A adventure waiting...
You heard a knock at the door.You got up from the couch from sleepihng and walked to the door.It was the popo.
Popo:Hello miss!We have too look inside your house so please let us in or you will go to jail!
You then backed up as they ran in looking at your house that was filled with empty candy rappers and empty bottles of Coca-Cola and alot of empty bottles of Smirnoff.
You:ehhhhh*nervous laugh*Dont mind the house...im just a little bit of a lazy person...
Popo:nothing!EVERYONE OUT!
You then watched as everyone ran out.You then shut the door and sighed...
You:I really need to move and get a job.
You then laid back down on the couch and turned on the tv.
You:Nothing good is on.
You then got up and took off your hoodie showing your cat ears.
You:but that will be hard geting a job though with thoughs...flirting peoples...and the men wanting women for them too feel good in the night when they are asleep.
You then shivered as you thought of the real world...you then changed into a pair of ripped of blue jeans and a shirt that said"Shut up".I mean it did explain me.I do just want people to just shut up.you then put on a hat with cat ears that popped out that where apart of the hat.you then put that on.Your ears fit perfectly with it!you then opened the door and walked out and closed it and locked it.you didnt have a phone so you just ignored your family.You then walked to the place their mostly was stores.You saw mcds, a shoe store , a music store ,and a publix that needed help.
U:uhh...i mean i like music.But then again no one goes their...who care ima try to apply.
You then walked to the music store again and went inside.You felt a cold breeze hit you as you went inside.You then walked to the counter.
You:E-excuse me?
Woman at the counter:yes.
You:Can I apply?
Woman at the counter:Go to the bosses office.
You:Where is that.
A man then tapped your shoulder...
You then turned around quickly!
A man:Im the B-O-S-S.
He then started to walk to a room and u foolowed him he then sat down at gis desk and you sat infront of him.
Time skip because im lazy
You where now done with applying and you have gotten the job and thrown into the redgister without getting taught anything as soon as he said i was hired.EVERYONE THEN LEFT!ooohhhh god...this is going to end up bad...
Then a man walked in...he looked around then went to the counter.
The man:Can i get 4 strings to a etc gautar.
You:Okay mister.
You then ran to the back and looked to the left and saw it and grabbed it.you then ran back to the cash redgister.
You:That will be $37.99.
The man:okay here.
The man then put it on the counter next to the cash redgister.You then put it in a bag and took the money and put it in the cash redgister and gave him the bag with 4 strings.
He then left.another guy with a freind then came in.One with a green jacket and brown fluffly looking hair and tan pants and green eyes then another guy with a royal blue jacket checkered shoes black eyes and spicky hair and black pants.You then noticed these men where from your old high school!You then looked down trying not to make a huge fight with one of them...So you just let them walk up to your desk and ask for what they needed.But tom grabbed Edd and wispered something in his ear making you feel even worse.Please just get this over with...Tom then walked up too you.
Tom:*caugh*Excuse me!
Edd:Do we know you?!?
Edd then tryed to look at you but your hair was blocking your face!
You:Who knows with life and the people and instruments.Can you just tell me what you want.
Rose my freind then ran in!
Rose:LUNA!(p.s your name is Luna)
you:Oh cra-
U then slamed your head against the desk.
U then got up and pushed everyone out as rose kept trying to talk to you.She then said such a daring thing to get you to pay attention to her...that it made your tail and ears pop out once again!
Rose:Didnt you and Tom date once in highschool?
You then felt like your ears and tail popped right out.But hapily Tom or edd didnt hear wat she said.But you held on to your hat pushing it down and the other hand was trying to hide your tail with your shirt you then started running.You finally got to your house and opened the door and closed it you then put on a grey jacket.You then kept the hat on and picked up a bioshock blanket and wrapped it around you.You then sat on the couch thinking about why tom was their...
Your thoughts got caught in a web when all of a sudden Rose,Tom, AND Edd threw open your door!
U then looked over...
U:...and i have no money to pay for that if you made a hole in the wall...great...just great...
Tom:Who cares.
Rose:Luna!Why is your house a mess!
U:Out real quick.EVERYONE out!
Everyone then went out of your house and you shut the door.Then u some how like MAGIC You cleaned the house in less then 5 secs!You then opened the door as you threw the hat and blanket at your couch as u knew your ears and tail waz gone!
Tom then stared at u in a questionably way...You then started to become nerves when ALL of a SuDd3n edd hugged you!
Edd:Sooooo...Why do we never see you outside?
Edd:I mean we live across the street and to the left a bit!
U:W-wait...When did u guys move from your house!Wait!Wheres Matt!Wheres Tord!
Edd:Matts at home and To-
Tom then ran infront of him and cutt him off
Tom:Hes gone.Thats all that u need to know.
You then looked down...
You:*wispers under breath*Hmm...so your dream come true has happened...huh??...well not myn...
You then looked back seeing her with a pic of me and my parents in our old house in florida...
Rose:Wat is this!
You then grabbed it and broke it.
U:Its nothing now.
Everyone then started to stare at you...
U:uhhh...Lets...lets watch the children!
Tom,edd,and rose:THE CHILDREN!
You then grabbed the remote to the TV and turned the TV on and it was already on "The Children"...
U:Their you go.
You then watched behind them standing up.
Edd:Why are u standing up?Wait...Do u want to sit on toms lap?!?
Edd then started to smirk at u while u started to blush horribly!You then grabbed the hat and put it on and grabbed the blanket.you then wrapped the blanket around u...
Edd:Why are u acting so...serious...u used to be WAY more fun!
You:Things change.u change in that prossess...
You where staring at Toms head while you said that.You then looked down then at edd...
U:Just forget wat i said.
U then looked around...
Edd looked around as tom was "one with the TV"
U then ran to the kitchen.She wasnt their.You then ran to the two bathrooms.she wasnt their.You then ran to the backyard.She wasnt their.You then went upstairs knowing...she was propraly going to be in my room...
I ran in my room.She was asleep on my bed?
U:WAT THE *its just a letter*F ROSE!
Rose then looked at u half asleep...
I then felt a thing rubb against my leg...I then looked down...IT WAS RINGO!!
You then picked up Ringo and put her on my shoulder like how i used to do with her!She then sat their and kept study.Edd then ran up!
You then faced edd.
U then took her off your shoulder and started to run!
You then ran towards the living room!You then saw Tom blocking the exit to thee outside!
You then started to turn seeing edd right behind u going to run into the wall so u hit him turning him as he ran into tom all of a sudden you then ran outside through ur front door!
Tom:GET OFF OF ME!!!!!!!
You then ran to their old school which waz now closed...you then started to go inside as ringo presed her body aganst you...you then petted her...
U:Your okay...
You then walked to the class room where you met tom edd tord and matt...but it used to be less...old looking...
Ringo then rubbed against ur face...
You:Its allright...im okay...
You then walked to a door...
U:heh...i remember when my skirt got stuck and edd matt and tom blocked me away from everyone as i tryed to get out of grip...then i tared my whole uniform and tom blocked it with his hand...it was...very imbaresing...definitely since we wherent together...and we had to walk like that from lunch till the end of the day...
I then looked around seeing the principals office...that was when me and tom got in trouble for talking about these stupied rich girls that always hung out with tord.and their parents paid them so they couldnt get in trouble and where if anyone spoke bad about them then they would go to the office and get a suspension for 12 days.so while we where in the principals office he asked me to be his girl freind...and of course i just said yes...now look at me...
Then you felt a tap on the shoulder...you then looked back veey quickly
U then saw Tom
U:Ahhh!!O-OH F-FUC-
Edd then ran over!
U then started to shake very nervously...you then walked to edd and gave him his cat
You:T-their...im going home.
you then pated ringos head
You:You will see me again Ringo...i...i promise...
You then gave ringo your index finger ringo then looked up and grabbed ur finger with two paws she then started to bite and lick ur finger...*for cats that means their kissin ya*
You then moved ur finger away from Ringo and left seeing a hole...that was acctually from a fight with u and one oh the rich snobby kids...you kept hiting her head into the wall till she started to bleed...then you saw the wall had a huge hole and saw the princible was coming so u threw her out the window and jumped out the hole and hit the ground and ran...
You then went down the stairs and to the bottom floor...you then went outside and too your house...
When you got home rose was walking out.
U:Hi rose...
Rose:Hi now bye!
U:heh...oki bue...
You then went inside and shut your door...
Will it always be like this??hopefully not...
OCs that are in this story that are supposed to be people...
People who play as characters...
Music owner:
Popular girl:
Dont know yet
~more people soooonnnnnnnn~~~~~~
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