A Painful Event
Characters: Tommy
TW: Blood, Crying, Negative thoughts(minor), Loneliness, Implication of an ED.
Other: W i n g s
Tommy, for sure, honestly had no idea that gaining new appendages would be so painful.
Especially when he was alone, with no-one there to whisper encouraging words towards him, run a gentle hand through his blonde, curly hair, or hold him close as new, soft, and vunerable wings sprouted out from his back, just like how Techno and Wilbur had gotten theirs, with the latter and Philza always there to comfort them throughout the process.
It was just so unfortunate enough that the rest of his family wasn't currently in the household, having gone off somewhere without him once again and leaving him alone in the house unarmed.
Crying out in pain once more (though it was muffled due to Tommy 's head having been shoved into a pillow in an attempt of self-reassurance), the young male craned his neck to watch as small, short, linear bumps pushed agonizingly slowly against the tender skin of his back, when suddenly, the wings finally popped free from their prison and made dark red splotches of blood spurt all across the bed.
The new segments of his body were covered with blood and were rather wet and slimey-looking, but would soon dry to become white, downy fluff. Tommy sighed in relief; the worst of the pain was over. Now, all he needed to do was clean up his now-bloodied bedsheets, and maybe wash off the drying red liquid from his wings, though hopefully he would be able to see what his wings actually looked like after he cleaned them.
Ripping the dirty bedsheets off of his matress, he tossed them into the washer after putting some stain cleaner on the blood splotches, and then quickly hopped into the shower for the second time this night, carefully cleaning off his small, growing feathers to reveal the colors of shining gold, bright red, metallic silver, and pure white. He gasped in suprise, and a giant grin spread across his face as he soon finished washing off his new wings, and stepped out of the shower after rinsing off the rest of his sweat-covered body.
The teen then took the moment to examine and admire the structure and the colors of his feathered appendages after changing into some fresh shorts, and gently caressed the top of his wings, running a hand across the flexible bone while peering at the pattern of the colors. The wings were large, most definitely larger than Phil's, and silver feathers lined the top of his wings whilst gold ones rimmed the lower. A randomized pattern of red feathers swirled around as spirals in the large, white space of his wings, and Tommy could already start to be able to move them about as he poofed the feathers up a bit.
Now, he thought that getting on a shirt would be a nusiance and thathe would have to rip holes in them to allow his wings some space to breath, when he found out that the wings would rather conveniently fold straight into his back, and skin would unnervingly cover them up, leaving no trace that he was ever an Avarian. Though, he learned that his wings would have to be eventually let out so that they didn't get disfigured and bent in the wrong way, so at the very most, he could hold his wings in for 6 hours without permanently damaging them (He learned that from the internet). He simply decided with going the night shirtless and allowing his wings to flop onto the bed, just paranoid that if he slept in and kept his wings in, that he would permanently damage them from sleeping in while they were new and fresh.
Just as he was about to hit the hay (go to sleep, also since it was basically past midnight), he heard a car door slam shut, signifiying that the rest of his forgetful family had arrived home at the exact wrong time. He groaned and shifted around, making sure that his wings were fully hidden underneath the light blanket before trying to drift off unsuccessfully, for the trio downstairs was so loud that it sounded like they were yelling straight into his room.
Tommy simply tried to shrug off the fact that they probably had a blast wherever they were without him, the thought only hurting his extremely low self-esteem and dropping it lower, though at some time the boy had finally found sleep and slept away, being able to tune out the boisterous noise that his "responsible" family had been making downstairs.
The next morning, Tommy awoke to the birds peacefully chirping, and sunlight softly shining through his window, and he groaned and tried to roll over onto his back, just to quickly regret doing so as he shot up into a sitting position, remembering his new wings just before he accidently crushed them. He sighed, before feeling his stomach rumble, demanding food and forcing Tommy to stand up and go get breakfast (the hypocrisy for me rn-).
The blonde got dressed, pulling his wings into his back before grabbing his regular red and white T-shirt, and he walked down the stairs to see that none of his family was awake yet.
Well, better for him, I guess.
He sighed and walked over to the pantry, grabbing out a random cereal and some m i l k (remember to drink yer milk k i d s), and filling his bowl with the two before grabbing a spoon and slowly digging in, and after 10 minutes of munching on the cereal he finally finished and decided to immediately go test out if he was capable of the concept of soaring through the air using light, yet heavily feathered appendages like b e r b s (*burds-*BURDS *BIRDS OMFG-).
Knowing better than to go shirtless outside, Tommy simply settled on ripping his wings out of the back of his shirt after going outside to the empty, enormous field right outside the house. He tested out flapping his wings first, quickly taking notice of how it felt completely natural for some unknown reason, and did what he tbought used to be completely impossible for him.
He flew.
Or more sort of "flapped around awkwardly for a moment before catching the passing wind".
But, at least he knew thatit was possible, despite all sources of science going against it, stating of how the human body would hold too much weight, or how his wings would have to be extremely large to carry him into the sky.
Welp, at least he didn't really eat much, and his wings were abnormally yet naturally giant, easily lifting him higher and higher into the vast and empty sky that practically pleaded for something to fill up the lifeless amounts of empty space.
After getting a hang of flying around for a bit (and even doing a bit of loops and barrel rolls), he decided that it was time to go back inside, not bothering to tuck his wings back in and instead folding them against his back, instantly regretting his unthoughtful action when he saw Phil, Techno, and Wilbur all sitting at the dining table, eating breakfast and sipping coffee, when they immediately stopped what they were doing when they saw Tommy try to walk past them and go back upstairs with literal wings folded against his back.
A tensious silence filled the house as the older trio stared in suprise and disbelief at the large appendages on their little brother's back, whereas Tommy simply looked away and bit his lower lip in nervousness. He started to continue on his way up to his room, when Phil immediately reacted and grabbed the teen's arm, making his youngest son face him as a mix of emotions crossed the man's face.
"Tommy.....when did you get these?" The blonde-haired man asked, guesturing towards the wings on Tommy's back, just for the young teen to growl and rip his arm out of his dad's grasp.
"Since when did you ever fucking care?" He snapped, and all three of the other's gazes hardened towards the young male, though their eyes were full of confusion.
"What do you mean, 'when did we ever care'? Tommy, we've always cared, what do you mean!?" Wilbur yelled, standing up in defense of Phil, just for Tommy to snarl at them, anger evidently burning in his own expression.
"Then why have you basically forgotten about me?! You leave me alone at the house basically every night, act like I don't even exist most of the time, almost never mention me once every single day, and I bet that if I never even grew wings, I would still be invisible to you if I walked past you like I was just doing!" Tommy's wings bristled with fury, and the look of realization passed across all of their faces (except for Tommy's ofc) as they realized what they had been doing to their youngest this entire time.
Without a word, the trio of olders stood up and enveloped the teen into a strong hug, making sure to not squeeze on his wings and not expecting Tommy to instantly melt into their touch, before also realizing how touch-starved he must have been.
From that day, they made sure to have Tommy feel extremely included and cared for, though they were all still guilty that they weren't there for him whenever he got his wings. After all of that, Tommy seemed to have mutually forgiven them all as time quickly passed.
Everything seemed fine, as if now everything would go straight back to normal.
Well, that was until Tommy woke up with an excruciating pain on his back, and reached up to inspect his wings just to wave around in empty air. In pain and extremely confused, Tommy tried to feel around for the start of his wings, just to pull his hand away and see his hand coated with dark, red blood.
A chilling realization settled in the boy's mind, but he turned to look at his wings....
Just to let out a ear-piercing scream.
I think its pretty obvious what happened now, innit?
I basically just shoved this oneshot out today. I was loosing a lot of my morivation near the end, so I just decided to give this oneshot a bad ending ;)
Oof Tommy tho :/
(Not proof-read, please excuse any grammer or spelling mistakes)
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