Chapter - 63

Author's POV

Aryan: didn't we discuss enough about this yesterday? Are you still going to do this to them? You know how it pained them last time you did this!

Dolly: Aryan god forbid this never happens but would you tell them if you had been in my place?

Aryan fell short of words.

Knowing you are going to die is one thing, telling the people you love about this is another. Seeing the pain and helplessness in their eyes. Knowing that despite them giving the world to you there is nothing they can do to make you live in that world any longer. Make you take few more breathes in that world.

Yes, it shatters their hearts. It shatters the people you love and it shatters to you see them like that.

Dolly: You don't have anything to say do you? Well, I guessed so.

Aryan's gaze softened a bit. His eyes held water in them, his eyes constantly looking into her eyes.

Dolly: at least you have to be there for me, okay? You cannot tell anyone and you can't cry in front of me. I know I am selfish.

Dolly said while placing her hand on Aryan's cheeks and the tears fell from his eyes, yet he nodded in a yes.

He quickly wiped his tears and smiled at her.

Dolly: God must have really loved me and hated me too, to sent you in the last moments. He would have wanted me to experience something so beautiful before I die and also wanted me to know it isn't going to be forever.

Aryan: he loves you and so does everyone else. Stop speaking such bullshit!

Dolly: and you?

Aryan: me what?

Dolly: do you love me?

Aryan silently gazed into Dolly's eyes.

He was fighting the desire to say it to her but if he said it out loud, was he strong enough to accept his love for?

Strong enough to have the repercussions and pain that is going to come with it?

Strong enough to accept that his first and maybe only love isn't going to last long or that he isn't going to get that long time to be with her?

Aryan: I am not as strong as you consider me to be sweets!

Before any of them could speak Swayam, Nandini and rest of them came to visit her. Everyone asked Dolly about how she was doing and whether or not she was feeling good now.

The only thing dolly did though was to straight away lie about this and Aryan saw right through her lies.

Every time she said she is well Aryan knew she isn't, every time she said she can breathe fine, he knew she wasn't, every time she said she feels at ease a turmoil of uneasiness passed right through her eyes.

Everyone was sitting and wondering about few things here and there. They ordered some food and had fun, they played games and helped Dolly relax a bit. It was finally dinner time when doctor arrived for a routine checkup and everyone emptied the room. After Dinner finally Swayam and Manik stayed behind to be with dolly while everyone else left to get so rest at home.

Swayam: guddu are you fine? Do you need anything else?

Dolly: no bhai I am completely alright.

Manik: guys I was thinking about something and I think I need your help with it.

Both Swayam and Dolly nodded at him and signed him to go ahead.

Manik: I am thinking of proposing Nandu. I want to get married to her. All things that we have been through I really want to make her mine as soon as possible. I don't think it's humanly possible for me to stay apart from her anymore. What do you guys think, would she be ready for this step in her life.

Dolly and Swayam looked at each other and while Swayam pounced at Manik for sharing something so good, Dolly looked at both of them silently and shed some tears smiling ear to ear.

Swayam: I am so happy for you and Nandini. Even though you still haven't proposed her, I just feel so glad about it. I can't be...

Swayam was about to speak further when he noticed Dolly and immediately rushed to her.

Swayam: Are you feeling fine? Do you feel discomfort? Do you need anything?

Swayam said wiping her tears and adjusting her hair properly.

Dolly nodded in no and raised her arms towards Manik for a hug.

Manik was also feeling a bit emotional seeing how everything turned out to be. He rushed to hug her and slowly patted her back.

Dolly: I wish you guys have the time to cherish your love, I so wish that you guys have until eternity and beyond. Please make use of every single moment you guys have together. Don't waste anymore time being apart from each other.

Dolly looked at Manik and sobbed while wiping his tears away. She looked at Swayam and said the same to him.

Swayam sensed something off about Dolly saying something so emotional but he made a mental note of asking her later, before he could say anything dolly spoke,

Dolly: I have something to tell you guys, but you have to promise me not to tell anyone about whatever it is that I am going to share with you guys.

Manik and Swayam both fell in a daze because they knew something from her would not be so childish for them to promise her about not uttering a word of it to anyone else.

Dolly: guys please you have to promise me I can't share this with anyone else except for you guys.

Dolly expressed a bit tear eyed.

Manik and Swayam glanced at each other before promising Dolly about the same.

Dolly: Before I say this, please know this that I haven't just simply decided to do whatever it is that I am going to do. I need your assurance that you are not going to say anything to anyone except for the three of us. For me to take this decision wasn't easy. For me to not show my pain from the very people who can guess everything I do in a single second isn't easy for me. So, the thing is that this wasn't just a random relapse from the surgery. My days are numbered. My body can't survive on the transplanted heart anymore. And other heart transplant isn't possible. Pacemaker or any other devices for that matter aren't a viable option, if at all anything does work out a maximum of six months is what my heart can survive out of it. Any time above it is just god's added bonus of joy and agony in my life. I can't.

Saying this Dolly started letting all those tears out which she barely managed to keep from her favorite brothers yet.

Swayam and Manik were so shaken from this news that they slumped on the couch like lifeless people. Like someone who was search for water in scorching sun but was left empty handed at the end.

Aryan was back at the hospital because he baked some cookies for her, knowing how she might want a change of taste from the old boring hospital food. When he entered the room, he didn't realize that Manik and Swayam were sitting on the couch opposite to the bed, he glanced at dolly who was sobbing bad by now and immediately rushed to her placing the cookies on the side table.

Aryan hugged her and patted her back while slowly ruffling her hair with another hand.

Aryan: Does it hurt? Do you want me to call the doctor? Where is Swayam bhai and Manik bhai? Did you have your dinner.

We lifted his face a bit to see Dolly who was still very red from all the sobbing,

Aryan: it's fine. It's alright. Take a deep breathe with me. Try doing it slowly don't push yourself too hard. Try it slowly.

That's when Dolly prompted a smile and asked him to look backwards.

Aryan immediately got up from the bed looking very alerted.

Aryan: I am sorry bhai, I didn't realize you guys were sitting here.

Dolly smiled faintly at Manik and Swayam.

Dolly: its okay Bhai. Aryan knows everything. He is the one who forced me to tell at least someone about what is going on. I was too adamant on not telling anyone about it. Neither me nor him or you guys would be able to do anything about the situation I currently am in bhai. I know its tough news to digest but we have to accept this fact that there is no cure in this world that would take my pain away. So, lets accept it and move on. I want to be able to cherish the time I have left bhai.

Swayam was on the verge of throwing up. The news had such a turmoil effect on him that all he wanted to was to leave the room and just go somewhere, where he would still have those happy memories with his sister, where they used to have fun every day, make Indian dishes because they missed the home-cooked dishes. Have fun, meet their friends at random and million other things without a single care about the world.

Only if that were an option for him, he would have tirelessly moved the timeline again and again to be happy with her in that moment. He left the room in fit of tears rolling down his face. He ran to balcony. He needed fresh air to be able to recall that he is alive not dead from the new revelation Dolly just gave him.

On the other side Manik was just staring blankly at Dolly. Dolly asked Aryan to help her move towards Manik.

She sat beside him on the sofa and hugged him with all the meekly strength in her. She slowly patted her back and assured him about her being fine.

Dolly: Its okay bhai. This was going to happen if not today few months later or years later. I was able to sense it since the transplant. It's okay I still have few months. Don't worry. I'll annoy the shit out of you guys. So much that you'll wish for me to be gone already.

Manik: Even if you kill me without any reason someday, I still won't wish for you to be ever gone. Which brother would want their kid gone?

Saying this Manik lost all the control he had towards his emotions. He cried and cried. Sobbed and sobbed until he felt like his tears were dry. Until it was not possible from him to cry anymore. All this while Dolly slowly patted his back and let him flow his tears. It wasn't something she loved doing. She only had so much of strength to assure everyone before she could finally let go and excessive crying could decrease her already barely their lifetime.

Dolly: its okay bhai. Please know that you have already made my time here worth it by being here and sparing all the love on me as your sister. You need to handle Nandu di and everyone else when I am not here. I can't cry more than this. I'll die a month earlier than I am supposed to if I don't stop sobbing.

Manik was very gloomy from what he just heard and listening to what she said, he tightened her grip on her. Dolly just patted him back assuring her brother that she isn't disappearing right away.

After what felt like an hour Manik finally looked at her letting the last few tears flow from his eyes before he rubbed them away, placing a brotherly kiss on her cheek and ruffling her hair.

Manik: I'll never be able to move-on from this news but what I can promise you is that you'll have me by your side anytime you need me. I'll spoil you so bad in these months. Any fucking wish of your's will be my command and I'll make sure you get it. All you have to promise me is that you'll oblige by all the treatment that is suggested to you and that you'll tell me everything you feel. You know you don't have to worry about anything around me.

Dolly: I know bhai. I promise. You'll know everything that will happen. For starters, I like Aryan. Actually, more than like and he is my boyfriend as of yesterday. I know it's selfish of me but I really liked him from the first time I laid my eyes on him. It was my annoyance with my feeling towards him that I try to avert them every time I felt something but yesterday it just happened and I didn't have the heart to say no to him when he expressed what he felt, quite literally.

Manik: woah this is news. That is why he hugged you despite me and Swayam sitting here. Though he didn't notice us but. Wow, I am truly happy for you that you feel what it is to have an un-denying liking-ness towards the one you love.

While Dolly was consoling Manik about the same Aryan ran behind Swayam when he left the room. Afterall, there was only so much Dolly could handle without breaking herself up first and here Aryan had to help her.

Swayam ran towards the fire exit stairs, he sat on the stairs crying and crying, sobbing about this and not being able to calm down for a second. Aryan slowly entered the stairs and sat few steps above to him making sure not to disturb him but to be there for him when he calmed down a bit.

Swayam's pain knew no bounds. Knowing that she was a little kid he raised up, literally when they were in a foreign country. Knowing how he pampered her and that how she was the source of happiness for them. How she always was the source of fun and mischiefs around. How she was always at the Centre of making everyone happy.

Swayam felt so helpless at that moment. Having n number of money at your disposal but yet nothing that could be done to save her little sister from the death. Death is inevitable but with a tenure. When the one you love doesn't even get se see half of what average people experience in their life time is as heart-breaking as having to lose your kid who doesn't even get to seethe light of it all.

Swayam realized on very thing that day and it was that no amount of money could mean anything if you don't have enough time to live. People run behind money, trying to be successful and everything but what if there is no one to share it with? What is the very person you are trying to earn for isn't there to spend to single bit of it?

After what felt like forever Swayam finally breathed a long sigh, wiping his tears trying to get up when he noticed Aryan sitting besides him and staring at the window.

Swayam: How long have you been here for?

Aryan: Since the time you almost gave yourself a panic attack from crying so hard that you were taking deep breaths to calm yourself down.

Swayam released a few more tears at what Aryan said.

Aryan: you know bhai, I could never, never in my wildest dream ever imagine what you might be going through. I know how tough it is for you to accept this fact and moreover I am sure she must have asked you to not share it with anyone. I get it why she must have said it to be honest. Just telling both of you was so tough for her. She is not in a state where she can re-assure both of you, imagine telling this to chachu-chachi, badepa-badi-ma and Nandu di. Do you think she would be able to handle the pain in their eyes? I know asking you to calm down is the most useless thing to do in this situation but can you come back, talk to her about this, let her know that you are with her in this and that you'll try to be happy and let her be at her own peace? Please, can you?

Swayam: how are you so mature about this situation?

Aryan felt a bit lost at this question. Was he in a similar situation? To be able to know everything and handle the situation quite well.

Aryan: bhai, I am about to tell you something which might make you possessive or might make you happy, it could go either way. I am sure knowing your sister is suffering from something incurable is unimaginable but you got to spend the years with her, how about knowing that you have fallen in love with a person, you have about zillions of things to do with them and they are on a time-limit on earth? How about the fact that the very first girl you ever fell for in your life isn't going to be there forever, if not with you then under the same sky as you too?

Swayam was shocked could be an understatement.

Swayam: Is that why you immediately rushed to her and comforted her? How did this happen and since when?

Aryan had a subtle smile playing on his lips.

Aryan: as for the first question even I don't know, maybe when the first time I saw her or when she tried to hide her pain through smiles, the feeling felt too similar. And I am partially your brother-in-law since yesterday.

Aryan said while giving a subtle laugh.

Swayam looked at Aryan with a dead serious glance.

Swayam: You do know that I am her brother and very protective about her right? I could literally make you wince in pain right now for even thinking about her. You know that don't you?

Aryan: you would have done that long ago if you didn't already trust me bhai. You wouldn't have let me stay the night with her to look after her if you didn't, you would have reacted when I rushed to hug her, because even though you were in shock you never stop being protective about Dolly.

Swayam: why are both of you so mature for your age? At this age you both should probably worry about sneaking in after a late-night party or have n number of other mischievous reasons like other youngsters these days. Why?

Swayam palmed his face while crying further knowing that what kind of situations would their life have presented them with to be so much better and mature.

Aryan slowly moved towards Swayam and hugged him tightly.

Aryan: Maybe you don't need this hug from me but I do. Just know that we might have been chose for God might have known how strong we are. I know it is tough but give things time, it will all fall in place.

Aryan patted Swayam's back for a while before he parted.

Aryan: do I have your approval bhai? I promise to not let anything hurt her. I promise not to add any more to her miseries, I promise to be there for her.

Swayam smiled and ruffled Aryan's hair while nodding in a yes.

Aryan: Should we go to her she must be waiting?

Swayam wiped his tears and nodded in yes.

Both of them entered the room only to see Manik helping Dolly get back to bed.

After dolly settled on the bed Swayam sat besides her, ruffling her hair with one hand while holding her hand in another.

Aryan and Manik left the room to give them some space.

Manik knew Aryan as good as Cabir did, or in fact better.

Rohan and Aryan used to play together when they were kids and whenever Aryan was here for a vacation, they would always be left under Manik's watch.

Once look at Aryan's eyes and Manik knew whatever was between him and her wasn't a joke. It was true.

Besides both of them were too mature to not do something stupid.

All the strength Aryan had throughout finally broke in front of his bhai.

Aryan rushed into Manik's arms and sobbed like there was no tomorrow.

For Aryan to sob so bad, Manik definitely understood that he was genuine towards Dolly.

Manik: It's okay, everything will be fine Aryan.

Manik was consoling a sobbing Aryan but even he didn't realize when he started sobbing with him too. It was hard for him to know that his little Aryan who probably vowed to never fall for a girl, fell for one and the one who wasn't going to be with him forever.

Manik ruffled his hairs and nodded in a No to make him stop from crying. He ruffled his hairs and wiped his tears. They sat on a bench and Manik asked how everything between them happened.

Aryan tried narrating everything with a smile on his face.

Inside the room, Swayam just staired at Dolly as if the moment he looked somewhere else, she would disappear.

Swayam: Anything, any damn thing, whatever it is, I'll fucking get it for you.

Dolly: Language Bhai, Language.

Dolly said while smiling.

To which Swayam giggled. Sleep, need rest. Swayam said while getting up and adjusting the comforter over her, placing a brotherly kiss on her forehead.

Dolly nodded in a yes, almost dozing off from all the emotional things she managed in the past few hours.

After a while Swayam came out of the room closing the door carefully to not make any sound.

Aryan: I think since both of you know about this you should go and talk to doctor uncle, maybe he can put some of your worries at rest. I'll be with her until you guys come back.

Aryan was slowing ruffling her hair, while holding her and he didn't realize when she fell asleep besides her.

Meanwhile Swayam and Manik took a detailed review about how is dolly what exactly are her complications, what and what not can be done about it and everything they could ask.

Coming back to the room they saw Aryan sleeping besides Dolly holding her hand.

Manik: why are they so beyond their age? It physically pains to see them like this.

Swayam: maybe they are stronger than all of us combined.

Swayam picked a shawl from the sofa and adjusted it on Aryan, decreasing the temperature of the Air conditioner, he silently slipped out into the balcony with Manik.

Manik and Swayam were soaking in the eerie silence they were in, knowing everything is at peace but for time being because they have settled their kids to bed. Next day when they wake up time is going to bring in new challenges for them and maybe at that time Manik and Swayam have to be the elder brothers in true sense. I won't be easy for both of them to carry forward the lie.

Knowing that both of them will be in pain but they can't do anything.

Just when they were wondering with endless thoughts, they had Swayam's phone rang, caller id, Chachi. It spoke.

Swayam: Hie chachi!

Leena: Hie beta! How is guddu? Me and your chachu are coming, both of you can come home. Have some rest.

Swayam: Yeah, about guddu she is fine chachi don't worry she's sleeping. Also, I have a news to break to you Chachi.

Leena: What happened Swayam? Is everything okay there.

Swayam: Yeah, everything related to guddu is fine, in fact this is something which you might consider as a good news and even get a bit shocked by this news.

Leena: Come on, break the suspense already tannu, just say it what is it?

Swayam had the call on speaker all this while, Manik gestured him that he'll say it.

Manik: Chachi hello, you daughter might or might not have found your son-in-law. The thing is waiting for your approval.

Leena: hehe are you sure? It's Guddu? You might have mis-understood her for someone else!

Swayam: Chachi it is guddu. I have confirmed with my very own eyes and ears and senses.

Leena: What?

Chachi said out loud. In fact, loud enough to wake people around. To her reaction Swayam and Manik started laughing out so loud.

Leena: there's no way in hell, you guys are serious about this. Seriously?

Swayam: Yes, Chachi seriously. Come here safely. I'll fill you in on all the details.

Chachi: Okay bye. I am coming as soon as possible. I am dang excited to meet guddu's boyfriend.

And she hung up before anyone could say anything.

Manik: she might be the first Indian mother who's excited to meet her daughter's boyfriend, the very untypical Indian Mother aka The most unpredictable mother of the universe.

To which Swayam and Manik laughed out loud.

Manik: Isn't it strange that even in such dreadful situation we found something to celebrate about.

Swayam nodded to Manik in a yes, with a serene smile on his face.

Manik: What do you think bro? Will she approve of this?

Swayam: Definitely, she's a sucker for romantic stories. The moment we narrate what happened she's going to be all teary eyed and approve it. And in fact even before that the moment she see's both of them holding hand and sleeping she is going to go all aww and mushy and she'll guess it right away.

Manik: And what do you think about Chachu?

Swayam: hmm for this maybe Chachu's reaction could be unpredictable. But ultimately if he knows that, this is where guddu's happiness lies, even if it kills him, he is going to agree to it. He is that kind of parent who would support their child from behind. Even if they know their child is going to fall, they'll let them experience it and then always be there to help them back up when they stumble or fall. I guess how Aryan has been for the past few days' no is going to say no. and its not like they are going to get married tomorrow. Guddu has every right to date her share of guys before finding the right one and if that is Aryan in real terms they'll make it work. Destiny will make it work for them.

Manik agreed to what Swayam had to say. And before they could say anything else, they heard the door open.

Leena was about to ask in a very excited manner about it when her eyes landed on the two sleeping figures in front of her.

Aryan was sitting on the tool, his hand was rested on the side rest of the bed and he rested his head on his arm while his other hand was holding Guddu's hand in a comfortable, firm grip. Guddu was slightly inclined towards Aryan on the side Aryan was holding her hand and their foreheads barely touched each other's. Both of them had a satisfied look on their face, dozed off in the world of happy dreams.

Leena placed her hand on her mouth in shock and pointed towards both of them. Manik and Swayam nodded in yes. And an equal amount of shock was written on Bhavan's face too.

Swayam gestured them towards balcony and four of them moved towards the balcony.

Bhavan: What the hell in heaven's name? Guddu has a boyfriend and he is Aryan. Are you kidding me?

Swayam: One might think that given their history. But everything is cent percent authentic and me and Manik have confirmed it.

Leena: I approve of them. If he makes my child happy. I am happy.

Bhavan: me too and knowing both of you have confirmed it, they have my blessings. I am going to pamper them so bad. The moment she gets out of this dreadful place I am sending both of them on a vacation.

Swayam and Manik exchanged a silent glance.

Swayam: oh oh-okay chachu. I know you are excited but Guddu is suggested strict bed rest, even prohibiting to lift her arm if not necessarily required. So, we'll send her but after a month or so when she has recovered.

Bhavan: yes absolutely, whenever she feels the best for it. My child is seriously very strong and brave to go through all of this and still find happiness for her.

Manik: no. I think you and chachi are more stronger than her to be so brave enough to fight this for your child.

Manik slightly patted both of their backs. And swayam nodded in ayes.

Leena: Enough of this emo talks. Go and get proper rest both of You. Okay! Did you have your dinner?

Swayam: No chachi. We'll have it on our way back.

Swayam and Manik nodded in a yes, bid their byes and left for a café.

While Leena and Bhavan silently sat in the balcony, from where they could easily see both of their children sleeping peacefully.

After an hour or so, Leena and Bhavan noticed Aryan stirring in sleep.

Aryan woke up and looked at Dolly. He checked her temperature first to see if she had fever or not. He then checked her IV solution. After checking for hear vitals in the monitor. He moved her hair from the face and neatly tucked them behind her ear. He pulled the comforter over her properly, Increasing the temperature of the AC as it was already quite cold outside as the night settled in.

He kissed her forehead lightly and checked time. All this while he was not able to notice the parents sitting in the balcony as the lights weren't turned on in balcony.

Aryan called through the landline.

Aryan: Hello, I am calling from room number 506, can you please send the patients food? I need to feed her. She hasn't had anything in a while. Also, don't add too many spices but can you send something with potatoes and corn if possible according to her diet. Those are healthy and they are flavorful, she might like the taste.

The nurse replied with confirmation and few minutes later the food was there. All this while Bhavan and Leena were noticing everything. Bhavan was about to go out but Leena stopped him and gestured him to sit back and just watch them from afar.

After all they needed to check was how their daughter's boyfriend actually is taking care of her.

Aryan got up and turned the dim lights on to make sure that they weren't too bright for her when she opened her eyes.

He slowly called her name to wake her up all while gently stroking her hair.

Dolly finally woke up; he helped her adjust to the backrest.

He took a glass of water from the side table and helped her drink it and cleaned her mouth with his sleeve after she was done drinking it.

Aryan: Still feeling sleepy?

Dolly bobbed her head in a yes.

Aryan: Do you feel discomfort? Or anything else?

She bobbed her head in no.

Aryan: you can sleep after having your dinner and a brief walk.

Aryan got up and fetched the iPad. He turned on the friends and prepped the dinner table on the bed for her.

The nurse came in with the food.

He thanked her and asked her to check Dolly's vitals.

Aryan: Do I need to lookout for any specific symptoms or any other condition?

Nurse: No, you can relax. She is fine. If you do notice something weird about her let me know. I'll be in the reception. You can press this bell button here. Okay.

Aryan: okay. Can she have something sweet later on?

Nurse: yes, I would suggest you go for some cheesecake. The one in the hospital canteen has high flavonoid anti-oxidation elements and it helps cells from oxidation, generally good for patients. Or you can have a yogurt smoothie.

Aryan: okay. Thank you.

The nurse left the room removing the IV drip so that she can relax for while and roam around a bit.

Aryan placed a napkin on her thighs and started feeding her the soup by adding boiled corns into it.

Dolly: This is delicious. It doesn't taste like hospital food.

Aryan: I know. Stop talking while you are eating focus on the food and then you can talk.

Aryan feed her the potato salad and switching with soup in-between until she was fully and gestured him in a no.

Aryan gave her the glass to drink the water. While he cleared the table.

Aryan: Two sips only. Not more than those, sweets. Okay.

Bhavan did a thumbs up at how gently yet with a firm undertone he told her.

Dolly placed the glass on the table and forwarded her lips into a pout for Aryan to wipe her face.

Leena giggled silently.

Aryan wiped her lips and Dolly still forwarded her lips into a pout; asking a kiss from Aryan.

Aryan giggled and nodded at the childish act of hers.

Bhavan: Shall we interrupt now?

He asked Leena quietly.

Leena: Shut Up! They are so sweet, close your eyes for a while. Don't break their moment.

Aryan gently pecked her lips hugged her.

A lone tear escaped his eye and he instantly rubbed it not to make Dolly aware about it.

Bhavan: If she ever breaks up with Aryan, I am smacking her head until she gets her senses back.

Leena: Me too.

Aryan: okay now sit here for a while. Watch this episode while I'll quickly rush to canteen and get a cheesecake for you. Or do you want smoothie?

Dolly: Cheesecake.

Aryan: Okay. Where is Manik bhai and Swayam bhai?

Dolly: They might have left for home worry free as they knew you'll probably keep me bubble wrapped and not let a single thing hurt me.

Aryan: Drama. Be careful. Call me if you need anything else. Do you want a change of clothes should I ask nurse to get it done for you.

Dolly: you can do it for me. I don't mind it.

Dolly said with a sly smile and winking at him.

Bhavan: For god's sake Leena she's our kid, can we interrupt them now?

Leena: Shut Up Bhavan close your ears if needed.

Aryan: Are we running before learning how to walk?

Aryan said holding her chin softly and hugging her with other hand.

Dolly hugged him tightly.

Dolly: I could run, swing, parasail, paraglide fucking go snorkeling before walking if it's with you.

Both of them giggled out loud filling the room with their soft giggles.

Aryan placed a forehead kiss and asked her to watch the episode while he gets her the cheesecake.

After Aryan left the room. Dolly quickly picked her phone up from the side table.

Dolly: Hie Kaka. What did you make for dinner today?

Kaka: Hie beta. Are you feeling fine now? Thik ho na tume beta? Aje beta panner ki sabzi aur daal chawal bane hai

Dolly: Yes kaka. Apki angerzi toh badi acchi ho gai hai,

Kaka: Tumne aur nandu bitiya ne toh sikhaya hai mujhe.

Dolly: abhi toh aur ache se sikhna hai kaka. Par filhal ke liye ap ek tiffin pack karke bhejwa sakte ho. Sathe mein ek jodi kapde mere liye aur Swayam bhai keh bhi ek jode kapde bhijwa dijye ga.

Kaka: thik hai beta. Driver keh sath bijwa du? Leena ma'am aur bhavan bhai sahab toh apke pass aane ke liyae rawana ho gaye hai.

Dolly: Haan kaka. Wase mummy papa aaye nahi abhi tak. Koi baat nahi kaam hoga unhe ap driver bhaiya keh sathe bijwa do thik hai. Nandu di se kehna woh nikal degi kapde.

Saying this and bidding her bye Dolly hung up the call.

She called Bhavan at the very next instance and before he could silence her call it rang loudly making her attention towards balcony.

Bhavan and Leena came out giggling at her.

Bhavan: Snorkeling

Leena: parasailing

Bhavan: paragliding


Bhavan: how is your new found interest in adventure sports going?

Leena: maybe till Aryan's lips?

Dolly: Mom-Dad, how long have you been there for? You were prying on us? Seriously?

Bhavan: How about the fact that you haven't told us about you finding a boyfriend?

Dolly then giggled and blushed a bit and told them how Aryan saw things and emotions right through her and how he helped her process this entire incident. And how both of them liked each other since the beginning.

Leena said taking her in a side hug,

Leena: You don't have to worry, Swayam and Manik told us everything and we approve of both of you. We saw how he cared for you and yes, a warning, if you ever brake up with him, I am going to kick your ass.

Bhavan: And I'll smack your head.

Dolly had a shocked look on her face.

Dolly: Are you guys for real? You are sure about being my parents, right? Cause you definitely don't sound like my parents. You sound more like Aryan's parents.

Bhavan: No but for real, he's taking care of you even better than us. We approve of him.

Bhavan said kissing her daughter's forehead and hugging her.

Leena: You are with right person.

Dolly bobbed her head with happy tears.

Bhavan: You don't cry on happy occasions you idiot.

He wiped her tears.

Leena: Okay Aryan must be coming. We are hiding, we want to prank him, just play along.

Dolly: Okay fine but don't take it too far. He'll be too worried.

Leena: So now who's speaking? My daughter or Aryan's Girlfriend?

Dolly: Shut Up Mom! Go and hide now.

Aryan came after a while.

Aryan: Do you like Basque cheesecake? They didn't have New York style cheesecake.

Dolly: I love cheesecake of any form, size and caste. I don't discriminate.

Aryan laughed at Dolly's comment.

Aryan: okay fine then. But you can only have half of it.

Aryan fed her some cheesecake and wiped her mouth clean.

He placed the remaining of it in Fridge.

Aryan asked her to watch one more episode of the series and then he'll take her for a walk and then he'll tuck her in the bed.

Dolly obliged to him and watched the episode. Meanwhile the driver came and delivered the food and clothes.

Aryan: Did you asked anything from home? Driver bhaiya just delivered this.

Dolly: Give it to me.

Aryan: Okay fine. Slowly, its heavy.

Dolly took out the food and gestured him.

Aryan: What? You want to eat more? Dolly listen I won't ever stop you from eating whatever you feel like but eat this after few hours. You already had food. I know that it wasn't that tasty but if you have more food, you want to able to digest it.

Dolly looked baffled; her jaw dropped on the floor.

Leena and Bhavan weren't able to contain their laughter too.

Dolly: You dumbass you looked after me but you didn't have anything. This is for you. Huh.

Aryan smiled at her annoyance.

Aryan: hehe. Oh okay. Sorry and thank you. Do you want to get changed? I can have this food in the canteen and you can get changed till then, I'll call the nurse.

Dolly held his hand and pulled him back


Aryan silently took the stool and placed the food on the dinner table and ate it.

After he was done eating, Dolly offered him a glass of water.

Dolly: Be happy you got to eat kaka's Paneer Sabji. He makes the most delicious one.

Aryan: I can't deny that.

Dolly wiped Aryan's mouth and placed a peck, while Aryan giggled and right at that moment Leena and Bhavan entered the room, from balcony.

Seeing them Aryan immediately stood up and the small smile on his face turned into a look of horror.

Bhavan: are you taking advantage of her weakness? You should be feeding her instead you are sitting here and lavishly eating home-cooked food?

Leena: Seriously? Why did Swayam and Manik even leave you alone with her.

Aryan: Aunty Uncle its not how you guys think it is, I fed her.

Leena: So, are you trying to say you did a huge task for us? She is the patient obviously she has to be looked after.

Bhavan: Seriously, I thought you would be a good guy and I was actually relaxed leaving her in your care.

Aryan was pretty horrified by now and very conscious too.

Bhavan: we seriously approve of your relationship with her.

Bhavan said loudly and Dolly and Leena started laughing loudly.

Aryan glanced at them for few seconds and then the words registered into her ears. Both Leena and Bhavan ruffled Aryan's hair and took him in a hug.

Leena placed her hand on Aryan's cheek and said,

Leena: Dolly probably couldn't have found a better guy for herself than you. We noticed everything and how you took care of her. Both of you have our blessings for this relationship.

And just like that they giggled and talked for a long time.

Bhavan: Since you have Aryan, we are now relaxed about you, we know he'll look after you well. We'll leave now. We'll come back tomorrow and then you'll go home and have a good rest. There is no room for negotiation here.

Bhavan said strictly and Aryan nodded.

They bid goodbye to each other and left.

Aryan took Dolly for a brief walk and asked the nurse to help her change into fresh pair of night suit. He then helped her adjust back into the bed. He gave her the medicines she was supposed to take and tucked her nicely in bed.

Dolly: Can you please hold me, the bed is big enough for the two of us.

Aryan: Only till you fall asleep, I don't want to hurt you accidently while sleeping.

Aryan settled besides Dolly and held her in his arms.

They were watching a movie on T.V.

Dolly slowly raised her head and kissed Aryan's Jawline.

Aryan: Dolly Behave.

Dolly raised a bit from his arms and kissed his lips.

Aryan didn't respond initially but dolly placed her hand on his cheek and kissed him again.

This time Aryan responded to her kiss. He slowly let his lips work their way on her lips. He gently held her face in her hands and went in for another kiss.

He tugged her lips a bit and Dolly switched their positions, now sitting on Aryan's Lap. She let her hand circle Aryan's neck while her tongue clashed with Aryan's for dominance.

Aryan slowly moved towards her ear leaving a trail of kisses there while slowly biting her earlobe. All this while Dolly unbuttoned Aryan's shirt revealing his chest. Dolly helped Aryan get rid of the shirt. And Aryan hands reached back to hers.

They looked at each other before dolly placed a kiss on Aryan's neck and left a purple bruise with her teeth. She sucked it before kissing him there. Aryan moaned Dolly's name which did nothing but prompted dolly to push more into him.

Dolly reached the hem of her shirt and he helped pulled it over her head. Dolly leaned as much into Aryan as possible. Aryan slowly traced her stitches and kissed her there.

Aryan: does it hurt?

He asked in a very low but raspy voice.

Dolly nodded in a no.

Aryan: where the fuck where you hiding all this while? Damn you are so addictively gorgeous.

Aryan held her waist and kissed her with a shuddering intensity. He was about to move forward before he realized that he needs to stop, he is going to overwork Dolly.

Dolly was still in trace when Aryan pulled back and hugged her.

Dolly seemed confused.

Aryan: Lets stop here sweetheart, before I unintentionally hurt you.

Dolly: do you think I am a doll and I would break or that you don't want a damaged piece?

Aryan yelled her name gritting his teeth.

Aryan: Don't you fucking call yourself damaged you idiot.

Dolly: Why would you stop then? Do you have doubts?

Aryan hugged her tightly.

Aryan: Do you feel me ragging with passion and intensity. That's for you dumbo. I am so head over heels for you that the basic mere idea of leaving you for few seconds makes me crazy. I want you so fucking bad that I could legit take you right here, right now on this very bed.

Dolly: then why won't you?

Dolly parted a bit and looked at Aryan. Aryan sighed.

Aryan: Because you aren't well bubble. I am scared I might hurt you. We are in a hospital. I don't want you to be uncomfortable. I want you to relax and enjoy it as much I would give you. You are not supposed to overwork yourself remember?

Aryan said placing n number of kisses on her face.

Dolly: this fucking heart. I am sorry.

Dolly said bobbing her face cutely.

Aryan: don't be sweetheart. I understand the pain. But we have to be careful, you are not supposed to lose a single calorie or get worked up and look at us, making out.

Dolly nodded and pecked his lips. She hugged him and laid on his chest. She could hear her heart beating frantically. She just placed a kiss on his chest.

Aryan: I wish I could give this heart to you.

Dolly: haw! Haven't you already?

She puffed her cheeks a bit. Aryan giggled at her and placed a cute peck on her nose.

He picked the shirt from the stool and made her wear it. He was about to wear his when Dolly interrupted him.

Dolly: Lets stay like this for a while. I love being close to you.

Aryan mouthed a meeker "mee too." And pecked the top of her.

He silently kept ruffling her hair and she instantly fell asleep.

He adjusted her on the bed properly and adjusted the comforter over her.

He picked up his shirt and wore it. And slept while sitting on the stool and stroking her hair.

Thank you,


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