Chaper 6

The chapter I have a feeling was long awaited for. See the end for more A/N

Dick's Pov

Once Jason left my room I couldn't hold my thoughts back. I fell down on to my floor next to a full length mirror and saw my reflection. 

Your turning into him.

Why can't you just deal with it like a normal person!

"You really are fucked up aren't you," I whispered to myself. Tim was right. We are all fucked up. It seems like Bruce was the only thing really keeping us together. With him gone all of us are going insane. None of us trust Tony yet, so it's not like we can go to them. I'm also the oldest, this makes them my responsibility. I have to make sure Damian doesn't go and kill someone, that Tim gets his coffee, that Jason is reminded that he's alive after a bad nightmare. I have to be the one to hold responsibility for them. It's my job as an older brother.

I bent my head down to look at the floor as all of these thoughts went through my head. 'I can't let them see me like this, like a mess. I have to be strong for them," I thought. 

"Why'd you leave. You knew I didn't want to be like you, but it seems like each day I take a step closer," I said as I looked up to a picture of Bruce.

"First I have to take up your name! Now I have to watch over my brothers by myself! why'd you leave us Bruce. . .why'd you leave me," I started screaming, but it soon turned into tears.

I walked to my bed and put my hand under it and. . . thank God it's still here. I pull out a full bottle of  something, I didn't really care in the moment as I took the top off and started to drink it.

It was not a smart idea with so many people in the house at the time, but if Jason was going to get himself high, then why can't I get drunk. Screw being the responsible one! 

I'm positive that at least Damian heard the crash from the empty bottle as I through it across the room.

"It's not fair that you had to leave! You left me all alone!" I was screaming at the picture of him, but it didn't last long as I threw it down to the ground, breaking the frame.

It didn't take long before I could hear footsteps coming towards my room. 

Knock knock knock

"GO AWAY!" I screamed at whoever was behind the door.

"Grayson it's me and Tim. Let us in," Damian demanded, but I couldn't let them see me like this. Like the true mess that I am on the inside.

I heard some whispering and the doorknob started to turn. I went back to my original position of leaning against my bed, facing my mirror with my knees huddled against my chest as I looked at the floor.

"I told you to go away,"

"You told your brothers to go away, not me," a new voice said.

Third Person After the bottle was thrown

Tim and Damian came out of their rooms and looked over to Dick's room as they could hear quiet screams and glass breaking. The two looked at each other and walked to the door.

Damian knocked on the door, "Grayson it's me and Tim. Let us in," he shouted.

"GO AWAY!" Dick screamed on the other side of the door as they could continue to hear whisper screams on the other side. Tim was about to touch the doorknob but a voice stopped him.

"What's going on."

The two bats turned around to see Tony looking worried.

"It's Dick. Somethings wrong," Tim said with a worried look on his face. Dick might of done something that they defiantly wanted to avoid, but at the moment he was more worried for his oldest brother.

'This is probably not something these two should see,' Tony thought to himself.

"How about I have a talk to him and you two go back to bed," Tony asked the two as he looked down at them.

The two were hesitant and wanted to say no, but they could see how worried Tony really was and felt guilt. They know they keep to many secrets and that with Tony living with them he's going to have to know some of them, but they don't want to be a burden on him. It took the two a minute with lots of glaring and hand movements before they agreed to let Tony handle Dick. He made sure the two went back to their rooms, if they went in the same room to talk, who was he to stop them.

Tony turned the doorknob to see Dick leaning against a bed, facing a mirror with his knees huddled against his chest as he looked at the floor.

"I told you to go away," he sounded broken to Tony, not how he sounded earlier.

"You told your brothers to go away, not me," I told him as he lifted his head in shock.

Tony's Pov

"What are you doing here," the kid asked me.

I looked around and on one side the floor was covered in glass with a photo out of the frame, on the other side their was still glass, but Tony could recognize a broken bottle anywhere.

"I heard the noise and made a wise decision that you didn't want your brothers to see you like this," I told him truthfully as I walked in and shut the door.

"What like a mess. Like a broken bird who has no use anymore," he said, but that second sentence sounded like it had a second meaning.

"Your brothers are worried about you, I don't know about Jason though," I told him sitting down on the bed.

"WHAT DOES JASON CARE! IT'S NOT LIKE HE HAS TO BE PERFECT ALL THE TIME! IT'S NOT LIKE HE HAS TO MAKE SURE TIM AND DAMIAN ARE ALWAYS OKAY! HE'S NOT THE ONE WHO HAS TO TAKE UP BRUCE'S NAME SO IT DOESN'T GO TO SHIT! IT'S NOT LIKE. . .IT's not like he cares," Dick stood up when he started and was marching around his room screaming until the end when he sat down in a computer chair and said the last part quietly. 

The boy was breaking down and couldn't hold it in anymore. He' s only a 16 year old boy. He shouldn't be thinking some of these thoughts.

I got up and walked over to him, bending my knees so I'm on his level. I got a good look at his face and his face has wet tear tracks and his eyes are red from crying, "Dick," I said his name as I put my hand on his shoulder. "You don't have to be perfect all the time. Your human and humans aren't perfect. Damian and Tim, they don't expect you to be perfect. I'm sure Bruce didn't expect you to be perfect either."

"They have to think I'm perfect. I have to set a good example for them. Their to young. They shouldn't have to deal with my shit. Bruce shouldn't of had to deal with any of this," Dick told him bending his head as he hugged his knees.

That's what this is about. It's about Bruce dying. He's been putting up a happy face to make his brothers think that he was okay and that they had nothing to worry about.

"Want to tell me about what Bruce has to deal with," I asked him as he looked at me with a shocked face.

He shook his head as I sat in another chair next to him.

"Bruce was a paranoid bastard who always had a plan for everything. Everything," Dick started to speak. "would always act cold when it came to his coworkers and job to make it seem like he could handle anything, but when he was home. When he was here he would let a smile on his face. He was always their for us. For me."

"I went through a rough time when I first got here and some bad things happened that Bruce didn't know about for a few years. I had a friend find out accidentally and he told Bruce. I was so mad at him for telling Bruce that I hit him, but he didn't stop me he hugged me and told me that it was for my own good.

Bruce told him to leave as he spoke to me, but I was just so mad at him that I couldn't believe what he was saying. He was sad about what I was doing and scared for me. He gave me a hug and told me to go to him or my friend if I ever needed to talk. He was their with me through a lot," the kid was so sad as he spoke, but at least we were getting somewhere. 

That was one thing off the list. What to do next. "What about the picture," I asked as I walked over to pick it up and sat back down as I looked at it, "Why'd you through it." I looked at the picture and it was a picture of Bruce sitting on a couch with, who I assume, is Dick sleeping his head in Bruce's lap. Bruce had a smile on his face as he looked at the sleeping boy.

"It's a picture that Alfred took of me and Bruce. We were watching a movie and I fell asleep. I was ten at the time so it was before any of the others got here. I kept it here ever since. I'm just so mad at him for leaving me alone. He shouldn't of left me alone," Dick was crying silent tears as he took the picture and looked at it.

"Dick he didn't leave you alone. You have Tim, Damian, Alfred. You even have Jason, even if he, for some reason, isn't here at the moment. Even then he didn't leave you alone. He gave you more people to love, trust, to help you with your problems. Now you have Me, Peter, Steve, Nat, Bruce, Thor, and even Happy. Not to mention all of your friends and those mother and aunt figures you mentioned," I told him as he cried more tears.

He jumped from his chair to hug me, but this talk isn't over. After I hugged him back and he sat back down in his chair I knew we still had a few more things to talk about.

"You want to tell me why you think Jason doesn't care about you," I asked him.

"Because he didn't listen to me and is probably getting high on whatever kind of drug he can find at the moment." The cold voice shocked me, but not as much as the fact that the two oldest kids in my care right now are both on something. Dick is well was, he's most likely sober now, was drunk, and Jason is out on the streets of Gotham getting high. This is just great. I'll go find him after I'm done with Dick.

I thought about asking about the bottle, but I could also see how tired the poor boy was. It can wait until the morning.

"Let's get you to bed," I told him as I got up and held my hand out for him to take it.

He took my hand and got into his bed as I walked towards the door. I turned off the light and was about to shut the door, but his voice stopped me "Your wrong by the way," I turned around to see his face, "You do know a thing or two about being a parent, even if you don't think your a good one." I walked out of the room and closed the door shocked.

The kid actually thought that I was a good dad. A smiled was on my face as I went to put on my suit to fly around and find Jason.

Sorry about not posting this sooner. I've been having a busy week, and I decided realize how late this update is, but I was doing so much stuff this weekend that this story just slipped my mind. I hope that this chapter turns out great. I worked hard on it and is my favorite one of this whole book so far.

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