender pearls, and used those to create Eyes of Ender, which lead her to a stronghold, where she found the entrance to our realm, and thus met me after finding her way out of the underground of the island.
After that, our bond grew, and she decided to live in a village that was not even a couple yards away from the entrance to the stronghold, and then set up her stuff in an unoccupied house before deciding to visit as often as she could.
During the time that she had first entered the End, my brothers and my mom had found out about Drista, and after listening to her story, basically accepted her as a close friend to our home.
She hadn't gone back to her old house since then, deciding to leave her past behind her, which I am very proud about, and has tried her best to forget everything that had hurt her in the past. We were still careful about shouting and play-fighting, being cautious about making sure to not trigger her after seeing her reaction when my brothers and I started wrestling over something that I can't quite remember.
Right now, all four of us were chatting about meaningless stuff, such as what vegetable was the best, or if numbers were really necessary in life, when the sound of someone entering the End came to my sibling and I's sensitive ears, causing all of us to instantly shut up and look each other in panic and confusion.
Our mom, who was now awake, lifted her head from her arms and growled in the direction of the noise, knowing far too well that whoever entered was Drista, for she was right here next to us.
After making sure that the portak that lead back to the overworld was sealed shut, I quickly herded the other 3 over to the backside of one of the pillars before I tried to shut my eyes and turn away, not ready to see our own mother die again in front of us for the trillionth time, and have the feeling of hopelessness and guilt wash over me once again as I realize the fact again and again, that there's nothing I can do to prevent this bloody cycle.
Peeking curiously around the corner of the pillar after pointless attempts at trying to look away, my eyes land on a singular, green figure that held a shining axe in hand, and wore a neon green hoodie with brown athletic pants. The weirdest thing was, the figure wore a white mask that upheld a blank smiley face of which covered his entire face, but what snapped me out of my studying was when the being rose the tip of the axe threatingly towards the dragon in front of them, not making a sound as they silently jumped into the air and grabbed onto mom's wing, before launching themself onto mom's back and cutting straight through, allowing purple blood to spurt out and land all over the figure's clothes and mask. Afterwards, the being pulled out a crossbow and shot accuratly at all of the crystals, effectively demolishing every single one before they jumped down from the rising corpse of our mom, dusting his hands off and nodding in satisfication.
When I looked back at my siblings and friend, all I saw was Drista's petrified, fear-filled expression, and two empty positions of where Ranboo and Tubbo used to stand, and I quickly turned my gaze back to the scene in front of me, just to see two blurred figures whiz through the air and land straight into the being's stomach, kicking at them at the same time to send the hoodied male into the tall stack of obsidian behind them.
Suddenly, without warning, Drista's description of his brother rang through my mind, speaking of how he always wore a neon green hoodie, and a white smiley-faced mask that somehow sent a shiver of fear down anyone's spine, who dared to anger Dream and pick a fight with him.
The realization pounded into my skull, and al, I saw was a blurry flash of red as I launched myself into the air, ramming straight into who I classified as the person who caused such trauma to my best friend. The sound of bones cracking underneath Dream's skin filled my ears, but not quite filling up my satisfication as I wrapped my tail around the man's waist, quickly dragging him up into the air, when the ringing in my ears grew louder, louder than I was comfortable with, but I didn't care.
Beating my wings furiously, I shot upwards until I got to a height that I deemed good enough, amd I twisted around with such force as I let go of Dream, that it sent him crashing straight into the ground, and when I landed right besides him, a sadistic smile appeared across my lips as I saw a trail of blood coming from his mouth.
He wasn't dead, no, he was actually quite far from it, for he seemed to have a rather large amount of hearts left, but I had already dealt some major injuries to his body that would probably restrain him from fighting, or doing any extreme activities really, for at least a couple months.
The sound of running footsteps returned to my ears as my vision soon cleared from the mess of red colors, and I craned my head to look behind me just to be tackled into another hug from Drista, mumbling incoherent and illegible words before peeking her eyes back at mine, her gaze full of concern and worry, making my heart clench at the fact that I had her worried for me.
Turning my gaze from Drista to the body that lay besides me, shallowly breathing to signify that they weren't dead, just paralyzed, helped catch her attention over to the still body of her ex-brother, before she released her hold of me to sit besides her brother, and start taunting him with words that surely hurt him mentally.
But, averting my gaze away from the duo, I looked around for Tubbo and Ranboo to see them starting to repair the end crystals, so that mom will be able to rest and heal when she respawns.
Then, there was a nagging feeling at my mind that just wouldn't go away, when I heard the sound teleportation enter my hearing, giving me yet another realization:
Dream, had of course, not come alone, and it was nowhere near the time that our mom would respawn in time to save us, and there was no way that we could hold off as many other allies of Dream that came along, and by the sound of it, more than 2 had come.
We were almost completely defenseless, Drista was out in the open, and I could sure as hell tell that whatever happened next wasn't going to be good.
Part 2?
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