Chapter 12

It was after their trip into Gotham when they got back later into the night. It was just a question that Tim had asked him in passing, "Have you figured out when we're going back to school yet?"

Tony was delighted to have an answer for him as he's been working on this in all his free time he possibly could. "I'm gonna be sending Peter back to New York in two days for him to finish off the school year with Pepper watching over him. For you four I've already talked to the principal and explained to him the complicated situation we're in and he agreed on a compromise. You four don't have to go to school for the rest of the year since the end of the year is here, but you will have to show up for the end of the year exams. Once the exams end I'll be bringing all of you back to New York with me while we get you all ready for school next year and you can all spend summer back at the tower," Tony explained as he looked at Tim for his reaction, Natasha's voice in the back of his head.

Tim was passive at first, but at the sound of leaving Gotham, his eyes widened in worry just slightly, until it disappeared as if it was never there and he was passive again.

"I'll let the others know. What about the Avengers? Are they all staying until finals as well or are they going back to New York?" Tim asked, wanting to get Natasha and Clint out of the manor as fast as possible is a big goal for all of the bats.

"Yeah, their vacation time is soon gonna be over. Bruce wants to get back to his lab, Thor is gonna be heading back to whatever world he comes from. As for everyone else, Fury has been breathing down their backs.

Instead of announcing his true feelings to Tony he faked a sad look and said how he was sad to see them gone, but that's where the conversation ended as the two went into their respective rooms.


Bang Bang Bang

The sound of gunshots rang through the night as heroes are fighting against the villains.

"Those better be rubber bullets," Dick Grayson dressed as Batman yelled towards Redhood.

"No matter how much I want to be a disappointment, they are blanks so you have no need to complain," Redhood yelled back as they took turns taking out the low leveled thugs.

"We have to end patrol early tonight unless there's an emergency. I don't trust the avengers or the spider without supervision," Dick yelled back, making sure to not give any revealing details away to their enemies.

"Oh please! They're a bunch of amateurs what can they possibly do in the span of a few hours. They're supposed to be sleeping after all," Damian said matter of fact, not thinking much of the avengers as he has yet to see them in action.

"They are still heroes and like or not the avengers are older than us and if Tony finds out he, as our legal guardian, has the right to make us stop," Tim said through the comms in the safety of the Batcave.

"Oh Shut up Drake! They wouldn't be able to stop me even if they tried," Damian said as he used his sword to block an incoming bullet that luckily missed him.

"If he finds out and he tells you to stop you will listen till he says otherwise," Dick said in a matter-of-fact voice, fully knowing he was the only one, besides Alfred, that the youngest member truly listened to.

"I shouldn't have to stop the only way of life I know for a billionaire who knows nothing about me," Damian yelled at Dick as he took down another guard, his anger growing from the conversation.

"That is not the reason! Finish this mission and when we get back to the cave you and I are going to have a talk," Dick yelled back as he threw a Batarang just before Damian got jumped.

"Tch!" That was all the young assassin had to say as the three bats hurried to stop the gang war from getting out of hand.


Both gangs were finally taken care of and tied safely upside down or thrown in a dog pile as they waited for Gordon to pick them up.

"Robin back to the cave, Hood I want you to patrol, and I'll wait here for Gordon. Once he arrives I'll be heading back to the cave for that talk we have to have Robin," Dick ordered as they all went their separate ways.

"So what do I do just sit here all night seeing none of the action," Tim's voice came from the comms.

"Batgirl is out on a mission with the YJ, until that mission is over and she's back you are our tech guy."

"Fine guess I'll have to be happy benched!" Tim complained, but Dick knew it was just because he could.

"Stop complaining Replacement! I bet that your feet are propped up, your back against a pillow, you're eating some noodles, and you're scrolling through old unsolved police reports for fun," Jason said as he looked over crime alley.

All the bats could hear Tim spitting up his noodles as he tried to lie his way out of his, but the two older ones just laughed as Damian tch at him.


With Damian and Dick now in the Batcave, both changed into their normal clothes for nighttime.

"Want me to stay for this important talk or should I just leave," Tim asked awkwardly, but all it took was one-pointed look from not only Dick, but the resident butler as well to get him running out of the main room of the Batcave.

"My mind has not changed. I will not change my livelihood for Stark," Damian said instantly, hoping that he left no room for argument.

"In Tony's mind, we are children. We are not supposed to be running around as vigilantes. The truth is that when the time comes and when Stark finds out, cause he will eventually, he will most likely tell all of us to stop. I already have a plan, but you have to listen to him for it to work," Dick said, and it did gain Damian's attention.

"Fine I will hear out this. . .plan," Damian answered.

"I haven't told the other two yet cause it's still in the works, but the basis of the plan is that you and Tim are going to listen and stop. Jason and I will show him how Bruce trained us, and if he still won't let you two go out I'm going to show him a YJ and a Titans training session. Not to mention that Alfred will talk to him. The only thing is to not let Tony touch any of our techs when he finds out. We haven't gone through all the files yet but Tony has a baby monitor protocol for Peter and we don't want that. So trust me for once in your life please," Dick asked, and Damian could hear the plea in his voice.

"Tch fine," he said roughly as he walked up the stairs of the Batcave to the grandfather clock into the office, he didn't want to admit how much that last sentence hurt him.

"Stupid Dick! Stupid Tony! Stupid Avengers!" Damian angrily whispered to himself as he walked down the hallway towards his room, not noticing a certain teenage spider hearing every word he said by accident.

"Are you okay?" Peter asked as he came out of his room to see Damian glaring at him.

"I am perfectly fine Parker. Why would you ever ask such an unintelligent question? Domain asked him.

"Well it's three in the morning and you're walking through the halls muttering to yourself about how everyone is stupid. I just thought that you might want to talk to someone," Peter told him.

"Parker that is a ridiculous notion. Muttering is something that is done by fools and I would never mutter. My parents taught me better, but of course, you would know nothing about that now would you," Damian said as he turned to walk away but before he could Peter had one last thing to say to him.

"You know. You can be a real jerk sometimes. All I was trying to do was help, but you didn't have to be so mean about it," Peter said to him as he turned around and slammed his door on Damian, making the younger boy jumped at the sound, but quickly rushed to his room before anyone came to check what was going on.

Once Damian was safely in his room he laid down on his bed and sighed, "I always ruin everything. Now Dick is mad at me and Parker hates me. Wonder if I'm able to ruin anything else."

After he spoke he grabbed a pillow and turned on his side as he cuddled it and was almost asleep until he noticed his phone beeping with a message.

J: U up?

"What's Jon doing up?" he asked himself as he grabbed his phone to respond.

D: Just got done with Patrol

D: What are you still doing up?

Damian was going to put his phone down but didn't as he got a replay instantly.

J: Couldn't sleep and haven't heard from you in a while. You doing okay since ya know. . .the funeral?

D: Yeah. We've mourned and we're slowly getting over it. We're handling it

J: Wanna come over or is that not happening yet

D: I have to ask our new guardian to see what he would say

J: No point in asking if it's 3 in the morning

D: Not if they never know I was gone

D: Alfred doesn't call us for Breakfast until eight so as long as I'm dressed and down before that I should be fine

J: R u sure ur okay?

D: I'll explain when I get there

D: See ya in twenty

Once he was done texting Damian quickly grabbed a change of clothes and his phone charger as with a pair of sunglasses as he quietly snuck out of his room, taking notice that only Tim was back in his room as he took the clock towards the Batcave.

After making sure it was empty, meaning Dick and Jason were still out, he took that as an opportunity to take the zeta tube to Metropolis, making sure to put a pair of sunglasses on first. Once in the city, he was quickly making his way towards Kent's home as he stayed in the shadows, avoiding any humans or non that might be out.

Once he made it to Kent's house he skillfully climbed the tree until he reached Jon's room and knocked on the window, letting the other boy know he was there.

"I can't believe you snuck out of, not only your house but Gotham as well!" Jon said shocked.

Keep your voice down," Damian whispered to his friend, knowing that Jon's father is known for his super hearing.

"Sorry I just can't believe you did this without permission. Now, will you answer my question or at least tell me what's going on?" Jon asked as he helped Damian into his room, closing his window.

"Stark is not yet aware of our nightly activities, but he is Father's brother and our legal guardian and as such if he finds out and tells us to stop I am to listen, according to Grayson," Damien started to tell his story.

"You don't want to listen to that plan?" Jon asked.

"This is what I've known my whole life. It feels unfair that I should stop for some playboy billionaire who doesn't even know me. Then Grayson begged me to trust him at least once as if he didn't already have my trust. To make things worse Parker. That's Stark's son, hates me because I let my anger through and said something I didn't mean to," Damian let all his feelings out.

"It's not like you truly meant what you said. I know Dick knows you trust him, after all, he's one of the only few you actually listen to, but families have their squabbles. Sneaking out probably didn't make the situation better, but you'll see that they didn't mean what they said and you didn't mean what you said and you'll all make up and get along again," Jon told him with a smile

"Yeah, you're right. Are things good with you?" Damian asked him, and that led to the two boys getting in a conversation, trying to keep their laughter to a minimum, and would've gone on longer if the door didn't open to show Clark Kent himself in his pajamas.

"I thought I heard a familiar voice," Clark said as he walked into the room. "What are you doing here Damian? Does Dick know your here?" Clark asked.

Instead of an answer the young male just humphed and turned his head away to avoid answering, instead Jon took over, "Damian got into a fight with Dick and he's not getting along with Bruce's brother so he came to stay over here for the night."

"Alright get some sleep. I'll let Dick know you're over here and bring you back in the morning," Clark answered as he walked out of the room, too tired to fully lecture his son and his nephew.

With sleep finally catching up to the two boys, they took Clark's advice and passed out fairly quickly.

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