Chapter 1: Welcome Trainers, to Unova

Additional Self Info;

Looks: (Whatever pleases you, actually. But for reference or you can't think of anything, here's what you look like.)

A Leather Jacket with a Hood

Usually you keep the jacket open so the polo can be seen underneath the jacket.

And Cargo Pants with Combat Boots.

That's all for now. Enjoy the story! :)

Dawn's POV

It has begun. Professor Rowan has given me his permission to finally leave Sinnoh and start a journey here in Unova. A journey of my own, along with two of my friends. Misty, who is a Gym Leader from Kanto who wanted to have an adventure, and May who loves to travel to far places and is the sole child of Professor Birch.

We met each other in Sinnoh, May was with her father who was invited by Professor Rowan for a joint operation. We then ran into Misty back when me and May challenged Gardenia along with Lucas and Barry. We took a Cruise Ship from Sinnoh to here, hoping for a brand new adventure, hoping to meet new friends, fight strong trainers and even reunite with long gone friends.

We stepped out of the ship and we looked at Castelia City, basking in the beautiful daylight. All of us stood beside each other, our Pokémon ready for anything. Up until May broke the moment with her excitement and she started running around the place. Misty laughed at May's initial reaction and I just facepalmed.

May: Oh my gosh-oh my gosh-oh my gosh! We're finally here! I've always wanted to come here!

Misty: You always have a lot of Regions you would love to go to, what are you talking about?

May: Yeah but Unova is just one of the first Regions I've dreamed of visiting when I was a kid! This just make me even more happy that I'm here with my besties!

Misty: You kinda ruined the moment for Dawn, actually.

Dawn: *pouts* No kidding.

May: Awww, come on, Dawn. Don't be like that. How about this, we walk around the place, yeah? Look for a place to eat cause I'm starving!

Misty: I could go for something to eat.

Dawn: Hold your horses, May. We gotta look for someone who knows the place.

I then looked around to ask someone where the nearest restaurant is. I saw a girl by the railings of the docks with her Pokémon, an Axew. The girl had purple hair, with brown skin tone, she and her Axew was eating a fruit, the Axew smiled and kept eating the fruit in it's hand.

Dawn: Uhmm, excuse me?

Iris: Hmm? Oh, hi! How can I help you?

Dawn: I was wondering, do you know a place where we could get some food? Me and my friends just ported and we're very tired and hungry.

Iris: Oh, take the third path, it'll lead you to a restaurant known for it's tasty dishes.

Dawn: Okay, thanks! Uhh...

Iris: Iris, nice to meet you, training to be a Dragon Master! This is my Pokémon, Axew!

Axew: Xew, axewew!

Dawn: It's nice to meet you too! My name's Dawn, Pokémon Trainer.

Misty: His there, Iris! Name's Misty! A Water Type Gym Leaders of Kanto.

May: And I'm May! Pokémon Trainer and an assistant of my dad, Professor Birch!

Iris: Wait a sec, do you guys happen to come from Sinnoh?

Dawn: Well, we took the ship from there, yes?

Iris: Dawn, right? Professor Rowan's assistant?

Dawn: Uhh, yeah? How do you know?

Iris: I was expecting you today! Professor Juniper told me to help you through Unova as soon as you arrive! Hold on, I'll call her.

She then scrambled to her bag and she started looking for something, until she stopped and she awkwardly smiled and rubbed the back of he these sheepishly.

Iris: Uhhh...Ehehehe. I forgot that only Rosa is the one I know who has her contact. Hehe...oops.

Axew: *shakes head disapprovingly* Xew axew.

May: How about you come with us then? I'm pretty sure there's still time later. Besides, we gotta wait for another person.

Iris: Another person?

Misty: May's dad said there's a person he knows, another trainer that could help us in this adventure of ours. Didn't say who he was, all he said is that he's a pretty widely known trainer.

Dawn: But didn't your dad entrusted the Hoenn Pokedex with you and Brendan?

May: Well...there was one trainer before us. He's...let's just say I haven't seen him ever since he left for Kanto when he turned 18...I mean he came back 2 years later, but I haven't seen him since. But you know what makes it even better? Or so my dad says?

Dawn: What?

May: Dad said when he came back to Hoenn, he already completed the Pokedex! All in Kanto, Jhoto and Hoenn!

Misty: *giggles* You're kidding right?

May: No, I'm not, Misty.

Dawn: Weird...I also have a friend who vanished after he said that he's going to fight the League in Sinnoh. He left like...a month or two ago and he also completed the Sinnoh Pokedex too!

Misty: What a coincidence, I got a friend who immediately left for Jhoto when he beat the Elite Four and the Champion of our Region. Said he wanted to explore Jhoto and even fight the League...even though Kanto and Jhoto League is the same,

Iris: Funny, cause I also have a mentor who suddenly stopped seeing me just a few weeks back...and he claims that he finished 4 Pokedexes.

Dawn: Wait a second...are we all talking about the same guy?!

Misty: I think we are...

May: Uhh...guys? Didn't Dad say that he's coming here by a ship?

Dawn: Uhh... yeah?

May: Cause I think he's on that ship.

Then all three of us turned around and at the distance, we can see a ship. May leaned in close and used her hands to cover her eyes from the Sun's rays so she could get a better look at the ship. She squinted her eyes and she saw the name of the ship, suddenly she said;

May: S.S. Tidal? Mr. Briney? What's he doing all the way out here?

Your POV

I can finally see Castelia City by the horizon, finally seeing some landmass after a day of sailing. I was standing at the front deck of the S.S. Tidal, feeling the wind smash against my face. I looked down to see a locker given to me by my mother when I was 10. I held it tight close to my heart.

Y/N: Whatever you were hiding better be worth the pain you gave Aurora.

Suddenly the ship came to a stop, and I heard footsteps coming from behind me. I looked behind me and I saw Mr. Briney, or Captain Briney at this point.

Y/N: Why'd we stop? Castelia's just over there.

Briney: This is as far as we can go, lad. Otherwise if the ship continues, it'll run out of fuel on the journey back to Hoenn, it's a miracle this thing even managed to reach this far, laddie.

I then turned back to Castelia City and I let out a sigh. I put the locket inside my backpack and I made sure that my Spas 12 was strapped in tight, and safety on of course. Same goes with the Deagle strapped to my side. I then turn to Captain Briney.

Y/N: Thank you, Mr. Briney. I can manage from here.

Briney: I suggest you stay put, youngster. I can call in to the Castelian Navy and lend us a speedboat.

Y/N: No need, Mr. Briney. I got my own ride.

Briney: Lad, as far as I know motorcycles don't run on water.

I just chuckles as I then walked to the lower deck of the ship, where the Cabins were. I proceeded downstairs to the lower deck and I walked towards one of the tarp covered items. I pulled away the tarp and it revealed Tartarus. I cut off the straps holding it down and I mounted up in the bike. I zipped up my jacket and I grabbed my helmet and I turned to Me. Briney.

Y/N: This has a hidden water ski in it, Mr. Briney, don't worry. Thank you, once again. I will see you later. Safe sailing!

I then put my helmet on and it's systems booted up and fully operational. I started up the engine of the bike and the engine roared beautifully. I revved up the engine and I shifted to first gear and I took off. The sailors had the ramp lowered and so I landed directly at the water. But before I sank with the bike, I pressed a button on the handlebar and the Water Skis showed themselves, I landed on the water with the bike and I started driving away.

Y/N: Goodbye, Mr. Briney! Have a safe trip back to Hoenn!

Briney: Worry about yourself, lad! You're driving on water!

I chuckled once again as I shifted to second gear and I started moving even faster at this point. The Helmet calculated the exact speed and time when I'll arrive at the docks of Castelia City. And so I revved the engine even more and the engine roared beautifully once again and kept driving towards the landmass in front of me know as Unova. Or in other case, my mother's Homeland.

May's POV

Suddenly I saw something came out of the ship. It was small...but fast. And it's coming towards us. Dawn pulled her binoculars out to see what it was. Irs was leaning against the railing trying to see who are what it is. Misty just stands beside me not saying a word. The object got close enough for me to process what it was...and I recognize that bike anywhere!

May: Y/N?!

Misty: So the son of a bitch just decided to show up, eh? After being gone for so long.

Misty says as I turn to her and she was emanating a dangerous aura and she was cracking her knuckles.

Dawn: Oh I know, Misty. We'll make him pay.

I turned to Dawn as well and she was also emanating a dangerous aura. You know...I easily forget that my friends can be scary.

May: Guys, don't be like that. Leave some beating for me too. I haven't seen him for two years and now he just shows up?

Misty: Two years? I haven't seen him in THREE years!

We then saw him get closer and closer to us, he looked to his side and saw a conveniently shaped boulder. The ships avoid this boulder at all cost but he just used it as a ramp. He drove on the boulder and launched himself to the air along with the bike. The bike went over us and time seemed to have slowed down and I saw the mechanisms and functions of the bike from underneath when the bike took away it's Water Skis.

He landed just a few feet in front of us and he managed to drift the bike to the side. Smoke appears when the tires made contact with the asphalt, even small sparks when managed to be made as well. He unzipped his jacket and left it open, and let out a sigh and he took his helmet off.

Your POV

I finally reached the docks in time. I unzipped my jacket and left it like that, took off my helmet after letting out a sigh. I looked around to see where I'm supposed to meet the trainers that Birch told me to aid in their own adventure. I then looked to my side and saw...oh shit. It's Misty.

I broke a cold sweat when I heard her shout;

Misty: Y/N L/N!

Misty power walked towards me and I just prepared for the worst that may happen to me. When she got close she reared back her hand and she delivered a hook to my face. I endured the pain and I snapped back towards her.

Misty: Three years I haven't seen you! Three years I haven't heard from you, you never said anything about leaving so soon, you even stopped texting me! What the heck?!

Y/N: Oh for fuck's sake, woman, stop.

Misty: No I won't stop!

She suddenly slammed her face into my chest and she wrapped her arms around me, and she started rambling on my chest.

Misty: I missed you, for crying out loud.

Y/N: *groan* Fuck it. The guilt's killing me, I'm sorry I left without saying anything. Happy now?

Misty: A little bit.

She broke the hug and I dismounted from the bike. I then saw three other girls walking towards me. That being my best friend May, and a friend of mine from Sinnoh, Dawn. Dawn ran towards me and she suddenly stopped right in front of me. Examining me, and I examined her. And she's wearing that coat again, damnit. That thing is short...too short.

Dawn: Where have you been for two months? Hmm?

Y/N: Back in my home, of course. Had to lay low after the "incident" happened at Mt. Coronet, remember? Twice, some shit happened in that place.

Dawn: could have at least said something, right?

Y/N: That's on me. I wanted to leave as soon as I can, I completely forgot about telling you. I apologize.

She then wrapped her arms around me for a tight hug, I hugged back and she planted her face on my chest. She kept talking while she had her face on my chest.

Dawn: I missed you.

Y/N: *sigh* I missed you too.

Dawn: You smell nice...

Y/N: Can't think of a conversation, can you?

She then looked up at me and she had a faint blush on her face, making me smile a bit. And then it suddenly hit me. What she was wearing. I flicked her in the forehead.

Dawn: Owww! What was that for?

Y/N: I told you to stop wearing that coat, Dawn. It's makes your ass stick out.

Dawn: My ass looks nice~

Y/N: Woman, it ain't a compliment. If you're gonna wear that, wear some pants or shorts that cover your rear end. Last time you wore that some asshole tried to jump and bait you.

She then broke the hug and she sheepishly smiled and she pulled down her coat, trying to cover her exposed bottom. I then walked towards May, the girl who's known me for at least my whole life. My best friend.

She crossed her arms, looked to the side and she pouted.

May: Where have you been for two years?

Y/N: Oh you know, busy living the dream, fighting trainers, winning in Leagues, completing Pokedexes, the usual.

May: You didn't even have a single dime to call me?!

Y/N: May, after what happened back in Sootopolis, people saw what I did back there, I had to lay low for a while...and you hate it when you're getting mobbed by people you don't even know, the outside of my house was stormed by a lot of people a day after Sootopolis. And don't tell me you didn't read the mail I sent you.

May: Uhh....what mail?

Y/N: *sigh* You didn't read it did you?

May: You know I only use PC's when I need to store Pokémon.

Y/N: That's not a damn reason for you to not check your inbox.

I rubbed my temples and I just chuckled and I looked at May again, she looked at me and she just walked closer towards me for a hug. I could never turn down a hug from her, she's my best friend. I pulled her by the arms and wrapped my arms around her. She hugged back even tighter and I winced in pain on how tight it was.

Y/N: Getting a bit tight there, May. Something wrong?

May: N-no. I just...I just missed you, that's all.

I then smiled and I broke the hug and she recomposed herself. I then turned my head to the side and saw...Iris. The Dragon Trainer I've been mentoring for at least a year now. Hell, I'm, not even a mentor actually, I just give some useful advices and tips and tricks when it comes to using Dragon Types.

Iris: Master! It's nice to finally see you again!

Y/N: One, don't call me "Master" out in public, makes me feel off. Two, I only come to see you once a month to train and test what you've learned and see if you actually took my advice. Three, it's nice to see you too Iris.

Iris: It's an honor, Sensei.

Y/N: Don't call me that either.

May: Wait a minute, you've been here before?

Y/N: Couple of times, yes. But never really left this City or went too far into it, me and Iris just meet up in the park and I evaluate the things she learned. This is the first time I'm staying here for a long time.

Dawn: You usually have a reason or two when you travel to another region. What's the reason for this?

Y/N: Four reasons, actually. One, I have to challenge Alder, to see how strong he really is, plus it's fun to fight the league too you know. Two, Juniper called me and asked me to fill in her Unovan Pokedex, she received the news about my completion of four Pokedexes, I swear she better pay me something for this. Three, Birch and Rowan asked me to stay with all of you, make sure that things don't spiral into Fucktown.

Misty: And?

Y/N: Hmm?

Misty: You said you had four reasons, what's the fourth one?

Y/N: It's...personal. Let's just say I finally found traces of what happened to mom.

May: Woah, really? It's been....what? 4 years since she left?

Y/N: 10...10 years after she left...she better have a good reason she had to do it.

Dawn: Uhmm....let' to Professor Juniper, yeah?

Y/N: *sigh* We should. Wouldn't want to keep a lady like her waiting. Iris, wanna come with us?

Iris: Uhh, no thanks, sir. I still have some self-training to do.

Y/N: Noted. I'll see you next month for your evaluation, Iris.

Iris: Sure. But...please go easy next time.

Y/N: Iris, if you wanna be strong, you gotta face me at my strongest.

Iris: *sigh* Okay. Welp, see you later, sir! Bye!

Axew: Xew axewyew!

Y/N: Farewell, Iris.

Then after that she ran into the city. Probably about to look for an apartment for her to stay in, Opelicud's far away. I then turned to the three girls in front of me and I looked into my Poketch. It's still a bit early but we gotta see Juniper as soon as possible.

Y/N: We gotta head to Nuvema Town right now, cause we'll start our journey tomorrow. I'll use my motorcycle to get there, so I suggest you rent a bike at least, all of you.

Misty: But we just got here! We don't have enough money to even buy an apartment!

Dawn: I have money, but it's just good for one person.

May: Me too, I swear, sometimes dad is such a cheapskate.

Y/N: *groan* Fine, I'll pay for it. My wallet hates me with passion. I gotta make a stop at the Pokémon Center first.

I groaned as I then walked into the city and I saw the Pokémon Center, I entered and I walked straight to the receptionist, right where Nurse Joy is.

Nurse Joy: Welcome to our Pokémon Center! We heal your Pokémon back to perfect health!

Y/N: *spamming "A" non-stop"

(I had to do it. And it was worth it! XD)


Take 2

Y/N: Hello, Nurse Joy.

Nurse Joy: Would you like me to heal your Pokemon back to perfect health?

Y/N (Mind): t exactly healing, more like giving them energy. They're tired for the past few days of travelling. (Normal) Yes, please.

Nurse Joy: Splendid! I'll take your Pokémon shortly.

I grabbed all six pokeballs in my pocket and I handed them to Nurse Joy. She then put the pokeballs in the machine that rejuvenates the Pokémon inside the pokeballs. And then I forgot that the new function of the Pokémon Centers is that it shows the Pokémon that's being healed at the screen behind Nurse Joy. The screen showed Jin, Yurika, and Colossus in the screen. But then...came the other three in my team. the names weren't displayed on the screen, it was only showing an image of three Pokémon.

Nurse Joy: That's...odd. This never happened before. Wait a second...

Y/N: No wait-

It was all too late. Nurse Joy went closer to the screen and she examined the screen. Upon closer inspections, she knew the outline of these three Pokémon, the color, their look, even if the name wasn't shown...the image was still there. She knew what was inside these pokeballs. She turned to me wide eyed.

Nurse Joy: Y-you're-

Y/N: Yes, it's me. Just...please don't say it.

She gulped as she then grabbed the pokeballs and she handed me back the pokeballs. I put my pokeballs back in my pocket and I recomposed myself. I turned to Nurse Joy with a stern look in my face.

Y/N: That never happened, you didn't see a thing, got it?

Nurse Joy: Don't worry, us Nurse Joys can keep a secret. It's just...I'm baffled that you have that Pokémon in your pocket.

Y/n: Yeah....

Nurse Joy: Well, your Pokémon has been restored back to their full health.

She then bows her head a bit.

Nurse Joy: We hope to see you again.

I then walked out of the Pokémon Center, leaving Joy to herself. Then, she spoke to herself.

Nurse Joy: The Legends are true...and I thought it was just a tale to scare me when I was small.

Timeskip; 1300 Hours
Change Scene; Accumula Town

All four of us arrived at the Town where Juniper told us to go to, it was quite a long ride, didn't see any trainers challenging us...yet. I dismounted from my bike the moment that I reached the Pokémon Center of that town. May, Misty and Dawn dismounted from their bikes and parked it at the front of the Pokémon Center.

Y/N: We're here. Is she inside the center?

Misty: How would we know?

Dawn: I think we should look.

I then walked into the Pokémon Center to see if Juniper was there. I entered through the door along with the other girls and suddenly as soon as I stepped foot into the Center, I saw a girl, in Trainer attire, she walked towards me and she put her hand right under her chin, her hand looking like a check.

???: Hmmm...are you Y/N L/N? From Hoenn?

Y/N: Uh, yes. That would be me, hello.

???: Oh thank God! I've been waiting here for an hour, asking people if they' My name's Rosa! Nice to meet you!

Y/N: It's nice to meet you, Rosa. These are my friends, May, Dawn and Misty.

May: Hi!

Dawn: Nice to meet you!

Misty: What's up?

Y/N: Do you happen to be the one who will lead us to Professor Juniper?

Rosa: You bet I am! Come on!

She pushed though all four of us and she started skipping happily to Nuvema Town, all four of us walked out of the center and I suddenly stopped near my bike.

Y/N: Hold u, I'm not leaving my bike here.

Misty: Well you can't put it in your pocket now, can you?

Y/N: Ha! Bitch you thought!

I grabbed a device from my bag and I pulled it out and showed it to Misty, she didn't know what it was or what it does.

I then held the device over my bike and suddenly a beam of light shot out of the device and it sucked the bike in. The bike kept shrinking and shrinking and until it was small enough, it went inside the device. I put the device back in my backpack again, and I made sure that the safety on my Spas 12 that happens to be strapped right next to the bag had it's safety on.

Y/N: I have a Portable Garage, Misty. I can pocket my bike if I wanted to.

Misty: Whatever, loser.

May: Sometimes I forget that you carry guns with you.

Y/N: Hey. This baby is liscensed...or so I thought it was.

Dawn: Wait what?

Y/N: Nothing. Let's just go. Rosa? Lead the way please.

Rosa happily nodded and she smiled brightly and she started skipping again as we followed her to Nuvema Town. We jumped off a few ledges, and walked for a few minutes up until we reached Nuvema Town. Rosa immediately led us to the Lab where Juniper is. She opened the door for us and we walked through, all five of us. Then we saw a lady in a science coat, researching about Pokémon, and that lady being Professor Juniper.

Juniper: Ah! You're finally here!

Y/N: Just like you asked, Professor.

Juniper: Ah, where are my manners. My name is Juniper! And Welcome Trainers, to Unova!

And Finished

Whoo. First chapter for this book and I'm already hyped to write even more. Just a little reminder; This book will have lemons nit, and all characters in this book are depicted to be 18+ and above. So please, if that ain't your cup of tea, or you're underaged, please skip the Lemon Chapters.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter!

Mcfly signing off


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