Peter is looking at the bedside clock. The alarm rings at 6:25 exacly.
It's suterday and Peter doesn't have school.
He lays awake since 5:00 am, he started to sleep more when he turn 10 and learned his parents were not going to return him. But he still can't get enough sleep, the nightmares will always hunt him.
He gets up and gets dress. He walks outside his room and to his parents door.
He can hear them talking. He knocks in the door and both his dads say "come on in" and laugh at each other.
Peter walks threw the door and to their bed.
"Hey budd" Tony says
"Hey" Peter is much less shy. He still doesn't asks when he wants something. Or he doesn't say when he doesn't feel so good. But he talks much more and he started to call Steve; pops and Tony; dad.
It's been 4 years since the met him and 3 since they legaly adopted him. But he has always been part of the family.
He will always be.
"So, T'challa and Shuri invited us and the whole team to their pool" Steve says to his kid.
Peter nodes, "okay, are we like... going?"
"Yeah, don't you wanna go? I thought you liked Shuri" Tony says hiding his worry.
"What? Yeah of course I like Shuri! She is so great! It's just... the pool"
"Do you know how to swim?" Steve asked cerfull with his words.
"Yes! I can swim!" Peter says/screams and the husbands laugh at him.
"Okayokay. Sorry" Stave says while he trys to calm his laughing.
They arrived at T'Challa's penhouse at 2.
Clint and Laura, Nat and Bruce, Scott and Sam were alredy there. Starnge was not going, same as Quill. But Gmora was on her way.
"Hey people!" Tony says "Lets get this party started" everybody laughs.
It's almost 3:40 and every single person at the house had go in to the pool at least once. All but Peter.
Peter had talked scince with Bruce and Shuri, had teach Lili gymnastics moves and then play cards with Wannda, but didn't go to the pool. Not once.
Everybody was at the pool, Ecxept Vision, Sam and Peter.
"Hey, kid!" Tony yells at Peter playfully "come to the pool" Peter shakes his head.
"What? You can't swim?" Shuri laughs, getting up on his brother's shoulders.
"Why do ppl keep saying that? Yes, I can swim. Okay?"
Steve gets out of the pool. All wet, and sits beside Peter. "What's wrong son?"
Peter shakes his head "nothing, I just don't want to take the shirt off"
"Why?" Steve says confuse
"I know you are not going to judgy but..." Peter says "you're gonna"
Peter has verry big sacrs.
One night, when Peter was 7, he was with his friends at his third orphanage (a year or so since may had died) and they were making more noice that what they were supposed to do. The owner was having a bad night and when he heard them he got upand blame "the older kid", Peter friend. He drag Wade, who was 11 and start to beat the shit out of him.
Peter and Wade met at Peter second orphanage, 4 months after May died. Then they were send together at the another orphanage together, 7 months after May died. They were ther for almost 5 months and when Peter was 8, Wade was sent to another orphanage and a month later Peter moved to his 4th home. And he moved again after 2 months. And he arrived at his 6th, and last, orphanage after he turn 9. He reunited with wade there. 5 months later he got adopted.
This night was a month before Wade left.
The owner was hitting him so hard and Peter couldn't do anything. When he saw the owner hit Wade's head with a chair he couldn't take it anymore and ran to push te owner out of the way.
The owner, who was pissed of enough pushed Peter ageinst a furniture with glass doors.
Peter's back hit the glass and the owner who couldn't care less let the kids cleaning the blood and glass off the floor.
Peter couldn't go to the hospital, so his friends had to take care of his wounds.
He had left an ugly ass scar.
"Peter, we would never... what's wrong?" Steve says starting to worry.
Peter takes of his shirt and a loud gasp sacpes everybody's mouth, when they see him.
The scar cross his back, his side, a bit of his stomach and a centemiter or two of his legs.
It was brown and red, and it had purpule arround it. Like if you touch it it would start to bleed.
Bruce gets out of the pool "Hey, buddy" he says "can I look at that?" Peter nodes, not taking his eyes off his hands.
Bruce sits beside him, were Steve used to be. "Okay, I'm gonna touch it. You tell me if it hurts" he says softly.
Bruce toches Peters back and he visualy flinches. "Did it hurt?" Peter shakes his head "Can you feel my hand" Peter nodes. "Okay...emm" Bruce keeps looking at Peter's back.
Peter feels Bruce hands arround his body. He knows they won't hurt him. But every spot Dr. Banner touches, flashes come to his mind, of all the bruises and cuts that were in that place. Every kick, slap, punch he got in all his years on tha orphanages. He flinches and shudders.
"How did this happen?" Steve asked Peter. Tony was kneel next to him. He had told everybidy to go back to their buisness and not look at Peter, they all obeiy less Natasha who was looking at Peter.
Her and Pete had become pretty close, they went to the park and she work close to his school so she drives him often. They have a bond. And the were both in love with Bruce.
"The owner of one of the orphanages" Peter says shyly "he got mad at my friend... at us" Bruce looked at him encouraging him to keep going. "It's nothing really"
Tony looks at his husband, worry fills their eyes. "Peter?" Tony looks at his son "What did he do?".
Peter looks down at his hands again "Nothing, he jus- he just pished me... emm... ageinst a g-glass?" He says. He doesn't want to upsets his dads.
Tony gets up and starts to walk in circules, nervius habit.
Bruce feels Peter look up at Tony and contract all his body, in fear. Peter starts to shake, trying to hide his fear he looks down and starts to move. He doesn't stop shaking. Steve notices this too.
"Tony! Stop!" Steve yells. Tony stops dead in the traks and looks down at peter. A sheveing mess.
"Shhh, Peter? It's fine. Shhh" Steve trys to calm him down a bit.
"How long ago was this?" Bruce asks again "I mean more than 4 years for sure but..."
"I- I... emm... I was li- like se-sev... emm- seve- seven... about seven" Peter says trying to make his shaking to stop.
"6 years ago then?" Bruce asks. Peter just nodes. "Well this didn't heal propietly. Did you go to a doctor?" Peter shakes his head.
"YOU DIDN'T GO TO A DOCTOR??" Tony screams, getting everybody's atention again. Bruce sugest to go inside to keep the conversation and they carry Peter, who couldn't stop shaking.
"Now... YOU DIDN'T GO TO A DOCTOR??" Tony asks againg.
When Peter flinches at Tony's tone Steve grabs his boyfriend and carries him outside. Bruce keeps looking at Peter's back.
"Can you stop?" Steve yells-whisppers to Tony.
"What you mean?"
"You got to be kidding me" Steve tries to not make much noise "Peter is so scared. And you keep screaming at him and moving all... like" Steve does wird movments with his hands "you are scaring him even more. So or you handle yourself or I'll kick you out myself" Tony just nodes.
They walk back to the shaking boy.
"Okay, sorry if i scared you" Tony says much more calm
"You didn't go to a doctor?" this time Steve is the one asking.
Peter shakws his head "I mean, he didn't care. My friends help me- but... we- we are no docotrs"
Bruce nodes at Peter and then looks at the worrid parents. "I am not a doctor either, you should go to someone of trust. Strange?" He asks.
"But... I don't get it. You went to check with a doctor before you came home. They gave us the report"
Peter laughs under his breath "Yeah, well the sistem sucks. They don't even look at you" he says, starting to control his shaky body.
"Wanna go home?" Steve says to Peter, when he sees the kid's watery eyes. Peter just nodes and looks down at his hands. He feels awfull for runing his dads fun.
Tony goes outside and tells everybody they are leaving, and he get simpethatic looks.
Steve helps Peter into his shirt and carrys him to the car.
Tony drives, while Steve and Peter are in the back seat. Steve is playing with Peter hair, the boy starts to fall asleep. Giving the fact he sleeps 4 hors a night. He is tired all the time.
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