They hurried through the last few turns towards the Eighth Year dormitories, not bumping into anyone along the way, but naturally their luck ran out once they got inside. The entrance lead directly into the common room, a wide and spacious circular room with book cases running along one half and floor to ceiling windows across the other. Matching mahogany tables of varying sizes populated the carpeted floor, accompanied by chairs and sofas finished in a soft, cream fabric that made the room feel light and airy. Throw cushions representing all the house colours were littered about, as were half a dozen or so students passing away their Thursday afternoon. Two of which were Hermione and Ron, and Harry skidded to a halt at the sight of them, Draco's hand still firmly clasped in his own.
Ron was ensconced in a chess match with Dean Thomas, but Hermione was lounging on a couch next to them, a heavy book on her lap. She glanced up to see them both frozen in front of her, and Harry suddenly had absolutely no idea what to say. What if they didn't approve, what if they never came around to the idea of him being with Draco? He didn't think he could stand that.
But Hermione just smiled, a mischievous look in her eyes. "Finally," was all she said, then cast her gaze back down to her tome.
Harry's face split into a crazy grin of relief, and he turned to see Draco wearing a matching expression. "Thanks," he breathed, then bolted towards the doorway to the bedrooms.
The movement must of caught Ron's eye, because they were followed out by his startled cry of "Harry? What's going – are you holding Malfoy's hand! Harry! Harry!"
Harry just laughed though, loud and free as they charged towards his room and slammed through the door with barely a moment's pause. He locked it behind them with several different wards, not intending to be disturbed at all, and threw up a hefty silencer charm as well. "That's more like it-" he began, but was cut off with a woomph! as Draco crashed into him, hands gabbing the back of his head as he locked their lips together in a fierce kiss, their school bags thwacking on the floor.
"You're so brilliant," he gasped between snogs. "I wanted to be friends for so long – It killed me being enemies – This was so worth it – You're brilliant."
Harry couldn't get his hands over enough of him, grappling with his clothes as he pawed up and down his arms, over his back, even groping at his backside. "Draco," he moaned. He wanted to try and explain how happy he made him, how perfect he thought he was, but it just came out as "So happy, so perfect." Close enough, he figured.
He hardly even registered what was happening as Draco's hands slipped under his polo shirt, and hauled it up and over his head. And then, for the first time ever, he was standing there in front of his boyfriend, naked from the waist up.
"Oh," was all he managed before Draco slammed them back together, and his skin felt amazing rubbing up against Draco's soft cotton shirt. They stumbled towards the bed, Harry walking backwards until the backs of his thighs hit the mattress. He began unbuttoning Draco's shirt with trembling fingers, then remembered the promise he'd made to himself during lunch that he would enjoy doing this slowly. So he pulled back from their kiss and started working down the shirt and a steadier pace.
"I was imagining getting you out if this earlier," he said as he kissed along Draco's jaw, still soft from only being shaved hours before. "That was before you were technically my boyfriend though." He grinned into Draco's neck, his skin tingling at how wonderful the word sounded on his tongue.
Draco hummed and ran his fingers all over his bare arms and chest and back. "Think I've been technically your 'whatever-you-want' for three weeks now," he said purposefully.
Harry got down to the last button, slipping the shirt over his shoulders and leaving him in one of his standard white t-shirts. "You're mine?" he clarified with a hopeful, cheeky grin as he tugged at the belt holding his trousers up.
"All yours," Draco panted, his fingers deftly working at the zip on Harry's jeans. His voice wobbled though as the paused with his hands about to pull down on the waistband. "And...and your mine?" he stammered.
Harry dropped the belt to the floor where he'd released it and immediately cupped his hands either side of Draco's face, looking him straight in the eye. "I am completely yours," he said emphatically. He felt a wave of emotion surge over him, overwhelming him slightly as he took in those large, grey eyes. "I'm sorry we wasted so much time, I'm sorry we both suffered so much. But that's over now, it's over and we have each other and we're going to be okay."
Draco closed his eyes, and Harry wasn't shocked to see a single tear escape from one of them, but he took a slow breath and brushed it away with his thumb. "I..." said Draco hesitantly. "I think...I love you."
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