Chapter 36. Making A Demand
I'm dedicating this chapter to everyone who was eager to see Diane and Otto's one-on-one reunion 😉🥰
When Athelstan brought them lunch, he was invited to join them and Diane allowed everyone to ask her anything they wanted to know about her trip to Valyria. Although she made a point that some questions she might not answer so as not to ruin anyone's appetite. After a few generic questions, Daemon remembered Diane mentioning her being the third one to come back alive from Valyria and immediately asked about that.
'Well, the first one was Aliyah, obviously. She actually grew up in the Valyrian Freehold when it was thriving and survived the Doom by visiting her son in one of the Valyrian colonies,' Diane answered, taking a bite of a duck.
'But won't it make her like... really, really old?' Athelstan carefully asked. He had eaten with Daemon, Rhaenyra, and Diane before but still wasn't sure whether or not he was allowed to talk or make his presence known in any other way. They did not seem to mind but again, they were nobles and he was just a servant. Some things were hard to unlearn.
'Yes. I think she is... almost four hundred years old, but do not quote me on that.'
'Is it a Molfar thing? I mean... I haven't heard of anyone ever living that long,' Rhaenyra said.
'I don't think so. Aliyah said she used to be the priestess for Shryxos before the Doom and when it happened, she was chosen by the Gods to make sure Valyrians survived. She's like... the bottomless pit of knowledge. I've spent almost seven moons with her and I barely scratched the surface,' Diane said with obvious fascination.
Rhaenyra finished her duck and looked at her empty plate with a pout. They didn't have any more duck at the table and she didn't have the heart to ask Athelstan to get some more because the boy was so engrossed in Diane's stories it would be unfair to make him leave.
'So she can't die?' Daemon asked, reaching out and swapping his and Rhaenyra's plates. He wasn't all that hungry so his plate was still half-full and - what was more important - had a few pieces of duck in it. Rhaenyra smiled as if her husband just made her the happiest woman in the whole Seven Kingdoms and tucked in.
'No, I think she'll be able to one day. When her mission is completed or whatever, Balerion will let her move on to the afterlife. But even she is not sure what exactly completing the mission entails,' Diane frowned thoughtfully. 'Anyway, as long as she believes it includes supporting me in preserving Valyrian culture and you as future Queen, I am fine with whatever,' she smiled and took a sip of her wine.
'Who was the second to come back?' Rhaenyra asked.
Daemon and Rhaenyra gaped at her. Athelstan also looked surprised but mostly to fit in with the crowd. He heard that name before but wasn't sure who Visenya was exactly so he couldn't be properly shocked.
'Truly?' Daemon checked.
'Yes. She went there for seven moons a few years before they started the Conquest of Westeros.'
'Just like you,' Rhaenyra pointed out.
'Just like me,' Diane smiled a little. 'Aliyah was also there for her, and let me tell you it's rather exciting to hear stories about Visenya and the Conquest from someone who was actually there to witness it.'
'That is incredible,' Daemon said in fascination. 'Just imagine... all this knowledge that was thought to be long lost might not be lost anymore and-' the prince's eyes suddenly lit up. 'Did you come across the instructions on how to make Valyrian steel by any chance?'
Diane chuckled, 'I did. But we are not doing that.'
Daemon visibly pouted, 'Why?'
'Valyrians used to sacrifice dozens of their slaves to make one single sword. And we neither have so many slaves to spare (or at this point any slaves at all) nor should we uphold such a barbaric practice.'
There was a small pause and then the prince nodded, 'Fine, I see your point.'
Diane looked at him with a small smile, 'Don't be upset, father, I've found another interesting thing that we can actually use.'
She then got up, walked to her bag which still seemed half-full, and looked through it for a few seconds before finding what she was looking for.
'Is it... jewelry?' Rhaenyra asked curiously when Diane came back to the table. She was holding two rings and one bracelet. The princess noticed that the rings matched the one Diane was already wearing.
'It is but the gemstones are what's important,' Diane answered, putting the jewelry on the table and picking up one of the rings. 'This gemstone is called narydōron, ' she pointed at the white gemstone in the center of the ring. 'And when it comes in contact or anywhere near most of the known types of poison, it turns blazing red and heats up so you won't miss a warning even if you have it on your pin or belt, or whatever,' she handed one of the rings to Daemon and another one to Rhaenyra. 'Won't help against a direct attack but will warn you if someone decides to get sneaky and poison your food or your drink.'
Rhaenyra immediately put the ring on the middle finger of her right hand. It had a big white narydōron in the center and a dozen tiny black gems that framed it. 'It's also really beautiful,' she said. 'Thank you.'
'Valyrians knew how to combine beauty and usefulness.'
Daemon inspected his ring curiously for a few seconds before putting it on as well. 'That is very useful. Thank you,' he said. Diane nodded to him with a small smile. 'Do you have more or...'
'I have a few more jewelry pieces and lots of uncut gemstones. As soon as I find a trusted goldsmith, I will be able to get more jewelry made if needed. Aliyah also says we can get a shot at trying to grow them but it's a tedious process and she can't make any promises. But even without growing them, the ones I brought should be more than enough,' Diane smiled, then picked up a bracelet that was left on the table and handed it to Athelstan. 'Here you go, dove.'
'Who do I need to give it to?' the boy asked, carefully taking the bracelet. It was rather thin and decorated with light violet gemstones and one white narydōron that was slightly bigger than the rest of the gemstones.
'Nobody,' Diane smiled. 'It's for you.'
'F-f-for me?' Athelstan stammered, looking even more shocked than when he met Mike for the first time.
Daemon and Rhaenyra looked at each other and smiled a little. It was always entertaining to see Athelstan surprised. They knew that they treated him way better than most nobles treated their servants but the boy acted so shocked every time they showed that they cared for him that they started to suspect Athelstan wasn't used to being cared for in general. Which was most likely the case, considering that the boy told them he had lost his mother young and his stepfather was one hell of a jerk.
'For you,' Diane confirmed with a smile. 'I've picked it out specifically for you so you'll be able to hide it under your sleeves. I know it might not be safe to display expensive jewelry in servants' quarters.'
Athelstan gaped at her, 'But it's- it's- I can't possibly-'
'Take the bracelet, Athelstan,' Daemon urged, making the boy look at him. 'After all, you handle most of our food. If anything, it deals with a safety concern.'
'Oh... alright then,' the boy smiled a little shyly. Diane gave her father a grateful glance. 'I'm not really sure how to...'
'Let me help you, dove,' Diane smiled and leaned closer to help Athelstan put his bracelet on.
Otto was going about his business near the main gates when he saw his son slip through them. Gwayne looked like he was a little bit in a hurry which made Otto curious where exactly his son was hurrying to. He had half a mind to catch up to him and ask just that but wasn't able to decide what to do because Gwayne suddenly stopped in his tracks in the middle of the courtyard.
'You are back!' he exclaimed, and Otto only then noticed Diane who was hurrying towards Gwayne from the other side of the yard. She changed her clothes since the meeting with the King, now wearing a simple dark gray dress and yet looking just as beautiful.
'I am back!' Diane confirmed, and Gwayne hugged her, literally picking her up from the ground. Diane wrapped her hands around Gwayne's neck, and Otto tried very hard to pretend that he wasn't jealous of the warm reunion his son was getting while he got maybe a few glances in his direction at best.
Otto knew it was a foolish thing to think about, and what did he expect anyway? Diane was supposed to be his rival, after all. And yet their kiss hadn't left Otto's head for months so maybe - just maybe - he expected something to change.
Because she kissed him. He didn't pursue her, he barely entertained her advances (mostly because he understood they were advances only after the moment passed but regardless), and she kissed him anyway. The night she went to fucking Valyria of all places. To the place from where no one ever came back, and before going there she kissed him. It was supposed to mean at least something, right?
'Is it true? Valyria? Really?' Gwayne asked when they broke the hug.
Diane let out a laugh, 'The gossip travels fast here. And yes, really.'
Otto walked just a tiny bit closer to hear them better, trying to stay closer to the wall and to be as unsuspicious as it was possible to be while eavesdropping.
'I don't know what to say... I suppose you have an excuse for not answering my letters,' Gwayne said, and Otto frowned. He had no idea his son had written letters to Diane. He knew they were on good terms but since when were they this close?
'Yeah, sorry. I got them and they were rather sweet so thank you for caring, but I wasn't able to reply because... well, the first two ravens made it to me but were eaten by- uh, let's say Valyrian wildlife. And you don't wanna know what happened to the third.'
'No, I don't. I definitely don't,' Gwayne immediately agreed. 'Look, can we catch up later because I'm kind of ditching work right now...'
'Yes, of course. Just send a servant with a note,' Diane smiled. 'And I won't tell my father you are slacking off.'
Gwayne let out a laugh, 'Thanks.'
'Before you go though, I want you to have something,' Diane added, reaching out into the pocket of her dress. Otto suddenly realized that she was the first noblewoman he saw who had pockets in a dress. She took out something that looked like a pendant with a white gemstone on a golden chain. 'A small present from Valyria.'
'Wow, truly? Thank you,' Gwayne smiled.
Diane took the liberty to put it on Gwayne's neck and then leaned closer to whisper something in his ear. Otto took a step forward involuntarily and then forced himself to take a step back. He couldn't hear what Diane was saying anyway and it wouldn't do him any good to make himself known to them.
He felt... angry. At least, he thought this was what this feeling should be called. Because even married nobles didn't let themselves be so close in public as Diane and Gwayne were right now. If Diane was anyone else it would have been a great scandal, and yet no one around seemed to mind. Even if Diane wanted to whisper Gods knew what into his son's ear in the middle of the fucking courtyard, it seemed like no big deal.
When Diane leaned back, putting some distance between her and Gwayne but not yet leaving his personal space, Otto heard his son answer, 'Alright, I won't take it off. I promise.'
Otto turned on his heels and walked away. He was not going to stay there and watch Diane flirt with his son. Because that was what she was doing, wasn't she? She gave him a fucking pendant and he promised to not take it off, and how could it be anything but a romantic gesture?! Diane might not be looking for a husband and she might not be looking for a husband in Gwayne specifically - even though Diane might have lied to him about that - but there was definitely something between them. Otto was not blind, for goodness' sake! And it made him so fucking angry . Way angrier than the possibility of Diane being Viserys' mistress. Because any relationship Diane might have with Viserys would be of political nature, and with Gwayne... with Gwayne it might be fucking real.
'I am extremely curious what can be so urgent for you in the dungeons,' the voice sounded, and Otto stopped in his tracks, only now realizing where exactly he was. Fuck, he was so angry, he had no idea how he got there and where his subconsciousness thought he was going.
Otto turned and saw Diane standing not far away from him. 'None of your business,' he spat out. Did she follow him? Why in Seven Hells would she do that? What was she trying to accomplish?
Diane raised an eyebrow at his tone and then walked towards him before stopping only an arm's length away. She searched his face almost curiously, and Otto felt himself just as exposed as he always did when she was so close. So he rolled his eyes in an attempt to break eye contact and not give anything away.
'Are you angry at me?'
He obviously did not succeed.
'You are lying.'
Otto sighed in resignation, 'Yes, I am- I was-'
He probably should have gotten used to the fact that Diane always saw right through him, but it still caught him off guard sometimes. He was a man who made a career of fooling everyone around him and he couldn't fool her even if his life depended on it. Which, to some extent, it probably did.
'I don't know,' Otto said sincerely. Because when she was standing there, looking at him like that... he couldn't be angry at her even if he tried. Fuck, he wasn't even able to be angry at her when she bit him in their game, let alone now.
Diane's eyes searched his face some more. She was trying to figure out where he was standing. He would love to know that too.
'Why were you angry?'
'Are you involved with my son?' Otto asked before he was able to talk himself out of it.
'No,' Diane answered without any hesitation. Without questioning why he was asking, without contemplating her answer, without weighing her options. It was a plain and simple "no".
Otto just looked at her for a few seconds. 'I don't believe you.'
'Why not?'
'Why would you tell the truth?'
'Why would I lie?'
'I've seen you just now! In a courtyard!' Otto exclaimed, pointing out in the vague direction where he thought the courtyard was supposed to be. To be completely honest, he wasn't precisely sure in what part of the Red Keep he was at the moment.
There was a small pause as if Diane truly did not understand what the issue was. 'And? Not like I fucked him there.'
'You were so familiar with each other you just as well could have! If you were anyone else, you would have been ruined-'
'Otto, we are friends!' Diane suddenly exclaimed, making Otto shut up because she had never lost her temper in his presence before. It was also the first time she actually called him by his name but he did not feel like making a fuss about it. 'Friends, alright? Not like I have to explain myself to you but this-' Diane made a vague gesture with her hands. '-is definitely an issue so I shall. Gwayne is my friend. I neither fuck him nor I plan to because we are just friends. Do you know why? Because out of all you Hightowers he is the best one! Because he actually means what he says and he is reliable. And also he is a perfect gentleman which is obviously not thanks to you who made up something in his head and decided that the best course of action is to shout at me in the fucking dungeon!' Diane shouted right back at him and then asked in a normal voice, 'Have I made myself clear?'
Otto blinked, 'Extremely.'
They just looked at each other for a few seconds.
'I am being ridiculous, aren't I?' he then asked, quickly revising the events of the last fifteen minutes in his head.
'More than ever,' Diane said, putting her hands on her hips. However, the corners of her lips tugged into a small smile which was a good sign.
'Is this your plan?'
'What is?'
'To drive me insane.'
'No,' Diane's small smile turned into a grin. 'Is it working?'
'You know damn well it is.'
'But isn't it more interesting this way?' Diane asked, taking Otto's hand and inclining her head to the side to look him in the eyes.
Otto looked at her, sighed, and asked, 'Why did you follow me here?'
He did not remove his hand from hers.
'Well, at first I thought you were scheming something. Then I realized you got lost.'
'I am not lost!' Otto immediately protested.
'Oh, really?' Diane raised an eyebrow. 'Show me in which direction is your Tower.'
Otto gave it a thought and then pointed to the right. Diane smiled, wrapped her hand around his wrist, and moved his hand so it would point ahead. 'If you go to the right, you'll end up in the black cells. It's two flights of stairs down but it's the only way that leads there.'
'How do you know that?'
'I can recite the schedule of every golden cloak in this city and you are surprised I know the layout of the castle I live in?'
'Huh,' Otto forgot about that. 'Fair enough.'
Diane smiled and then hooked her hand around Otto's elbow, 'Let me escort you out of here.'
She then tugged at his elbow, prompting him to follow her and not even waiting for his response. Otto figured she knew he would not refuse her help, even more so considering that navigating the dungeons wasn't his strong suit.
They walked in silence for a while, and then Otto asked, 'Will you ever tell me?'
'Tell you what?'
'Why did you kiss me that night?'
Diane glanced at him, 'I think you know.'
'I truly do not.'
She stopped and looked at him as if he was pretending to be dumb just to annoy her. When after a few seconds the realization did not catch up with Otto, Diane rolled her eyes and said, 'I kissed you because I wanted to.'
And what an unexpected answer it was. He had been replaying that night in his head over and over again for months, trying to find a hidden motive or something he was not seeing, and there was none. Well, at least that was what she just told him. Diane could easily be lying, he had seen with his own eyes how easily she could lie to other people and how good she was at pretending. But this once - just this once - he wanted to believe she was telling the truth.
'Any chance you will ever... want again?' Otto asked, and he hated how awkward it sounded.
Diane smiled, 'Well, that depends on you.'
'How so?' he asked because he maybe [absolutely] spent the last seven moons, wishing for it to happen again.
'Look, if I gave my... attention to anyone who asked for it, I would have never got out of bed,' Diane said with a smile.
Otto raised an eyebrow. So they were being this honest? Alright.
'Which means I get to pick and choose,' Diane continued. 'So why, Lord Hand, should I choose you?'
Otto just looked at her for a few seconds in utter confusion. 'You want me to prove my... worthiness?' he asked slowly.
'I want you to prove that you are interesting. That you actually know who I am. That you did not just get obsessed with a young girl in a pretty dress.'
'You are hardly a girl,' Otto pointed out. Surely she knew that he knew about her adventures in the city. Almost everyone knew. Not like she was keeping it hidden. And with a father like Daemon... it was safe to say, Diane was not expected to be a pure young lady who would act like a shy virgin on her wedding night (if she ever got a wedding night, her views on the marriage considering). Because if she was all that, they wouldn't be having this conversation. Otto had committed lots of sins but he prided himself to be a man who would never be caught preying on young girls.
Diane smiled at his comment, 'Not the point I'm making.'
'So you want me to what? Court you?' Otto asked, trying to figure out what he needed to do to get what he wanted (which was Diane, preferably in his bed but he was willing to consider other places as well). And if Diane wanted to be courted... well, he could figure that out. He courted his late wife and yes, it was a lot of years ago, but he was pretty sure the rules didn't change much since.
'Not necessarily. Courting means the intention of marriage and it's not what's going on here. And besides, it is so boring and impersonal with all the things you are expected to do and say. This won't work.'
'What will you have me do then?' Otto said because Diane seemed to take this whole "confusing him out of his mind" thing to the next fucking level.
Diane's lips stretched into a smile that looked just a little bit predatory and she put her hands on his chest. 'Surprise me. And we will see where it will get us,' she winked.
And then she left. Otto just stood there for some time, feeling the weird mix of intrigue and confusion, and then he looked around. He was still in the dungeons but he was pretty sure that the staircase on his left would get him to the library and from there he would know how to get wherever he wanted to go.
Otto smiled. So, at the end of the day, she did make sure he wouldn't get lost, didn't she?
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