#5 The new PA
I went through the photos Amit sent me from the get-together.
I realised that I have been in a different world that day because I registered the other people in the photos.
Most of them have changed over the last four years. Some even brought their partners to the together.
I was too preoccupied to notice any of them yesterday.
Preeti has messaged and asked me to meet her when I am free. I am a bit reluctant about it.
It's like everything I worked hard to keep to myself is going to get ruined just because of Aryan Kashyap's plan of revenge.
"How was the party?" I was startled to hear Nita's voice all of a sudden.
I was sitting on the bench in the nearest bus station, waiting for Lucky to come from school. Nita took a seat beside me.
Nita runs a cafe across the street and it's quite famous in the locality. The bus station is near her cafe and she is the one who picks up Lucky for me most of the days.
She turned to me. She looked really curious and I know what she wants to know.
"I didn't get a good look at the guy yesterday," she said. "But I could tell that he is really handsome," She smiled. "It was Lucky's father, right? Your husband-"
"No!" I said instantly. "It was not him," I added quickly.
Nita looked startled at my outburst and I felt guilty.
She was the only person who accepted me as I am when I was alone and needed help. She was the one who introduced me to my landlord and helped me to get a place here.
"That's Aryan. He is someone from my college, I owe him something and he was there to collect his debt," I said slowly.
"Is he interested in you?" Nita looked confused. "Why else would he come here to see you after all this time?" She asked me and I chuckled despite the situation.
"He is not interested in me," I said slowly. "But he will do anything to get what he wants..." I said.
"Then you should report him if he is bothering you," She said again.
Yea... it will be very funny to call the police on Aryan Kashyap...
"He will not hurt me physically," I said. "Ironically he has a strong sense of justice and ethics in his own way..." I said. "He will not harm anyone unless they caused him trouble," I said, trying to explain as Nita was looking more confused. "But once you offend him, he will not let go of that," I said.
"Even if it is friends?" She asked me.
"Especially in case of friends," I nodded.
"Then did you offend him?" She asked me.
"No..." I shook my head. "Lucky's dad offended him," I said slowly.
I don't know why I am telling her this. Maybe I want at least one person to know about my situation... or maybe I just want to get it off my chest at least for once.
"So he is taking revenge on you because of him!? That's cheap." she said.
"He is using me to get his revenge on Lucky's Dad," I said. "Because he thinks Jay still cares for me." I said slowly.
"Jay?" She asked in surprise. "That's his name? Does he still cares for you?" She asked me.
"It doesn't matter if he cares for me or not, Nita, because I am not going to look back," I said. "Jaydev is a closed chapter in my life."
Nita must've detected the anger and firmness in my voice because she chose to keep silent.
I hope Jay will never find his way here...
* * * * *
I looked at the girl in the executive style dress.
"You found me a girl bodyguard?" I raised my eyebrows at Uncle Ashok. "And you let her follow me all the way here to New York!"
Wow... they must be really desperate to keep someone following me 24/7.
"If you want to replace me, She's the only choice you have," He said.
I got up from the chair and walked to her.
"What's your name?" I asked as I walked around her, Looking up and down her body in a rude manner.
"Sheetal sir,"
"You don't look like a bodyguard material," I reached in front of her and looked into her eyes. "You look more like a spy," I said.
...and this time I got the response from her, a slight narrowing of the eyes.
"Tell me, How much did my father offer you to keep an eye on me?" I asked.
"I didn't meet your father personally sir," she said in a steady voice. "I was appointed by your HR department,"
"Oh really?" I raised my eyebrows.
"Aryan-" Uncle Ashok started, but I cut across him.
"This is better then," I turned to him. "Anyone's better than you,"
Any person is better than him, no one will be as loyal as him to my dad.
A freshly appointed female bodyguard plus PA is more "appropriate".
I am going to drive her out, she won't last even a week.
"Sheetal was the best candidate out of all the applicants-"
"She's my PA, That's all I need to know," I said. "You can go back to India and continue to work with my Dad," I looked at him. "I managed to renew the contract, he doesn't have anything else to worry about,"
He got the hint and looked at me.
"I just wanted to help you with the contract just in case you need something," Uncle Ashok said. "I had no other intentions," he said. "Now that you did a good job with the contract and your new PA is here, I will go back," he nodded and walked out of the room.
As soon as the door closed after him, I turned to the new object of my interest.
"Are you good?" I asked.
"Um?" she looked confused for a moment.
"Are you good at guarding people?" I asked again.
"I came first in the physical training," she said proudly.
"Good," I said as I moved in a flash and I registered as surprise flashed across her face.
Within seconds, I pinned her to the wall and clutched her hands behind her.
"You need to train more, " I said, "but then, you will have enough time when you get fired," I whispered in her ear "Or you could resign now, I can recommend you a good position-"
"I won't quit," She said between breathing hard, she was still facing the wall. "This is my first job and I will do it well,"
Next thing I know, She slipped out of my hands easily and I pushed her to the wall again, This time her front was facing me and we were close from the attack.
I looked down at her.
"I told you..." I whispered, "you are not a bodyguard material, You are proportioned well," I looked at her chest and said.
"I can sue you for sexual harassment for this," she retorted.
I was surprised for a second, nobody talks back to me in my company.
"Okay," I nodded slowly. "You can work as my PA, but the moment you join here, You are neither male nor female to me, so don't expect any special treatment because you are a girl," I let go of her and stepped back.
"I wouldn't," she said, "as long as you don't touch me,"
I smirked at that.
"Okay then," I turned back. "This is the basic rules," I walked to my chair and she followed me.
"Rule number one available all the time, Answer my call on the first time, Even if you are on the verge of death, do you get me?"
It also means that you won't have a personal life, you won't have time for dating or ladies things.
If she's clever enough, She will stop now.
"Okay, sir,"
I looked at her.
"Rule number two, do not let me have alcoholic drinks under any situation," I said and she looked up, surprised. "I am allergic to alcohol and even if I ingest a small amount, It can be life-threatening," I said.
It's not that I am allergic to alcohol, it's just that my condition tends to get out of control when I am under the influence.
"Okay, sir,"
"If we are in a situation where I am forced to drink, you should stop it, by all means, Whatever the way,"
"I got it." she nodded.
"Rule number three," I looked at her "Make sure that I don't have to go near any water bodies,"
"Be it a small stream or the pool, or even a small water tank, you should make sure that I am not anywhere near them...during work hours too,"
There was a pause where she stared at me.
"Why? Are you-"
"Which brings me to the fourth rule," I cut across her. "Do not ask me any questions," I said. "Do not speak your mind unless asked to or do not talk back to me,"
"Yes," she nodded quickly.
"Five," I looked at her. "Don't expect anything else from me, you are my PA and it will stay that way."
She looked taken aback at that.
"So keep everything strictly business between us, If I sleep with you, you are fired,"
"What the-"
"Same goes for the other way around, If you sleep with me, you are fired. So no matter what happens, take care of your job if you want to survive," I added.
She was looking at me incredulously.
She may not be aware of it, there have been situations where I was approached by the female staffs in the company.
"What? Is there something you want to say?" I raised my eyebrows, challenging her to talk back.
Annoyance glinted in her eyes for a moment before she masked it and smiled sweetly.
"Not at all, sir, I will keep these rules in my mind,"
I nodded my head, feeling satisfied at the way she accepted defeat.
"These are the basics, I will add if it seems necessary," I told her, "and if you don't keep to this basic rules, you are fired."
"I understand sir,"
"Welcome to Kashyap industries, Sheetal, You are hired," I said.
...and let's see how long you will last...
* * * * *
It was raining very badly and I got angry. It's been a bad day today, nothing is going according to my plan.
I came all the way to the outskirts of town just to find Anya, but I just failed to locate her.
This is supposed to be the place she is working at! I am told that she works here from 3 pm.
I looked at the time.
3:40 pm.
I walked back to my car and got inside.
I will come back after I get the full details from my sources.
I looked in the rear-view mirror and saw that the road is clear. I started to pull my car out of the parking lot.
My heart stopped. This is one of my favourite cars. My foul mood reached its peak and I stepped out of my car.
It was an old beat-up Alto that should be called trash instead of a car.
"Step out of the bloody car!" I am going to kill this bastard today.
The driver was not coming out so I reached around the driver's side and opened the door.
"What the-" I stilled.
It was not him, it was a 'her'.
A woman.
She was still knocked out; her face was down on the steering wheel and her straight black hair was covering her face.
I am sure she's not injured badly, it was a simple accident.
"Excuse me? Hello?" I knocked twice on the glass, but there was no response.
I really don't have time for this!
I pulled out my phone and started to dial.
Another car stopped beside me.
"Is she alright?" A guy stepped out.
"She is not!" A girl appeared beside him and then turned to me.
"Why are you standing there and not taking her to the hospital!?" she shouted before turning back to her friend.
People were starting to gather around.
I sighed.
It's the worst day ever in my life.
I noted the license plate.
"My lawyer will call you," I told them and the girl ignored me and started to shake her friend who was still knocked out.
I turned around to walk back.
"Ananya, oh god, Are you hurt? Open your eyes, Ananya..." she sounded worried.
I stopped in my track. My heart jumped at her name.
"Ananya...she...she's not opening her eyes, Rajeev, let's take her to the hospital!"
I turned back; the girl inside the car was now leaned against the seat, her face was still covered by her hair.
Rajeev guy was helping the other girl to take her out.
I walked back to her door and moved the guy out of my way.
"What do you think you are doing mister!" the girl looked at me angrily, but I just removed the hair from her face.
...and my world stopped.
The same person who has been torturing me all this time!
It's her!
"Anya?" I whispered.
"Get out of our way Mister, we are...hey! what are you doing?"
But I didn't wait to hear the rest; I unbuckled her seat belt and lifted her up in my hands.
She was still not conscious and I started to move to my car through the small crowd that surrounded the area.
"What are you doing-" the guy blocked me.
"Get out of the way, I am taking her to the hospital," I said deadly and he moved back.
I watched her face while I sat there in front of her. She was sleeping and I just waited near.
According to the Doctor, she is in shock and there's nothing wrong with her.
The guy Rajeev and the girl, whose name is Nita are also here in the room, whispering undertone and bickering. They introduced themselves as Anya's neighbours. I know they want to know about me, but I refused to budge.
"You can go back now, she is alright," The guy told me. I didn't reply nor did I move.
"I am going to report this, this is serious! they were stalking her," the girl said angrily.
"Calm down, Nita-" Rajeev started.
"I can't calm down! Someone tried to follow her, Rajeev! That's why she was driving like that," she said again, then turned to look at me.
"You can go back now," she said firmly, "I will stay with her today,"
"I can't go back," I said slowly, my eyes were still on her face.
My world was still in chaos, an internal war going on inside.
I sighed and got up. I know that she won't give me any peace if I don't shut her up now.
"Bugatti Veyron,"
"What?" she asked again, looking confused.
"That's my car she's hit with that crap, the headlight is broken and -"
"Ha! So you were waiting for the compensation! I knew it! How much is it!?" she said, taking out her purse.
Rajeev guy touched her hand.
"You can't pay me even if you sell that crap she was driving," I said. "And I intend to stay here until I get it, I need to speak to her," I said firmly.
"You can just leave your number, we will-"
"No," I said, "I am not going back."
"Really petty!" the girl exclaimed and I ignored it.
She was staring at me again and I walked to the window.
I never thought I would meet her like this!
I looked at her lying on the bed. The luxury clothes and makeup were gone and she was wearing a simple white top with her grey jeans. She was beautiful, but her face looked pale, she's skinnier and she looked tired.
"But why is she not waking up? The Doctor said she's okay," Rajeev guy was talking with the girl again.
"It was about time she would collapse! she is overworking too much, I told her to take care of her health but you know her," she said, "let her sleep till she's okay, I think she was having trouble sleeping,"
I opened my eyes slowly and looked around.
Where am I?
I looked around in panic.
"Are you awake? How are you?" I heard his voice and froze.
Sure enough, Jay's face came into my view and I stared at him blankly.
"Are you okay now?" Jay asked and I looked around.
Hospital!? What happened?
The last thing I remember is some guy stalking me, causing me to drive recklessly...
"Ananya! Are you OK?" I heard Nita and relief flooded me.
I am not alone with him.
Thank God...
"I am okay," I got up slowly and Jaydev moved forward to help me.
I shrank back.
"I am fine," I said and he stopped.
"Do you know him?" Nita asked doubtfully. "I think he looks familiar,"
I gave him a look.
"No," I said.
Jay slumped down to the chair beside my bed, his expression turned sour.
"So Anya, I don't understand why Aryan's fiancée would need to overwork herself until she's this tired," Jay said.
My heartbeat started to accelerate again.
What the hell am I going to do now!?
Nita and Rajeev looked at us in confusion.
"Is it that difficult to answer?" Jay raised his eyebrows.
"That's none of your business," I said.
I know that I have been caught; I know that he is not going to leave me now.
"Everything about you is my business, Anya," Jay said slowly, "I see that my number is blocked, that explains why I couldn't reach you," Jay said while pointing to my phone.
"Help me get out of here, Nita," I turned to a bewildered Nita.
She nodded slowly.
I was trying to step down when Jay took hold of my elbow. I tried to hold the shiver that went through me.
"Let me go," I said seriously.
"Sure," he nodded, letting me go, "just pay me the compensation," he added.
"Err...you...you hit his car earlier," Nita explained and I closed my eyes for a moment.
"How much is it?" I asked slowly.
"It's not much, I am sure it's nothing for Aryan's fiancée," he said and I got stuck.
I know what he's doing, he's demanding an answer from me.
"I don't want to bother him," I said, "you can just tell me-"
"It has insurance coverage, you can just get the maintenance done," Jay shrugged, "I will send you the bill, just give me your address," he said.
"You have my number,"
"I need to be sure, what if you disappear again; I need to take care of my car,"
"I won't-"
"Then give me your address,"
"Hey mister, what do you think you are doing? She clearly doesn't want to give you her address, why are you doing this!?" Nita interfered.
"Then pay me now, I dunno how much it will be, but give me a 50,000 to start with,"
"What!? 50,000 for maintenance work? Didn't you say its insurance covered?" Nita said incredulously.
"It is excluding the spare part replacement, with the replacement of the headlight, I am not sure how much more that will be," he looked at a speechless 'us', "What? Don't tell me that Aryan's fiancée worries about this cash!"
I turned to him.
"You have my number, Jaydev, I am not going to disappear," I said deadly.
Jay looked at me for a moment.
"You know that I can find you if I really want to," he said.
I know it too, but I want to delay it as long as I can, I can't even think about what's going to happen if he meets Lucky.
"It's only a matter of time before Jay knows..."
Aryan's warning rang in my mind.
I need to do something.
"Coffee House, downtown, building 3, I will be working there, you can come there," Nita said, coming to my rescue and I sighed a breath of relief.
Anya is hell-bound in avoiding me.
I watched as she and her friend walked away.
I wanted to follow her, I want to demand answers from her, but something in her eyes told me not to press it, she looked guarded and scared.
Of course, there's no wonder that she's guarded around me after what I have done to her, but I can't just leave her.
Her fake engagement ring is gone and there's no way that she's engaged to Aryan.
I waited until Anya and her friends drive away and I took out my phone.
"Yea, Vishnu, can you please run the information on someone?" I asked him.
It was past 10:30 as I reached home.
I have somehow managed to dodge Nita's questions. I know that she has realised who Jay is, luckily she didn't press it and I am really grateful for it.
I heard his squeal and smiled widely at my boy.
"Did you have your dinner, Lucky?"
"Mamma don't come home, Lucky worried," he pouted and I hugged him tightly.
"I am sorry, sweetheart, did you stay with Grandma fine?" I asked him.
Whenever both Nita and I are busy, I leave him with an elderly Grandma living just opposite to me.
Lucky giggled and I instantly know that he has done something...again.
"What did you do Lucky? did you make her angry?" I narrowed my eyes at him.
"He just used the wall as his canvas," I heard from behind and stood up straight.
It was Ankit, Grandma's only relative who visits her from time to time. He's a total flirt.
If I had known he's here, I wouldn't have allowed Lucky to stay there.
"Ananya, are you not coming in?" Grandma asked me.
"Thank you so much for taking care of him," I told her. "I need to go back now," I bid my goodbye and walked out of there quickly.
"Mamma..." Lucky looked at me, "why is Papa not coming to see Lucky?" he looked at me innocently and my heart pained at that.
Where did it come from? It's not usual for Lucky to ask this.
"He's busy, Lucky," I told him slowly. "And he's working very far away,"
"Then why did Uncle say that I don't have Papa?" he asked me again.
I gritted my teeth.
"He was simply joking with you..." I said.
I heard his sound and turned around.
Ankit walked to me. "Where's his Papa then?"
"Are you following me?"
"If his Papa is working far away, why won't he call his only son?"
I bend down to Lucky.
"Mamma will be coming now, can you wait for me at the doorstep?" I asked him and he nodded before running inside the gate.
I raised up and folded my hands across my chest and looked at Ankit.
"I told you to stay away from me and Lucky,"
"I was just curious too-"
"My family matters are none of your business,"
"Family matters? Are you really married?" he asked me bluntly.
"I don't have to prove to you anything,"
"Don't take it the wrong way, Ananya, I am merely trying to help, Lucky is cute, I like him, If you don't mind, I would really like to take care of you-"
"I will pretend that I didn't hear you," I said sternly, cutting across him. "Go back, Ankit, the only reason I am not reporting you is because of Grandma, don't make me do it,"
Mom engulfed me in a hug.
"Don't start crying, I am back for good this time," I wrapped her in my hands and looked around.
"Where's Granny?"
"She said she doesn't want to meet you," Mom let go of me and sniffed. "You left us for a long time,"
"You two visited me in London, Don't forget," I said and she smacked me on the head.
"You are in big trouble," she whispered. "Granny is not going to let go of you easily this time,"
"Let me take care of her," I whispered back and walked inside.
As expected, She was at her favorite place; the indoor garden. She likes to spend her time taking care of the plants and sometimes, reading something, like today.
"Granny," I wrapped my hands around her from behind, "how are you? You don't even want to greet me?"
She struggled out of my hands and continued to read her book.
"I am sorry, I didn't come here directly," I took away her book and sat opposite to her, "but I needed time."
"Time for what? Did you bring any London girl along with you?" she looked at me suspiciously.
So she's been doing her work well.
"The girl you are talking about is my good friend," I said. "Don't worry-"
"I am not worried anymore," she said. "I would be pleased to meet any girl you bring home," she said dramatically. "I deserve to hold my grandchild before I die," She started.
Here it comes...
"Um...I will go change and-"
"Jay, you are going to be 29 this year,"
"I arranged a welcome party for you this week, you better select one of the girls I invited here,"
I groaned.
It's not a welcome party, it's a trick to select the most eligible girl for me.
I hate this!
"I already have a girl," it just slipped before I could stop myself.
Granny looked at me, wide-eyed.
"No, she's not a foreigner," I said and she eased a bit. "She's a friend from the college," I started, I don't know why I am telling her this.
"That's good news!" She exclaimed, "when are you bringing her home?" she asked me.
I sighed.
"The thing is..." I hesitated "I...I did something terrible," I decided to just talk it off my chest. "And she hates me now,"
"What!?" Granny looked surprised, "the girl hates you!? It's impossible to hate my grandson! You are handsome and rich,"
"She's not like others, Granny, and I hurt her pretty badly,"
"You...you left India because of her?" Granny asked me, "I thought it was something else!"
"Partly," I confessed. "But there were other things too," I said.
"It's been a long time, Jay, She would be married by this time and has her own family-"
"I met her, Gran," I looked into her eyes, "it seems like she's still single," I said. "And her hatred only seems to increase, She doesn't even likes to talk to me."
"Then you better forget about her,"
"I thought I am over her, Gran, But the moment I saw her again, I knew that I am doomed, I wanted to get her back."
It was true. Even though I met her again as Aryan's girl, My heart and mind turned crazy, I wanted to keep her for myself.
"What did you do to her for her to hate you this much?" Gran asked me.
"I...I didn't cherish her well..."
I took her for granted. I thought she will always be there...
Hi guys,
Hope you have been well. Did you already forget the story line? I know it's been long.
I had other commitments and now I finally have some breathing space.
So I wanted to ask you guys this, should I continue the story slowly or should I complete the drafts before uploading it here? Do let me know...
The link to my Instagram page and the site "Dreame" is on my message board, don't forget to follow me. I will be sharing things related to my works there.
PS: Next chapter target: 100 votes😜
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