the dragon fights the healer- part one


When I woke up today I had a strange feeling and a weird taste in my mouth. And i was feeling a bit of shivers all over my body, as I woke up i watered my cactus and then went straight to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, i drank it and then got ready, today I had a date,'oh man I am so excited' it's my first date with him after we got into a relationship,

I went to my drawer and scrolled through dresses to wear,
'crop top?, NO. Sheath dress? Nah. Should I wear denim? Or just a skirt and a shirt, but that will make me feel I am going to the university, oh fuck! I can't decide what he will like, does he like short clothes or formal or informal or gym clothes' and then I came to a realisation I know almost minimum to nothing about him,
'Okay I have decided I will wear denim'

After half an hour:

"Oh it's Drake"

"Hey Drake"

"Hey, where are you?"

"I am at home, why"

"Did you forget we have a date today"

"Yeah but we still have time for tha...that! fuck it's already about time"


"So sorry Drake just give me fifteen mins I'll be ready "

"Okay take your time"

'I have to hurry'

In the end I ended up wearing a crop top.

"Hey looking good" he said

"Thank you, Drake" I said without looking at him, I was still embarrassed about getting late on my first date

Then I slowly looked towards him, he was wearing a white shirt with olive jeans, to be honest he was looking simple yet good, like he didn't have to put effort into it.

"Oiii where are you lost"

"Oh sorry hehe let's go"

"So , princess, what do you wanna do today?"

"Uhmm anything you like"

"Oh come on i asked you"

As I was thinking we were already walking together and then he grabbed my hand and we went straight to a restaurant.

"So you had it planned?"

"Haha no, I just thought you might be hungry"

"Well yeah I am"

He passed me the menu

"Yeah I have decided"

"Already? What's your mood today?"

"I will order Chinese"

"Say Chinese food, we don't want to get arrested you know"

"Oh oops" we both shared a laugh

"Excuse me , hey " the waiter didn't hear

I tried one more time but still no

"Hey" he said in a loud voice, the waiter came to us

"Hello gentlemen, did you decide what you want to order?"

"Yeah, I would like a sizzler with a pinch of oregano on it and yeah don't add any cashew powder in it"

"You don't like cashew?"

"Haha no"

"I would like to order shrimps and prime rib"

"Oh nice choice sir"

"Haha it's my favourite "

"Oh I see" I said recording that it's his fav dish in my mind

I just wanted to love Drake the way he wants to be loved and not how I want to love him.

"Ever ate shrimp?"

"Umm no"

"Try it you will love it"

"Okay but it will be my first time to eat non veg"

"You don't eat non veg?"


"Oh sorry I didn't even asked your preference"

"It's okay i always wanted to eat it with my boyfriend"

His cheeks turned red a little

"Oh yeah, let's try it"

After our date , when I reached home I felt alive, more alive than ever.


'the date was unexpectedly good' I thought after I reached home, Stacy was looking gorgeous than ever, 'i wonder if she enjoyed'.

My phone rang

"Hey Drake!"

"Hey brat"

"Fuck you"

"Bro since when you got so verbally abusive"

"I don't know I am spending my whole time with you"

"So it's my fault now"


"It's not like I abuse or something"

"Yeah right" she said in a smirking tone


"Anyways leave it, now listen we have a seminar tomorrow at brusten town"

"Yeah so?"

"Are we going ?"

"I am not what about you"

"Hey I am not travelling in the bus alone when I have a boyfriend"

"And I am not going to the seminar when I can rest whole day at home"

"Oh come on Drake don't be a dick"

"Well I have to be one, otherwise how will you get satisfied"

"Haha very funny"



"Please draken-kun" she said in an anime tone


"Please my cutie?"

"Fuck you"

"Oh fuck you man if you don't go then I won't too"

"Nice let's have movie day then"

"Oh please Drake i really wanna go"

"Then go"

"I wanna go with you"

"Oh man you are really annoying"

"Please?" She said in a sad yet cute voice

"Okay fine !"


"You really are making me do thing out of my way"

"Haha you gotta do things out so that you can get in someday"

"Woah you can flirt?"

"Haha obviously, I am very talented you know"

"Yeah yeah right"

"What I really am "

"Yeah I believe you" I said in a sarcastic way

"Hey Drake"


"I love you"

"Haha same here"


"I love myself too"

"Fuck you, you dumb idiot"

"Haha love you too"



"Hey I'll message you later mom is calling me"


"Bye! Love you!"

"Love you too"

I ended the call,

'oh man she surely does know how to bring a smile on my face'


We met at the bus stop, and as I reached she hugged me. I didn't let go, she tried to, but I didn't let her to, and when I released her cheeks were red.

"You..." and then she hit me on my hand shying away

"Haha you what"

"Nothing let's go"

"Yes ma'am"

"Okay okay " she said without looking at me but I knew how was she feeling inside

I was enjoying her company

As we got seated on the bus, she grabbed my hand, and we stayed that way for a while,

"Hey Drake hold my phone "

"Okay" I took her phone.

She was just enjoying the view. As I was looking at her, the phone started to vibrate. She didn't notice I was about to give it to her but then I read the name of the person calling. I didn't intend to, but I saw it through my peripheral view.

From home,

"Hey Stacy, your mom's calling"


"Oh hey mom, yeah i sat in the bus, yeah it will take some time, ok"

"All okay"

"Okay ma'am"

She holded my arm in a crossing manner,

I looked outside through the same window she was looking from, I saw a lot of spiked plants and trees and then I saw her eyes widening from excitement, i wondered what, then she said

"Drake look what a beautiful weather and see it just looks like cotton candies in the sky "


I see, we may be together but her view and mine is too different, she sees beauty wherever she goes even when the dead plants are in front of her she chose the sky and when the sky was in front of me I chose the dead.....plants.

As our bus shaked we got to know that we had reached our spot.

The female bus driver shouted from front
Everyone got off the bus in an instant, everyone was excited about the seminar, and I on the other hand was hoping that this could end fast so me and Stacy can have some time.

"Hey Stacy you go ahead I'll be right back"

"Oh all okay?"

"Yeah yeah"


I went to the other side of the building just to explore a little but you know, it was dark already at this place as I was walking in the hall no one was there, all I could hear were the distant voices of students clapping or shouting and my own footsteps,I walked ahead the distant voices disappeared, i realised I came too far, but still chose to walk a little more, then I saw a girl in a black coat and black glasses smoking a cigarette, she already would have heard me, i looked above and saw a no smoking sign there.

"Hey it's a non smoking zone"
I said, she effortlessly just turned her head towards me and removed her glasses. She had light greenish complexion of her eyes,

"So what"

"So you shouldn't smoke here"

"Oh, do you know you are supposed to be at the seminar and you shouldn't be walking here too"
She said without any energy in her voice

"Yeah but those are two different things"



"Hey okay whatever, I'll stop smoking here" she threw her cigarette in the can, then I saw the can was full of cigarettes

I wondered how many people came here to smoke, in the non-smoking zone.

"Do you have something better to offer"


"You took my enjoyment by your babbling words and now you expect me to just do my own thing?"

"So what do you want me to do?"

She laughed," it's kind of funny how we end up asking the same question the other person asked by answering them for the same question"


"Nothing," she said looking down

I started to walk again and as I crossed her, she looked at me, I shared a glance too, she gave a side smile and then laid back against a pillar and took out another cigarette.

I looked at her again, and this time didn't say anything,

"What you won't scold me again Mr.right"

"One time should have been enough to stop you"

"Oh do I seem that weak, oh honey I last longer than you in bed"

"You have to do something about yourself"
I said and walked away

'Who was she?' I wondered, I put my hands in the pocket of my coat, i realised my cell phone was gone

Oh that bitch, obviously a thief, I ran back to the same place, she was still standing there,

"Ooh who is this? Stacy...?"

"You do realise that stealing my things is a real bad thing"

"Haha I like the way you put it, stealing your things is a bad thing you got some bad boy vibes mr.right,...I didn't steal it you dropped it"

"No way, my phone would have created a sound on this marble"

"You dropped it but I catched it"

"Stop this bullshit, give my phone back"

I extended my arm towards her, she extended hers too, she placed the cell in my hand and a sudden silence filled the atmosphere the chirpings were gone the distant voices which were almost disappeared now didn't even existed, that moment was quite, and then a sudden ring of her cell broke the silence like a hammer dropped on a plane mirror.

"Oh wait, it's my cell" , she opened her purse but it was too messy to look properly. She dropped a lot of things, a book fell first, and then a box of cigarettes, a vegan cookie, then an instant egg cake and then a female vibrator.

Book named , The stranger* by Albert Camus,

"Oh fuck man," she laughed

I started to pick up the things and give it to her, first the book, then the cigarettes, then the food, only the vibrator was left

"Oh no honey I'll pick it up"


"You don't have to taste me , not yet at least"

"What do you mean"

She laughed, "So how are you going to see me with my book, my food, my cigarettes, or my vibrator?"

I hesitated a little, and then I answered calmly yet seriously

"By your theft"

"Oh come on you really dropped it"

"Stop it"

"I opened my cell and called Stacy"

"Hey why weren't you picking up your phone"

"Sorry, didn't checked it"

"Where are you"

"Just around wait i am coming"


"You sure have a caring girlfriend"

"I do"

"Don't worry honey, you will be exposed to the harsh reality of this world too"

"What do you mean?"

"You will know when it comes"

"I hope i don't"

"Your heart will be insecure at that moment your mind angry on her you want to end things but envy occurs, you just want to be happy with her but you think of all the bad things that happened and you develop a toxic mindset and you will say whatever happens, happens " she said waving her hand in air

"You sure speak like an experienced person"

"Oh honey, experienced people are the most tragic yet so happy, do I seem happy to you?"

"You seem like you don't give a shit about anything"

"That's true I don't, except you my man" she said and winked

I went back to Stacy and sat beside her,
'what a women' I thought,

As the seminar ended Stacy and I again went towards the bus, and while I was walking I saw her again sitting beside a tree. I ignored her and got on the bus, the bus was full and every seat was taken, as we stood in the crowd the distance between us was short, so short that my chest was meeting Stacy's head, as I was wearing a shirt my upper buttons were open, so my chest was in direct contact with her. As the bus started to move, the heat increased, because of the passengers, I was feeling hot too, but who cared at that moment, I looked down and saw Stacy looking up too, her eyes were beautiful and seemed blue to me don't know why, while the bus was shaking, the crowd behind me continued to push me ahead, I tried my best not get smashed into Stacy, I looked up as it was humid and then I was feeling her cold breaths on my chest too, shivers ran on my whole body and then the bus jerked, Stacy was falling down I grabbed her by her waist,

"I am sorry I am just preventing you from falling"

"Don't be sorry for such a beautiful thing"

"Aren't you afraid? Everyone will judge us now"

"Well people judged us too when we were not together, so who gives a fuck anymore only thing that matters is you" she said in a serious expression but she didn't realised how it melts my heart

At that moment I embraced her.

"Thank..yuH.." I blushed

"Haha dumb!" She laughed

Just when I was about to remove my hand from her waist she grabbed it and placed it back

"Just hold me like this for a while, it feels good"

"I grabbed you more tightly, happy?"

"Yeah more than happy"

As we reached our stop, we both were looking messy, she removed her jacket, and then I looked at her bending down a little to look her in the eyes, she kissed me as if reading my mind, the streets were lone we were alone, our minds our tongues intertwined, her closed eyes left a shine,
'oh man what a beautiful sight'

I thought, as we kissed we paused and looked at each other for a while and then I stood up straight she hugged me, I guess I squeezed her a little too tight, I felt two things at that moment first that I fucked up and second her breasts, as my chest felt them i got turned on a little, I bet she felt the same, she must have been her breasts got squeezed by my body.

As I left her,
Her cheeks were real red
Mine were too
"You...," she said
"I didn't mean too"
"We hugged so it happened"
"It's just it was my first time sharing this much of skinship with someone"
"I guess you will be habitual of it"
"I hope I get"

As I dropped Stacy home, that moment kept replaying in my mind, her expressions, her voice breaking, I found myself smiling.

Then i saw the same women walking on streets smoking cigarette, I tried to ignore but she waved at me,

"Oiii! Mr.right!"

She came to me,

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I came running behind you my love" she said and laughed

"Stop joking and tell me"

"Oh I live around this town"

She said and lost her balance a little,

"Are you okay?"

"I am okay, I am not your bitch!"
She again got unbalanced

"Where is your home?"

"Uh, you wanna come over? It's on the 95th street" she laughed

I didn't wanted to but I had to drop her home,

"Let's go,"


"I am taking you home"

"No, I wanna roam around"

"Let's go "

As we were walking together a man on a bike in black leather jacket came,

"You" he said

I thought I had heard this voice before

"Marla?" He said again

"Ooh it's my brother yay! I am rescued now!" She said in a sarcastic tone

As he got off the bike he removed his leather glove,
He walked towards me, his boots made sketchy sound on the pavement,

Then he finally removed his helmet, and I saw his black eyes, my eyes turned red too. I knew this shit was going to turn bad, and my phone rang, it was Stacy,

I picked up,

"Hey, Drake one of my old friend has called me to meet him and his sister is near your house, I will be back within a hour so don't mind if I don't pick up" she said

"Near my house? Sister?"
I looked at them

I ended up the call,

"Look i know we fought but don't involve her in this" he said pointing his finger towards Marla

"Hell yeah" I said in anger and punched him on his face

"Hey wait!" Marla shouted

"Look...just listen to me.." as he was speaking I kicked his nose and kicked it until it made the breaking sound and then grabbed him through his collar and kept punching him, just like he did but now my anger was so intense that I will not stop, I kept punching him until his face started to make squishy sound and I saw beer bottles near the wallet of his bike, I took it out without any hesitation, as I turned back he kicked me in the stomach, I fell on the ground the bottle broke near me but I still grabbed the head of it,

"What are you both doing!!!"
She yelled again

His blood was on the streets now, he smirked a little,

He stood up and removed his jacket, now his white t shirt was full of blood stains, and my hand full of blood, he cracked his neck and then his knuckles,

"You wanna do it again, fine let's do it" he said in a cold tone

I stood up too, ready to fight it all

"Drake?" I heard Stacy's voice

"What are you doing?Jason ?"

"Stacy this is the same person who beat me, he is not a friend" I said

"Don't involve my loved ones into this" he said in a harsh tone

At that moment Stacy was behind me and Marla on the ground lying unbalanced, Jason and I about to kill each other and a beer bottle in my hand.

To be continued....

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