Chapter 2: Start of Something New

Your POV

Y/N: Well, we're here. How can we be of assistance, Professor?

Juniper: Good timing too, I was just about to call for Rosa as well if she already found all four of you.

Y/N: I apologize, the ship I was on made an unexpected stop and I had to use my own transport to get to Mainland.

Juniper: Nevermind that, now that you're all here, come, I have something for all of you.

She then walked towards a table where there were at least four devices on the table, or more accurately, these devices are Pokedexes, Unovan Pokedexes.

Juniper: Now that you're here, I have decided to entrust you with the Pokedexes. And yes, it was obvious from the very beginning at the moment that all four of you set foot in the region.

Dawn: You want us to fill in these vacant Pokedexes?

Juniper: Oh, Heavens, no! Rosa here couldn't even bring herself to do it!

Rosa: But there's too many of them, Professor! How would you suppose to fill these in?

Juniper: I put that responsibility to you, Y/N. The Wandering Trainer of Hoenn.

Y/N: Huh, so you did recognize me after all, didn't you, Professor?

Juniper: Of course! Oak, Elm, Birch and Rowan told me about you! That and how you filled in their Pokedex too. I must say, I am wildly impressed, completing a Pokedex in 3 years is a challenge I tell you that, but look at you! You already filled in 4 in 4 years! That's 1 Pokedex every year! Heck, I struggled to even get a contact with you after what happened back in Sootoplis and Mt. Coronet-

Y/N: Okay! Let's not talk about that! I'm still shaken of what happened there, okay?

Misty: Why what happened-

Y/N: I said not now!

Misty lightly jumped at my sudden rise of voice, it's better that she didn't know what happened....not now.

Y/N: I don't wanna talk about it, not now.

Juniper: Well let's not dwell on it anymore.

Juniper then walked to the table where the Pokedexes were. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked to see who it was, it was May.

Y/N: Yes?

May: Didn't know you were still thinking about that day...are you alright?

Y/N: It's...complicated.

May: And what's this about Mt. Coronet-

Y/N: Not now, May. Not. Now.

May then let out a sigh and she removed her hand from my shoulder and she recomposed herself.

May: I'm sorry...

I then let out a sigh as I then tried to forget what happened just now. Juniper came back with four Unovan Pokedexes in hand. She handed one Pokedex to Dawn, one to May, one to Misty, and at last, one to me.

Juniper: I entrust you with a Pokedex in hope that you may finish it as soon as possible, preferably in a year.

Y/N: I'll try my best in finishing it, I'll tell you that.

Juniper: Who knows? I might even give you a reward for your hard work.

Y/N: What kind of "reward" if I may ask?

Juniper: It's a...uhm...huh, I still haven't thought of it. But I will give you something for your troubles, that's for sure.

Y/N: At least you'll give me something.

I then put the Pokedex in my bag and I checked to see if the Spas 12 was still intact and had it's safety on. I then swung my backpack on back into position with one swift movement.

Juniper: If, I may ask, does that thing have a license?

Y/N: Yes, it does. Wanna see the papers?

Juniper: No need, I just wanted to know if you did have one.

Y/N: Don't worry, I have trigger discipline. Besides, this thing saved my ass couple of times. In case you're wondering, no, I barely shoot Pokémon with this, and the ones I shoot at are High Level Threats.

May: Yup! Y/N once shot an Aggron at Dewford to temporarily stagger it and pull ourselves out of the cave!

Juniper: I...nevermind. Are you all set for the journey that awaits you?

Y/N: The moment that we set foot on this region, we were already set for a journey. I'll try and finish the Pokedex as soon as I can, Professor, I promise you that.

Juniper: *giggles* I appreciate your help, Y/N. I hope you all have safe travels!

Then I put the Pokedex in my backpack and I started walking out of the laboratory, Misty, May and Dawn followed. But suddenly, a pokeball in my backpack started moving on it's own. But before I could even react, the pokeball was out of the bag and it opened itself. And the moment that the pokeball opened itself, I knew that it was Yurika.

(Yes, this is what she wears and what she really looks like. She's very smart and sentient, sometimes a bit childish.)

She went outside her Pokeball and she was holding a piece of paper and she had stars in her eyes and a wide grin on her face she goes a bit closer to Juniper's face, I rubbed my temples and I groaned, while Juniper was dumbfounded to see Yurika.

Yurika: Oh my Arceus! Professor, I'm a huge fan of you! Can I have your autograph?!

Juniper: Oh my God...y-you can talk?!

Y/N: Yurika, we talked about this. Stop going outside of your Pokeball and getting close to people you see. Personal space is a thing.

Yurika: B-but I can't just let this opportunity pass up! You know how much of a fan I am of Professor Juniper!

Y/N: Just don't get too close to people's faces, next time.

Juniper: Fascinating. A talking Gardevoir, a sentient one at that too. Where did you find her?

Y/N: I found her being taken away by the floods back in Hoenn, a storm raged for at least 3 days and the rains were heavy, I saw her on floating log back when she was still a Ralts. Had to swim my way towards her, ended up being on the news, since I've been missing for at least a week.

Juniper: can she talk?

Y/N: She learned it from me. She adapted and got so used to me that she started acting more human instead of being a Pokémon.

Juniper: Amazing. How....what did you do to make her like this?

Y/N: Nothing, just did what every other trainer would do. Took care of her, fed her, trained her, made her stronger. Overall showed her love and care.

Juniper: Amazing. Yurika was it?

Yurika: Yes, Professor?

Juniper: Would you still like me to sign that paper?

Yurika: Yes please!

Juniper giggled as Yurika handed her the piece of paper in her hands, and Juniper took it and she signed it, she handed back the paper and Yurika squealed in glee. She suddenly teleported behind me and she stored the piece of paper in my backpack. After she put the paper in my bag, she waved Juniper goodbye.

Yurika: Bye, Professor! Come on, Y/N! Let's go!

Y/N: Later, Professor.

Yurika then grabbed me by the hand and she started pulling me out of the laboratory. Dawn, May and Misty followed just before me and Yurika went out of the door.

Y/N: Yurika, hold on for a minute, goddammit!

Yurika: But I'm hungry! I wanna try a Castelia Cone already! How much longer am I gonna have to wait?!

Y/N: We'll get back to Castelia when I got the other two Gym Badges!

Yurika: *pouts* Fine. I'll wait. (Mind) You know that I hate it when I have to wait.

Y/N (Mind): And you know that I can hear you talk even when it's in your mind. Both of us can telepathically communicate.

Yurika (Mind): I know...I just didn't wanna blurt it out of my mouth is all.

Y/N: Right. Wanna go back in your ball?

Yurika: Nope! I'm gonna walk, thank you very much!

Y/N: Just wanted to ask.

Rosa: Hey, Y/N!

I turned around to see Misty, May, and Dawn walking out of the Laboratory, along with Rosa. I saw Rosa walk towards me and she stopped at the moment that we were about a meter away from each other.

Rosa: Since you're on the quest to filling in the Pokedex, how about I give you Professor's contact?

Y/N: You're using an Xtransciever, correct? I only have a Poketch. I suppose you have a spare one?

Rosa: Oh! That's right! Professor wanted me to give you this! So here you go!

Rosa grabbed a spare Xtransciever from her bag, and she gave it to me. I softly smiled and I took it from her hand. I removed the Poketch from my hand, and I stored it in my backpack. I then out on my Xtransciever, I turned it on, and I saw the current time of the day.

Y/N: Thank you, Rosa. I'll have that contact now.

Rosa: Of course! Give me a sec.

She then grabbed my hand and she went into the contacts and she typed Professor Juniper's number. Few seconds later, she finished, and she let go of my hand and I took a look at the contacts, and saw Juniper on my Xtransciever, along with Rosa's own contact.

Y/N: Thank you, Rosa.

Rosa: In case you're wondering why I gave you my contact, so we could hang out! I like you!

Y/N: Oh? But Rosa, we just met. Surely we could at least-

Rosa: *blushes* W-what?! No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no! That's not what I mean!

I let out a chuckle as Rosa was left flustered to herself. Misty groaned and she power walked towards me and she gave me a punch in the shoulder.

Misty: I thought we talk about doing this, Y/N?!

Y/N: Oh per l'amor del cielo, donna. Era uno scherzo. (Oh for God's sake, woman. It was a joke.)

Misty: Don't throw me those things, moron! You know I don't understand you!

Y/N: Ti arrabbi sempre quando faccio qualcosa, affrontala. (You always get angry when I do something, deal with it.)

Rosa: Woah-woah-woah! You're a Porellan?!

(Basically Porello is Italy of Pokemon, the inhabitants are called Porellan.)

Y/N: Half Porellan. Half Unovan/Galarian Noble. Born as a Hoennian.

Rosa:'re Royal?

Y/N: Yeah. Dad was a...Don of the L/N Family before the Pokemon War back in Porello. Mom was a Royal that originally lived in Galar, then moved to Unova few centuries later, also served in the Pokemon War as a soldier and scientist.

May: Oh! Let's not forget about his Great Grandpa being a Viking of Norden, and his Great Grandma being one of the most feared pirates of the Seven Seas!

Rosa: You mean Lady Macbeth?! You're related to her?!

Y/N: Yup. She was a Thrylosian (Greece) and moved to Porello in her early days. Magnus, my Great Grandfather, met her when she was stranded at the shores of Norden (Scandinavia). They had kids afterwards...and lots of them too. But before they did that, they moved to Porello, so Grandma Irithel was one of their daughters. Grandpa Ludwig was an Porellan. That's my family tree, as far as I know at least.

Rosa: Wow. And ny the way, why did Lady Macbeth decided to be a pirate?

Y/N: Lady Macbeth was one of the best voyagers and warriors of Thrylos in her time, and she went by a different name, they say, didn't tell me what. She needed a new identity, and thus Lady Macbeth, the beautiful yet cruel mistress.

Rosa: But that doesn't answer my question fully, why did she leave Thrylos?

Y/N: Well, as far as they told me, she lost her first crew back in Thrylos, and she was thought to be dead as well. She can't go back to her homeland...for how much of a failure and a coward she is. So she carried that regret, and went to Thrylos.

Rosa: Wait, is that a common thing with your family?

Y/N: What do you mean?

Rosa: I mean by being a cold cruel person?

Y/N: What? Nah. Of course not. Maybe....but I'm gonna go with no.

Misty: Sometimes I don't know if you're a genius or a moron.

Y/N: Whatever, you Tsundere.

Misty: I am NOT a Tsundere!

Y/N: The more you deny, the more I'm right about it.

Misty: I....*groan* fucking dumbass.

I let out a laugh as Misty started walking away from the group, and into the path leading to Accumula.

Y/N: Hey, come on! Misty! I was kidding!

Misty: Don't talk to me, asshole!

Y/N: Come on. Are you hungry? Do you want me to make a Magikarp squeezed with some lemon?

Misty: What do you think I am, an imbecile? Of course I want that! I LOVE THE WAY YOU MAKE THEM!!!

Y/N: Then it's settled, we haven't even eaten lunch yet either. Rosa, wanna come with us?

Rosa: Sure! Never eaten a Magikarp before to be honest.

All of us started walking towards the nearby river that was leading to the ocean. All of us set up a spot under the shade of a tree and I pulled out a comfy blanket so that we have a place to sit on. I pulled out the Fishing Rod from my backpack and put in the bait, I threw the hook as far as I could, and I waited. Just when I was about to feel it in and look for another spot, I felt something snag the line. I stood up from my spot and I started pulling.

Y/N: We got a big one!

Misty: Already?

I started feeling in the Magikarp that was on the hook and we kept fighting over dominance. A few more pulls and I notice that the Magikarp started feeling about weaker by the second. I took this chance and I did a final pull, and the Magikarp went flying out of the water and it landed in front of me. I scrambled for the Magikarp and I held it down.

Y/N: Goddamn, you're one big Magikarp.

Then I took out my Pugio and this scared the Magikarp. I put my hand on the Magikarp and started caressing it.

Y/N: Don't worry. You'll see Arceus now. For your size? You'll die in a few months considering that everything that you eat doesn't feed you sufficiently anymore. It's okay, you'll be at a better place after this.

Then I slowly aimed the edge of the Pugio at the Magikarp's stomach, and I slowly pierced it, making lots of blood flow, causing the Magikarp to flail around, but I made sure to hold it down just to make this quick. A few seconds of struggles, the Magikarp has finally crossed, and it died. I sighed and I stood up and picked it up and held it in front of my friends.

Y/N: Well, we got lunch!

Rosa: Yay!

Misty: Well, let's cook it!

Then I took the guts out of the Magikarp and buried it. I scaled the fish and I took out the portable stove I have in stored my backpack. I grabbed a Lemon from my "fruit section" of the backpack and I started cooking the Magikarp.


After I finished cooking, I cut the cooked Magikarp into pieces, enough to feed all five of us. Rosa was having an orgasm because of the flavor, Misty was scarfing down the Magikarp like there's no tomorrow. Only May and Dawn actually ate without having any drastic reactions.

Misty: I take it back, I love you- I mean your cooking man!

Y/N: Glad you liked it.

Rosa: How are you so good at cooking? What else, you can make pizza?!

Y/N: In fact, I can.

Rosa: Can you make a Pineapple-

Y/N: Nope. Don't even think about it. It's considered an Act of War putting that thing on Pizza back in Porello.

(I mean, Pineapple Pizza ain't that bad, but I've tasted better to be honest.)

Rosa: But why though? Is Pizza sacred to them?

Y/N: Yes. Yes it is.

May: As crazy as it is, it's true.

Dawn: Tell me if I'm wrong, but are you related to one of the Emperors of Rome-

I dropped my plate and I covered Dawn's mouth in order to shut her up. I looked at her with threatening intent in my eyes and spoke in a grave tone.

Y/N: Shut up, Dawn. I beg you, don't say his name. He's much more than an Emperor...he's much worse.

Rosa: Why? What is he?

Y/N: Let's just say he has a vengeful spirit. But enough of that, since we're all done eating, we should start heading to the next town. Look for a hotel and sleep. I'm gonna get my Gym Badge after that.

May: Oh! Can I collect Gym Badges too?!

Dawn: What about me?

Misty: And me?

Y/N: You do know you don't need my permission to do it. But go ahead, knock yourself out. Now help me out with the plates, I'm gonna wash it over at the river over there. I'll put it under hot water tonight in the Hotel.

Rosa: Sure!

I smiled as I then grabbed the plates and made my way to the river.


Few minutes after me and the others finished washing the plates, we started heading to the next town where Cilan's Gym was. All of us were walking down a laid out path and the town still wasn't in sight...not even by a bit.

Misty: How much longer are we supposed to walk?

Y/N: I have no clue, Misty.

May: *wail* My feet huuuuurts. Y/N carry me!

Y/N: Woman, I already have 30 pounds on my back, and you want me to carry you?

Dawn: 30 pounds?! How can you still stand straight?! I mean, I get that you're tall and strong...and handsome...but how are you maintaining proper stance like that?

Y/N: *chuckles* I've gotten used to this, actually. And no, I won't carry you, May.

Yurika: I don't see the big deal, really. I'm not that tired.

Y/N: It's because you levitate, woman!!

Yurika: I don't see that as my problem.

Y/N: *groan* How fucking dandy things are right now. Let's just go already.

I started walking ahead of the group for a few minutes, and all of them kept following. I had Yurika by my side as we kept walking. For a few minutes,there was only silence, then at the distance I can see a large group of Pokemon gathering around the pathway. The group consists of Herdiers, Watchdogs, Pattaya, Perrloins, Pidoves and Tranquils. All of them gathered around an injured Minccino.

I held up my hand and clenched it, symbolising the others to stop. I started making my way towards the group, and all the Pokemon surrounding the injured Minccino turned to me, and all of them prepared to attack. I held up my hands to show them I mean no harm, all of them stopped and I slowly made my way to the injured Minccino.

Yurika: Want me to push them off the way?

Y/N: Don't.

I slowly and surely made my way towards the Minccino, passing through the group of Pokemon surrounding her. As I was finally close enough, I knelt down to the same level of the Minccino, and it was in so much pain. It had a laceration on it's leg, I checked to see if there was a damaged artery, good thing there wasn't. I reached for my back pack and took out fresh bandages, and a Full Restore, and I was about to pick her up, but she whimpered and she shook in fear.

Y/N: Don't worry. I'm trying to help you.

I then wrapped the bandage around the leg tightly, as an attempt to stop the bleeding. I kept pressure on the wound as I gave the Minccino a Full Restore. I picked her up and I kept pressure on the wound.

Y/N: Okay. I'm gonna keep this brief, this Minccino's about to bleed out if I don't bring her to the next town's Pokemon Center. I'm gonna need to leave you all here. Rosa lead the way, May you're in charge of the team.

May: Wait what?! Why not Dawn instead?!

Y/N: Not the time to argue. Yurika, use Teleport, take me to the Pokemon Center in Striaton. 

Yurika nodded and she put her right hand on my shoulder, suddenly bright light covered us and we suddenly turned into a blur, Yurika took us to the Pokemon Center in Striaton, I immediately scrambled into the Pokemon Center, as I noticed the the bandage was starting to get covered in too much blood.

Y/N: I got a Minccino bleeding out from the leg, laceration is at least 3 inches long and have been bleeding for quite some time now. No damages artery but in need of blood transfusion, we gotta close up the wound as soon as possible, stat!

Nurse Joy: Head this way, sir.

I then followed the Nurse Joy that was in the reception counter and went to the surgery room. Yurika was about to follow but I stopped her.

Y/N: You gotta sit this one out, don't worry, I'll be fine.

I entered the surgery room and I set the Minccino down in the operating table. The Nurse Joy that was about to operate on the Minccino asked me to leave, and was about to do it but suddenly I felt a small hand hold mine. I looked down to see the Minccino holding my hand, in her eyes, a pleading look on her eyes, begging for me to not leave her by her side.

Minccino: C-cinno. Minccino. (Please....don't leave me....I-I'm scared!)

I sighed and I turned to the Nurse Joy. Gestured to her that the Minccino doesn't want me to leave. She sighed and she just went on with it. She gave the Minccino anesthesia and put her to sleep. I felt her grip tighten everytime as Joy stitched her back together. Eventually the Minccino got through the surgery just fine, and she'll be resting for the night in here. After the surgery, I left the Pokemon Center with Yurika and went to look for the girls.


I've been looking for a whole damn hour all over the fucking city and I still can't fucking find them. Where the Hell did they even go? I then looked at my Xtransciever and I opened the contacts and I contacted Rosa. Few seconds of ringing, she finally picked up, and I saw her pop up on the Xtransciever's screen.

Y/N: Where the Hell are you right now?!

Rosa: I could say the same thing! We've been waiting for you at the Hotel and you were still gone for an hour and a half!

Y/N: Jesus Christ, you could have just called me. Which Hotel by the way? There's 5 Hotels in this city.

Rosa: Where are you right now?

Y/N: I....don't know. Shit. Wait....

Yurika: *sigh* Sometimes I forget how stupid you are from time to time.

I turned around and saw that there was a Hotel right behind me after all this time. I facepalmed as I saw how stupid I was. I then looked at the Xtransciever and pointed behind me.

Y/N: This it?

Rosa: Yup! I'm surprised you didn't ask so soon.

Y/N: Oh my fucking GOD!!!

I hung up the call and I walked inside the Hotel. Inside I can see Dawn, Misty May and Rosa on the waiting area. They saw me and May out down the magazine that she was reading and she walked towards me. Misty and Dawn followed along with Rosa.

May: So how'd it go?

Y/N: She was wounded up pretty badly, luckily I didn't wait and brought her into the Pokemon Center. The Minccino's staying there for the night, she'll be set free tommorow afternoon.

May: Oh, thank God. We should get a room, I'm really beat with all this walking.

Misty: How though? We got no money!

Y/N: Misty, you underestimate my Wallet's hate for me. I'm getting us a room. Well...maybe a suite if possible.

Dawn: Isn't that a bit expensive?

Y/N: To Hell with a bit expensive, this will at least take away thousands of dollars from my wallet.

Rosa: Wow! So rich! I'm glad that you're not letting it getting in your head!

Y/N: What's the point of bragging about it? If I have learned anything from Alexander the Great, is that no matter how rich, powerful, handsome you the will leave this world with nothing.

Rosa: Wow. You really are one of the nicest yet craziest people I've met.

I then chuckled as I walked towards the receptionist. The receptionist saw me and she smiled brightly and she bowed a bit, as a greeting to me.

Receptionist: Good evening, sir!

Y/N: Good evening. Are there any available suites tonight?

Receptionist: You're just in luck for there's only one suite left.

Y/N: Great! I'll take it.

Receptionist: But here's the issue, the penthouse is the only thing available, so it's gonna cost you about more than the regular suite.

Y/N (Mind): A penthouse here costs 500,000 bucks. I don't got that much cash on me right now. Good thing I always bring a check with me.

Y/N: I see, well I don't have that much cash right now, but do you accept checks?

Receptionist: Of course, sir!

I reached my hand to my backpack and I opened the compartment where the checks were. I wrote in at least 500,000 dollars in the value, and signed it. After that I handed it to the receptionist. The moment she saw the check her eyes widened and she looked at me as I was putting the check in my backpack again.

Receptionist: Uhmm...s-sir?

Y/N: Yeah? Is there a problem?

Receptionist: I-I forgot to tell you this, but we're on a discount with the rooms tonight, so instead of the Penthouse being at 250,000, it's 100,000 only. And...I the value you're giving us...t-that's twice its original price.

Y/N: I overpaid? Eh, it happens. Keep the change.

Receptionist: S-sir! I can't take this! This is too much!

Y/N: Hey. It's my money and I can do what I want with it. Keep it. A tip for your services tonight, I also noticed that the Tip Jar's been empty this whole time. Just helping another soul, that's all.

Receptionist: Thank you so much sir! Here's the key to the penthouse, again, thank you so much.

She gave me the key to the penthouse and I smiled. I then waved her goodbye as I started walking to the elevator. Then the receptionist called out her friend.

Receptionist: Ella! Come here!

Another person can be seen stumbling through the door and she immediately ran to the receptionist. She looks like she's the manager around here.

Manager: What is it?

Receptionist: T-this guy came in and he was looking for a suite, and h-he paid 500,000 for the penthouse even if it's supposed to be only 100,000 tonight. I finally have enough to pay for my sister's surgery! *sniff*

Manager: 500,000?! That's a 400,000 dollar tip! I...can you split that with me? I REALLY need that money! I need cash to pay for my college fee, please?

Receptionist: Of course I will! You're my best friend!

Manager: Sir! Can I ask you something?

I turned around and saw the manager run towards me.

Manager: Is there someway we can pay you back?

Y/N: Nah. You don't have to do anything in return.

Manager: T-thanks you! Thank you so much!

I then handed her a card from my jacket, on that card was my phone number scribbled on it.

Y/N: In case you need financial support, call me. I'll be in touch. This place looks like it could use more hands too.

Then I walked away along with the girls. Me, Yurika, Misty, May, Dawn and Rosa went to the elevator. All of us went in and I pressed the too floor where the penthouse was. When we got there, we saw the spacious room that was given to us, or at least the one I bought.

I went to the other side of the room, and went through the door. I then saw a pool and a balcony where we're able to see Castelia City from here.

Y/N: Welp...this is it. Get some rest, do what you want. There's food in the fridge  if you wanna eat. I'm pretty tired and I'm gonna get some shut eye soon.

Misty then walked up to the second floor of the room and suddenly she screamed from the second floor, looking over us from the top.

Misty: Hey! Smartass!

Y/N: What?

Misty: You're sleeping on the couch by the way.

Y/N: Excuse me, but what the fuck?! I bought this for all of you, and the least you could do is give me some slack! I haven't laid on a bed for a fucking month Misty!

Rosa: You haven't slept for a month?!

Y/N: What? No, I just haven't laid on a proper bed is what I'm saying.

Rosa: Oh, thank God. Cause that would be very bad for your health.

Misty: As much as it guilts me, there's only two beds. And there's six of us. Two heads on one bed, that's it.

Y/N: *groan* Fine. Have the stupid fucking bed. I'm tired to argue and I need to sleep.

Yurika: Y/N, where will I sleep? I don't wanna sleep in the Pokeball either!

Y/N: Ah, come on, Yuri. You decide. I'm too tired right now, okay? I'm gonna take a quick shower and then I'll get some shut eye.

I walked towards the couch and I put my backpack down. I stretched my body and it made a satisfying popping sound and I grabbed a towel and I went to the bathroom. 10 minutes in the shower, I saw that it was already dark outside and the girls are on the second floor talking with each other. I got dressed and I set my comfy pillow on the couch and I lay there for at least an hour to fall asleep.

I was tired as Hell but I can't fall asleep, so I checked my phone to see what time it is. I saw that it was only 10 pm, still not asleep. I sighed as I out my phone done, and I saw Yurika laying across the other couch, looking at me while playfully kicking her legs in the air.

Yurika: Can't sleep?

Y/N: Yeah...I feel so tired...yet I still can't sleep.

Yurika: I think this has something to do with your need to find out what happened to your mom. Trust me, I don't know what it's like, but you should think of something else. Want me to put you to sleep?

Y/N: No thanks, ended up getting head ache the last time you did.

Yurika: How about a cuddle?

Y/N: It's...acceptable.

Yurika smiled and she stood up from the couch she was on and she made her way towards me. She then got on top of me and she laid her head against my chest. And I gently caressed her hair.

Y/N: I still remember when you were still a pure and sweet. Now? Youre very different from back then. But in a way, you're still the same Yurika I've known as a Ralts.

Yurika: *blushes* Come on, Master. Stop making me flustered.

Y/N: *chuckles* I only state what comes in my mind, Yuri. When it comes to these things I don't lie.

Yurika: Well...thank you, master.

Y/N: What did I say about calling me "Master"?

Yurika: Sorry...just...

Y/N: It's alright. It slips and it happens. Let

Yurika nodded and she let out an adorable sigh, earning a smile from me. I then looked up to the ceiling and I smiled one last time before falling asleep. Maybe she's right, I AM taking things too seriously, maybe that's why I can't sleep. But whatever mom wants me to fin out, I'll find it. But for now? I want some sleep. Tommorow will be a great day. New things, new friends, new Pokemon... possibly even new threats.

And Finished.

Okay, finally got this done and published. Sorry for the delay, was busy with some of schoolwork and activities. But hey, at least have this cute thang;

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.

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