This chapter is all flashbak.
TY for all the views btw.

Steve and Tony have been merried for 3 years now. They knew they wanted a kid. So one day, july 1st to be exact, they decided to go see a cuple of orphanages. The first three they found verry pretty kids, they were all great and they couldn't decide for one. But they knew they couldn't take them all under their wings.
They arrive at the 4th orphanage and it was as dirty and ugly as the first 3. They went inside and talk to the woman who was there.
When the kids where all lined up Tony and Steve asked them a cuple of questions to each. There was 6 teens, 6 or 7 toddlers, 2 babys and about 11 or 12, maybe more, kids between 7 and 13. They were all great. Tony and Steve were having a bad time. All the kids they have met so far were great.
Tony and Steve said their goodbyes to the kids and walked away. When they were in the car they notice they forgot to ask for the number of kids in there, so they could donate 10,000 dollars for each kid. Tony decide to go back inside to ask.
When he was about to knock he heard a yelp. A little kid was about to fall off the ceiling. Tony was about to garb him when the kid manage to go up again. "Jeez kid, you okay?" The kid nood "Yes sir, sorry". "I don't think i saw you inside. What's your name?" The kid looked down at him. The ciling wasn't to tall but it was taller then Stark. "Peter, sir. Peter Parker" he said shyly. "Nice meeting you Mr. Parker" the kid move his head in agreement. "Need help geting down of there? It's pretty tall you know?" Tony said trying to help Peter. "No, sir. Thank you... emm... I shouldn't be up here anyways" Tony smiled at the kid. "I... you know... don't get along with the people that come to see the place" and in that moment Steve showed up. "Tones, what you doing? We gotta g... oh" Tony laugh at his guy's reaction "Han, this is Peter Parker. Mr. Parker this is my boyfriend Steve" Petr just noode while Steve smiled at him. And in that moment something on Steve just... i don't know how to explain it. He just knew he was his son. "Tell me son, how old are you?" Peter was starting to get really unconfortabe. "Nine" he said in a shy voice almost imposible to hear "Sorry, what?" Steve asked "I'm nine, sir". Steve looked at his husbend and Tony noode, he knew too. Pete was his kid. " listen kid, do you wanna come with us? We could show you our home"

Two days later Peter was geting in the car with Steve and Tony. To see if the adoption could work out.
"So Pete, what music do you like?" Steve said turning the radio. "Emmm... i never listen to music. We are... emm... not..." Steve saw how unconfortable Peter felt so he cut him off "Well that's okay. So I can teach you my music" Tony laugh "Don't trust him kid, he listens music for old people"
They arrived to hus new house after an hour trip. Peter got down the car caring the only bag he had and his teddy bear. Tony and Steve were so mad because the kid had only two shirts one pair of shoes and one pair of pants. He was dirty and not well fed. They hated the sistem.
They walked in and Steve offered to carry Pete's stuff to his room but he refuse. Peter was still at the door next to the coats, like waiting for instructions. Tony had to tell him like 7 times that it was fine for him to sit down.
After dinner the cuple decided to take the kid to bed. "Listen, we couldn't go and buy clothes for you yet but you can sleep in one of my shirts for today; and tomorrow Steve will go to buy some things for you. What ya' say?" Peter just noode at Tony.
Tony and Steve laid on bed. Both thinking what to do with the kid. He was scared and they knew it. "The team is waiting to confirm when they can meet him, you know?" Steve said to Tones. "Yeah, we could call the tomorrow"
Next morning Steve and Tony were having breakfast at the kitchen table "Don't you think it's wired he isn't awake yet?" Tony spoke up. Both went to Pete's bedroom. He was sitting on the bed looking at the wall. "Peter? Hi!" Tony said. Peter turn arround as quick as he could. He let out a small "Hi". "You hungry?" Peter was hungry but he didn't wanna bother Mr. Stark and Mr. Rogers so he said no. The cuple knew he was lying "Well buddy, but you have to eat" Peter noode again.
The night was starting to fall. "The team will be here any minute now" Steve yelled at Tony who was helping Peer to get dressed. Tony walked down the stairs to his husband "And Peter?" "He wouldn't let me touch him, i just chose the clothes" Tony explain "Do you think he sufferd any kind of abuse?" He questoined "Posibly" Steve reply.
Sam, Scott, Stephen, Clint and Laura with the kids, Rohdey, Wanda, Vis, Thor and Jane with Loki, even Bucky and Pepper were there to meet the boy. Nat and Bruce were running behind but getting there. "James..." Tony said politly to his husbend's ex. "Anthony". Peter was on the couch, trying to make the less noise posible. When Steve opend the door and Bruce and Nat step in Peter let a little yelp scape his mouth. He was looking right at Dr. Bruce Banner, Peter had read every single articul and not about him and his reasurch, he read every book Dr. Banner had ever wrote and ubdersuded it all, he was a fan. "Kisd, come here, we have to eat" Tony said.
Dinner went perfect now they were on the livingroom talking. Peter was trying not to stare at Dr. Banner but it was really hard. And then... " Hey Bruce, did you find how to do with the anger issues alredy?" Sam asked mocking his friend. "No we haven't yet. We are close tho" Peter smiled. He had a theory but he was just a stupid kid and couldn't help. Steve patt Tony on the back telling him to look at Peter. Bruce was talking chimestry and boring everybody but Peter. "Okayokay, we got it. You are a genius" Clint said while he hit Bruce with a pillow.
"So kid" Natasha asked "What about you? What's your story?" Peter look down. "So..." Nat insisted. Steve gave her a death stare. "I have no story" Pete said. "Everyone has a story" Scott said hugging his doughter "How did you ended up an orphan" Peter was used to the question by now he answerd fast "My parents died when i was 3, murdered. I went living with my aunt and uncle. Uncle Ben get killed when i was 5 and my Aunt May killherself  2 months later" he answerd the question like it was nothing, just a story to tell. Everybody in the room looked at him in amaze. He was sick of peolple looking at him like if he was a damege kid. "Sorry" Scott's doughter said Peter laugh under his breath. "How old are you?" One of Clint kids asked "Nine" "Me too" Clint's younger said "and me and me" Peter roll his eyes over the girl's exaiment. They were kids, he felt more like an adult. Tony catch this gesture but didn't say anything about it. "What's your favorit color?" Sam asked. "Black" he couldn't belive the stupid question they were asking "Eww! Why???" A little girl asked "Cause it's the color... I wear a black shirt to my Uncle's funeral. The las time i saw my Aunt she was wearing black, same as my mom. My dad was wearing a black and wite suit. I like it. I don't know. It jsut makes me feel close to death" "to them?" Nat said softly. Peter just node yes. Tony was about to cry. "Do you go to school?" Nat asked him "Nop, we didn't go to school. But we did study on the public library when we had time" "What's your fav subject?" "Fisics, Math, Quimestry, all of that" Pete said in eximent. It was the first time Tony and Steve saw him smiling. "Well you should read Bruce and Tony's books... very borring btw" Nat said. Peter looked down feeling how he turned comletle red. "I... emmm... i alredy did" Bruce almost spilled his drink. "What?? You... you did? Did you understand any of it?" He said. "Well... I..." he wanted to say so many things to him, everything he thought over the years reading his books but he couldn't he was gonna screw up and he loved the house he was staying. He wantet to stay for at leats a bit more. But he couldn't say he didn't understand cause he did "I'm not sure" Bruce looked at him and smiled "You will when you ge older".
Anotyer hour had past and Peter didn't talk at all. He kept thinking about why he didn't say anything to Dr. Banner. God! he hated himself.
Bruce, Tony and Vis were looking at some plans from work when Peter decide he had to tell Dr. Banner about his theory. Even if he had to leave the house he, at least, had talk to his idol.
Peter went to Tony and looked at the papers in the table. They were formulas and lots of numers. Sam and Clint were messing up with Starnge who was trying to understand. And the others were just looking at the ones who were working with a boerd exprtion. "Do you wanna draw with the other kids?" Steve asked Peter.  He node yes and Tony gave him a pice of paper. Peter sat with the other kids and started to put the formulas to show Banner his theory.
30 minuts later they finish. It was almost 10 pm and one of the boys who said was nine, peter didn't remmember his name. I don't eighter. Sorry! 😬😬 was asleep. "Okay! We finish!" Tony screamed. Laura shushed him off pointing at the kids that were sleeping or about to. "Sorry" he whisper. "Pete, ar you tired? Wanna go to bed?" Steve said to his foster kid. "Nop" the words come out of his moth before he could stop them. He grab all his papers and gave them to Bruce. "Is it for me?" He asked playfully, talking to him like if he was a kid. Peter hated that but when Bruce saw the pages he was mutted. "What...? How did you do this?" He asked in shook. Peter shutter his shoulders "I... emm" he was bright red by now. Tony grab the block of papers bruce had and show them to Steve, who didn't understan one single word, number or simbol. "You can talk" Bruce told Peter "I just... I read all of your books and articules but there are some things i still don't get. Like, why don't you just use a 13+/5 quimic to prevent the anger problem. And why do you inject them all at once. If you put them on the organisem separtly you should know what causes the efect and prevent it" at this poin every person in the room was speachless but Pete kept talking, he had to let everything out if he was gonna leave the house after been so disrespectfull "or why would you injectem on the arteary and not in the vain, Okay... wait no. That's smart forget what I just said. But what you are doing wrong, i'm positive of it, is that you are not controling the brain right. You shouldn't be looking for the quimic inside but for the change in the normal funcions. I know is hard to do this but if you inject a neutrilazer for the brain and you put it on a XRDL you should probably know what is happening. And if  mix both quimics, i mean if i was you... i would mix them plus an EV76 or 58. You know?" With this the room was quiet. The first one to say anything was Sam "You got smarted by a nine year old" and he laugh. "I thought you said you didn't understand the reasurch...impresive" Bruce said still in shook "Sorry" Pete said with a small voice. "No don't. I mean, that can help. Can i keep this?" He said pointing the papers in Tonys hand. Pete node and Bruce smiled. The kid was really smart.

Okay, this is much longer than the one i post yesterday.
I have a question: what do you think of chapters like this? Like all flashback. Of peter when he was younger or before his death.
Pls comment.
Love D&M

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