Blood-ridden Snow (Pt. 2 of Not Allowed Here)

Characters: Tommyinnit, Dream (partially mentioned)

TW: Slightly Heavy Mention of Gore, Implication of Hypothermia

Other: I'm sorry if this seems weird, I wrote this in choir class and probably had no idea what I was doing-

Tommy awoke.

It was something he certainly expected to not do again after he had gone asleep the last time.

Shaking his head to clear away the fuzziness that currently clouded his mind, he sat up from his position on the ground and stared straight forward, getting his bearings in check as the teen gazed at the frozen pond before him.

Except, he could tell that it wasn't entirely frozen over. There was still an explosion-shaped sheet of thin ice that indicated his fall last night. Wait, if he had fallen last night, then who had dragged him out?

Tommy shook his head once more, groaning in frustration before sending the thoughts to the deepest pits of his mind, not and never really wishing to have to ponder about them anymore. His brain would think of quite terrible things if he was ever left alone to muddle in his sub consciousness.

The blonde shuffled to his feet and started trudging through the heel-high snow in a random direction, the temperature just a minor inconvenience for his body as he no longer paid much attention to it. His expression was blank as he went along, his hidden body littered with bruises and old wounds and scars that varied from yellow, to purple, to blue, and a small sore even to black. Eyes that once shined like the blue sky now hid inner turmoil and resembled the color of thunderclouds and a stormy, rolling sea that claimed lives whenever anyone ventured in the premises that it controlled.

Of course, his sense of direction was completely lost at this point as he walked in an aimless straight line, but a small voice in his head, if ever so soft and tiny, kept whispering to him to keep going, and of promises that he would come across something soon.

Hours passed as the sun ran across the sky, and yet nothing of irregular structure was or had been anywhere in sight. Any hope that Tommy had kept inside himself was slowly fading away like drops of water from a melting ice cube, when in the far distance, a dark shape that resembled the likes of a cabin that was in no area even remotely similar to his br-Techno's plot of land soon came into view.

A spark of excitement and hope hastily jumped into the dulled blue eyes of Tommy, and the male quickened his pace as the house became clearer and more distinctable. It wasn't long until the child soldier reached the front of the cabin, and he hesitantly walked up the wooden steps to knock on the door.

The door swung open after his first knock.

The interior of the house looked to be abandoned, as if nobody had inhabited the place in decades. Cobwebs and dust was scattered everywhere, and leather and wooden furniture rotten from improper care. Nothing that would retain to the house's past seemed to have stayed, for only the most vital and largest parts of furniture seemed to remain, such as an old gas stove that sat in the kitchen area, and an ancient-looking leather couch that lay beaten in the living room.

Tommy walked through the house, noting every room and item that was placed inside it in his mind to come to this conclusion:

•The house obviously hasn't been used in a very, very long time. Probably made before Dream came and took over the server.

•There were 5 rooms in the house:

-A tiny bathroom.

-A bedroom accommodated for one.

-A basic kitchen.

-A living room.

-And the most confusing of them all, a gigantic, fenced-in backyard that ran seemingly forever across the other section of Tundra behind the house.

•The original house keeper was very......basic, and seemed to stick to having the most minimal requirements for living.

•The original house keeper was either very interested in studying the Tundra terrain and polar bears from afar (from inside the fenced backyard), or was simply a giant animal lover and owned a bunch of pets.

As Tommy thought over these blotches of information, a rustling from the inside of a hole-ridden blanket that he hadn't seen earlier caught his attention. He slowly and silently crept over, and once close enough, lifted the blanket to see.....

A rather large artic fox staring right back at him.

The young male practically threw himself backwards in shock and instinctively raised his battered arms to protect his face. When he noticed that the animal wasn't attacking him or running away, Tommy lowered his arms warily as he peered curiously at the fox sitting there and simply gazing at him. He noticed that the artic animal didn't have anything that signified that it belonged to the other owner of the house, which confused him to an extent as of how the fox would have gotten in the house in the first place if all the doors and windows were closed, and the chain link fence outside was at least 8ft tall.

Suddenly, the fox ran up to him and nuzzled its head against his chest before resting its head on his lap underneath his left hand, and, quite hesitantly I must add, the blonde started to pet the artic fox on the head and around the ears, where it basically rumbled in content. A soft, rare smile crept to Tommy's face as he decided that the fox was his as much as he was now the fox's.

"Y'know what, bud? I'll name you Clementine."

~*Time skip 3 years*~

There, on Tommy's lap, lay a bleeding, dying Clementine. Tears were already streaming from the bo-no, adult's eyes as he watched his pet, no, his (italics) friend, take in its last breaths. The fox looked up one more time to Tommy's gaze, seemed to smile, and then their head rested down on his lap, never to rise again as their eyes became clouded and lifeless.

A green-clad man stood in front of the young adult's hunched figure, their mask's eyes staring straight down on the male while showing no signs of sympathy, or emotion overall. Tommy's breath soon slowed, and he snapped his head upwards to face the person who had caused too much trauma in his life; who had abused and toyed with him and so many others who had found themselves in the puppeteer's path.

But just as he began to rise from his fetal position, a dark-colored, shining sword easily cut across the younger blonde's chest, blood instantly erupting from the fresh wound as Tommy once more collapsed to his knees. Yet, the former child soldier make no attempt to stop the wound's bleeding, and he fell forward onto the white-covered ground, too weak and light-headed to arise once more.

That day, the icy Tundra's atmosphere reeked of sadness and death, and the snow turned red for distances almost too unfathomable to be natural.

~*Time Skip No. 2 for 1 more year*~

Loud laughter rang across the snowy plains, and the ghost of a young boy, a fox, and a cow ran together through the large biome, not heeding the slow-falling flakes of snow that drifted from the partly-clouded sky, for it didn't do as much as simply float down to the ground through their transparent, shifting bodies.

Maybe if Techno had known better than to shout at his younger brother and kick him out into a blizzard, this wouldn't have happened.

Maybe if Tubbo had known better than to exile his best friend for the sake of a broken country, this wouldn't have happened.

Maybe if Dream had known better than to try to play with a long-since broken toy, this wouldn't have happened (even if he did alieve the boy from his life-long suffering).

But, as one would say, not every story can have a flavorful and happy ending.

Some just have to be bittersweet.


It's Amazing. 

I'm being productive for once. 

Sorry for the weird ending though-

Well, I hope you enjoyed this second-part oneshot, and be sure to expect another second-part oneshot for Constant Fear soon, and then The Dragon's Children's sequel oneshot before I go onto the second part of Egg Consumption. Then, I'll finish up the 5+ current requests that I currently have in the waiting-to-be-written zone before I continue to write other oneshots. 

I have big plans for this book y'all, and the goddamn ideas keep coming. 

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this! 

Fox Out! 


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