ChApTeR tWo
Welcome back my little demons. I hope you enjoy the next chapter!
Orion's POV
"Auntie Mabel, can we go home now?" Clover whined. Mabel had been using Clover as a model to make Cervitaur sweaters for two hours.
"Alright, Alright, you two can head home, Mabel said, swishing her tail and splashing Clover and I.
Clover jumped with joy and ran off into the woods towards our house. I followed in suite, trying to catch up with her. Unable to catch up with my legs, I used my powers and floated passed her, sticking my tongue out.
"No fair!" Clover whined. "I can't do that!"
"Ha ha!" I laughed, floating further ahead.
Clover only caught up when we reached the house. She shoved me off the porch and threw open the door, rushing inside.
"Who's slow now?" She asked, sticking out her tongue. I rolled my eyes and pushed my way passed her to the kitchen.
I found Dad lying on the floor, eyes red and fists clenched. His palms were bleeding and I could see his skin starting to turn red.
"Daddy!" Clover yelled, jumping on him with arms wide, not even bothering to notice he was seething.
His color drained and he turned around to face Clover. Only now she noticed he was mad, and she backed up. I could read her thoughts. She thought she made him mad.
"What's wrong?" I asked my dad, watching his anger resurface. "Where's Will and Dad?" He only turned and slammed his fist through the wall.
"8-Ball took them. He said he'd gotten to you two too, but I knew he was lying."
"Is 8-Ball that ugly green guy you told us about?" Clover asked, tilting her head.
"Yes. Now I'm afraid I have to go face him. And if he didn't actually die that means something has gone terribly wrong in the nightmare realm. What do you two say we pay good old Pyronica a visit?"
"Yeah!" We cheered. Finally! I'd been begging Dad to take me to the Nightmare realm since I was six!
"But no matter what happens, you two have to promise me you will stick together. Clover doesn't have powers, not like you do Orion, so you have to keep her safe."
"Are you sure we can't just sell her?" I asked, grinning a cipher grin.
"Hey!" She yelled angrily, stomping on my foot with her hoof. Dad only glared at me as to say no. That's too bad.
"Alright, both of you good my hands form a circle," Dad said, grabbing one of Clover's hands and one of mine.
"Do I have to hold his hand?" She asked, still mad at me.
"Oh, come on. When you aren't mad at each other you're both as thick as thieves. Hold hands," Dad said, tugging on our arms.
"Hold on tight," he said, as we finally intertwined our hands. "Qljkwpduh uhdop, qljkwpduh uhdop, wdnh xv wkuhh wr wkh odqg zkhuh doo prqvwhuv pdb urdp dqg uhpdlq iuhh." I felt myself grinning. I loved magic. It was great having the King of Chaos as your father.
Everything was swirling around me and then suddenly the ground dropped out. We were all sucked away into a portal open below our feet.
Clover's POV
The wind was screaming in my ears, and my eyes were crammed shut. But before I realized, I felt my hooves on solid ground, and I opened my eyes.
We had gone through a portal that lead us right to Pyronica. She was sitting on a throne, staring down on us with surprised eyes.
"Bill Cipher! I was wondering when I would see you again! Though last time it seemed like a millennia!" Pyronica beamed, running down from her throne to hug dad.
"Pyro, old friend, I'm afraid we don't have a lot of time to chit chat. 8-ball is still alive," Dad dropped the news, scanning Pyronica's face for a reaction.
"What the fuck!?" She screamed.
"Language!" Dad yelled, covering my large ears. I grinned embarrassed. It's not like I hadn't heard him say that before.
"Did you just say language?" Pyronica laughed.
"It slipped out," Dad admitted. "But that's besides the point! He's still alive and he took my child and my Pine Tree!"
He had started seething again. I could feel the heat coming off of him as his eyes reddened. Next thing I knew he would turn into his spicy Dorito form.
"Clover, sweetheart, for the last time, I'm not a Dorito," Dad said, interrupting my thoughts.
"Whatever you say," I replied, grinning madly. There was no denying his Dorito side.
"It's true Bill, it makes you look like a Dorito," Pyronica agreed. Orion and I laughed, watching Dad get even redder. He glared at Pyronica, causing her to straighten up. "Sorry. I'll send out a guard faction to search for 8-ball. How do you know he is here though?"
"Because 8-Ball is incredibly stupid," Dad said, clenching his fists again.
"And you know that because. . ?"
"Because he messed with my fucking family."
Bill's POV
"Bill he's been found," Pyronica said, walking briskly towards me. I had been pacing nonstop as the twins sat on the stairs to Pyronica's throne.
"He's on the outskirts of the realm, just west of that weird place where we used to go to–"
"Yup, yeah, got it," I interrupted. I didn't need the kids hearing about everything I used to do.
"He's got a whole gang there with him, including Xanthar."
"Of fucking course Xanthar betrayed me. Why do all my minions betray me!?"
"I didn't betray you, besides you're my minion now," Pyronica grinned.
"Watch it," I warned. "Did they see Will or Pine Tree?"
"The guards only brought back what I told you. I'm assuming they're their though. I'll send another faction with you, but I'll have to stay here to watch the throne. You know how being a ruler is and all, and I thought you'd like the kill."
"Yes, I'll kill him, but I won't enjoy it." That was a lie. I would enjoy it terribly, but I wouldn't tell my kids that, and I wouldn't admit that this place changed me the longer I stayed. I could only wonder what was happening with Dipper while he was here.
Dipper's POV
"Will, sweetheart, it's going to be okay. Don't cry," I whispered, holding Will in my arms tightly. He continued to cry, this time in hushed sobs. "I'm going to get us out of here."
I set Will down, and shuffled backwards as far as my chains would allow. Focusing my energy, I shifted into a human, the chains surrounding my deer stomach fell and I was free.
I was attempting to take off Will's chains, when my feet were knocked out from under me, and I landed on my back, knocking the air from my lungs.
"Turn back or I shoot," 8-ball said, pointing a gun to my head. Either he thought I was mortal or he knew a headshot would knock me out.
Unable to risk it, I shifted back into my Cervitaur form. I couldn't risk whatever they might do to Will while I was out cold. I had to keep him safe. I wouldn't ever let any harm come to him.
"Good," he said, then he pulled the trigger.
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