Chapter 7
Third Person
Jason had just meet up with one of his dealers and started walking back to the place he calls home when a red and gold robot landed in front of him.
"What the fuck," Jason said, as the suit opened up to reveal the one and only Tony Stark.
"We really need to have a talk about yours and your brothers language," Tony said as he stepped out of the armor, making sure to glare at the younger boy.
"Still doesn't change the question," Jason told him nonchalantly as Tony intensified his glare on the boy.
"What are you doing? On the streets of Gotham no less," Tony asked him as he took a step closer towards Jason. Jason could tell that he was mad, but he honestly wasn't that scared. After dying it's really hard to scare him, unless your Alfred. Then you scare him.
"It looked to be a nice night so I thought I'd take a stroll," Jason told him sarcastically, knowing that Tony was getting fed up with him.
"I talked to Dick," Tony started, but didn't get to finish as Jason interrupted him.
"Oh please tell me what the pure and perfect Dick Grayson had to say about little ol me," Jason said getting mad.
"You should treat your brother with more respect."
"Why! Because he's everyone's favorite and I should be more like him! News flash I'm not Dick," Jason yelled at him, getting closer to Tony.
"No, because he was drunk and had a break down in his room that I had to make sure he was okay. In all honesty, I wouldn't be out here talking to you, but he mentioned that you were out here so I have to be the adult and take care of you," Tony told him coldly.
"So because Goldie told you, you did. Are you as wrapped around his finger as Bruce was," Jason snarled at him angrily.
"I'm here because he told me that your dumb ass is out here trying to get as high as can be and you know what? I didn't have to come out here looking for you. I could of went to sleep and pretend that you were in your bed sleeping away in peaceful dream land, but I choose to come out here and search Gotham top to bottom to find you and make sure you're okay. You know why? Because I care for you," Tony told him as he walked towards Jason backing him into a wall.
"HOW CAN YOU CARE FOR ME! YOU JUST MET ME!" Jason yelled as he fell to the ground with his hands on his hands, fully breaking down. He was crying with his face in his knees and his arms around his knees
"Jason sometimes all it take is for someone to care for someone is just two nights over. You're in my care and sure I didn't want to take care of four extra boys at first, thought that I couldn't do it, but you, Dick, Tim, and Damian. You all found a place with us. We've known you for a total of three days, but we all already care for you. We're the adults and you need to be able to relay on us," Tony told him he bent down to see Jason's red face as Jason looked up at him.
Tony's Pov
"What did you see when you walked into Dick's room," Jason asked me so softy that it surprised me.
"An empty broken liquor bottle, a broken picture frame with the picture out of it, and Dick was, well sort of in the same position your in now," I told him truthfully.
"But he was okay. Like that was it," he asked me as if searching for a certain answer that made me wonder more about these boys.
"That was it," I told him. He dried his face with the sleeve of his jacket and looked at me, "Can we go home," he asked me.
"Yeah buddy," I told him as I helped him up. As we walked towards the suit I stopped him, "But first give me whatever drug you bought," I told him as I held out my hand. He looked shock.
"I don't have anything," he told me and I glared at him. That would help if I didn't see him buying it, I just choose not to show up until after he walked away from the dealer.
"I know your lying. I don't know what you bought, but I know you bought something. Hand it over," I told him again.
"And I told you I don't have anything," he told me again. I was already getting tired of this. Is this what Bruce had to put up with. No Tony. You can't think like that. This boy just lost his father and needs you.
"Hand it over and you don't get in trouble at all," I told him with a calm voice.
"And what could you do to me. Take away my phone, stop me from seeing my friends, try and stop Roy yourself. You'd be doing me a favor," Jason said with a laugh. The kid was right. I don't know enough about him to know how to punish him, I can always ask Alfred later, but it would help to know now.
"If I search you, your telling me that I won't find anything," I asked him.
"Go ahead," he told me leaning against a wall as he put his hands again it, like how a police officer would tell you to get so they could pat you down. The kid looked to comfortable being in that position, must not be his first time getting searched.
Okay tommorw I have to get to know these kids better.
I patted him down. Well I didn't find what I was looking for. I know the kid had drugs on him somewhere, but I don't know if this was better or worse. Instead of drugs I found a hand gun.
"What were you going to do with this," I asked him in a scary calm voice.
"It's Gotham. You don't walk around unarmed, especially at night," he told me with a smirk.
"You think this is funny," I asked him.
"You have no idea what I find funny, but if your wondering it's filled with blanks, you can blame Dickhead for that one," he told me as I checked the gun. He was right it was blanks, still does not explain why or how a 15 year old kid has a gun.
"Based on your face you hate guns as much as the old man did," he said. I was getting tired and I could tell that he knew that. This kid was getting under my skin and laughing at me. To make matter worse he knew what he was doing.
"Since we didn't find what you were looking for can we go home now," he asked me as he walked past me toward the suit.
"Your not carrying me in your arms, I have bad experiences with that," He told me as I got in the suit, "I'll get on the back." He climbed and we left back to the mansion.
Third Person
Once back at the Mansion Tony went to sleep, as did Jason, but only Jason noticed the two youngest bats missing as they went on patrol, but Jason was okay with that, it was a quiet night after all.
A/N So Jason's half of the breakdown didn't go as well as I wanted it to. I wish that I could of somehow put more feeling into it, but a part of me is happy with how it turned out. I have one more chapter prewritten and ready to come out before the story starts to slow down a bit as I get more chapters written up for it.
If you have any questions or anything like that then please comment. I would really like to know what you guys think about this story so far.
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