1-The stray

A/n: The Belladonnas have won. I repeat, the blacks have won.


[Location: Menagerie docks]

Your p.o.v.

(Y/n): 'Aaahh~ Menagerie. What a beautiful continent. Lush plants, lovely culture, and the people will probably lynch me if these damn fake dog ears fall off.'

I step off the boat once it lands and walk down the docks. As I make my way through the settlement, I pretend to scratch my ears just to make sure they are still firmly attached to my head. As I walk over to a food stand to get some grub, I think back to how I got here.

It has been four years since I've graduated from Beacon academy. Since then... not much has happened. After waiting to receive orders from old man Ozzy, I just decided to take some odd jobs until I get a call. Right now, I am helping some chick named Sienna with some information gathering. She doesn't know I am human, which is why I am wearing the dog ears as a disguise so she doesn't shank me in the shiv, if you know what I mean. This will be the first time for me to see her though.

Once I get my food and prepare to eat, I hear someone clearing their throat behind me.

???: "ahem"

Turning around I see a woman who I wouldn't mind shiving in the shank, if you know what I mean.

For some reason, she keeps looking me up and down. More specifically my lower half. I see a brief case in her hand.

???: Are you Sev?

(Y/n): Yes. 'My alias.'

Sienna: My name is Sienna Khan. Do you have what I need?

I reach into my pocket and pull out a flash drive.

(Y/n): Everything you need to know about the Schnee company, especially some things they don't want people to know. This should help you gain some influence in the White Fang. 'What? Lien is Lien. Plus, the Schnees are assholes.'

She reaches out for the drive only for me to pull it away.

(Y/n): Ah ah aahh!

Sienna squints her eyes at me and reaches the brief case out to me. I grab the case as she grabs the flash drive, she lets go of the case but I still hold onto the drive as she tries to pry it from my grasp. I lift and lower the brief case a few times before looking back at Sienna.

(Y/n):... Either I've been working out, or 20,000 Lien feels a lot lighter then I thought.

Sienna's ears fold to her head as a faint blush forms on her cheeks, glancing away and back at me every now and then.

Sienna: U-um. "Ahem" Yes, well... I could only get half the amount in time, so I was thinking of another way to pay you in full.

She takes a step close to me as I look upon her flushed face.

(Y/n):........ Oh, this deal is getting better all the time!

I let go of the flash drive as she stores it in her pocket. I follow Sienna down the street to where I assume she lives while I sling the brief case over my shoulder.

[Location: Kuo Kuana]

3rd p.o.v.

From a window of the Belladonna estate, a rope fashioned from bed sheets and clothes is thrown out by a small seven year old faunus boy with long black hair covering his eyes. He makes sure that it is fasten tightly to the bed and starts to slowly slide down the makeshift rope, being careful about his bruised arm. As he is a few feet from the ground, one of the knots come loose and makes him fall the rest of the way, landing on his back and knocking the wind out of him. He catches his breath and gets back on his feet, silently walking by the house. As he keeps walking, he sees a window with the blinds closed. The silhouette and laughter of his family are very distinguishable. As he is far enough from the house, he makes his way to the town to try and find actual food.

[Location: Sienna's house, an hour later]

Your p.o.v.

As I stumble out of Sienna's house with torn clothes and scratch marks, I lean against the door with the case in hand as I try to catch my breath.

(Y/n): Note to self, never underestimate the endurance of a faunus.

I reach for my fake ears to if they are still attached after all of that and make my way to the boat.

(Y/n): Still have a few hours left until it leaves. What to do to pass the time?

Suddenly the sound of something crashing can be heard behind me. I turn around and see an alley a few feet away.

(Y/n):... Dare I?... Yes.

As I walk over to the alley, the sound of rummaging and crinkling bags can be heard. Once I turn the corner, everything goes quiet. I see a trash can tipped to the side with it's contents spread on the ground, with a dumpster on the other side of it. No one is in sight.

(Y/n):........ Well, gee! It must have been my imagination! I guess I'll take my leave than.

I stomp on the ground a few times and lighten up a bit to make it sound like walking. After I stop I wait a few seconds before I see a black furry head with feline ears slowly pop out from behind the dumpster. The site of amber eyes can be seen through the hair as the child lets out a gasp after seeing that I am still here.

(Y/n): Gotcha.

The kid makes a run for it deeper into the alley as I just stand still. A second later I concentrate on my semblance.


I teleport infront of the child, he stumbles for a bit then falls on his butt.

(Y/n): Surprise! Now, you mind telling me where your....

I see the fear in his eyes as he stares at me. However, what I notice the most was the discoloration around one of his eyes. The hair is in the way though. I kneel down to his level, setting the brief case to the side, and reach a hand out to his head. The kid starts to shake as my hand gets closer.

(Y/n): Hey, hey. It's all right, I'm not going to hurt you.

With my most soothing voice I can pull off, I try to calm him down. He doesn't shake as much, but the scared expression on his face is still there. Once I move his hair out of the way, I see that one of his eyes is black and swollen. It feels like a block of ice fell in my stomach the moment I saw that. Looking over him, I see that he is favoring his left arm. I don't need to be a genius to know there is something wrong with it.

(Y/n):... Do you know who did this to you?


He remains quiet as a response.

(Y/n): Do you know where you live? Where your parents are? I can help bring you back-

???: No! Please don't take me back there!

His outburst makes me real back in surprise, pulling my hands up in the air. Tears start to form in his eyes.

(Y/n): Ok, ok. Well, we need to get you patched up. There's a hospital near by I can take you to, then we'll talk about what to do later.

I gently help him to his feet as I stand back up. I pick up the brief and lend my hand out to the kid.

(Y/n): My name is (y/n) (l/n). What's your name?

He looks at my hand for a few seconds before hesitantly reaching out to grab it, his small hand barely wrapping around three of my fingers.

???:.... Noir.

Once he has a hold of my hand, I lead him over to the hospital.

(Y/n): Well, Noir, let's get you an ice pack for that shiner of yours.

Noir: Don't you need to go to the hospital too?

Once he mentions that, I look down and see the condition I am in. Torn clothes, scratches, and some blood cover my body. At that moment I think back to Sienna digging her nails into my back, my hands on her plump rear as I hold her up while pumping my shaft in and out of her.

(Y/n):........... I was attacked by a beowolf. Matter of fact if anyone asks, we both were. Got it?

I look down to Noir and see him nodding in agreement.

(Y/n): Awesome.

As we continue to walk, Noir says something that catches me off guard.

Noir: Mister, why are you wearing fake ears?

(Y/n): Erm... To fit in with the crowd?

He seems to except that and remains quiet the rest of the way.

(Y/n): "sigh" 'The hell am I gonna do with this kid?'


A/n: Oh yeah, there might be sex scenes in this story.

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