Characters: Tommy, Technoblade, Philza, Wilbur
TW: Mentions of slight gore, d e a d b e e s
Other: B E E S
Tommy didn't like bees.
Everyone knew that.
But, was that really the truth?
You see, whenever Tommy sees a bee, and other people are around, he always avoids the giant, fuzzy, rectangular blocks of fuzz and wings.
Though, Tommy only did that to make people think he didn't like bees. He didn't want to be seen as a passive and calm person, he wanted to be described as a reckless, outgoing teen that was never let down by hard losses or harsh insults.
In reality, the blonde loved bees. He was so fascinated by how their hive worked together so efficiently without any sorts of fights, quarrels or disagreements. He loved how wherever they set their hive up, a peaceful and serene clearing always followed in suit, and nothing else seemed to disturb the wildlife that surrounded the bee's set-up area.
A special place in the forest near L'manberg (lets just pretend there's a forest near L'manberg) was where Tommy always liked to run off to, which was of course, was occupied by a rather large hive of bees.
Of course, nobody, not even Tubbo, knew about his secret. And Tommy planned to keep it that way, when one day, he accidently slipped up on covering up his tracks of where he would go to calm down and relax in seemingly every single second of his free time.
So, the day started out quite simply for the young teen, as he woke up to Wilbur and Techno yelling at each other downstairs due to another disagreement that escalated very quickly.(Yes, this will involve SBI. And yes, I already know that Techno said that he doesn't want to be a part of it anymore, but lets just reminisce the past times then, shall we?)
Tommy stretched a little after lifting his back off of the stiff mattress that he called a bed, and then slowly got up to go change into some regular clothes, before going off to run off to the bee hive, when while he was leaving out the door, he heard a familiar voice call his name.
"Tommy? Where are you running off to so early in the morning? Why don't you come have some breakfast first before you tell me where you're gonna be off to for the day?" A voice, one that belonged to no other than his adoptive dad, Philza, asked as the man quirked an eyebrow upwards.
Tommy quickly turned around to face his father, slightly startled due to the sudden question, but forced his true persona down to keep a steady and confident facade on his face.
"Oh, don't worry. I already had some breakfast earlier this morning."
"But I know for a fact that you weren't awake earlier this morning." Philza retorted, crossing his arms across his chest. "So, like I said, why don't you come have some breakfast before you tell me where you were planning on going a few minutes ago, which I have suspected that you would do without telling me, like all the other mornings when I wake up late and you haven't even left a trace of where you went! You didn't even bother telling Wilbur OR Techno where you ran off to, which scares me half because I think that you've been kidnapped, or worse!" Philza exclaimed, which made Tommy flinch a little harder due to the loud noise, but the bucket-hatted man didn't take notice of it, thankfully.
The blonde sighed under his breath, and walked past his slightly-angered father to go grab a small apple, and left the house while leaving Philza's question unanswered by dashing through the slightly ajar doorway.
The teen raced off into the direction of the woods with an annoyed expression plastered onto his face, and didn't realize that his family was chasing after him, concerned as of why he would want to leave the household so quickly. Wilbur and Techno had joined the chase due to having ended their argument to see why Phil had started yelling at Tommy, and had seen the whole ordeal where their little brother simply grabbed an apple and made a break for the open door.
Tommy had stopped sprinting as soon as he had reached the inside edge of the forest, and now continued to walk down a worn-down trail that his continuous trips to the clearing had made unconsciously. Tommy had noticed that the tension in the air was still somewhat thick for a reason he was not clear of, and urged himself to stride a little faster, until he burst through some heavy leafage to be met with a sight that he would always cherish.
It was a small clearing with a tall tree in the middle, and a rather large beehive nestled itself at the lower trunk of the tree. Surrounding the tree were many colorful and exquisite wildflowers and confusingly-short grass, and the many bees that littered around the area gathering pollen completed the picture.
The first bee that noticed Tommy's arrival was a large guard bee with rigid black lines across the yellow fuzz on its body that looked like lightning streaks, and flew up to Tommy to land straight on the boy's head. This bee, was Tommy's ultimate favorite from all of the bees, of which he had named "Pogbee" due to this bee being very "poggers" in the boy's opinion. Of course, he treated the other bees with the same amount of respect and care, but Pogbee and Tommy had a very special relationship that seemed to make them both very clingy to each other, though Tommy won't admit it because he's a pussy.
It wasn't long until the rest if the hive noticed Tommy's presence, and all came over to greet the young male with excitement and joy while happily buzzing around him.
Meanwhile, a certain trio watched from the sidelines, amazed, surprised, and confused at Tommy's actions. Never had they ever seen Tommy show this much affection towards bees, and the fact that an entire beehive just went up to their little brother to greet him, before going back to their business of collecting pollen and creating more honey.
Never less, they decided to confront the teen of this surprising news, but what they didn't expect was the giant bee on Tommy's head to zoom over to them and glare aggressively at them, beating their wings so hard that it seemed to make a slapping noise against the wind instead of a buzzing sound. The other bees noticed the trio of "intruders", and were now surrounding them with an aggressive look on their blocky faces, obviously trying to block the 3 from getting to Tommy.
To the bee's surprise, Tommy waved to the rectangular insects to get them to back away from his family, and walked up to them with Pogbee protectively nestled onto Tommy's shoulder, still glaring at what they deemed "hostile strangers", when the rest of the SBI family hadn't moved from their position in the last 5 minutes to try to not aggravate the bees even further.
The 4 stared at each other for a few moments as the thick tension started to grow, when Philza finally sighed softly and decided to break the silence.
"Tommy. Why did you run off?" Phil asked, and Tommy averted his eyes away from Phil's steady gaze, shuffling his feet slightly out of nervousness as Pogbee continued to glare at the 3 beings in front of them.
"W-well.......I-I just really wanted to come here again, a-and you were sort of.........blocking my way. I.......I didn't answer your question because I didn't want you guys to find out about this.....place, a-and that fact that I........may or may not like bees?" Tommy replied, stammering slightly, and shifted his gaze slightly upwards to see that no anger or infuriation was evident in any part of the man's expression.
"Well, to be honest, this is actually quite surprising Toms. But, I still don't see why you would want to hide this from us. Have you told Tubbo, or even anyone?" Wilbur questioned, and the floofy-haired child shook his head.
"I didn't want anyone to find out the fact that I like bees, because I didn't want to be seen as weak, or passive. I wanted to radiate that thought that, whenever you see me, you think of me like, a outgoing, reckless teen that isn't the weaker link of any if the groups I'm a part of, y'know?" Tommy replied, and Techno gently shook his head a little, before stepping over to Tommy and putting a hand on the boy's shoulder.
"You aren't the weak link of anything, Tommy. You should know that. Even if you are....obsessed....with bees, that doesn't change anything about you. If anything, Wilbur here is the weakest link-" Techno said, before being rudely cut off by the young adult with the beanie.
"HEY! I AM NOT WEAK!" Wilbur yelled, causing the other 3 to chuckle at the action, before the spotlight was put back on Techno.
"So, what I'm saying is that liking something that others may think is out of your emotional range, like if something is more passive or aggressive themed, doesn't change anything about you. You're still you, whether you think it or not, and that will never change, alright?" The pigling-hybrid finished, and Tommy more confidently nodded as a small smile creeped up on Tommy's face.
"Now, lets go home for now then, shall we? Maybe we can come back later if you want. And make sure from now on that you tell me where you're going if you're gonna go run off somewhere alright?" Phil said, and another nod was received in response, before they saw Tommy look sadly and longingly at the large bee nestled against the boy's neck.
Phil sighed softly, before assessing the fact that Tommy and his giant bee friend may be more attached to each other than they thought.
"Alright, fine. You can bring home your bee friend, which you will have to tell us the name of them later, but you must promise to clean up and care for your friend while they stay at our house, ok?" To that, Tommy quickly nodded, and the family soon set back to the house, for the sun was already past the middle of the sky.
Everything seemed fine for the rest of the day, but for some reason, Tommy couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was happening. Pogbee seemed to sense it too, but decided to shrug it off as the duo continued back to their current activities, which was eating some of the hive's honey, of which the hive had graciously granted to the family before they had left.
The next day soon came around, and Tommy had already jumped out of bed and tossed on some regular clothes before sprinting out the door in a frenzied panic, with the large bee companion following quickly behind.
The other 3 inhabitants of the household had noticed Tommy sprint out the door without telling them where he was going once again, and chased after the teen once again, following him back to where the clearing with the hive was in.
Tommy had noticed that his family was trailing after him, but didn't pay much mind to it as he continued the sprint towards the direction of the hive. He knew something was wrong ever since yesterday, and now the feeling was overbearing, giving the boy the idea that something bad must have happened to the rest of the hive. Tommy had seen that his bee companion had felt the same way, so it helped to know that he wasn't getting any wrong vibes.
The sight that he saw once he burst through the border of the clearing shattered his heart into pieces, and collapsed onto his knees just as the rest of his family soon burst through the border moments after.
Littered around the clearing were large pools of both fresh and dried blood, and the corpses of the hive's bees lay scattered around the area. There was no trace of what could have happened, and the only conclusion was that it was a mass murder.
But the real question is, who, or why would do this? Who else may have figured out Tommy's secret?
As Tommy started sobbing his eyes out while his family tried to comfort him, an unseen rustle in the bushes a way away from the squad was present, and a figure dressed in green quickly and quietly sprinted away, as a malicious and amused expression shined in the being's eyes, before being covered once again by a blank, smiley-faced mask.
Looks like someone had finally gotten their revenge.
RIP to da bees.
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