Chapter 13
Dick was up before Alfred called for Breakfast at eight, going over his talk with Damian in his head over and over again. Something about it didn't sit right with him, but he would talk to Damian like a civilized person after breakfast, first, he was going to let both of them get some food in them.
Once Dick was downstairs he waited and soon everyone was seated, everyone but one person.
"Is Dami still asleep in his room?" Dick asked the table.
"I called for everyone Master Dick, but I never saw Master Damian come out," Alfred answered.
"I'll go check on him," Tony said but Dick stopped him.
"No, I'll go. He's my little brother after all," Dick said and Tony's face seemed to soften.
"How about we go together as I am the boy's guardian," Tony said and Dick knew he wasn't going to win this argument.
"Dami!" Dick yelled as he knocked on the door. "You in there?!"
. . . silence.
"Damian if you don't answer I'm going to come in if you want me to or not!" Dick yelled again.
. . .Silence again.
"Alright, I'm coming in with Tony!" Dick yelled again as he opened the door and to both of their shock the room was empty.
Tony was about to flip out but it was at that moment that Dick's phone rang and normally he wouldn't answer it, but it was Clark calling, and knowing Damian who was friends with Jon Dick's logical mind told him to answer the phone.
"Hey, Uncle Clark!" Dick said happily, trying to not sound so stressed.
"Are you missing a brother perhaps?" he asked over the phone.
"Yeah! Let me guess he's with you?" Dick asked happily.
"More like he's with Jon. I heard the two talking at around four in the morning. I'm on my way with him and Jon now," Clark said and Dick let out a sigh of relief.
"I'll let Alfred know that your joining us for Breakfast," Dick said through the phone and hung up before Clark could say no.
"Good news I found Damian!" Dick told Tony happily.
"Where is he," Tony questioned as he followed Dick back towards the dining room.
"He's with our Uncle Clark. Damian and his son Jon are good friends so Damian must've snuck out last night to hang out with them," Dick told Tony as the two went back downstairs to join the avengers for their last day at the mansion.
"Did you guys find the demon?" Jason asked as he saw the two enter the room.
"Yeah he's with Uncle Clark," Dick told him as Jason almost spit out his drink.
"The kid snuck out?" he questioned.
"It's not the first time he snuck out," Dick said with a shrug remembering when Damian first moved in and became robin.
"Still to go all the way to Clark's house. He must be really mad at you," Tim said passively, as the avengers were confused as to what was going on.
Unbeknownst to the bats, Tony decided to put on a pair of sunglasses with a small barely noticeable earpiece in his ear so Friday could give him all the info he needed on the 'uncle Clark'
"It was as the doorbell rang that Dick practically ran towards the door to see his brother, but was stopped by Tony.
"Dick we've had this talk. I'm the adult and the guardian. You need to trust me to be able to help you," Tony said as he held Dick back to be the one to open the door.
Tony was not expecting a man dressed as if he's in the fifties with such broad shoulders to enter the door.
"Friday analysis," Tony ordered.
"Clark Kent. Around 35 years of age. Works for the Daily planet as a reported. Most known articles are about the famous metropolis superhero Superman along with articles about Bruce Wayne and his sons," Friday answered.
"Are you Clark Kent?" Tony asked the man.
"Yes sir and you must be Tony Stark," Clark answered as he held his hand out to shake and Tony accepted.
"I was good friends with Bruce before he passed. In fact, the boys see me as an uncle I was around so much," Clark said and as Tony looked around he noticed Damian and another boy around his age in the yard playing.
"Why did Bruce let you get so close? You're a reporter. A Vulture." Tony questioned as Dick looked offended.
"Tony! Clark is not like the others! He's a good reporter," Dick said as Clark held a hand to stop him.
"Dick Tony is right. I am a reporter or a vulture, but I was one of the few that Bruce let get close to him. You are aware that your brother had trust issues correct?" Clark asked.
"I knew but I think I'm starting to see how truly deep it went," Tony said with mysterious undertones. "I'm sorry where do you live Clark? I forgot to ask, but if Damian is friends with your son I would like to know where he sneaks off to," Tony asked, using his genius brain to figure out his new sons and dead brother.
"Oh! Well, I live out in Metropolis with my wife and our son. Jon come over here I want you to meet someone," Clark yelled out as his son came running, a small boy with black hair. Who looked very similar to the man before him.
"Hi, their Mr. Stark! My name is Jonathon but you can call me Jon," the boy said, but then he looked at his father, "Can I go back now I haven't found Damian yet?" Jon asked.
"Yeah go have fun before we leave," Clark told him.
"So how did Damian get from Gotham to Metropolis in the span of one night?" Tony asked.
"Well we were in town for a few days after all even though Bruce was my best friend I still had to cover his story, a contract I signed with Wayne Tech a long time ago that I would be the only reported to write about Bruce and his family from the Daily Planet, sadly that includes his death," Clark lied as he was sure that the boys didn't tell this man anything about their nightly activities. "Well, I have to get going now. It was nice to meet you Tony here's my number if you ever need anything?" Clark said happily as he called for Jon and the two left.
It was after Tony closed the door and turned around that he noticed Natasha and Clint were behind him.
"What do you two want?" Tony asked, not forgetting that they want to prove a point.
"Did you notice anything weird about Clark Kent?" Natasha answered.
"Besides the fact that he had huge shoulders, no not really," Tony answered.
"How about there was no car in the driveway?" Clint asked.
"Maybe he doesn't have one," Tony answered as he tried to walk back to the dining room.
"Are you trying to tell us that Kent and his son walked here from the city of Gotham just to drop off Damian?" Natasha asked.
"Well how else can you explain him getting here," Tony told them, he really didn't want to have this fight right now.
"Tony think about it!" Clint practically yelled at him. "We are in the outskirts of Gotham. The man would have to be a mutant or have some sort of power to walk here with not only himself but two kids as well and then to walk back in the same day. That's not a normal amount to walk for a human being," Clint explained.
"You two are just searching for answers to questions that don't exist," Tony told them as he walked away, but not before hearing Natasha's final words on the matter.
"And you're denying the truth about your brother and what he did to those kids."
"What were you thinking sneaking out like that! I saw your empty bed and I thought the worse," Dick said as he was ranting to Damian in Bruce's office, the other two boys there as well, mostly to see what was going to happen.
"-tch- I wasn't trusted so I had nothing to lose," Damian said spitefully.
"Trust! This is about trust! Damian of course I trust you! I just worry about you! I worry about Tim! I worry about Jason! God, I worry about all of you so damn much! Trust isn't an issue with me! I trust all of you with my damn life! Damn it Bruce trusted all of you with his life!" Dick said.
"Well look where that got father!" Damian said back, and it truly caused the three other boys to catch their breaths.
"Damian that was uncalled for," Jason said.
"It's true, isn't it! Father trusted all of us with his life and it landed him in a grave! Now, look at where we are! Hiding in our own home with a new man as our so-called father! I don't like it! Then you want to take Robin away from me! The only way of life I've ever known" Damian yelled and it made Dick's face soften, no longer angry.
"Of course I was so stupid! Dick yelled to himself as he grabbed Damian and gave him a hug.
"I wasn't as worried about you because you always act older than you are when in fact you are the youngest out of all of us. This is the second time you get pulled from your normal way of doing things for a different way," Dick said as he let go to look Damian in his eyes.
"Damian I never said you had to fully stop what you were doing. You can still be Robin. I have a plan to prove to Tony that you are good enough to be Robin when he finds out. You might be benched for a week as I prove it to him, but I promise nothing can take Robin from you. I will bring in fucking Deathstroke if I have to," Dick said and that really made the three boys look at their oldest brother in shock, but the one in most shock was Jason.
"Dick are you sure about that last part?" Jason asked.
"I am," Dick said, but Jason could see the fear in his voice.
"Jason we have to do everything we can to make sure that Tony lets us fight the villains of Gotham," Dick said and this time Jason saw the determination.
"Alright, anything it takes," Jason agreed as the other two boys joined in.
"So the avengers are leaving?" Peter asked Tony as he saw them gathering all of their things together.
"Not only the Avengers, but you as well," Tony answered for him.
"Finally! Wait! Are those four coming with us?" Peter asked.
"You are going back with them to finish school. I'm going to stay with them for a few more days as this is their home and Pepper is going to watch over you," Tony answered.
"What! You're staying!" Peter said shocked.
"It's only going to be for another week then I'll be back and we can have that day trip around New York as I promised," Tony told him.
"But it's like I never get to see you anymore," Peter said and while it did make Tony laugh to see Peter acting like a kid it made his heart hurt seeing how sad Peter was.
"Listen I know it's hard to suddenly have to share me with four other boys but you will get used to this eventually I promise," Tony said.
"You got the other four out of school for the rest of the year can't you do the same to me? We both know I get bored in those classes anyway," Peter asked.
"But you didn't have me die on you," Tony told him, but Peter suddenly turned towards him with wide eyes that had growing tears in them.
"Alright! Fine! I'll let you stay for another week if Pepper says it's okay and can make sure you're not excused for school. I want all of your attendance for these two weeks to be counted as present. The excuse is you're learning in the field," Tony told him as he texted Pepper only for her to say she can get it done but Peter has to make up all his homework on his first two days back.
"Alright, you're set," Tony told him as Peter had a big goofy grin on his face.
"Does this mean we can watch Disney movies tonight!" Peter asked excitedly.
"I thought you were going to say Star Wars?" Tony noticed.
"We watched Star Wars last time. We have to have some good Disney classics," Peter said happily.
"Alright Pete Disney marathon it is, but you have to invite the other," Tony told him and although Peter's smile no longer reached his eyes it was still there and Tony was happy about that.
As Peter left to find the other boys to ask to join Tony had to think of a plan to get all of them to get along better.
"This parenting thing just keeps getting harder and harder," Tony said to himself.
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