Nat pulled Steve, who was crying, into a hug. She hated more than anything to see him like this. But she didn't stop the crying, she just stand there hugging him and patting his back.

Tony was sitting in one of the chairs of the waiting room, bruce with the impossible task to calm him down. Clint was texting his wife about the last event same as Thor who was trying to communicate with Jane and Loki that couldn't make it to the hospital 'cause of work. Scott was at the door, trying too hard not to look at his crying fiends 'cause he knew he would start to cry too if he did, and he hated crying in public. Bucky was close to Steve, but he didn't wanna interfere that much with the death of his son.

When everything was a little more calmed Bruce called Ned. He answered the phone quickly but you could tell by his voice he was tired and about to fall asleep. When he notice who was calling he start crying. Bruce could hear him waking the girls up and how they started to cry too. Bruce try to speak but words were not coming out of his mouth, instead sob scape of it. "I'm so sorry, guys" is the only thing he manage to say. The phone call was cuiet, none of them cut it off, but there was no noise, only the crying of all the people around.

The doctors came out of the room and Steve and Tony stand. They wanted to see their kid one more time.

They came into the room, his kid laid in the bed. He looked as if he was asleep. His face was so relaxed. It didn't seem real, he was never like this, without pain. He was alright now, that calmed Tony and Steve down a little bit. Knowing he was fine and with no pain now, that's exacly what they needed.

Natasha offered to take them home and maybe stay for the night there, so they wouldn't be alone. She was their bestfriend and knew they needed help.

They arrived to their home at 3:47 am. They lived at the Stark Tower because Tony had his own company, Stark Industries, and he was always in his lab so they decide to move into the lab when Peter was six or seven years old. Nat help them to carry Peter's stuff into his bathroom. The place was the same as always, but it felt different.

Steve and Tony were in their room, they haven't said a word to each other since it happen. Silence was all they could hear. "do you believe in the afterlife" Steve ask "no" tony answered "i don't, i wish i did though" "well I do, and I hope for Pete to find his biological parents there" Tony node, not agreeing but he didn't feel like arguing about this "he'll be okay" Steve said finishing the conversation. They never fall asleep, but they kept a comfortable silence. Nat didn't sleep either. She sat in Peter's room just looking at his toys and stuff. He was only 15, 15 years old and he was dead. She misses him so much. 

Ned, Liz and MJ wake up at 6:00 am at the sound of the alarm clock. Ned and Liz, as the geeks they are, wanted to go to school. They knew they just wanted to get Peter out of their mind. And MJ wated to go home and cry.
Ned and Liz dropped MJ and went to school in a deep silence. They get there right on time and went to class. Their first class was separed, Ned had American Literature and Liz had German.
At lunch they ate together and they talked about everything that popped into their mind but Peter, they didn't want to cry in school. But what hurt them the most was that nobody knew Peter died. None even notice when he left school. Only his decathlon  teammates and they didn't care eighter.
They have seen peter suffer when he get out of quimotherapy or when he had asma attacks. They saw him on his wors and best times and it hurt them that none remembers him, at all. The way they miss him, though, it fixed the hate they had for the rest of the world.

Tony got up erlier than Steve. They were both awake but Steve didn't seem to find the streight to get up. Tony couldn't stand the silence anymore so he went to the kitchen. Nat was there, making breakfast "I didn't knew what you wanted so i just did pankeckes" she said with sorry eyes "god Nat, it wasn't... you didn't have to do this" word came out fast and not really undertandable. "I feel like you need it, you and Steve" Tony smiled or something like so. He couldn't get any emotions out. He wanted to cry, badly. But he couldn't get the tears to come out.
Nat cried all night long. She tried to make the less noise posible, she didn't wanna botter her friends. She looked awful but nothing compere to Tons. He had an excuse, he just lost his kid.
Nat was setting the table when Steve came out of the room. He went to Natasha and kiss her in cheek and then to Tony.
They said like 10 words to each other since Pete's death. But when Steve kiss him they forgot their problem for just one second. The kiss was quick but it was enogh. Tony smiled, a real smile and Steve smiled back at him. It wasn't the biggest smile ever but giving the sircustancies it was way too big.
Nat sight and told them that brakfast was in the table. They both walk foward and sat there. Nat wasn't expecting for them to eat anything but she at least had to try. "C'mon! I did this for you... Eat!" She tried for it to sound fun. Tony patt the chair telling her to sit with them, if it wan't logical. She sat and watched them. Tony picked the fork and gave a look at Steve, then he grave a pice of pankecke and offerd to him in the air.
Steve open his mouth and they started eating.
When they finish breakfast Steve wash the dishes saying he neded to be ocupated, Tony went to the lab and Nat said she was going home to take a bath and see Bruce.

Liz and Ned left school early, they couldn't take it any longer. They kept thinking abou Peter. "Do you remember the first time we saw him after quimo? I think that was one of the only times i saw him like that. I hated it." "I rememmber, but it wasn't the only one that bad. I was ther for alt of them. But that first time was... God i wasn't expecting for it to be like that"

Ned, Liz and MJ wanted to see Peter. He told them he was going to quimo and he let them know it was gonna be discusting. They didn't care and went any ways. Peter was lay on the couch of his mansion and Steve was in the kitchen and Tony was working.
Peter said "hi" in a really tired way. He had dark bags around his brown puppy eyes and a bucket side him. The guys knew what the bucket was for but didn't say a thing.
"Gosh Parker, yoy're such a mess" Liz said "Discusting" Steve turn around but relax when he saw his son laghuing at the coment. "Thanks" he said in a sarcastic tone, just like Tony's.
The grup talked for hours Peter bearly said a thing, sceard he would threw up on his friend. He manage to not do anithing disxusting till hsi friends were out.

Tony and Steve were tired giving the happenings of the night before, it was only 8:30 pm and they could keep their eyes open.
Bruce, Clint and Nat were with them, keeping them safe. They were really worried about them.
Steve was holding Tony's hands while he lays on his chest about to fall asleep. Nat and Clint could't stop talking about work. They were being very carfull to not say anything about his kids or Pete.
"Is it rude if i ask you to leave guys, i think we really need to get some sleep" Tony asked. "Yeah sure, of course we can leave" Bruce answerd.
They left the house understunding that it wasn't a rude question, ask them to leave, but they needed to sleep or at least rest.
Tony and Steve went directly to bed and fall asleep instalntly.
At 3:21 am Tony woke up. He went to the kitchen to get something to drink, he opend the alcohol cabinet and look for his Burbon. He started drinking it. He sat on the island of the kitchen and  tried to get drunk, the truth ks he didn't drink that much till tears start to sacape his eyes.
The numbers on the digital watch mark the 3:39 am
"Time of death 3:39"  He could hear the doctor and he felt like his tears would never stop.
Steve ca.e out of their room just to see Tones on the floor crying desesperatly. He run to hug him. This was the first time Tony cried since the hospital. It didn't took long till Steve start crying too. "I love you so so much, Tones" "I don't think i can live without him, i don't know what to do" Tony cried out loud "I know, babe. I know" Steve answers trying, and failing, to hold his tears.
And they staid ther crying on the floor of their kitchen till they couldn't cry anymore. And they go back to bed.

AN: that's the first chapter
Sorry for all the mistakes, english is not my first lenguage so...
Anyways thanks for reading
Please i read all the coments. Comment all sugestion if i like it i'll do it.

I feels so bad for my bbs but i like the plot in the story.
Ther will be more fashbacks of peter, dont you worry.

Bye, D&M 🖤🖤

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