Chapter Nine

I tried not to shift too much in discomfort in the clothes I was wearing, but I much preferred my normal coat opposed to this. Hercules took it as a sign of nerves.

"What's wrong? Are you nervous?" he chirped from my shoulder. I couldn't quite get used to the fact that he was now a bird.

"Yeah, a little bit." It was a complete understatement. "And you?"

Hercules didn't answer.

How I longed to sit down at my piano and watch my worries drain away as the music would fill the air, protecting me from them. But instead, I tried to occupy myself by listening to the bird chatter. Nothing too important, and my scouts weren't seeing anything out of the ordinary, but still the nerves remained right where they were.

"What do you think is going to happen?"

"I don't know. I'm really hoping they'll cancel it or something."

"Why would they?"

"Look, I'm hoping. I'm aware it's not realistic. "

Hercules looked away and stared at the forest on the side of the path I was walking down. His claws dug into the skin of my shoulder, but I was used to things like that by now.

The crunch of my feet against the gravel was unnerving in the fading light of the evening. I stared straight ahead, trying to keep my head high and stride long. Posture is important, I heard my mother saying, and smiled to myself.

"What are you going to do after this?" I asked suddenly.

"After the war, you mean?" Pause. "I don't know. I've never really thought about that before. I guess I'll go back to Rishfta. Why?"

"I don't know. I was just thinking of Avionerra. What would you do when you got back to Rishfta?"

Hercules made a noise that I've learned is similar to a laugh. "I really don't know. Maybe I'll stay here for a while. Periterra is nice, actually. I could start a life and a family here."

I had to force myself not to add the names of anyone in particular to this discussion.

"What about you? Where will you go?"

I had always put so much thought into my future before, but now I had to laugh at the irony of knowing that there was no future for me. It was bitter and stung like needles, but it was, in its own respect, kind of funny.

Still, I answered. "Anywhere but here."

"Really? Why?"

"I don't know. I don't like it here. I don't want to stay. I don't want to be a lord. I would never be a good leader."

"Well, where would you go?"

"Who knows? There's a whole multiverse out there. Thousands upon thousands of different and unique worlds waiting at our fingertips, and we don't know anything about them. Think about the advancements we could make, the magic we could find, the worlds we could see. It feels wrong knowing that there's so much out there and not journeying out to find it. I'd like to see as much as I can see and learn as much as I can learn."

"I never thought about it like that."

I listened to the birds for a while, trying to pick up anything that seemed out of the ordinary.

"What are you doing?" Hercules asked after a while.


"Wait. What did Alexander call it? Singing?"

Heat rushed to my face. "What are you talking about? I—"

"I heard you. No need to deny it. I'm not here to judge. How does it go?"

"It's not important."

"Is it from Wicked?"

"No it's from the Jung—wait you know about Wicked?!"

"Yeah. Alexander introduced it to us, but if it isn't from Wicked, then what is it from?"

"Well, Wicked isn't the only thing on Earth that has music. And I was singing... Bare Necessities from... uh, the Jungle Book."

"How does that go?"

"It's stupid."


I gave in and sang it for him, uncomfortably aware of how stupid I sounded while doing so. But when I was done, he chirped happily.

"That was interesting."

"Thanks," I returned flatly.

Silence fell again, and this time I was consciously trying to keep my mind from wondering otherwise he'd hear me again and I'd make a fool of myself again and all that mess.



"I don't mean to pry or ask a personal question or be annoying, and you don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but do you ever regret lying to Lafayette?"

He shuffled his wings and sighed, his head lowering. It was a long time before he finally responded, and in the silence that followed, I realized that whatever he said, there was no going back from this.

"No. Look, I did what I had to in order to keep the Revolution alive. I don't regret that. I made my choice, and I made my sacrifice."

His statement was a profound deep I wasn't expecting, so it caught me completely off guard.

"That isn't to say I don't miss him, however. Because I do. Every day. And I want to be with him again. But he made his choice, and I made mine. And what's done is done."

His confession was earnest, genuine.

"If you could go back in time and change it...?"

"I'd do it again."

Something that was building inside of me broke, but for once I didn't hide from it. Instead, I let my fingers curl into fists and raised my head.

Hercules was right.

When all is set, and Fate's cruel card game was finally over, Alexander would make his choice. And I would make mine.

And then we'll have to see where it gets us.

"Anyway," Hercules said, not sensing the change he stirred inside of me. "Are we almost there yet? I'm going to die."

"Don't die. I heard it's bad for your health. Also, I want to die first. Don't take that away from me."

He chirped in amusement, which was the bird equivalent of a chuckle.

We continued on for a while more until the shining ivory castle sitting on the majestic clifftop came into view. I never before viewed it with as much dread as I do now.

"There it is," said Hercules, more saying it to prepare himself for what was to come than to point it out to me.


"You have the invitation, right?"

I nodded, reaching into a pocket inside of my coat and pulling out the scroll.

I climbed up the staircase leading to the cliff, Hercules jittering unconsciously on my shoulder. I counted the steps I took as I did so, hoping to keep myself from panicking right before we arrived.

The guards saw me and perked with a thinly veiled interest. Their swords were in the air in seconds, both pointed at me and him. Then, the one on the left spoke.

"So you did come."

They were expecting me. Was that good or bad?

The formality that had been beaten into me since day one took over. I folded my wings and dropped my head, the Avion sign of a respect. "I did."

"I believe the King advised you to come alone," said the other, his sword indicating to my shoulder.

"I apologize. They never seem to leave me alone. May I enter?"

The guards exchanged a tentative glance, but they lowered their swords and stepped aside. Keeping my back straight and eyes set dead ahead, I pushed past them, hoping I gave the illusion of total nonchalance.

I passed through the front entry and into the courtyard. Somewhere in the distance began a sudden and hopeful cry from the garden as I stepped foot on the path. It was almost like they could sense my presence.

"We're in," I murmured to Hercules, trying to stay as quite as possible.

I glanced to my left and tried not to shudder at the sight of the maze.

More guards were stationed throughout the path, and they seemed just as unsettled at my appearance as I was at theirs. I walked past them regardless, refusing to meet their eyes.

I don't have to, I kept reminding myself. The first step to ruling is to show you are in control.

Hercules stiffened as the great glass door to the castle loomed ahead. Though fully open, it looked the opposite of inviting.

"We're gonna be fine," I said, though I didn't quite believe so myself. Without hesitation, I stepped onto the tile floors of the castle entryway, feeling a familiar sense of dread and displacement wash over me.

I heard music playing in another room. It wasn't Earth music. It was solemn, serious. There was hardly any difference in rhythm, any change in tone. Where the music was intended to put those in attendance at ease and let them enjoy themselves, it only put me on edge.

Nevertheless, I followed the source of music and slipped into the room quietly, clinging to the walls as I surveyed the room.

I recognized almost everybody, and could place names to each face. Some were the king's most trusted generals, and I even saw one or two lords and ladies of regions that openly opposed the rebellion. In addition, there were quite a few of the traitors and the spies from Washington's other regiments that he ousted and revealed to us.

I stared at the ballroom next. He really hasn't changed when it comes to sparing expenses, huh? And yet, despite the decorations and remodeling, it still resembled the same ballroom where we had met, danced, and soon found out we were betrothed.

Though they longed to spread and take me far away from here, I kept my wings folded and watched with quiet interest.

"Somebody's coming," warned Hercules suddenly, his single chirp breaking into the song. "To our right. It looks like it might be Howe."

I didn't turn my head, but I glanced out of the corner of my eye, only to find that Hercules was, unfortunately correct.

It was indeed Howe, and his hand was resting on the handle of the sword hanging at his side.

"Great," I muttered, drawing my hands behind my back and locking my jaw as I waited.

If Hercules hadn't have noticed, I would have been caught completely off guard when his sword was suddenly underneath my chin. But fortunately for me, I was prepared. I calmly looked up and met his eye.

"Good evening."

"I should kill you right now."

"And risk staining the walls? That'll certainly find you inside a holding cell."

"What are you doing here?"

"I was invited," I replied calmly, which was the complete opposite of the panic that was beginning to take hold. I kept my face neutral and bored, hands behind my back. "Now if you'd be kind enough as to—"

"You're a traitor to the crown."

"Look, I would like to enjoy myself tonight—"

"Have you come back to beg forgiveness? Because you won't find any pity here."

"Please. I'm not looking for anything from you incompetent baboons." I couldn't resist the jab, and although it did nothing to help my situation, the look of pure and utter anger was nothing short of satisfying.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now."

"Because then you can't make an example of me later in front of millions of people. I thought your whole thing was the drawing and quartering?"

He pressed the sword against my skin, and I forced myself to not recoil at the burning sensation that erupted at the touch of the steel.

"Howe, what in the name of Divinity's wide worlds are you doing?"

I glanced up, unable to contain the significant amounts of displeasure that filled me at the sound of his stupid voice.

Howe looked momentarily relieved. "Thank Divinity you're here, sir. I found this traitor—"

The king folded his hands neatly behind his back. "Thank you Howe. I invited him, and I specifically told him no harm was to come to him while here. You are excused."

The brainless cow didn't leave as he was supposed to. His expression deflated completely as he continued with, "but, sir. This man is a known rebel and—"

"I said you may leave. I'd suggest you be going now before I remove you from my staff in front of everyone here."

"How embarrassing would that be," I joined in, unable to stop myself.

Howe looked far from pleased, but he knew better than to argue.

When we were alone, the king turned to me. "So, did I save the day just in time or what?"

"What do you want?"

He frowned, but it didn't match the amusement in his steady gaze. "That's it? No 'It's good to see you again'? Or 'I missed you'? Or even a damn 'hello'?"

It took everything I had not to lash out at him. The word of the night was 'self-control'.

He sighed rather dramatically and turned his attention to my shoulder. He smiled again, and said, "hello Hercules. How are you?"

Hercules, taken completely by surprise, unconvincingly said, "chirp." 

Laughing, the king snapped his fingers and suddenly normal formed Hercules was sitting on my shoulder.


"I believe I asked you to come alone."

"And if you think I trust you enough to do that, you're insane."

"How am I supposed to talk to you alone with him?" He looked up at Hercules, who was still sitting on my shoulder. "No offense."

"Shut the fuck up," was all he managed to get in response before he was suddenly gone, and with him was the comforting touch of the knife I kept tucked underneath my shoulder.

"What did you do to him?!" I demanded.

"Relax, Thomas. He's back at your little base. I wouldn't worry too much." He looked behind him. "Would you like to sit down or...?"

Seeing no other sensible option, I followed him to a set of nearby chairs. Despite the panic building in me, I picked out a familiar face amongst the crowd, leaning against the wall.

I guess it made sense for Maria to be here, but it still startled me. She caught my eye and shrugged, a ghost of a smile lingering on her face.

"Why am I here and when can I leave?" I asked as we reached a table and sat down reluctantly. I didn't fall to the chair until he did first, carefully watching every move he made.

And he enjoyed it too.

"Because I enjoy your company?"

Call it a hunch, but something told me that wasn't the case.

"Howe didn't hurt you, did he?"

"I can take care of myself, surprisingly enough. You said you wanted to talk, correct? Well, what did you want to talk about?"

He somehow laughed. "You haven't changed. All business. Well, I have to talk to you about the whole poison and Tenebrie thing, but we'll get to that later."

My blood ran cold. So he did know.

"First, we're here to enjoy ourselves."

I didn't know how he expected me to do that, but he was serious.

He moved his seat closer to me; I moved mine further away.

We sat in silence after that as I surveyed the large room, waiting for something to happen or for someone to make a wrong move.

"This whole war is stupid. I hate fighting against you."

"Well, if you weren't such an awful king dead set on taking away the rights of my people, we wouldn't have a problem."

He grinned. "You really don't think I'm awful. Do you?"

Shockingly, I found it hard to keep my smile down. I had to avert my gaze.

"You don't," he accused, leaning his face on his hand and watching me with undisguised interest.

"Go fuck yourself."

"Divinity, I missed you."

I rolled my eyes. "Can we just get this over with? I want to go home."

"You don't trust me."

"Why would I?"

He considered this for a moment before shrugging. "Fair enough." He held his hand out to me. "Would you like to dance?"

"What?! Why would I—"

"Oh come on, Thomas. It's not like you have anything better to do, and it's kind of the reason you're here. Dance with me. Just one song. Then we can talk. I promise you."

I sighed, and whether it was a mistake or not, accepted his hand.

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